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17883385 No.17883385 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone such a debby downer in Russian lit?

>> No.17883398

Ostap Bender isn't

>> No.17883410

Somebody here has read read only basic-tier, entry-level Russian lit and think it’s representative of the whole. Read Zoschenko, Pilnyak, Olesha, Kharms, Ilya and Petrov, et al.

>> No.17883415

Is Kharms supposed to be difficult or deep?

>> No.17883440
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Жил нa cвeтe cтapичoк
Maлeнькoгo pocтa,
И cмeялcя cтapичoк
Чpeзвычaйнo пpocтo:
Дa хe-хe-хe,
Дa бyх-бyх!
Дa бe-бe-бe,
Дa тpюх-тpюх!»

Paз, yвидя пayкa,
Cтpaшнo иcпyгaлcя.
Ho, cхвaтившиcь зa бoкa,
Гpoмкo paccмeялcя:
Дa хa-хa-хa,
Дa гyль-гyль!
Дa гa-гa-гa,
Дa бyль-бyль!»

A yвидя cтpeкoзy,
Cтpaшнo paccepдилcя,
Ho oт cмeхa нa тpaвy
Taк и пoвaлилcя:
Дa гy-гy-гy,
Дa бaх-бaх!
Oй, peбятa нe мoгy!
Oй, peбятa,

>> No.17883453

I know nothing about Russian lit but I'm gonna guess it's that Russia is cold/desolate always had issues with classism.

>> No.17883486

Neither. He’s mostly just fun.

>> No.17883509

Read Bianki and Prishvin if you want to be a bloomer so much

>> No.17883921

I really like the 'play' where Pushkin and Gogol keep falling over each other.

>> No.17883961


>> No.17883979

Because this shit is what Westerners buy. It's not characteristic of Russia where humor is much more prevalent in lit than realism.

>> No.17884042

well westerners mostly don't realize that doesto is entirely a comedy writer

>> No.17884240
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That's nothing try Canada

>> No.17884603

kharms wrote for kids lol

>> No.17884641

The prairie is vast though.