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/lit/ - Literature

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17873136 No.17873136[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So summer's coming up /lit/, what book will you be reading while you snuggle up with your gf under a parasol on hot summer days?

>> No.17873144

What a cutie

>> No.17873147


>> No.17873150


>> No.17873155

Face worth a slap

>> No.17873159

Imagine being so far gone than your first reflex when you see a cute girl is to think of black dicks. I pity you.

>> No.17873164


Nick Lang.

>> No.17873172

Cope. You need voluntary wyboi disposal.

>> No.17873179

vile anglo eyes

>> No.17873180

Do you also think about dicks when you see your mother?

>> No.17873186
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I was in a great mood until you reminded me I am alone

>> No.17873192 [DELETED] 


>> No.17873200

Yeah, I’m thinking bbc.

>> No.17873210

Reading while being snuggled up to someone is uncomfortable and distracting.

>> No.17873211

Just imagine loving a self absorbed mindless woman. I rather have lit bros under my parasol (no homo).

>> No.17873224

This girl approaches a romantic ideal. I pray for her happiness and innocence,

>> No.17873239

Imagine thinking that girl like this could be satisfied with anything but a poweful ebonic phallus.

>> No.17873249

That's all women. They are what they are and there's no blame in loving them for it, or in spite of it.

What you resent is the political power jews have welded to their basest impulses. Which is a correct loathing.

>> No.17873258

Kikes will be silent or they will be exterminated. Meditate on this.

>> No.17873261
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wow, such an organic thread

>> No.17873269

I'm sure your future girl"friend" won't mind a feeble inexperienced 6 incher ;)

>> No.17873275

I've been married for 15 years.

>> No.17873280
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>I've been married for 15 years.

>> No.17873283

Anyone have her nudes or know where I can find more pictures of her?

>> No.17873289

"lol" literally.

Ask me how I know you're jewish.

We both know. I want you to explain to the class.

>> No.17873316

> do not judge someone for what they are.
Retard. Women are for breeding. There is no reason to waste time loving a woman. A man should reserve his love for God and country.

>> No.17873323

Just think of her as an ideal to strive for as you improve your body and mind.

You may never capture this perfect moment of a 9.5/10 brunette on a boat in Venice ready to fall into your arms, but you will end up with something you're well content with.

You're agreeing with me. A man is large enough to love all three.

>> No.17873331

>but you will end up with something you're well content with
Masturbating to women who look like this?

>> No.17873333

I don't snuggle in the summer

>> No.17873338

lmao easy tiger

>> No.17873349

No. You're not content with that.

The beauty of a woman is both material and spiritual. You know it when you see it.

>> No.17873386

How do you meet a woman like this? Is it achievable if you have no friends and just your books as your friends?

>> No.17873395

See: >>17873239

>> No.17873396

go to uni

>> No.17873412

>on a boat

Imagine giving people advice while not immediately deciphering this BBC PAWG is standing on a bridge.

>> No.17873425

What to do if you've already received your Bachelor's, Master's, and are now doing your PhD? Is all hope truly lost?

>> No.17873430

>No summer
>No gf

Probably textbooks.

>> No.17873444

why, are you at a boys-only school? if not talk to some fucking girls man

>> No.17873448

Freshman year of college is the last opportunity to lose your incel status, and even at that point it may be too late because you've missed the crucial social and sexual development in high school.

Not to force blackpills down your throat Anon but the boat sailed half a decade ago.

>> No.17873451

Finishing the rest of Dostoevsky's great novels, The Idiot, Demons and Brothers K.

>> No.17873452

Haha, yeah how could I have been so stupid...just talk to a girl...

>> No.17873453

Ask me how I know you're jewish.

>> No.17873459

you have to give something to get something back.

>> No.17873460
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This, she's the middle class oneitis you meet in uni. She dates only from there too. May have issues that are concealed due to her upbringing and manners.

>> No.17873472

As a TA your access to confused undergrads is unlimited.

>> No.17873483

I've noticed this. Many freshman students have a clear attraction to me, but that is an ethical nightmare to take advantage of that. I'd rather not be shamefully expelled from my program.

>> No.17873502


If you aren't married at age 12 it's pretty much a done deal my friend.

>> No.17873509

i know it's difficult, it was for me as well until one day i went ahead and just acted like someone else (i.e. didn't have to be "me"). try being a fun, curious, encouraging and easygoing person instead of a meek wittle mouse. it feels good

might help to have a few brews before but this is the best advice i can give ya

>> No.17873541

Just looked it up. It’s an A*glo woman. The BBC shills can fuck off though her instagram is 100% white.

>> No.17873546

drop insta now

>> No.17873568


>> No.17873601
File: 27 KB, 300x193, thumb_apu-apustaja-help-helper-greeting-cards-by-regseh-redbubble-48830318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros...she's studying early modern literature at Oxford

>> No.17873609

Kill yourselves simps, now

>> No.17873623
File: 272 KB, 1220x2048, EqmTVzpXEAMJ6OA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and le edgy ironyfash w/ catholic overtones

a /lit/ard's dream

>> No.17873653

>tfw no emo Anglo Catholic gf

>> No.17873683


>> No.17873701

If you don't kys now, some used up 5/10 will tie you down with her loose roastbeef well past Tinder expiration date and you'll spend the rest of your life in humiliating submission to her whims.

Trust me, kys.

>> No.17873702

I will read alone on the beach Purgatorio by Dante

>> No.17873829

>Many freshman students have a clear attraction to me, but that is an ethical nightmare to take advantage of that.

Yea.. that would be terrible....

>> No.17873869
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Fuck you Anon i don't come her to be reminded that I'm alone

>> No.17873892

The attraction isn't sincere though. They only feel attracted because you are slightly older than them and you hold power over them. This combination is deadly to a femoid. You're basically the age of their ideal male and they like the idea that you "control" their grade. That's literally it. They aren't actually attracted to you, but the idea of you and what you stand for.

>> No.17874089



>> No.17874133

posting a female isn't automatically jezebelposting you horny cunt

>> No.17874151
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It is if you're a straight man. That has always been the definition. Don't post again.

>> No.17874158

get your dick in order fella

>> No.17874173

I told you not to post again!

>> No.17874269

Reading is best done alone, Anon. You're not missing out.

>> No.17874278

>tfw spent summer two years back with GF and sister in Venice
take me back to before corona