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17873667 No.17873667[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books that talk about the pipeline of internet memes from the chans to eventual corporate/government usage?

>> No.17873674


>> No.17873677

4chan -> Reddit -> Twitter -> corporations

Giving internet access to normalniggers was a mistake

>> No.17873693

Nooo not gigachad

>> No.17873695


>> No.17873699
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‘jak is still ours.

>> No.17873710

Gigachad always seemed a little bit too much like advertising to me. It's funny when you pair him with something absurd, but mostly what I see is just people attaching the image to their opinions in a post-ironic sense.

This is why Pepe is one of the best memes, he is intrinsically ugly and weird which is a massive barrier to npc appropriation, you have to consciously associate yourself with being a loser, even if only in playful self-deprecation. It was amusing when some shill org made Biden Pepe memes and turned him into a green chadface, utterly missing the point.

>> No.17873714

Actually what happens is a 4channer or a Reddit poacher gets assigned as the lackey who runs the PR twitter account. So they market towards zoomers to build a "lifelong" customer base. Naturally they use the latest memes and tiktoks to lure children in to buying their brand or becoming brand loyal.
>Woah Autozone knows about Gigachad!? I HAVE to shop there for my auto needs! They are much more based than that dumb virgin O'Reilly's or the chudcel Advanced Auto Parts
Admit it, something akin to this briefly flashed through your mind.

>> No.17873720

this, i am weeping.

but unironically

>> No.17873725

R*ddit is no longer in the loops since it became a full-on propaganda arm. It's just 4chan -> Twitter

>> No.17873726

Kek I remember Green Biden. So obviously a shill op, the memes where he put Trump voters into GULAGs and day of the roped them were still kinda funny though.

>> No.17873733
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Bros...it's fake!
Why would someone fake this?

>> No.17873736
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Someone is trying to assassinate gigachad

>> No.17873737
File: 271 KB, 715x895, F239F6FA-6255-4642-94F4-F43AAFE81AB2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why Pepe is one of the best memes, he is intrinsically ugly and weird which is a massive barrier to npc appropriation, you have to consciously associate yourself with being a loser, even if only in playful self-deprecation.
I somewhat disagree with your phenominal distinction i think there is an essential aspect of absurdity in gigachads perfection. i remember when it was new and asking if this was a real human being or a 3d model. there is still an essential quality of over perfection that prevents it from being normalized and keeps it essentially absurdist. even when there is sincerity in that absurdness. its just to the other extreme of pepe.

>> No.17873740

Well the function of memes to begin with is to get people to cope with current society, so it's not really surprising that it gets apprioriated by capital.

>> No.17873745

nah, i disagree, always felt synthetic to me. they used jojoaesthetic and very “out” memes.

>> No.17873747

Glad it's finally happening. Gigachad was never funny and it is as if it was created with the explicit purpose of shilling and making certain opinions more common.

>> No.17873751

Pepe is a hate symbol used by white supremacists. If they can't appropriate it they cancel it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepe_the_Frog

>> No.17873761

Apu > Pepe

>> No.17873762

They were funny, but they would have been 10 times funnier if Biden were shown as the bumbling slide into dementia he is in reality, but they are obviously not allowed to notice or say that. Having this guy who is literally falling apart and clueless gulaging people is intrinsically funnier than some stock chad caricature, because it subverts the inevitable criticism of him, 'so what if he's senile, he can still gulag you'. If you lie outright about what he is then it just comes off as weak regime propaganda vulnerable to anyone who points out the truth.

>> No.17873763
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OP didn't say it was surprising pseud

>> No.17873765
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>> No.17873768

>Biden were shown as the bumbling slide into dementia he is in reality
That's now how memes work retard. You don't make _your guy_ look bad. But their aesthetic was all fucked anyway because you need sincerity to meme

>> No.17873776

Why is his nose nearly flat? What ethnicity is he?

>> No.17873778

because corporations notice the kind of memes normalcattle uses on twatter and tries to fit in

>> No.17873786

The main barrier to gigachad normalization is that he is hypermasculine to the point that his mere appearance somehow makes you think about patriarchy. But despite feminist socialization people still basically are instinctively admiring of very masculine men so it's not that powerful a barrier.

normies are well acquainted with absurd overstatement, it doesn't stop them. the doge meme of the gigachad doge vs the weak doge is a normie favorite along similar lines

>> No.17873791

He always looked like a deformed monster

>> No.17873797

>That's now how memes work retard. You don't make _your guy_ look bad
yes it is you just, like you said have to make it
> sincere
you just your “bad” look flippent. like how people hooked on to trumpo’s impropriety and shit.

>> No.17873800

Once a meme leaps from 4chan to another platform, it is dead.

>> No.17873803

memes have to be honest to work properly. pro-Trump memes didn't hide the fact that he is crude, vulgar, and speaks like a 10 year old. They took his most ludicrous statements and facial expressions and subverted the expectation of scorn

>> No.17873823
File: 2.51 MB, 2500x2697, moggy mog world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute retard
the point of the gigachad meme which originated among incels on r9k was to show how what makes things "cool" is the looks of the person performing a certain action or expressing a certain opinion and not the action/opinion in itself

>> No.17873825

yes, but i wouldconsider that an offshoot. of course there are levels of normalization, doge is inoffensive enough for walmart too use, whil gc, like you said, in himself, is the personification of physiognomy.

>> No.17873833

It’s funny how many incel memes have been picked up by the mainstream. Chad, blackpill, white girls fuck dogs, etc

>> No.17873838

are you some boomer retard?
no that's literally one of the main points of memes is that you make the weak point of something it's strong point
it's like when some faggot posts a smug pepe who shits in his pants or on wojak

>> No.17873849

I found green Biden meme were funny because I interpreted them as purely ironic, they weren't made by Biden supporter, but only to make /pol/ seethe

>> No.17873850

Saving that pic, what's the story?

>> No.17873866

Well I don't care about whatever anime and videogames containment shitholes you browse, so excuse me for not knowing the origins of this meme.
I still do not see how what you said contradicts in any way what I posted, 'as if' does not mean I think the meme was made with the purpose of shilling, but it does lend itself well to be used that way.

>> No.17873874

>Pepe is one of the best memes, he is intrinsically ugly and weird which is a massive barrier to npc appropriation
Anon, Pepe has been appropriated by twitch ages ago

>> No.17873891

tiktok->tranny discord->4chan->Titter->4chan->Reddit->4chan->corporations->4chan

>> No.17873893

Finnegan’s wake

>> No.17873897


>> No.17873906

the pajeet manlet and the nordic giant are carnivore activists and the slavic looking roider is a vegan activist

>> No.17873907

only just beginning

>> No.17873919

normie use of pepe always carries at least a small hint of dissension, you literally cannot use the meme in the npc manner of 'must believe thing because high status'. Even when Niki Minaj posted a pepe she was shitting on herself, she was mocking her own softcore pornography and attention whoring

>> No.17873936

It was the last online community that put out consistent original content for ages. That level of creative productivity reminded me of 00's internet, before everything got homogenized.

>> No.17873937

Doesn't mean you portray Biden as a bumbling retard sliding into dementia. It's like making Trump memes where he's obese. That's now it works

>> No.17873938

because the point of the meme is literally
>[insert retarded opinion/action]
>but it's gigachad doing it so it's cool
not about shilling something

>> No.17873957

The "pajeet" is an Israeli.

>> No.17873963
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>It's like making Trump memes where he's obese. >That's now it works
>itt boomer still doesn't get the point of memes

>> No.17873970

You might have brain damage if you genuinely think that

>> No.17873986

no it was made by a twitter tranny and shilled on pol by a tranny discord
all true unironically, i'm not saying tranny just as a derogatory term btw

>> No.17873987
File: 27 KB, 1092x1037, 5845cd230b2a3b54fdbaecf7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is intrinsically ugly and weird

>> No.17873995

You think someone who would post an image like that has a fundamental understanding of differences in physiognomies ? He’s probably a tourist from Faceberg that’s the impression I get when I see that image

>> No.17873997

dont worry, you will get it someday

>> No.17874011

No I won’t.

>> No.17874023

This was true of the Hilldawg memes but not the Biden ones

>> No.17874027

It does mean that because that's clearly what he is. If you're a Democrat it literally doesn't matter, everyone knows he's just a figurehead anyway, so the best way to turn it around on the right is to mock them by agreeing with their criticism, and then showing the object of their criticism as having power over them. You don't even have to be consistent, you can claim the next moment he isn't actually senile, it's just a way to defuse the specific attack.

Why would anyone actually care if Biden is senile? It doesn't matter, pretending it matters means you have lost the plot, which is why normiecons obsessing over every time he trips or stumbles are doing the same thing the Dems did when they went into hysterics every time Trump said something rude.

Mass propaganda doesn't work this way, it is predicated on entire networks of lies and delusions, but memes work exactly by noticing discrepancies in those narratives, pointing out little uncomfortable truths, and then reframing them.

>> No.17874032

i believe in u (you)

>> No.17874040

>it was okay to make green Trump memes but not with Biden

>> No.17874049

no one said that.

what is your point here?

>> No.17874063
File: 82 KB, 1000x994, dfdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this meme and then look at the biden pepe meme

>> No.17874069
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>> No.17874070

It doesn't even have to be a poacher. Plenty of people with degrees in marketing or advertising grew up using 4chan, Reddit, etc. When these people get hired by a corporation, they don't suddenly become automatons. They see the demographics of the viewers of the twitter account and think, "Hey! That's also the primary demographic of 4chan." They hop on 4chan, ctrl+v a meme, then post it on Twitter.

Also, your reddit-tier psychological analysis is profound. Please post more.

>> No.17874078


>> No.17874079

This is more funny because it looks nothing like the real zombie

>> No.17874145

uh, I only saw them on pol thread on election night, I didn't know it's origin

>> No.17874168

same, but the use of jojo in late 2020 was more than telling. way past when it phased into the reddit/facebook sphere.

>> No.17874171

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>> No.17874250
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>> No.17874268
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>> No.17874311

you will never be a woman

>> No.17875001
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>ugly and weird

>> No.17875019

CIA -> 4chan/4channel -> twitter -> reddit -> corporations (CIA)

>> No.17875061


one is a populist, the other is decidedly anti-populist. populism is funny, democratic liberalism is gay and cringe

>> No.17875146

This is cringe why would leftists support neoliberal hegemony

>> No.17875156

people make memes, people work for corporations. It's not fucking hard idiot

>> No.17875158

based image

>> No.17875392

congrats on being a gullible retard

>> No.17875405
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Gondola remains pure

>> No.17875434

We haven't been relevant to memes in a decade. It's all reddit now and it's all connected

>> No.17875442

newfag detected

>> No.17875453
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>> No.17875460

Die newfaggot

>> No.17875468

whoops someone typed that on my behalf. Yeah Trump is just a neocon (zionist).

>> No.17875478
File: 20 KB, 426x304, 1460086449438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In 10 years
You're a fucking moron. Been here longer than you for sure you know nothing of what 4chan used to be like
>In 10 years
>In 10 years
Umad autismo boomer? Meet me in tomato town amogus okaybuddyretard?

>> No.17875496

You don't play Guilty Gear faggot

>> No.17875510

this is not literature

>> No.17875599

shut up fag