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/lit/ - Literature

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1786631 No.1786631 [Reply] [Original]

Are you currently working on writing anything?

If so, what, and why will it be worth the read when you are finished?

Just curious what kind of stuff other people are working on

>> No.1786641

I'm writing a collection of flowery prose

>> No.1786647

I'm working on something. Honestly don't give a shit if anyone ends up reading it, I had to write it.

>> No.1786652

OP here,

I'm currently working on a short novel based loosely on my summer camp life when I was a kid, and much more so in allegory for certain things that frustrate me in sexual culture.

>> No.1786654

Well apparently the subject of transvestism has never been written about so I shall take up the cause. And I urge others to as well.

>> No.1786695

^ me

I'm 834 pages into it, and honestly feel like I have barely scraped the tip of the iceburg.

Can't tell you what its about, it would take several walls o' text to do that anyways. Its not a "ORIGINAL CONTENT DO NOT STEAL" thing, I'm just weird like that

>> No.1786704
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Would /lit/ mind judging a bit of writing I did the other day? It's very poor, in my opinion, but I wrote it at around 5 in the morning and was very tired.
You need to understand the context I wrote it in; I had a 1 page paper due for my shitty college counseling class on "creator language," basically asking me to describe what I learned about myself regarding the use of language from a previous lecture, if I spoke negatively as a defeatist or positively as a "creator."
I wrote out the first line or two and was already very bored with it so I just derped and came up with something a little darker than some boring shit about how positive I was.
The teacher gave it full credit, but I could've shat out just about anything and gotten full credit.
So please, rip it to shreds and tell me how I could do it better.

>> No.1786707

In one sentence, what is the biggest, most general concept in it?

>> No.1786709
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I thought long and hard on this one. At first, while thinking about and discussing creator and victim language, the idea that I never use victim language occured, but I quickly discredited this as false. I thought about how, exactly, I use victim talk, and I was surprised at first with myself. And slowly I grew more disturbed with the path this trail of thought was bringing me. With every twist and turn, every new discovery, I slowly felt my grip on myself--so rigidly maintained and comfortably secure, deluded by my own naive self-assurance--slowly fall to pieces, but then gaining a terrifying a momentum, leaving me a broken husk tortured in my own dark terrors. Which of the horrors that began to plague my unsound mind and haunt my visions had any basis in reality, which merely phantoms of a disturbed man taunting the lucid conciousness into hysterics, and which were merely bygone relics of a primordial age when man crawled from the seething depths in the face of hellish nightmares? I did not know; and I felt I had no choice but to strangle that voice in the back of my head screaming as I acknowledged that the last vestiges of my humanity were being rent to pieces as surely as the tide comes, to surpress this maddeningly shrill voice as deeply as I could in my half-insane state, pushing myself forward with body screaming and resisting in tow, beyond the point where there would be no return. It made little difference for the sake of my sanity; to return now, to attempt to explain to others would be a fate almost worse.

>> No.1786711

Sounds reasonable to me, give it a go.

>> No.1786712

don't ruin this thread with your faggotry
make your own thread

>> No.1786713

50 pages into the definitive novel of the 21st century. nbd

>> No.1786715
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In the haunted labyrinth of my mind, the fragile shard of humanity left within me knew that death lurked ever nearer. But by this time, not even death could release my tortured sanity back into the smothering comfort of ignorance. That blanket had been torn from me with indelicate, wrenching certainty already. And seeing this in the depths of my sickness, I laughed inhumanly, the shudder-inducing screech of those lost souls who are yet insane, and know it. I tore my deranged fascination from the ever-gaping void in my mind to see what fresh terror the night would bring, as I lay collapsed upon my sofa chair, ever fearing to leave my study, fearing even to go near that door, wretched thing that it was. Paralyzed for time unchecked, I started and reached for pen and paper, and gaining feverish speed as my vision swam and began to fade in the corners of my eyes, darkness began to enclose me. So quickly it enveloped me and such malicious intent, with no wits left about me I thought to escape it, I blindly stumbled for the door and desperately grappled with the key that had remained in the doorway, and even as it swung open I thought I could hear a mocking laughter, too far in the distance to seem real, and my very being screamed into this darkness, for I knew now too late that in this deep shadow of eternity, there would be no respite.

>> No.1786720
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Too late.

You could always ignore me.

>> No.1786721


This is the kind of thing I meant to make this thread for. Ideally people would be posting passages from their work.

>> No.1786726

Not sure if you're being serious or not. Nobody's ever written about transvestites? Um...lol

>> No.1786732

I think the main problem with it is it doesn't follow a story very well. It's not very coherent and kind of just cobbled together pieces of whatever came to mind, so it's a bit hard to read, and I wrote the damn thing. It's one of my first attempts at writing fiction and I wasn't really sure what I was going for here except something vaguely lovecraftian.

>> No.1786740

A man is sent alone in a space ship that will slowly accelerate him towards the speed of light. His job is to simply test the range of conventional human travel.

>> No.1786743

Please enlighten me. My thread is barren of ideas.


>> No.1786744

I'm just writing. Nothing specifically. Just writing.

>> No.1786748

I'm working on my first novel (that I'm bothering to put on paper and complete, anyway).

It's a fantasy fiction piece with some nice steam-punk bits worked in, although all of that is really just a backdrop to the character development.

It will be worth a read because it will be vividly imagined, have strong but human characters which you will like, and generally be well written and constructed. It will quietly work in themes relevant to the modern world, and touch on relevant issues in a personal and intelligent way. It is also written in first person, as a departure from the standard third-person limited view of most fiction.

It will also have a nice gay romance plot between the narrator and the main secondary character. Because there aren't enough good fantasy-fiction works with prominent LGBT characters, and I'm gay.

>> No.1786763


Right now i would describe it as a "voyage and return" plot, with an "anti-hero" protagonist.

It has changed since I started and is likely to change before i consider it "finished".

>> No.1786767

>It is also written in first person, as a departure from the standard third-person limited view of most fiction.


>> No.1786772
File: 11 KB, 160x220, Amanda-Hocking..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would read this. certainly if you ever decide to make a run at becoming a self-made kindle store millionaire give a shout on /lit/

>> No.1786775



I know I would at least seriously consider buying this, based on the description.

>> No.1786782


I would read it.

>> No.1786790

A series of vignettes to be published (hah i wish) cereal form. In these vignettes, characters in the family struggle with tying something (shoelaces, twine, fishing line). eventually the family falls apart slowly and nonviolently etc.

realism, narrator experimentation, format experimentation.

very much physical descriptions with very little narrator reflection

>> No.1786795

In no particular order of importance or progress

Carbon - A man leaves on a mission to explore the Alpha Centauri binary star system. A billion years later, another ends up discovering the exploration. This is much, much better than it sounds.

Hockey - Exploring the dynamics of hockey culture in Northern Arizona, from the death rattle of the Phoenix Coyotes, to the fledgling Arizona Sundogs, to the floundering popularity of minor hockey in northern Arizona, and the characters that populate it.

Soldier - A retired Special Forces operative who cannot be adjusted to civilian life ends up taking a suicide mission arranged by an old friend.

Ballpark - Following the happenings of MCU Park on Coney Island in Brooklyn, NY from April Fools Day until Halloween, the length of the Major League season. The first half will focus on the park and the workers itself, the second half focuses on the trials and tribulations of the Brooklyn Cyclones, a Short Season A Ball team that plays at MCU.

Cortez - A deconstruction of the effect of the Black Legend by simply retelling the story of Cortez and the Aztecs and changing the names of everyone and everything involved.

Snowfall (short story) - Door to door fighting in the Sadr City neighbourhood of Baghdad is interrupted by that which shocks even the most hardened men in the world: the first snowfall in a hundred years.

Coin - Following the path of a penny, from pressing to decomposition, and the experiences it is a part of while being unable to percieve it.

Journalist (short story) - A journalist visits an Afghan village to interview its residents, knowing that the Taliban have condemned the town to death the next day.

Viaduct (Short story) - An architect now working for the army corps who loses his wife and children in a war against an unstoppable enemy, must now supervise the strategic destruction of the last thing he has left, a viaduct he designed.

>> No.1786817

>Journalist (short story) - A journalist visits an Afghan village to interview its residents, knowing that the Taliban have condemned the town to death the next day.

only if you do it right. please don't fuck it up

>> No.1786820

I probably wouldn't read it. Not because it's gay, but because I'm very picky about what I read.

>Because there aren't enough good fantasy-fiction works with prominent LGBT characters
I'd have to disagree. I don't know about the GBT, but there's a lot of fantasy/sci fye fiction marketed towards lesbians. Sure, they may have the literary merit of a Twilight novel, but still, they're out there. Hell, they're the only kind of fiction my girlfriend will read.

>> No.1786823

I write something every NaNoWriMo because for some reason that damn graph is the only way to motivate myself.

Then I usually go on to spend months editing my new book and then I get too scared to look into publishing, so I shelf it somewhere. I'm sitting on about five novels at this point. Dunno if I'll ever do anything with them. It doesn't really bother me, though.

>> No.1786825


I know, it probably has the most potential out of the short stories I am writing. It is almost hard to keep going because it poses so many questions while I am doing it.

>> No.1786838


I love this "Coin" idea.

>> No.1786854

well it really all depends on how you write it. if i were to do it, i'd keep it understated and in a hemingway/journo style. also, you don't have to tie up all those questions, better to leave multiplicities of possibilities for the reader to consider the implications.

god i hope that's grammatically correct. i type my thoughts way too fast

>> No.1786856


Just to add to this since the field would have been too long, I have 5 current affairs articles on the go as well, one of which is in that death spiral of constant revision, and the other four which I am sitting on because I think that further developments will flesh out some of the lacking parts.

>> No.1786862

How does informal memoir-style work for you in a fictional work. I'm talking about something like Huck Finn, but with much less dialect.

>> No.1786869


I'm terrible for having a writing style, which I think is a byproduct of writing much more than I read. I am a terrible consumer of books. I don't think I have read a physical book all year, though I read a lot of articles online.

I usually let the setting and story determine how I write instead of the other way around. The setting lends itself to sparsity, and real distinction is only perceived in seemingly minute details.

>> No.1786876


I find that you have to put a herculean amount of effort into getting one of those to read well because it is so easy to pick holes in a persona when every word in the novel is written from that persona. In order to survive that, the detail that you don't explicitly state has to have many layers to it so that the entire thing seems believable.

>> No.1786881

>lends itself to sparsity

i like those words

i need my fiction to read like paris, texas is watched. so basically sam shepard

>> No.1786897

Something like Chuck Pahalniuk's work?

>> No.1786926

I used to write regularly, and then I started working and everything just sort of stopped.

>> No.1787087


>> No.1787101
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I didn't get any feedback on my crappy story...

>> No.1787858

Hero's journey fantasy novel that takes place in what is essentially north korea.

>> No.1787871
File: 41 KB, 450x338, hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of planning to turn this short short story into a longer piece of work. I wrote this about 3 years ago when I was 17.
How did this happen? How does an average Joe, working at a grocery store become a murderer? Me, Daniel Eastt, Assistant Manager - aspiring to nothing in life and unhappily married. The answer is greed, everyman has a price. It all started a few days ago, It was my best friend Billy’s birthday, he was turning thirty-three and I had bought him a lottery ticket along with a few other small gifts. Lord knows no one close to my pathetic ass would ever win the lottery, especially someone as close to me as Billy. Then I got the phone call, may as well have been Lucifer himself calling me. “Daniel! I WON THE LOTTERY! I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS! HOW CAN I THANK YOU!” Billy won twenty million dollars that night. He was going to give me ten thousand of it. Sure, Ten grand is a lot of money, but not to a man like me, chalk full of debt and barely able to support my habits. I wanted the whole pot.

>> No.1787874


A man knows what is right and wrong, a sane man at least. Was I insane? Or am I just a victim of the adult life? The west, the enemies my ancestors from back home always worried me about. Was I forced to do this heinous crime because I had no choice? Life had cornered me; my wife had cornered me, not enough money, not enough food on the table, not enough drugs in my system. My life was falling apart, and this winning lottery ticket was the missing piece to my undecipherable situation. Thirty minutes away from the burial ground I made yesterday and I’m getting scared, thinking about my actions, my future and my wife. What will happen to Connie if I get caught? She has no Job, I support her, most of her relatives are dead, maybe she can go back Puerto Rico but she will definitely be unhappy for the rest of her life. I may not love her but she surely loves me, it's no secret. Love has its sacrifices but no one is going to sacrifice twenty years to wait for the one they love. She will move on, everyone does, even the dead. This ride into the countryside may as well have be my dying swan song to my normal life, I will complete my crime when I get to my destination, bury Billy and reap the awards.

Twenty million dollars - Was it worth it? My best friend’s life and my wife’s safety, lord knows I could give a fuck about myself. I was aiming for a dead end anyway, work another twenty years to buy product I don’t need and support a family I can live without. Buy into Capitalism and support a Neo-Fascist government, as they got rich until someone had enough and waged an Endwar. How I killed Billy is not important, it’s after the fact, after the sin, the aftermath. Nearing the field now, my soul slowly turning into vapor, have I any morals? Was there an ethical answer to the crime I committed? Maybe I was going insane right now, just thinking about my life and how I failed. My mind was splitting.

>> No.1787879


first sentence is a comma splice, come on son

>> No.1787880

that's the best kind of thought you silly

>> No.1787883


well sure but link that shit with a semicolon or hyphen

>> No.1787889

If you love semicolons and hyphens so much, why don't you just go marry one?

>> No.1787893


it's illegal in my state but i'll look into a civil union

>> No.1787891


Was Daniel Eastt in this vehicle? Driving to the point of no return, or was it the Grim Reaper. Was I evil since birth, or did it take some getting used to. A man needs a good reason to take a life; I guess money can satisfy god as it does the church, or better yet, the devil. I’m full of regret now, I wish I could take the last twenty-four hours of my life back, I wish Billy was still alive. I wish that lottery ticket never existed. It was to late; I failed to live a good life, a normal life. I failed Constance and her wishes.

The world around me failed to convince me otherwise. Instead I murdered my best friend in the means of power and greed, I should be sent to the ninth circle of hell, beside Judas, being chewed by the jaws of Satan. Finally arrived at the field; I parked my car and got out. Opened the trunk to see my best friend staring at me with lifeless eyes. My mind distraught. Not even fazed. My pistol lying beside Billy. Seven bullets left in the clip. Billy had two bullet holes in his chest; He was long dead. Forgive me friend. I need the money.

>shit's a bit raw and a little juvenile but I think it's a cool idea for a novella or something.

>> No.1787896

Nonada, senhor.

>> No.1787935

Philosophical Theses regarding the social nature of human beings and how the general acceptance of the statement effects humanity at various levels; interaction, desire, dependency etc.

Why will it be worth reading?

Because it will show you the frugal nature of systemic sociability and its detriment to personal health and well being, teach you how to achieve relative happiness without the typical reliance on material aquisitions or primary relationships.

(Awesome thread, writing that just gave me back direction after hitting a wall - thanks OP)

>> No.1787944

It's been done.

>> No.1787960

Author + Title please?

Well aware the materialistic and social dependency point of view stems back as far as Epicurian texts - applying that to modern thought forms hasn't been done since as far back as Bertrand Russell, and even then it was pissweak, vague and only mentioned in association with primary arguments and not presented independently.

A lot has changed in 40 years, and the text approaches it realistically with examples of application to the here and now.

(Not being a facetious cunt - if you can provide the author + title and I'm wrong, I'll actually be super appreciative)

>> No.1787962

It is currently floating in red fluid inside me

>> No.1787967

I have buddhism for that.

>> No.1787971

>Are you currently working on writing anything?

A compilation of weird short stories.

>why will it be worth the read when you are finished?

Beats me. I figure I'll give it a shot at publishing it and see how it goes.

>> No.1787979

I'm not working on writing anything at the moment. I'm thinking of working on writing something I have ideas about though. I still need to learn more though, about the idea and about writing.

The idea is a 7 chapter novel in which each chapter is written in a different manner, semi autobiographical, about growing up. yes, i'm ripping off james joyce, but also adding in some other ideas and some other influences from other writers. idk about it being worth reading, I hope it could be for some people.

>> No.1787992

I'm afraid to write anything until I'm fourty. I think my lack of life experience will fuck shit up.

>> No.1788000

Im working on a jokes, it's just a draft atm, but very relevant. Tell me what you think.

"What is the difference between op and a faggot?

A faggot doesn't get butthurt when you call him a faggot."


>> No.1788007


Is this your phd thesis?

>> No.1788003

you got dubs and trips and you managed to fuck it up with that fucking awful joke. or jokes as you called it.

>> No.1788008

As I said it's a rough version, but I think it's based on a sound premise. Any suggestions for a better punchline or variation on the theme would be welcomed.

>> No.1788010

I know that feel.

>> No.1788019

^samefag here. Im in my early 20's and I find my life experience more than adequete to write. See my work for proof that it is indeed possible.

>> No.1788021
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Sonds really interesting dude, I hope it gets published, I'd love to read it.

What is your viewpoint? That being a soloist makes you more independent?

>> No.1788034

Sounds interesting. How does he report back?

>> No.1788038

>better punchline
An hero.

>> No.1788042

Am I the only one who found this joke hilarious?

>> No.1788045

A pause, a brief quiet before the scene changed. A pause where she and I looked closely at each other for the first time. A beautiful pause. A needed pause. And in this pause we might examine that you know someone named Marjorie, or Marge, with the tall blue hair. Perhaps you do. Perhaps you’ve looked into the face of someone with endless fidelity and love. But, then what happened?
Someone on the other side of the ward shouted something, and pointed out the window. In a moment the scene changed from a peaceful place of healing to a riot of confusion and concern. A wide camera shot of the room shows half the people running to the windows to look, and others, who had been able to see what the man was pointing at, heading for the exits. Cut to Marjorie glancing at me, a bit of a worried look in her brows, before she walks calmly yet briskly to the windows.
The crowd blocked my view of any buildings or architecture, but the sky was in full view. Clear blue; except for a thin trail of black smoke streaming from a small airplane.
But not really an airplane. A meteor? No. Something else. A small helicopter?
Its engine was buzzing loudly enough to hear inside the hospital. It whined and screamed, and sounded a bit like a maniacal laugh, and I realized it was skywriting. I looked at the people around me, they seemed so anxious. Why were people freaking out like this? And why are they dressed in such outlandish style? Is this some sort of movie set?
With that thought, for a moment, a great dizziness came over me, and I was forced to put my hand on someone’s shoulder to steady myself. Of course, it was Marjorie.
It wasn’t very good skywriting, and I couldn’t make out the whole message, but I watched the (plane?) smoke out a big capital D. And then a big E. And an R. It disappeared from my view for a few seconds, and then came back below the D, spelling a T, an H, and finally a Y before it sped out of sight.


>> No.1788071

I'm currently working on a fantasy series. I've got a rough plot outline, but my plan is to make things up as I go and make revisions later.
Quite honestly I don't think it will be worth reading, because it's my first experience with this kind of project. I've never written anything purely for my own sake before, and for me this is a process of learning more than anything. It's been a lot of fun so far, but publishing material it is not.

>> No.1788082
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>> No.1788098

I'm thinking about making a quick back-story for the robber in the board game Settlers of Catan.

>> No.1788100

I was leaning to see what the rest of it said – UNDER APATHY? WANDER FILTHY? – when I felt my arm being grabbed, pulled. It was Marjorie. She was looking me in the eye, and said, very seriously, “We have to go now.”
What else was I going to do?
“Ok...” I was saying as she was pulling me towards the door. Her hand was an iron cuff on my arm.
The Dollies appeared out of the crowd and walked briskly alongside, Loud Dolly accusing, “I bet you know who this Dorothy is. Don’t you know all about this stuff? Secrets? Secret writings in the sky?”
Marjorie didn’t miss a step, and I stumbled along with her like a toddler. “The Wizard will tell us. You should go there now, Dolly”, she said, never looking at the twin Nurses.
I gave a last glance at the ward over my shoulder as we hurried out, and saw Loud Dolly among people hurrying this way and that shouting violently at us “Secrets! Secrets!”, and Quiet Dolly whispering along. “Secret writings.”

We passed a sign over the door as we left, saying “Thank You from The Wash and Brush-Up Company!” and beneath, in smaller letters, “you’re out of the woods”

>> No.1788111

Hm I am writing a kind of big fantasy novel. But its not the type of fantasy with elves, old men in robes and other such stuff. Also magic and fantastic stuff is not shown as often as in other novels.
And I will also use a lot of stuff, like alchemists who use some sort of 'gunpowder' which other people don't know about, so it just appears to be some kind of magic, while it can be described by physics and chemistry. I will try to use this a lot throughout the book.
Its also about war, scheming and betrayal. I also will focus on multiple plot lines. The PoV characters are either heroes or bad guys (maybe apart from a view), they are just people who do what they have to do or end up doing bad things, because of 'human nature'.

What I most want is to achieve realism in characters actions. For example having rebels and when the POV character points out they are fighting for freedom, one of the leaders tells him, that most of the guys who are fighting here, fight for revenge, out of anger, or because they simply can't do anything else.

Of course there will be a lot of scheming and betrayal, but here also I want to keep it realistic. The one bad guy who is doing a lot of stuff in the beginning of the story, will just end up making a big mistake pay very hard for it. Its like, 'if you start playing with fire, be prepared to burn yourself'. So there are no invincible super antagonists who want to destroy the world, everyone is just human.

Also I want to take a way from the normal fantasy stuff we see everywhere right now. Elves, orcs and stuff is in nearly every novel. Damn, I might add some insectoid / arachnoid creatures attacking humanity in this.

>> No.1788121


Silly George, you've already written that.

>> No.1788124
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>What I most want is to achieve realism in characters actions. For example having rebels and when the POV character points out they are fighting for freedom, one of the leaders tells him, that most of the guys who are fighting here, fight for revenge, out of anger, or because they simply can't do anything else.

Isn't that the normal reason for being in a rebellion?

>> No.1788136

I'm not sure if you're going with
>So there are no invincible super antagonists who want to destroy the world, everyone is just human.
>I might add some insectoid / arachnoid creatures attacking humanity in this.
but I'd suggest the "just human"...or human byproduct...

>> No.1788138


Oh well that come off a little wrong. The insectoid stuff was just a thought I had.

What I meant with being 'just human' was that the people act like real persons. In a lot of (bad fantasy) books I have read, the antagonists are always way more powerful than normal people, know everything already and always have a way out.
I want to add realism, sure you can do shit all the time, scheme and betray others, but after a while it will be find out by someone. So I just want to make the characters and also their actions realistic.

>> No.1788159

I've always thought that ideas or pop culture made good villians or antagonists....the idea can be surreal, and it can twist people into behaving like madmen. For instance, the apparent discovery that gravity is a limited resource. What confusion would that cause, or any other radical discovery idea imagined or in the past? The idea of the world being round, and not flat, could be the impetus for all sorts of shenanigans. I guess what I'm saying is that a supernatural idea within the story can be a good catalyst for over-reactions that could be on a literary par with the troubles caused by orcs. Am I making sense or is it time for another cup of coffee? Don't answer that I'm getting coffee anyway.

>> No.1788188

writing a story about a man who after becoming an atheist grows apart from his religious father. several months after his father's death he goes on an overnight drunk and wanders into a hipster bar in brooklyn playing national geographic as some attempt to be "ironic" or something. anyways he notices this tiger on the screen and is overcome by some intrinsic likeness it bears to his late father. he decides to make a sort of spiritual journey into the sundarbans in india where the tiger was filmed in an attempt to find the tiger and maybe commune with it in some abstract way. he arrives in calcutta and meets what he thinks is a holy man but is actually a thuggy con artist intent on taking him out into the mangroves and killing and robbing him. however, on their way down to the mangroves he becomes moved by the man's story and relates to his own relationship with his father. they go on this make this great journey and "grow" as people and then finally find the tiger sitting there in the mangrove. the main character approaches it and says "hello father" in hebrew. the tiger gets up, kills him and runs off into the woods with the thuggy's arm.

it's about how we attach significance to insignificant things and tries to profile hipster culture as a culture of endemic misunderstanding and its relationship to other cultural movements. among other things.

>> No.1788216


You sure do make sense man. Supernatural stuff can be good catalysts in stories. I just think that the stuff of the all mighty, super powerful antagonist is stupid and overdone.
I am just saying, the immortal evil demon, who sits in his castle and is throwing his armies at the lands of men and who just wants to 'destroy the world' is stupid. I hate reading that kind of stuff.

What I want to do is, make characters act realistic. Sure the antagonist can create big distortions, because he is telling everyone that something is coming up and creating the illusion that it actually will happen, just to use it for some other plans he is doing. But he can do it cause of his connections and his intelligences. He doesn't have superpowers, maybe he can use words better than other people, maybe he is more intelligent than other people, but he isn't immortal, can shot laser from his eyes or transform himself into a giant beast. He is just a 'human', maybe a genius, but still a human, with only human capabilities and human restrictions. If you stab him, he dies. If can't breath he dies. If you put him on fire he dies too.

>> No.1788236
File: 38 KB, 450x308, cheney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So....like this guy?
However it goes, thanks for not adding another Randall Flagg to the pantheon.

>> No.1788295

I really like this.

I am writing a memoir to schizoaffective disorder. I am also starting another book of poetry, and hopefully a few short stories, and a screenplay.

>> No.1788322

I'm writing abominable fanfics and stuff. Also terrible erotica short stories. And a fantasy novel filled with sex.

>> No.1788374

I'm writing about the aftermath of a revolution in a fantasy world. The place is supposed to be a stand-in for France after the french revolution, but it deals with a line of monarchs that do, in fact, hold the divine right to rule by virtue of being god-like themselves. The main theme explores something similar to those sci-fi stories with some AI suddenly developing sentience-- the idea that real consciousness only belongs to things of biological origins are challenged and all that.

One of the main characters is a mathematician who becomes interested in how golems mind's are created. The magic in the book is pretty much runes, I like to imagine that the world in the book is a Read-Write universe (as opposed to a Read-Only universe, one in which you can't change reality other than under it's own rules) and the runes are sort of like the programming language underneath it, and adding or rewriting them changes reality. Anyway, the metaphor is more direct in the way golem's mind are constructed, which is basically a huge piece of paper with a single, very impenetrable rune which the mathematician is very eager to understand. His storyline is kind of based in some of Alan Turing's ideas.

The other side of the issue is explored with a courier working for the now-downtrodden and imprisoned former upper-class. She's a golem, and they behave very human-like, but still alien due to the lack of any family system. Her side of the story deals with the complete inhumanity of the monarchs, which have really no similarities to humans whereas the mind is concerned. By virtue of being nigh-omnipotent, they develop no desires, no family bonds beyond a healthy fear/respect of their counterpart (every emperor has an empress), and are extremely single-minded.

>> No.1788387

A cross examination of the abusive relationship between a naive boy shunned by his parents for his sexuality and the aloof, charismatic and sexually fluid traveller who finds him on the road during the 60s.

I'm better at writing blurbs than I am at literature, can never organise my thoughts long enough for ANYTHING to come to fruition.

>> No.1788389

What i'm working on is kind of a gender reversal of Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale." Mind you, I came up with the concept before I read The Handmaid's Tale. Only vague plot outlines at this point. This is my first time trying to write something. Basically had the concept for 2 years, and am finally deciding to try writing it.

I have a couple of other concepts flying around in my head at the moment.

>> No.1788394

Men reduced down into little more than sexual and reproductive slaves for powerful women in a post-apocalyptic society isn't a novelty, it's a male sex fantasy.

>> No.1788396

I'm in the conceptual stages of what I guess is a short story right now that's essentially about a middle-class American teenager's relationship with materialistic luxury. At the point I'm at now, I want to make it centric on how he's basically trying to rationalize and deal with the guilt from his over-consumption while living in a society based almost entirely around it. He entertains himself on a computer, masturbates to porn whenever he feels like it, his parents take him out to indulgent pizzerias and diners, and yet he's intelligent enough to be acutely aware of all the consequences both to himself and the world that this lifestyle presents. He looks at the so-called jerks outside driving their Hummers and looks down on them, but he's eating a goddamn slice of gluttonous chicken-covered pizza and staring at the girl on line's legging-clad ass at the same time. The main thing is that the hypocrisy of it isn't at all lost on him.

Basically it's a self-portrait in writing. God knows how I'm not fat yet.

>> No.1788407

Just stretch your blurbs out until they become 250 page blurbs.
Maybe a book written as blurbs?

>> No.1788409

Purely sexual in my concept. I read somewhere a while ago that sperm were produced in a lab. Got me thinking, doesn't that make men pretty much useless in the reproductive process? Just kinda went from there.

>> No.1788414

Problem is that it's written in retrospect during group psychotherapy sessions, and I can't exactly do that.

>> No.1788539


>> No.1788608


Maybe add some disfigured humans, a dwarf or something. And some dragons, to remind people it's a fantasy novel.