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File: 57 KB, 700x562, human condition 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17875763 No.17875763[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How should I live life if I'm a gay? Any books for this?

>> No.17875917

yes and if youre cute date me :3

>> No.17875944

Homosexuality isn’t a thing, you just have a fetish for taking it up the ass. Learn the difference between lust and Love.

>> No.17875949

choose renunciation. Retain your seed and use the energy and the cleared conscious to better the world. This is why God gave you this gift. Don't waste it on cooming into men. Have meaningful platonic relationships instead. Godspeed

>> No.17875956


>> No.17875957

Do the same things as anyone else except fucking men?

>> No.17875988

take female hormones

>> No.17876047


>> No.17876094

That's degenerate though and if I want to be based and redpilled I have to be a volcel my entire life or spend my entire life in a false damaged marriage.

>> No.17876107

Ween yourself off of it with something else like bestiality or some kind of needlework

>> No.17876110

do not put things in your anus

>> No.17876115


>> No.17876117
File: 18 KB, 300x480, fist-me-the-complete-guide-to-fisting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prolly this

>> No.17876123


>> No.17876147

you shouldnt live. kys.

>> No.17876164

How would you know that it will be false and damaged? I'm not saying that it wouldn't be but our whole insight into the matter comes from leftist media whichi would proclaim that whether it were true or not. If you would actually measure the happiness of homosexuals who have taken these different paths I'm really not sure how that would turn out. The life of the average man living out his homosexuality basically seems to end at 50, then there's just loneliness and a history of what look like purely sexual relationships. That seems horrible.

>> No.17876179

How do you know you're gay?

>> No.17876216

I have an attraction strictly for men that has never went away.

>> No.17876263

>The life of the average man living out his homosexuality basically seems to end at 50

more like 30

>> No.17876441

you should move this to the /QTDDTOT/ general so that less trolls see it, someone there might actually have an answer as well

>> No.17876544

Biography of Red by Ann Carson
Minotaur Hotel as well

Velvet Rage
You can skip Androphilia as well as everything else by that author, his ideas just aren't compelling.

If you want to be totally destroyed, read A Little Piece of Heaven.

>> No.17876580

Go fuck some ass, retard.

>> No.17876595

The thing about being gay is that you don't need to follow the same life path as a straight male. You don't need to get married and have kids. You can choose it if you want it, and either find another man or a woman (whose life you will ruin if you don't love her or address her sexual needs) to build a family with. But you can also choose to devote your life to literally anything without as much internal pressure to follow the prescribed life of a straight man. If you don't have children, you will easily have a lot more time and money to do whatever you want - pursue hobbies, go traveling, start a business, become the best in your profession. If you don't have a strong sex drive and don't feel any comfort from getting involved in gay culture, this has some pros and cons. The pros being that you can forge your own path in life as a free man, the cons that you might be unwittingly rejecting and anesthetizing a part of your own human needs for intimacy and belonging - but maybe you can find a different way to satisfy that.

>> No.17876603

What gave you the idea you have to live life a certain way due to being gay? Like, what, you can't go to the grocery store like a heterosexual?

>> No.17876614

Read Rimbaud and Plato.

>> No.17876618

Were you molested when young?

>> No.17876632


>> No.17876669


>> No.17876705
File: 56 KB, 326x500, confessions-of-a-mask-yukio-mishima-D_NQ_NP_868137-MLU29603323253_032019-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally me, so what I decided to do is to become somekind of Mishima and sublimate those desires through art and bodybuilding.

>> No.17876881
File: 52 KB, 700x933, sepuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because I can't stand him now, but Andrew Sullivan's book "Virtually Normal" had an influence on me because he straight up talks about the beauty in it and how it's good, which is something I needed to hear at the time.

I think the club scene with its airheaded scene boys gets old really fast. Some people find ways to escape into art (I like Paul Sepuya) and aesthetic structures, or their careers, because you normally feel out of sync in some strange way. My politics are the opposite of Mishima's but you can't say he didn't write some great novels. Then you have some rare gems like Glenn Greenwald whose whole ethos is rebelling against being told he was disordered and wrong as a young man, so he has dedicated his life to be like "no, YOU'RE WRONG" whether as a debate kid in college turned lawyer turned journalist and being in your face about it. He's like Magneto.

I also love the beauty of a Russian chick in drag makeup singing about their army, because what seems gay to us isn't gay at all to Russians.


>> No.17876969

Also since I posted something Russian, I have to post something Chinese.


Me, watching this: Gay men are responsible for this. There's no way straight people could come up with a stage design and aesthetic structure this good. It's impossible.

>> No.17877067
File: 130 KB, 300x300, IanMcKellen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's deeper and more philosophical than how you shop for groceries. Gay men struggle with how to make sense of the world on a conceptual level, in art and drama and so forth. What's also sublimated and repressed is that we're basically Holocaust survivors, straight up 1/3 of us died in the 80s and early 90s, Black Death level death rates, it was the apocalypse, so there's a lack of older men who we can look up to and imagine what we're going to be like when we're old. It's an unknown and that can be scary, and people deal with it in different ways.

I believe people are strong though and they have an inner courage, and inner beauty. I think most people have that. How do we tap into that, and find our own? How do we help bring that out in others?

>> No.17877078

Then find a nice man and settle down with him. Don't lead a profligate life. You could be like Gore Vidal. He lived with a man and loved him but remained celibate.

>> No.17877101

You should kys

>> No.17877202

Imagine fucking a guy in the ass and he farts... and he eat beans before... like wtf, that shit is just disgusting and really bestial.


I can still understand if you find the male sex attractive in terms of appearance, there is actually nothing wrong with that, but how can you explain that you also develop a preference for the anus on the side? THE GODDAMED ANUS, WHICH STINKS AND WHERE POOP COMES OUT!

I accidentally clicked on a video a few months ago, I think in a series or something, and saw a scene where the sex act between two men was carried out, it directly traumatized me.

Something seems to be really wrong in this world. I don't know, it triggers a deep sad feeling in me, knowing that there are so many fucked up freaks and bad people with negative energy who are totally inconsiderate. And the world pretends that everything is normal and that these criminals are good people. While other people get sick in the head as a result. And endure all this shit and get a black soul from it. Where you have to make the greatest effort, that despite everything, you try to be a good person and fight against seeing only the bad in people and try to tolerate everything that happens in the world.

>> No.17877205

You’ll be the exact same but older. I don’t see how you can have a role model for fucking other men in the arse. Either you do it or don’t. Get married or stick with one night stands. It doesn’t matter

What you actually need are role models in relation to a profession, not your sexuality

>> No.17877215

Reading this book was almost disturbing because it was a word for word description of my sexual maturation. I had the same coomer obsession with knights and martyrs, the same weird sadomasochistic schoolboy crushes, the same overly complex pseudo-relationships with women.
>t. gay sadist forced into volceldom because nothing that makes me coom is legal or moral
At least Mishima inspired me to start lifting heavy objects to make the bad feelings go away.

>> No.17877259

There is no such thing as gay sex, these people dont have sex they virtue signal and engage in shrill politically correct activities at the behest of george soros, bill nye the science guy and the democratic party. Its purely sanctimonious and ideological and devoid of anything resembling eroticism

>> No.17877387

anon here - btw, this post shouldn't be an insult to gays. I guess it's more of a manifestation of my own failure in life. gays can call me a loser too, idfc. Everyone can think of me what they want.
But I wouldn't call myself a loser and I don't think anyone should see themselves as a loser. Great...

>> No.17877390

Women are the gateway to the future because they'll give you a family. children are the future as they say. If these things represent time to man... and time is being according to Heidegger... Are homosexuals even conscious?

>> No.17877393

There’s others ways of perceiving the passage of time than having children you know

>> No.17877396

Can you prove that homosexuals are conscious?

>> No.17877399

are faggot conscious diminishing beings?

>> No.17877405

as a gay I actually don't understand anal either. I just want to suck cock and snuggle

>> No.17877404

Gay sex isn't sex and men don't have to get married and start families.

>> No.17877406

Don't be a annoying fag that displays his shame for everyone to see, that is it. I don't give a fuck what you do in private.

>> No.17877426

You should write this down and use it in your work.

>> No.17877435

I will
hold hands with a cute boy in public and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.17877437

I’m trans btw

>> No.17877562

I once saw a rotten fetus come out of a woman's pussy. It had died inside and she waited for several weeks to deliver it. By the time we got it out, its brain had liquified and its skin was peeling off like a corpse that's been lying in water for a while. The whole hospital ward smelled like rotten flesh for the rest of the day. So yeah, I'd rather deal with a fart.

>> No.17877619

Don't buy into dumb identity memes like "gay" and don't lust after literal shit holes. Or do I don't care. Be as vapid as you want.

>> No.17877645

There are actually a lot of gays that feel this way


>> No.17877672

>Gay sex isn't sex
According to who? You? Sex is not a purely reproductive act. It is also a social act, and this is actually a significant part of what differentiates us from less intelligent animals and promotes complex social behaviour among humans. Is anal sex among men and women considered sex in your world? Is oral sex considered sex in your world? Probably not, probably just sex in the missionary position solely for reproduction?

>men don't have to get married and start families
The default life of a straight man is to fall in love with a female partner, get married, and have children. That is the story that is told in public culture. That is the expectation of their parents, siblings, friends - that they are looking to accomplish this sort of life one day. Failing at it, or not wanting it, or living a variation of it, would be considered a strange or negative outcome. Things might be different if public culture in the western world did not acknowledge a place in public life for the existence of gay men (as some cultures do not), and tried to encourage all men to get married and reproduce. But that is not the case, so gay men have a different story to live out. Usually involving "coming out", and then some sort of acceptance of their identity. But not much else. Sure, you can accept the club scene and easy sex and campy stereotypes as being the default, but my argument would be that there is nothing about this that is unique to all gay people. Populations of straight people also drink, party, have a lot of meaningless sex, and have frivolous, annoying, outgoing personalities. Many gay people don't engage in the club scene or the broader gay subculture. So this leaves gay men with serious questions to answer about the kind of life they want to live, and how they can find a place in society where they are accepted.

>> No.17877676

>How should I live life if I'm a gay? Any books for this?
Imagine if someone made a similar thread for pedophilia.

>> No.17877678

That's 10% of the threads on this shithole board already, faggot.

>> No.17877784

yes, I can imagine that. It would be kind of weird if nobody noticed that something weird is going on. It goes without saying that one then looks for a solution. I mean, women also like to be taken from behind and they have their own tricks. but it would be strange if you had to take an enema every day or what do I know how they do it. anyways...

>> No.17877810

You are a piece of shit strawmanning pomo nigger faggot and you're also a fucking pseud.

>> No.17877821


>> No.17877898

You're not saying anything. I have to fill the blanks by extrapolating your obvious retardation.

>> No.17877923

>stop consuming porn for a week
>stop being a gay
many such cases

>> No.17878373

Are you trying to imply that someone associated with "the human condition" trilogy was gay?