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17872860 No.17872860[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17872870

I drift along the water
And shed the weight of living
Submerged in moving matter
Caressed by swaying nature.
My face a falcon feather
With joy in every colour.
To live again allover
To make it somewhere else.

>> No.17872874

Big sex

>> No.17872907

So I can say anything off topic?

>> No.17872953
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As an Asian, I sometimes had this violent fantasy of some racist thugs (don't care about race) attacking me so I can have the pretense to murder them or at least make them grovel. More of an intrusive thought I'm having after seeing recent events.

>> No.17872972

tfw having to come to terms with the fact that my desire for a relationship is 100% fueled by memes and anime and is completely divorced from reality

>> No.17872975

Why did you make a new thread before the bump limit?

>> No.17872985

if you just walk around certain neighborhoods that will 100% happen to you, and they might even call you a racial slur while doing it, but it would be primarily just because you appear like a mark rather than their being particularly racist

>> No.17873028

Have you guys ever quit a job immediately after starting it?

>> No.17873050

you know the answer

>> No.17873122
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Was employed three times, managed to last six months, two weeks and three weeks. At 24, when most most normalfags are only beginning to get entangled in the career jew, I already knew what a life trap wagecuckery is.

NEET master race ever since.

>> No.17873137

Have you ever even encountered an actual racist? Aside from those people who just can’t be racist, I have not.

>> No.17873141

How do you get money?

>> No.17873142

I quit a job after 3 days.

>> No.17873152
File: 416 KB, 1000x1000, 1412250005457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom + NEETbux

>> No.17873468

Writing freelance for games isn’t really what I want to do. I want to write my own fiction. It also would be a even more of a time commitment over my day job, which would give me less time to write. But I wonder if taking this side job would help my writing overall.