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17878681 No.17878681 [Reply] [Original]

>And now, Mr. Bond, to explain my evil plan in meticulous detail!
Is this the biggest LARP in literary history?

>> No.17878689

I don’t get why based NWO aristocrats piss off the fags here who worship Evola. Shouldn’t you be kneeling before chads like Schwab?

>> No.17878692

He really is Klauss Schwab

>> No.17878704
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pretty effective LARP, results-wise

>> No.17878766

Schwab is part of the counter-tradition cabal.

>> No.17878771
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The point is to rub your face in it like >>17878704. The sloppier and shallower it is the better. They are dominating you on every conceivable level and they're doing it all according to what can be laid out in a corporate-speak bugman pamphlet.
There's a reason they call you cattle. Are you finally getting the message?

>> No.17878797

How come no one goes out to bomb the elites? Not a fedpost, it's a serious question.

>> No.17878815

I never did finish 'the 4th industrial revolution' but why would it be a larp'? Based on what I read its more of a prediction, and actions to go along with those. But those predictions are more akin to "it will happen". Do you expect society to stay the same? I know we have heard about awesome technologies for a while that haven't exactly come to fruition yet; but that doesn't mean they aren't coming for mass global use. It's foolish and naive to think that things aren't going to drastically change all around the world. You could say that the pieces are already in place.

>> No.17878830

Do you even know their names? Do you have any way of getting to where they live? If you manage to somehow take out a couple of them what will happen exactly? Nothing, the structure will still be in place.

>> No.17878873

Soros, the Rothschilds, Bill Gates, and every tech CEO to name a few. It shouldn't be hard for someone to infiltrate the ranks and get close to them like say being a butler or a bodyguard, and poison their food for example.

>> No.17878953

Or for someone to dedicate his whole life to become a tech CEO and go full Count of Monte Cristo on them.

>> No.17878956

Schizos are really obsessed with the idea that "they're rubbing it in our faces!!!!"

>> No.17878982
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The choice is yours

>> No.17878991

Tech CEOs are pissants
Go for companies that matter like Exon Mobil, General Dynamics, Huntington Ingalls, Boeing, JP Morgan Chase

>> No.17879234

Microsoft has root access to like 93% of the population's computers. Google is basically the civilian arm of the NSA. Both are more critical to the government than some interchangable defense contractor

>> No.17879245

>implying British intelligence would oppose the wef

>> No.17879255
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>> No.17879329

Who cares anyway, it's not like is gong to affect me

>> No.17879381

Can someone explain to me what is STAKEholder economy?

>> No.17879417

hahahaha based retard

>> No.17879433

They're not gonna succeed in the end. You can play against humans but you can't play against life.

>> No.17879539

Can you give me a TLDR on this?

>> No.17879543

>implying caring would change anything

>> No.17879544

It's basically >let's annihilate everything worth living for: the book

>> No.17879550

>continuing the neoliberal paradigm of fragmented consumerism by just adding some stuff about viruses and the climate

Wait, how’s this a ‘Great Reset’ again? This is just the same shit we’ve had before with a few adjustments, so that the system can just return to normal. It’s the state of affairs we’ve had since Nixon let go of the gold standard, and our lives became dominated by just money and our meaning became making as much of it as possible. This isn’t great, and it’s not even a reset

>> No.17879556

>being proud of defeatist behavior
Are you a cuck?
>inb4 it's just realism

>> No.17879562

He’s probably just a simp who has internalized and intellectualized his defeatism, probably with some pseudo stoic appeal to fatalism. Most people still laugh at him, just behind his back, and he congratulates himself that he doesn’t get angry, even though he probably should

>> No.17879565

The alteration of biological life, the merging of humans and machines, the artificial wombs, the virtual currency attached to your body through a quantum tattoo are not "the same shit we had before"

>> No.17879573

Grow up

>> No.17879577

Yes it is. The power structure of ruler and ruled will remain completely intact, it will just be kept intact through more advanced means

>> No.17879582

>hurr durr I’m a big boy adult, everyone who isn’t a bitch like me should just grow up
>why yes of course you get to fuck my wife and steal my shit, can’t change fate after all, and I’m definitely not just rationalizing being a giant pussy

>> No.17879583

>through more advanced means
Thank you for confirming my point and proving me right, you Marxist braindead.

>> No.17879585

>I shitpost online I am fighting back!!

>> No.17879587

How did I prove you right? You didn’t address a single thing I said, you utter tosspot

>> No.17879593

You just said they keep doing their shit with new means, which is exactly what I said. It doesn't matter if it's still muh capitalism or muh neoliberalism, they are about to redesign the world. Read the Agenda 21.

>> No.17879605
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>There's a reason they call (you) cattle. Are (you) finally getting the message?
free facerub for (you) too peasant

>> No.17879613

>You just said they keep doing their shit with new means, which is exactly what I said.
Yes, and ‘their shit’ is what didn’t change at all, which is what I said

>> No.17879624

"Their shit" is not what matters. You can live in a capitalistic system but still be free if you choose it. The Great Reset aims to neutralize even your free will.

>> No.17879631

>“Their shit" is not what matters

Yes it is you fucking dingleberry. You don’t think it’s important to address the system that makes you obey them in the first place? In that case, you’re a fucking moron

>> No.17879633

Black pill: There is no secret grand conspiracy. Its a tually worse, since all of these people "worship" satan by their disordered lusts, pride and megalomania, the connective tissue between them isnt a cobspiratiorial plan but a timeless entity with a mind far beyond human functions: satan himself. The conspiracy and the mastermind behind it is one and the same: Evil itself.

>> No.17879642

So what’s keeping God from defeating Satan?

>> No.17879644
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You will own nothing and you will be happy

>> No.17879648

Satan is literally a test, God uses him for his own purpose by letting him do certain things.

>> No.17879715

The system will not be the same. It is evolving towards something else. If you think it's just "more capitalism" you're dumb or you haven't read the book. It will probably look more like a fusion of capitalism, communism and fascism. Til now, capitalism has been based upon freedom of choice (often a fake one, but still you were able to do business with whoever you wanted). The future they have in mind is not based upon freedom of choice. They will take you from your house and lock you up in a prefabricated Ikea wooden cabin with two rooms. They will inject you with whatever they want because of "health security". They will force you to have an electronic quantum ID stamped on your body. If you refuse any of these, you'll be confined in a concentration camp as a madman or a "public danger". This is what they have in mind. THUS, it's not the same system. It is what capitalism evolves into.

>> No.17879739

Please, go ahead and explain to us how you plan to fight the wef, you must have some pretty genius tactics if you hope to defeat an organization of their stature. I’ll wait

>> No.17879758

It's very simple. If you can have freedom of choice (assuming you have a reference model in your life) you express it. You do not consent. If you can't have freedom of choice, then you fight, tooth and claw. If you won't fight like a man, then it means your freedom is not so important to you.

>> No.17879788

When I still don't care, I wonder what does that makes them feel

>> No.17879792

Cool sentimentalism bro but it changes absolutely nothing

>> No.17879803

There's no sentimentalism in my post. It's exactly like I said, and you have nothing to add about it.

>> No.17879815

>rivhest and most influental people in the world say they're going to do something scummy
>they are doing it
>you mention it

>> No.17879819

No it’s pure sentimentalism
>we just have to be warriors and fight to the death bro, even if our cause is lost
You’re thinking in cartoons. Pure simulacra. It’s a cope for the fact you have no means of affecting material political action.

>> No.17879832

It won't actually do anything. There are millions of people who would love to take their spot. The rat race is intense. All it would do is get you tossed in jail, result in a crackdown on dissidents, and hurt the resistance.

>> No.17879859

Zu vill eat ze bugs.

>> No.17879880

You are simply stupid. I am talking with a stupid person. Re-read what I wrote. What's not clear about the fact that you are free and that you can make your own choices? You are thinking like a random idiot you'd meet on the street, because your mind apparently can't elaborate more than a vague image of a dystopian future that you believe "inevitable" because until now everything has been inevitable. But it's a fallacy. Until now, if you wanted to live by your own means, you were able to do it. Extreme example: if you wanted to build a wooden house in the forest and cultivate land, you were free to do so. The reason why the majority of people didn't do so is because they found easier to stick to corporate capitalism and be spoondfed by it. But it was their own choice. Instead of trivializing my words like a fucking retard, you should ask yourself if this freedom of choice will persist. Because the alternatives are limited to two: either it persist, or it doesn't. You get this, right? Good. If it persists, The Great Reset is not a problem. More and more people will separate from the increasingly inhuman system and live in different ways. If freedom of choice will not persist, then we will be under a dictatorship and – guess what? – the only way to resolve this is violence. Violence will not happen? Alright then, it means people are okay with living in dictatorship. Violence will happen but with nuclear holocaust? Amen. It doesn't matter.

>> No.17879968


>> No.17879970


>> No.17879993

Alright, so if I understand you correctly your plan for fighting back is living in the woods and attempting acts of violence on government officials? I’m sorry but that’s absurd

>> No.17880033

I'll try my last card to overturn this outstandingly idiotic dialogue. What do you think the future will look like? Describe it.

>> No.17880199

I’m genuinely trying to understand how you plan to resist the great reset. State clearly what actions you’re going to do to defeat them. And if you have no plan of action, then you’re not resisting are you, you’re just passing time on the internet like everyone else!

As for what I think the future will be, the wef lays out what they’re going to do in that one infamous video. Basically it’ll be like now but shittier.

>> No.17880363

If it isn't blatantly obvious to you now, they make stuff like this so you internalize it.
Prepare for it, want it, or fear it, you energize and thus manifest it.

>> No.17880403

So why shouldn’t I be on the side of the globalists? Cuckpitalism brought us trash like virtual youtubers, hiphop and pornography

>> No.17880479

Bourgeois globalism is not different from capitalism

>> No.17880550

If Alquaida wanted to hurt the US they would have crashed their planes into the Bohemian grove instead of the WTC and wiped out the entire upper echelon of the country.

>> No.17880567
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This pic is awesome

From what I've heard from the people who read it, the text is a list of thing that could/will happen globally - more than a planned prescription (although of course those thing often go in hand)

>> No.17880669

>I’m genuinely trying to understand how you plan to resist the great reset
It's funny that you turn that question on me when it's exactly what I'm trying to understand from YOU. What do you think there is to resist? This was the purpose of my request to describe the future, which you didn't answer. What is The Great Reset, concretely? Forced vaccinations? Forced ID quantum tattos? Forced relocation of humans and properties? Forced genetic manipulation? Forced adoption of African children? Forced births in artificial wombs? Forced possession of robots in your domestic space? If it is any of this, then there is nothing to resist or fight against. You simply do not consent. Is it so hard for you to understand? Are you going to take that poisonous covid vaccine? No, you aren't, I hope. Therefore you have the right to say "No" to any other imposition that comes from them. Simple as that. Capitalism is founded on the principle of freedom of choice, and especially upon the principle that you are free to do business with whoever you want. The impositions of The Great Reset are essentially business, shit that they offer you. As they do with advertisement, first they ensure you are brainwashed enough to accept everything, then they make the offer. If you accept, it's your choice. Maybe a choice triggered by pressure and brainwashing, but still a choice. This is how the system works. It's YOU who legitimize it. So, again, if you don't like The Great Reset, you do not consent.

However, if you take for granted that it will be a dictatorship—which means that it will not be business but mandatory measures under the menace of prison or physical coercion—then I have nothing to say to you. In that case, you either surreder or you fight and die. Since you're a weak one you will probably surrender, but do not expect that everyone will do the same. The world is also populated by chads.

Is it clear now? My mindset is different than yours, I do not have any plan and I even find ridiculous that you ask if I have one. That really says a lot about your poor way of thinking. It's not a chess game, you fucking idiot. You either consent or not consent. Will the world be a shittier place? Probably, but it's not your concern. Move your focus from the external reality to your private domain and you will see there is no problem at all.

Hope your little brain can grasp the point this time.

>> No.17880676

>not the stockholders

>> No.17880996

not this fucking retard again

>> No.17881338
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>> No.17881388

Thanks, capitalism

>> No.17881412

Some of what Klaus Schwab wants doesn't sound bad to me. I don't see the issue with enforcing everyone to eat insects instead of birds and mammals. If I were a king of a country, I would execute everyone who slaughters birds or mammals and implement eugenic programs to make people either pesceterian or insect-eating. I would also select for highly intelligent and empathetic people and have all jocks neutered.

>> No.17882720

Our world leaders consent to it. Their consent matters. Yours doesn’t because you have no power. If the global economy is reworked and you go
>durr I don’t consent
it doesn’t mean shit does it? If you attempt to fight back against their dictatorship you’ll fail miserably because power disagrees with you and power always wins. Your “mindset” means nothing.

>> No.17882747

So you think it will be a full dictatorship. Alright. Die then, I have nothing else to add.

>> No.17882783

>you have no power.
How do you know that he has no power?
>If you attempt to fight back against their dictatorship you’ll fail miserably because power disagrees with you and power always wins.
How do you know? What kind of power?
>Your “mindset” means nothing.
How do you know?

>> No.17882799

>implying we’ve never made any progress ever

Do you have fur and throw your feces at other people?

>> No.17882807
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>tfw after centuries of decadence, the population of human race has reached a critical mass and has depleted much of the earth's resources to the point where extinction is nigh inevitable with no solution except for the most horrific and satanic ones imaginable, which is a fitting price for our decadence. But such an existence requires us to sacrifice our humanity and to live lives without meaning or purpose, which is crueler than extinction by our own hand, so you think it would be better for the human race to die, but even wishing the death of your own species is intrinsically satanic. And so, we are left in an impossible situation where there is no escape, no salvation, and no hope. There is only despair.

>> No.17882831

Nice fantasy.

>> No.17882852
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>很好,施瓦布先生。 但是,有一个您没有考虑的人。
>Very good, Mr. Schwab. However, there is one person you did not consider.

>> No.17882872

Schwab is working for him, retard.

>> No.17882882


>> No.17882887

Considering that "globohomo" is not a powerful force in China, I doubt it.

>> No.17882902

>Greta reset is bad because...it just is okay??

>> No.17882942

>Chen Yuan was instrumental in modernizing the bank in the early 1990s. Its central bank status was legally confirmed on March 18, 1995 by the 3rd Plenum of the 8th National People's Congress, and was granted a high degree of independence by an act that year.[12] In 1998, the PBC underwent a major restructuring. All provincial and local branches were abolished, and the PBC opened nine regional branches, whose boundaries did not correspond to local administrative boundaries. In 2003, the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress approved an amendment law for strengthening the role of PBC in the making and implementation of monetary policy for safeguarding the overall financial stability and provision of financial services.

>> No.17882960

But anon, many CEOs have large amounts of stock which make them important shareholders. Zuckerberg, for instance, owns almost thirty percent of Facebook stock, making him by far the largest shareholder in the company.

>> No.17882963
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>Greta reset

>> No.17882979

Not an Evolic, but I admire the elites in the sense they are great opponents simply playing their role. I believe God put them here for a reason, as they believe in the duality of the checkerboard I do too, they have both explicit evil attributes, and implicit good attributes. if we defeat them the rewards in their vacuum will be great, their tech, their magic and the world could become ours and we can launch a new golden age.

>> No.17882986

It seems like you just want to be pissed off because of some random person online. Go for a walk buddy, it’ll calm you down. Now, you said if it’s a dictatorship then you’ll fight “tooth and nail” against it, I was going off what you said. It won’t be a dictatorship tho, it’s important to maintain the illusion of democracy.
Is he a government official? Is he a ceo? No, he’s on 4chan, he’s a prole like the rest of us.
>>implying we’ve never made any progress ever
I have no idea how you extracted this from my post. Yes we have obviously progressed.

>> No.17882997

you tell em

>> No.17883021

Oh, so you don't think it will be a dictatorship now. Fucking kek. The people you meet on the internet.

>> No.17883065

>thinking late stage capitalism is communism

>> No.17883081

Literally who cares
Memes aside, I am not a fan of China. But I freely admit I envy Xi's China for its defense of Chinese language and culture. Unlike the rest of the world which is boiling into an American-lite soup, they retain their language, culture, and identity. (Or at least that's how it seems to an outsider).

>> No.17883089

Communism is not real, instead what we get are people who call themselves Communists creating a dysfunctional and retarded version of capitalism

>> No.17883092

Every political and economic system is the same and if you haven't realized it by now you never will.

>> No.17883117

This gets a gold star as the most retarded post I’ve ever read, and I’ve been here for 15 years.

>> No.17883129

>defense of Chinese language and culture
Infection of all Chinese culture with 21st century Han Chinese, live rat-eating, gutter oil, bugperson culture isn't what I'd call "defense".

>> No.17883128

well you should care. follow the money policy
China obliterated their traditional culture during their revolution, it is a sick, sterile bugman society cobbled together out of Western memes now. They have a demographic crisis as bad as the west if not worse. But yes they are still much better than the US since they aren't importing a bunch of minorities they teach to despise the Han majority.

>> No.17883133

It’s more complicated than that. Globalism has been eying China for decades now, trying to force them to westernize through stuff like this. There are elites in China bought and sold by the west working to push western interests. This explains China’s apparent cooperation with the deep state. China never quite cooperated the way the globalists hoped, and what Xi has done is make a public rebuke of them.
He’s also been purging the spooks.

>> No.17883138

>I’ve been here for 15 years
you haven't even been here 15 minutes faggot

>> No.17883149

It's 100% true, there has never been and will never be a Communist civilization, so communism is not real. There have been however a bunch of societies ruled by people who call themselves Communists(USSR, China, etc.) and what they have produced is a retarded, dysfunctional version of capitalism, that improves in direct proportion to how much they liberalize their markets.

>> No.17883158

I was going off your post friendo. Sorry to btfo you so hard, you seem upset

>> No.17883244

>obliterated their traditional culture
It’s coming back
You only know China through western propaganda, try reading some of their literature. Many of the greatest western minds had immense respect for China. Leibniz was fascinated by them.
>a retarded, dysfunctional version of capitalism

>> No.17883255

The retarded, dysfunctional version was Mao, after which liberalization improved the economy. Their economy is still becoming more privatized every year

>> No.17883274

>You only know China through western propaganda
Yeah man, all those videos on liveleak of stupid fucking bugpeople kicking down elevator doors and dropping down the pit because they think it's a magic teleportation box are western propaganda. All those vids of dirty yellow streetpeople boiling liquid shit to cook their live dogs in are shot in studios and the inch thick sheen of grease on their skin is just makeup.

>> No.17883276

>You only know China through western propaganda
This is probably true, and only more likely to become prevalent. I dunno. I am learning Mandarin rn, but outside of maybe Weibo there's no way to get a glimpse of how China is like. Maybe once corona ends I will save up for a tourist trip.

>> No.17883293

>5 chinkbux deposited into your account

>> No.17883313

Trust me, I am not exactly a fan of China. I am certainly enamored with the image they project at times, but there is no knowing if that is the reality. Plus the whole Uyghur situation is very uncomfortable to say the least.

>> No.17883319

>there is no knowing if that is the reality
You ever been to chinatown?

>> No.17883334

The one in Los Angeles. I was just passing through, didn't really get a chance to explore or anything

>> No.17883359

Yes, they absorbed liberalism and by discarding its ineffective aspects made a better system.
You could easily make a compilation of retarded Americans too, or brits, whoever. This obviously tells you nothing about their culture.
Yea historically they haven’t had much interest in exporting their ideas like the west has. They translate all our literature but we only translate a small portion of theirs.

>> No.17883366

You must be some fucking out-of-towner from Bumfuck Nowhere, USA; not a native from Los Angeles. If you had been the latter, you’d know that Chinatown has long been devoided of anything remotely authentically Chinese for at least 10 years, thanks to redeveloper scum and the never-ending busloads of trash who come here with nothing else but the clothes on their back and a dream in their pocket. Forget immigration from abroad. Internal immigration is the real problem.

>> No.17883374

Every establishment in any chinatiown has a health rating of B or lower (leaning more towards a C). Chinatown is the shithole of any city and you have to take into consideration that the people in chinatown are the ones that had enough money to leave their country. Take chinatown, make it exponentially poorer and stretch it over a continent and that's china. Chinese people eat little boy piss eggs and live rodents and throw their live babies down their toilets (usually just a hole in a tile floor you squat over). This isn't an insult, or propaganda, or some kind of attack at the chinese, it's documented fact. They've been documenting this kind of behavior on video for decades.

>> No.17883387

Spoken like a true bedwetting basement-dweller.

>> No.17883399

Yes I am not from LA, but I did visit it as a tourist. I saw Koreatown and Chinatown, the Chinatown gate thing with the dragons was very cool

>> No.17883402

>You could easily make a compilation of retarded Americans too
There are no compilations of Americans boiling dogs alive, or boiling shit to get cooking oil, or eating live rodents, or boiling eggs in toddler piss, or eating ground up rhino tusk cause they think it'll make their dick bigger, or cutting the fins off live sharks and dumping them back in the ocean, or believing elevator shafts are magic portals or stuffing their live babies down the toilet.

>> No.17883409

>bedwetting basement-dweller
Man you got me good. I'm gonna cry and piss my pants.
>动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

>> No.17883452
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> I'm gonna cry and piss my pants.

Not like you needed me to do that anyway.

> Chink

Who said I even like the Chinese? You must be some bologna-faced Ameritard from flyover country.

>> No.17883465

you have interesting taste in found footage

>> No.17883476

US intelligence have been funding Uyghur terrorists for decades in an attempt to destabilize the Chinese government. It’s the same thing Reagan did with Iran contra.
US media claims genocide because because their scheme is disrupted.
China definitely had a rough stretch of history, as all nations do, but they’re rising out of that now, their poverty rates are dropping very quickly. China is on the upward while it’s enemies are decaying.

>> No.17883482
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>mfw some esl faggot calls me a bologna-faced Ameritard
That's like default liveleak footage. The rest is mostly Brazilians.

>> No.17883504

>had a rough stretch of history
They were eating bat soup last year and they haven't stopped forcefully sterilizing people they put in prison camps. Literal Chinese agitprop agent. Xi Jinping is a nigger.

>> No.17883558

Lol I’m not a gore fanatic so idk if all this stuffs true but there’s tons of degenerate shit in America too, pedophilia, people eating shit, transgender surgeries, etc.

>> No.17883560

I honestly believe that is the face you make. Your ego, your artifice of “erudition” are so fragile, that you’d legit freak out at even the slightest impugnment against them. Why don’t you go back to your basement and read your cheap Barnes & Noble hardcovers?

>> No.17883574

You don't understand Evola then.

>> No.17883633

>Lol I don't know anything but I'm sure americans do the same
They don't. The reason you find hundreds of videos of chinese people eating dogs, running people over at crosswalks and backing over them again so they don't need to cover their insurance costs, and generally being aggressively unsanitary, is because they do it and they do it fucking frequently enough to be caught on tape, terrabytes worth of footage (and we're not talking hd 4k rips). You couldn't pull up a video of an american frying a golden retriever in a wok.

>> No.17883634

>forcefully sterilizing people they put in prison camps
This is propaganda bro it’s not real. It’s actually one of the oldest plays in the book lol. Rome burnt down Carthage and claimed, “they sacrificed babies, so they’re evil backward people that deserved to be destroyed.” Every nation makes this same caricature of their enemy. If you don’t recognize it’s propaganda then you’ve been fooled.
>Literal Chinese agitprop agent
Oh shit how did you know

>> No.17883644

They do. The only difference is China has a much larger population and more widespread surveillance.

>> No.17883663

>It will probably look more like a fusion of capitalism, communism and fascism.
It's just going to be anarcho-tyranny.

>> No.17883669

>widespread surveillance
These aren't surveillance footage you fucking retard. They don't have surveillance footage of chinks cooking dogs in woks. They film it themselves on their cells and post it online because they think there isn't anything wrong with it.

>> No.17883672

I guess since they’re all stuck in the Stone Age they’re no threat to you right, all this rise of China stuff is complete BS? US globohomoism till the end of time?

>> No.17883680

We have footage of them you fucking dipshit. The Chinese gov't admits to doing it.

>> No.17883687

They are a threat the same way a monkey would be a threat if you stuck a bombvest on it.

>> No.17883694

I thought you meant all the road accidents.
As for dog cooking videos, that's just the difference in culture. I'm sure chinks would be disgusted to see the kind of videos coming out of American black community.
Not to mention all the cartel videos which the American government is explicitly responsible for. Cartels wouldn't have any power if CIA weren't buying drugs off them and giving them weapons.

>> No.17883697

I’d eat some dog sounds yummy

>> No.17883715
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>> No.17883728

>Xi's China for its defense of Chinese language and culture
>still using retardified chinese
>defense of Chinese language and culture

>> No.17883733

>I thought you meant all the road accidents.
The road accidents are dashcam footage, and you'll see them accidentally bump into people at crosswalks, cause no harm initially, then run them over because if there's any injury they gotta pay out on insurance. They'd rather just kill them. They don't even bother giving it a second thought.
>that's just the difference in culture
Eating scavenger animals causes disease and every other culture except for Africans figured out that they shouldn't do it. They also cook them alive.
>but muh cartels
Yeah man, some spic cut off another spics head with a bandsaw so it's ok that chinks eat rats and cook their food in recycled shit oil and kill each other over insurance claims.

>> No.17883802

1. Who are you talking about? Why bring this up out of no where? Are you so weak you can't face the world when it shows its colours to you that you must swat it aside incoherent whataboutism about someone most of us haven't read or don't care for?
2. That's not what Evola advocates it is obviously completely opposed to him. Awful attempt at connecting the two, you pathological bootlicker.

>> No.17883813

Poast footage
>yea they’re all just dumb apes
The American says while watching tucker carlson’s coverage of the belt and road iniative’s completion, his country having become functionally illiterate.

>> No.17883843

I think you need to chill with those live leak videos bro, they’re not what defines a nation

>> No.17883852

>they’re not what defines a nation
They are when its your only exposure and internet memes say so.

>> No.17883856
File: 33 KB, 368x624, PXBC5pnsmrYpLoaG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not American and I don't watch TV.

>> No.17883867

>they’re not what defines a nation
Liveleak videos are the only factor that should determine judgement of a nation.

>> No.17883922
File: 24 KB, 512x512, popopopo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LiveLeak is a British video sharing website headquartered in London

>> No.17883939

Not sure why you think this is some sort of zinger because they hate the image they're associated with and try to distance themselves from it at every turn, going as far as to delete hundreds of videos archived over the past year.

>> No.17883947

Then why do you talk like one? You’ve been colonized by the American mind. Sad!

>> No.17883959
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, brothers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of a redpill than a blackpill. Maybe a brownpill to be precise desu.

>> No.17883960

>they hate the image they're associated with
Bro what
They are the gore site, what other image were they trying to create

>> No.17883971

>you speak english and don't suck chink cock you must be american
Fuck Chinks. Cry your ching chong ass back to ricefierd yerrow nigger.

>> No.17883988

Replace satan with “profit” and you’ll finally start getting somewhere.

t. liberation theologist

>> No.17883992
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>Implying Hitler didn't see this coming

>> No.17883994

In socialism people owned their own homes, their own cars, their own spaces. Socialism cannot be compared to this totalitarian gig-economy that the world capitalists are trying to force upon us.

>> No.17883995

avarice is only one sin. Pride is the worst sin anyway

>> No.17883999

They aren't a "gore site". It's a journalism leaks site. It's meant to host footage that news orgs refuse to show or footage banned by certain countries' governments. It isn't bestgore. They actively delete gore most of the time.

>> No.17884008

>going as far as to delete hundreds of videos archived over the past year
So it is not representative of nations then?

>> No.17884012

Im not talking about profit as just another sin, but profit as the manifestation of Stan’s energy in the world of man. Replace ‘satan’ with ‘profit’ in your blurb and you will find a much more coherent, and ‘blackpilled’ truth. We are destroying ourselves, our planet, thousands of species, our history, etc. for nothing but profit, a few extra numbers on the computer screen of the already mega-wealthy.

>> No.17884013

You will own nothing and you will be happy

>> No.17884031

>There is no secret grand conspiracy.

This is true. The cause isn't satan though. The cause is just that we're really fucking stupid and much worse in large groups.

>> No.17884033

>liveleak deleted videos last year so the decades worth of footage posted there archived over the internet doesn't matter
idk man maybe you shouldn't argue about things you admittedly know nothing about when you're so out of your depth.

>> No.17884041

It basically just advocates the expansion of the gig economy as the dominant ‘transactional model’ for everything.

>> No.17884048

If videos are being deleted willy nilly then it isnt representative of shit, mate.
Fucking retards like you thinking single websites are some sort of authoritative case study, and nothing outside of whats presented on muh single website needs to be considered.
Retards such as yourself are the reason why fucking facebook and twitter control public narratives.

>> No.17884084

>If videos are being deleted willy nilly then it isnt representative of shit
>videos are being deleted now so the last ten years of videos you can still access because they're mirrored all over don't matter
Listen man, you're an idiot. You say you don't know shit about any of this shit off the bat, then continue to argue. You're dumb. Fucking stupid. Get it? Nobody gives a fuck whether or not it's actually hosted on liveleak. It gets posted on liveleak, gets the little watermark, and gets mirrored all over. Little faggot gotta stick his shrimp dick in every argument. Get enough attention little baby? Gonna cry?

>> No.17884086

Profit means nothing, its just a stand-in which allows you to fulfill your lusts. The lusts are the real driver and the metaphysical entity stimulating disordered lust is Evil which wishes to expand like a virus. To be evil is to yield to this sin which has the metaphysical status of signing over that yes you do care more about material enjoyment than your soul. And the more you engage in this the more depraved your mind becomes to the point that its not even necessarily enjoyment but just sheer lunacy, megalomania etc. because what is lost is the ability to see truth. This is why it is so hard to get out of it, all these evil people have had their minds re-arranged by engaging in evil to the point that they cannot detect anymore that they have a problem, they are enslaved to sin. It becomes the new normal for them. Profit is just means.

>> No.17884094

But that is literally not the Christian worldview, we are also destroying ourselves over lust, pride, etc. and we were long before modernity. Satan is not reducible to runaway capitalism, it makes no sense at all.

>> No.17884097

Eat the bugs, live in the pod europoor

>> No.17884106
File: 389 KB, 788x656, ExcZbDJWQAgIs5L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posted from literal pod by rat-eating Chang

>> No.17884116

Governments just outsource to the same copy agencies for something quick and snappy. I know I used to work for one of them

>> No.17884134

While I think there are people who actively enjoy doing evil without justifications, the reality is most evil is done by justifications. I would not doubt at all that Bill Gates legitimately believes through some convoluted reasoning that killing off half of people or implanting chips into your ass is somehow not only a great idea but something that would make him the biggest hero in human history. The problem is precisely that people have convincingly been schooled to reject even terms such as sin, evil, wicked etc. (let alone belief in God) so society has no reasonble defense again psychopaths anymore. There should not be a discussion about Bill Gates, the guy should be shunned from society simply for displaying all the signs of a depraved melagomaniacal psychopath. The reason why we dont want Bill Gates doing shit with our health and climatr is because he is evil. Period. There doesnt need to be more to it than that. But we let all of that go by and now you are all reliant ob some sick fuck spending billions on "scientists" and media and NGOs to convince you that stapling chips to your asscheeks is not only good but necessary if you ever want to travel or work again.

>> No.17884156

He is making the communist mistake. He believes its just a material problem with a material solution. All of these sides that refuse God his proper place are played by Satan. Communists manage to fuck up even more than capitalists amazingly but not surprisingly if you know who is behind the most derranged ideology in human history so far (im sure soon to be overtaken by some techno-new age-communist-capitalist clusterfuck that is in store for us now)

>> No.17884163

I’m American hehe

>> No.17884174

Jackie Chan cope seethe

>> No.17884189

>muh Satan

Imagine always having a bogeyman to fall back on. What a wonderfully simple way to live your life

>> No.17884205

You don't even deserve one of my facepalm reaction pics

>> No.17884228
File: 308 KB, 827x1103, 8F5A7CF0-EF8A-4AB3-985B-1123EF4BB89E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m white thank you very much

>> No.17884255
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Joke's on you, I have the original.

>> No.17884256

patrician hand shape, though looks a bit weak

>> No.17884303
File: 137 KB, 900x1200, apmg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's his end game?

>> No.17884318
File: 95 KB, 1440x960, aaa04dc433ee44e79f10b74b32a32259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one man who can stop him

>> No.17884322

Wait how did you get that
Thanks, I guess I’ll start squeezing tennis balls like they do in IJ to beef up my hands

>> No.17884363
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Schwab? Great guy - never met him though

>> No.17884380
File: 36 KB, 640x623, stupid faggot mouse fucking dies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally never said that you bumretard moron.

>> No.17884544

This is so based. Liberal fascist oligarchs need to go

>> No.17884590

>the NWO wants me to own nothing? Fuck you, I will consume as much as possible and NEVER stop giving my money to corporations
great reset theory always came across as a ploy to me

>> No.17884701


>> No.17884774

>There are no compilations of American
It probably exists in the dark net. There are private servers for those kind of disturbed things, which many Amerimutts do engage in.

>> No.17884780


>> No.17884857

>the dark net
The "dark net" isn't real. People turned tor into this mystical dangerous sketchy place through nonstop gay creepypastas. There is way more illegal content on regular internet. Deep web/dark net shit is a larp. You don't need to go on the "deep web" looking for "red rooms" to see people getting killed live. You can just go on facebook. You wanna see someone eating his own shit? The "clearweb" is all pornography. You don't need a fucking private server when it's all out in the public eye.

>> No.17884867

>" to see people getting killed live. You can just go on facebook. You wanna see someone eating his own shit?
Those aren't illegal

>> No.17884880

>livestreaming yourself committing murder isn't illegal

>> No.17884893

I've seen videos, only for a few seconds before turning it off, of whites doing very vile things. Ofc, I am not going to say the majority of whites do that.
The reality is I do not know how to assess the proportion of racial groups that engage in transgressive or macabre acts. I don't think surveys or clicking a bunch of videos and taking note of race, using one's own estimations, really help in that endeavor due to bias.

>> No.17884913

You write like a fag.
>I've seen videos
No, you haven't.

>> No.17885055

>No, you haven't.
Yeah, I have, but I don't watch them in full...
>You write like a fag.
You're just projecting. Go take a bullet to your head, narcissistic disingenuous dumbass.

>> No.17885076

There were plenty of white serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer. It's not unbelievable for there to be whites like him uploading their videos of victims online. It's not really a racial thing because every group of peoples has individuals like that, but the question is one of proportion, I think.

>> No.17885081

I don't believe you've seen a singe video of anything in your life. You write up your paragraphs like a fuckin liar and that's all anybody really gotta know about a guy like that.

>> No.17885094

the videos aren't, like the NZ msq video isn't illegal except over there I think. There are videos which are themselves illegal and can't be hosted on clearnet

>> No.17885095

What makes you think I am lying? I don't want to discuss the videos. It's not really something I like going through.

>> No.17885107

Cause you write like a liar. Look at this fuckin shit.

>> No.17885117

Has anyone even read this book

>> No.17885119
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>I’ve been here for 15 years

>> No.17885124

>reading books
>on /lit/
We don't do that here

>> No.17885146

What is so unbelievable about coming across one or two gore videos and quickly turning off the video?

>> No.17885173

You write like the protagonist of a creepypasta.

>> No.17885178

This used to happen all the time here. I am still traumatized by shoveldog and that one video where a guy cuts up a kitten.

>> No.17885191

I don't even watch creepypastas, and I'm not trying to sound like I'm sensationalizing anything. Stop projecting, you memelord and edgelord faggot. I wasn't saying anything controversial, really.
Also, I am open to the possibility that certain races engage in more barbarity on average. For example, a variant of MAO-A2 variant is correlated with that, and it is shown blacks and Saudis have that gene more than other races. Mixing with blacks is not a good idea.

>> No.17885207

Im not even remotely edgy as a person but I like gore videos for some reason. I didn't seek them out as a kid at all, but over the years I've seen them accidentally on 4chan quite a bit as people post gifs and webms, and I have gotten slowly more attracted to them over time. Now i get like an actual kick out of it every time there is a gore clip posted to /tv/. I still don't seek them out but they give me some kind of dopamine hit now when I see them

>> No.17885214

It's because you're a memelord, edgelord faggot and need to be purified.

>> No.17885233

I'm not though, I'm not edgy at all about things like that.
It's just some Pavlovian response to seeing those clips on here has somehow associated them with pleasure.

>> No.17885249

Nope, it's deeper than that. You are defiled and impure. It is better to experience pleasure towards benevolent sights such as happy birds, dogs, and doing good works like cleaning litter, purifying the rivers, and more. If I were up to me, I would have you executed, and I would take no pleasure in it. You are delving into dark depths, and if you do not seek purification now, then you will plummet to hell.

>> No.17885258

Anyone here read Peter Dale Scott's stuff on the history of the deep state? It looks pretty good.

>> No.17885264

Nobody posts like this.

>> No.17885268



>> No.17885272

gonna cry?

>> No.17885273

>It is better to experience pleasure towards benevolent sights such as happy birds, dogs, and doing good works like cleaning litter, purifying the rivers, and more.
I do like these sorts of things though.

What I'm talking about here is similar to the feeling you get when you happen to see some funny image posted on here. It's the surprising/almost gambling type quality to it, that it just randomly appears, combined with how visceral a gore clip is. I wouldnt find it interesting to go watch clip after clip on some site.

>> No.17885274

I should accept the hive mind of a bunch of peasants? I should write and think like them? Fuck off to Reddit if you want an echo-chamber so bad. Or better yet... kys, you dumb pos.

>> No.17885284

Idk man I'm just trying to save you the humiliation of sounding like a gay bitch.

>> No.17885299

I'm not crying.
>I do like these sorts of things though.
That is the only sort of things you should like.
>What I'm talking about here
What you are talking about is the darkness of fetishization, the thrill of seeking vain and shallow forms of novelty. You are impure and defiled. You must be purified.
You start off like this, but soon you will become worse than Maldoror.

>> No.17885309
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not crying.
baby make a boom boom? poopy wet diaper baby cry?

>> No.17885311

Plenty of prophets and divine beings have sounded like "gay bitches" to the insipid masses such as yourself. One good thing about the project of the NWO is fags like you won't be able to survive because you don't have the skillsets in demand by the Machiavellian elite, and since I am not a humanist, I do not care.

>> No.17885332

>The problem is precisely that people have convincingly been schooled to reject even terms such as sin, evil, wicked etc. (let alone belief in God) so society has no reasonble defense again psychopaths anymore
This is so simple yet so contundent. People don't what to see what things are by itselves, everything must be covered by a babblewords.

>> No.17885335
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plenty of prophets and divine beings have sounded like "gay bitches" to the insipid masses such as yourself. One good thing about the project of the NWO is fags like you won't be able to survive because you don't have the skillsets in demand by the Machiavellian elite, and since I am not a humanist, I do not care.

>> No.17885352

everybody is impure. It's just a clip on the internet anyway, it doesn't matter. It's not like it desensitizes you to irl violence.

>> No.17885353

i cant imagine how dry a book like that is. im afraid reading it will turn me into a soulless person

>> No.17885361

God is real, but he is not all-forgiving. Only those who can be purified based on good intentions can be saved. Most "people" only have a shell and the illusion of consciousness or qualia. They are unworthy of compassion. This is one good thing about the global elite's plan: massive human depopulation. Most people are unworthy of life. They live without contemplation and solitude, so both their lives and deaths have no meaning.

>> No.17885401

they are still loved by God though otherwise they wouldn't exist. whether they'll be saved or not i dont know but everyone is loved by God and this is a fact so they are worth of compassion. they are not to be loved by themselves but due to God's love for them

>> No.17885403
File: 557 KB, 630x582, pepe-wojak-miami-vice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is going to happen, now shut up and suck my dick.

>> No.17885419

>everybody is impure.
It is about intentionality. You are impure, but I am not. You do not have a strong and noble weltanschauung, therefore you are impure.
Some of what Klaus Schwab and World Economic Forum want is admirable, but I am not sure on how gauge their sincerity. There should be massive human depopulation and the time of eating meat should be over, and a global governance or one world culture ruled over by benevolent, educated aristocrats, such as myself, is not necessarily bad. The rabble should have no will apart from the wisdom of people such as myself. If this requires implanting a computer interface into your brain to control your will or spread IoT sensors everywhere to destroy your privacy, then so be it. The whole world should live like a Story of Seasons or Harvest Moon game with no deviancy into vices or fetishizing dark impulses.
>It's not like it desensitizes you to irl violence.
Most people, such as yourself, should either be purified, manipulated with invasive technology, or die. There is no forgiveness of one's defilement and lack of noble direction at the end of life. You should be getting a kick from improving this world somehow, but instead you get a kick from macabre memes. There is no mercy for people such as yourself.
Getting a "kick" from transgressive actions means your mind is trash in its present form. Just accept your impure state and let the NWO control you like an ant in a maze.

>> No.17885426

>everyone is loved by God
Nope. Most human beings are born from the darkness, and God wants nothing more than the majority of them to die. Klaus Schwab and The Economic Forum are on the right track with this objective. One World Government does not necessarily have to be bad.

>> No.17885467

No but I should at least be able to have some sort of say without them just doing it without our consent

>> No.17885468

you have NPD and delusions of grandeur, your bizarre fantasies about killing millions or billions of people and ruling over everyone left in some totalitarian meme world is profoundly more 'impure' than watching random gore webms.

>> No.17885487

there is nothing that exists that God doesn't love for they participate in being. you are claiming there are people/souls made of nothing but this is not possible as nothing can come out of nothing. it is not possible that God created something He doesn't love since He is Love Himself.

>> No.17885506
File: 94 KB, 739x739, BDAE8EB7-47A1-41EC-9231-FD69B80595F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I’m having serious deja vu all the sudden reading your post
I think I dreamed about reading through this thread on my phone in my bed
not really engaging in any of your schizo babble though

>> No.17885514

Not everyone's voice should be on equal level. I'm sorry, but you're too much of a defiled "being" to take seriously.
As my own holy scriptures make clear, some "human beings" are creations of dark forces. This is most apparent with what we refer to as "black people". "Black people" were created for the purposes of invasive scientific experiments in order to find cures to Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative disorders. They are manifestations of a force of pure malevolence, disorder, and hatred. They are not pure and undefiled like the birds, dogs, whales, or other animals.
The insipid masses deserve no compassion if they lack virtuous intention. If they live their lives without contemplation, without wanting to cultivate themselves or improve this world somehow, then why should they deserve compassion? Intentions are important. Not every human "being" has Buddha nature or soul. Many have the opposite, which is more like a malevolent spirit, so they should be either forcefully eliminated or purified.
Monarchy is the best form of government, especially if the king were benevolent like me. If I were absolute monarch of this world, everyone subject to my good-will, the whole world would be renovated and become beautiful again. Biodiversity would grow. Soil and river would be purified. Communal harmony would be established.
There is nothing wrong with centralization of power or authoritativeness. Most people are too petty to forge a noble worldview and do anything meaningful. Moreover, they lack contemplative depth and get little to no solitude.
It is as simple as this: When you have free time and financial stability, do you spend time sitting in a garden, reading an enriching book or endlessly wasting time obsessing over trivial bullshit?

>> No.17885517

deja vu is just a little brain seizure. I used to get them 5 times a day when I was drinking every night

>> No.17885522
File: 196 KB, 1200x901, tarkovsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I meant to post this too.

>> No.17885528

You should read some actual political theory about monarchy, because it doesn't involve mass killings and implanting people with brain control chips. You are not benevolent, you are deranged. Again this is clinical narcissism here, if you're not just trolling

>> No.17885557
File: 186 KB, 500x500, 1595257453606.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I hate the Great Reset?

>> No.17885597

At this point it's either reverting back to an age without technology (primitivism) or taking technology to its utmost limits (roughly known as "accelerationism"). A cyber monarchy with massive depopulation and where those who oppose my will have control chips implanted in their brain could ideally work out well.
Some of what the World Economic Forum promotes isn't bad: enforcing vegetarianism and eating insects, focusing on revitalizing biodiversity and protecting native forests, attempts of human depopulation, etc. I just hope they are sincere.

>> No.17885616

what scriptures do you follow?

nothing other than God has creative power. how can you love God and not love that which He created? but then you'll say they were not created by God but this cannot be. you are trying to justify your misanthropy. socrates says to not do evil even to evil doers and that's of course due to his contemplation on creation and the immortality of the soul. even evil doers who will be condemned in the socratic view deserve compassion. how do you say most people don't and should be killed? i can't believe you are a contemplative, you are a crypto satanist.

>> No.17885641

Those who deliberately harm the natural world, do rape or murder, waste time on trivial obsessions like sex and fetishes, or engage in other evil should not be forgiven. Either they are systematically purified or eradicated. You have a cucked mentality. No wonder you are being overrun by rapefugees.
With modern media, modern decadent society most people channeled their minds to the evil, malevolent spirit. There is nothing wrong with eugenics.

>> No.17885642

>there is no great conspiracy
>but all the bad guys all secretly worship the devil

>> No.17885650

Even if I was a nazi I'd be obliged to call you retarded

>> No.17885655

>Great Reset
It can be nothing more than a shell game for the elite to restructure their asset portfolios. Somehow those behind it try to portray it as though it were some revolutionary new vision of a better world. But of course they are still going to be in charge! Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Yet the world is in such a miserable, ruinous state precisely because of these people and the disproportionate power they wield.

The most notorious piece of information to come out of the Great Reset meme was the now infamous "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy." and the video showing the soulless regulated Brave New World they envision. The effect of this phrase was for people to read it not as a prediction, but as a dictate. You WILL own nothing, slave! And this really tipped their hand. They cannot think in terms of anything but their own self-benefit, and they can't help but reveal this.

>> No.17885665

those are the minority and you were talking that the majority doesn't deserve compassion and should be killed. again what are your scriptures? you were advocating for mass extermination/depopulation and talk about others being evil? how are you any different?

im a third worlder. no refugees in here.

>> No.17885666

the thing about modern day capitalism isn't that it limits wwhat kind of art is acceptable like the soviets and nazi's did, it commodifies opposition

>> No.17885671

>my will

ok liberal

>> No.17885672

he's different because he's murdering murderers. two negatives make a positive

>> No.17885680

>those are the minority
Not anymore.
Realistically speaking, most people should be sterilized, not necessarily outright killed, because it is hard to tell if they are good or bad. It is easier to do that and the problem fixes itself in one generation.

>> No.17885681

yeah and he is the kind of contemplative person who wishes for material transformation of the world which is the opposite of a contemplative person. there's no contemplative who cares for politics.

>> No.17885693

Tbh, it's best if all of mankind just goes extinct. Birds will speciate and become better anyways. For example, crows already have technological evolution, and they have more tight-knit families and an impressive moral compass. I think they deserve to be inheritors of the Earth instead of humanity.
Humanity has failed, so something drastic has to be done in the future, like massive sterilization campaigns.

>> No.17885700

>oh no, not the hecking doggorino
who fucking cares if they eat dogs

>> No.17885705

I mean I agree but they cook them alive, it's fucked up. Then again we must consider the lobster ourselves I suppose.

>> No.17885710

its simple to tell if someone is good or bad. do they rape kids? yes? then they are bad. thus every billionaire and liberal should be executed. simple as. the ruling class is 100% pedophiles, humanity is doomed with these "people" in charge. simply remove them and boom, mankind is fixed

>> No.17885718

It's best for people to stop eating mammals and birds based on recent cognitive research.

>> No.17885719

all attempts of birth control/depopulation/extinction are satanic if you join the dots. many 'contactees' (ie people brainwashed by demons) propose the same thing. all in the name of 'nature'. you are unconsciously proposing the same demonic agenda.

nature exists for man only.

>> No.17885722

its simple to tell if an animal is good or bad. do they eat sheep? yes? then they are bad. thus every wolf and fox should be executed. simple as. the ruling species are 100% carnivores, sheepdom is doomed with these "animals" in charge. simply remove them and boom, sheepdom is fixed

>> No.17885734

so you are telling me we should eat the bugs?

>> No.17885742

>nature exists for man only.
No, this is what I consider the demonic Abrahamic trash worldview. I prefer World Economic Forum over you.

>> No.17885745

It's different for other animals because they are forced to engage in sacrifices to sustain themselves and their families. It doesn't have to be that way with people. For example, you can just eat the bugs instead.

>> No.17885749

slaughterhouses aren't known for being nice place either

>> No.17885777

Someone explain the checkerboard thing. Is it just duality? Good and evil/right and wrong?

>> No.17885783

yep, you'll eat a bullet too cracker

>> No.17885785

Why? Do you consider it evil for an animal to eat another animal? A necessary evil? Why did God even create carnivores?

>> No.17885804

yeah, im sure your misanthropic political view of nature above mankind is more noble and not purely based on sentimentality

im vegetarian and love animals but i always see how degenerate environmentalists and the like are. they invert the pyramid of being on pure resentment. they are revolutionaries who were not loved enough --- they hate themselves and others too by consequence. they cannot give love since they do not possess it. so they put animals above mankind. this is their ideal, a projected sentimentality on animals. this is the misanthropic man who claims to love nature

>> No.17885805

Because creation involved a conflict between the benevolent and malevolent spirit, which led to formation of the world. In between that conflict is an endless cycle of sacrifice. The problem with modern mankind is "oversacrifice". With oversacrifice comes indulgence, laziness, hedonism, and lack of contemplation. This is why eating the bugs and massive depopulation are needed so mankind can learn to only sacrifice as much as needed to survive.
When a fox kills a rabbit, it is typically done to feed themselves or family. It is rarely done without an intent. The sacrifice is understandable in that context.

>> No.17885821

You don't eat dogs for the same reason you don't eat rodents and carrion birds.

>> No.17885824

Humanism is pretty gay. There are of course noble men like myself whose life matters.

>> No.17885825

Yeah man when I hit up the burger king it really fucks me up when they drop the whole cow in a wok like right in front of me.

>> No.17885831

Oversacrifice in mankind began with agriculture and pastoralism. The hunter gatherer is the only human who behaves in the way the animal does, or at least the most similarly. If God created man he gave him dominion over the natural world.

>> No.17885832

Cows are very noble and innocent creatures. It is better to eat bugs, fish, or niggers instead.

>> No.17885843

Agriculture can work with permaculture techniques. I recommend reading Bill Mollison or others similr to him.
Mankind is supposed to be a co-worker with God in helping nature, not living above it. Abrahamists are the real devil worshipers.

>> No.17885844

ok now refrain from posting until you have grown out of this edgy phase ok go watch cartoon network

>> No.17885849

I will help program microcontrollers and complex ML algorithms to help bring forth to World Economic Forum's dream of global governance. You will eat the bugs, Mudslime/Christcuck/kike (whichever you are).

>> No.17885858

cry about it nigcel

>> No.17885865

Nature does not need man's help, and it isn't a harmonious system, it is a bloodbath. Man's dominion over nature doesn't alter its essence, it only allows him to redirect its trajectories.

>> No.17885867

mankind is above nature on an ontological level. of course it is supposed to take good care for the garden of God, this is explicit in creation. again: how would one love God and not love all of His creation? still any man is worth more than one thousand lions

>> No.17885871
File: 77 KB, 800x510, eat-the-bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will eat the bugs and learn to help replenish nature rather than falsely see yourself above it.

>> No.17885875

Check out Robert Bresson's The Devil, Probably. Mankind helps increase the bloodbath. Nature has both periods of peace/tranquility and bloodbath. Arguing it is either one of those purely is disingenuous, but mankind has done a very good job of increasing the bloodbath like destroy ancient indigenous forests. For example, I read most of Japan's ancient forests were destroyed due to war.

>> No.17885878

You will eat my cum and learn to help replenish my balls rather than falsely see yourself above them, kitten.

>> No.17885883

The first step is to destroy all of you Abrahamists. If I was the rightful king of my ancestral country, the first thing I would do is slaughter every single last Christian, Muslim, and Jew. Buddhists, Hindus, and a few others can stay.
All Abrahamists will go to hell.

>> No.17885886

Okay, if it's war you want, the it's war you will have. I will reclaim my ancestral country and destroy all of your so-called holy sites. Not a single Christcuck, Mudslime, or kike will be left alive. I will consult with the World Economic Forum and have them back me too. Let me find Klaus Schwab's email.

>> No.17885893
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That anon is very cynical and harsh but don’t forget the story of Noah and the flood. It’s an unhealthy attitude when I indulge in it too much but I honestly also feel a sort of twisted relief over the upcoming Armageddon/depopulation planned by the elites.

>> No.17885906

are you even aware hindus still practice animal sacrifice? this is how clueless you are on world religions.

>> No.17885912

And the red tree forests in USA. Protecting ancient forests is very important, but in many instances, it is too late now so we need massive depopulation.

>> No.17885922

A lot of their strands will be eliminated, but some of them encourage ahimsa.
I honestly don't see what's wrong with making people eat bugs and working to protect native habitats, which is one of the goals of world Economic Forum. I am not sure if they are sincere though.
I don't see the problem?

>> No.17885923

You can't grow crops without destroying natural habitats.

>> No.17885935

With a sustainable human population, you can do it in a way that doesn't cause harm to the natural habitat.

>> No.17885955

you are clown bro. you talk about ahimsa while shitposting about killing humans in defense of animals. im tired of your jests i gtg

>> No.17885991

This guy is insane lmao

>> No.17886007

You have to literally destroy a portion of natural habitat to use as your field. If you want to have any sort of technology you also need to cut trees, mine ore, etc. Ever since man created civilization he has been destroying and altering natural habitats.

>> No.17886035

With a small population, it can be done in a way that doesn't destroy too much. You just have to be self-conscious of what you do. Some sacrifice is necessary but not to the extent of destroying ancient forests or trees

>> No.17886050

>Bill Gates legitimately believes through some convoluted reasoning that killing off half of people or implanting chips into your ass is somehow not only a great idea but something that would make him the biggest hero in human history.
If Bill Gates is serious about his environmentalism, then he is truly a good man who I would most definitely help. If I had power, I would do much of the same as him.

>> No.17886071

my balls slanging so low right now. nice and vinegary just for you babe.

>> No.17886090

You have the mind of a nigger bonobo.

>> No.17886259
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>those sacred digits
Yes, but in the end they are both part of the same board

>> No.17886985

What happens if I buy this book? Will I get whitelisted?

I just want my big anime titties like the ones in this anon's >>17878771 to not go away.