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17872241 No.17872241 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody has been able to disprove me. Anything other than this is just malicious intent and psychopathy. This is the most objective way of living in a civilizational context. This will make every single race empathetic and remove all their traumas and suffering, everyone will be well-intended.
>Philosophy is the requirement for every civilization as no civilization can be created without symbols that unite it’s citizens to partake in the very same civilization, such that could be described as an ideology. Today we also use philosophy, although unknowingly to entertain a meaning of our life. For an example, a popular philosophy is that of authenticity which is derived from Existentialism. The problem is that philosophies are taken for granted and are not withstanding any scrutiny by it’s believers. That’s where the distinction begins. Philosophy, as it’s translation from ancient Greek is defined as love of wisdom. Following the meaning of the definition we come to the conclusion that you don’t actually love wisdom if you refuse to put everything through all forms of scrutiny as it exposes your unwillingness to find the truth and thus love of wisdom. This is the reason why we need to live in world wide philosophical societies, such that every human is able and required to fully contemplate their actions and it’s consequences. Without philosophy we cannot live in a coherent way in this construct we have as of now unless we have reached an objective truth or something absolute that can show us the perfect way to live. I label it as incoherent because in a society that doesn’t embrace philosophy instead forces us to rely on random cultural influence and biological determinism that accepts only basic emotions as truth which leads to chaotic, irrational and deadly actions. This is why we need to embrace living in a civilization and understand our duty of being philosophers. The only way to achieve this is by racially segregating people in the best climate for them. The very idea of ethnic diversity is flawed because it tries to mix people with very different features which creates unforeseen results and low trust societies. Through racial segregation people can become self-aware of their positive and negative ethnical and environmental qualities that prevent them from being philosophers, prevent unexpected behavior and strive to negate all negative qualities. For now, this sounds like the most reasonable and humane way to achieve world peace. In a world where people love wisdom and find their meaning of life by being philosophers who investigate the meaning of life and their problems while sharing it globally looks closer to virtuous living than in such that refuses to acknowledge it. Mandatory philosophical education for all ages that is focused on understanding and criticism is the most reasonable choice we can make in this age.

>> No.17872242

Easier to read here:

>> No.17872251

I wish I could be 13 again and think shit like this.

>> No.17872257

So you prefer to get raped and kill than to live in an utopia? Why are you like that? Is it a childhood trauma?

>> No.17872289
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Utopian civilization would be boring to the point of absolute purposelessness

>> No.17872305

What do you mean boring? People will be able to do the most interesting and important things in our lives, philosophy, science and art. You're clueless.

>> No.17872314

There is no such thing as Utopia, because it is suffering that gives life meaning, you deprive people of that then you end up with BNW. It’s human instinct, that were we to find ourselves in a “utopia” (really a covert dystopia) we would destroy it just so something interesting would happen, and perhaps in the chaos we’ll find a way to dominate our fellow man.

>> No.17872315

I do live in a utopia. It has one citizen, me. Everyone else is doing the raping and the killing all in the name of how they want and demand other people and society should be. I leave them alone, and happily they leave me alone. That's utopia. Expecting an ape species like humanity, who for the large part can barely wipe its own ass to take up philosophical life as a common ideal is not different than going to the zoo and expecting the monkeys to be rehearsing shakespeare instead of tossing their poo at each other an you. I have done the reading, from the classics to the modern. There is nothing there that can raise man from his muck and slime. A man raises himself or he remains where he belongs. Leave the wildlife alone, you rape it and kill it the more you try and improve it.

>> No.17872326

So you don't even know what an adaptation is...

>> No.17872335

Both uneducated and illiterate, a deadly combination.

>> No.17872337

If Utopia means the end of all forms of pain, maybe. But the idea that dying from disease or starving ever made life more meaningful is stupid. Plenty of people lead apparently meaningful lives without dying from random disease or starving to death.

>> No.17872352

An adaptation is when you grow up and stop thinking like an angsty teenager.

>> No.17872360
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Take ur meds

>> No.17872362

So you're both anti-intellectual and anti-science?

>> No.17872371
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>> No.17872378

>He thinks normies will cast away their basic way of thinking and become philosophers.
Utopias can't exist, rape and murder has and will exist as long as someone can commit them. How will you keep in check the philosophies that get created in these utopias and how will you keep in check the segregated societies/communities?

>> No.17872389

>extremely obtuse and pretentious racism-posting

Epic shit OP, you really showed me.

>> No.17872396

> How will you keep in check the philosophies that get created in these utopias and how will you keep in check the segregated societies/communities?
By pure reasoning.

>> No.17872404
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Fuck yeah I’m art hitler

>> No.17872408

You should get off the HRT.

>> No.17872425

And you should stop cloaking your desire to hang black people from trees in pathetic and meandering sophistry.

>> No.17872428

Have you tried to reason with the current philosophies and ideologies that plague society today? Have you tried to reason with warmongering leaders/countries? Some rainbow haired weirdo can just call you "chud" or "incel" and all your theories and reasoning will go down the toilet. Grow up, the world doesn't work on logic.

>> No.17872443

>desire to hang black people from trees
Are you mentally ill or just have a reading disability? My idea is the most empathic way of living for all races and people.
Because they are uneducated, traumatized or dishonest. This will change in a world where philosophy is the focus.

>> No.17872456

Salute Hitler

>> No.17872459

retarded statement that basically boils down
>people would rather do real thing than do not real thing

if you like faggy word games like this, try to disprove this one
>OP would rather prolapse his asshole and hang himself with his pink sock than make god reverse time and castrate his dad

>> No.17872464

Holy Based

Go shove logic up your ass, logic has never meant anything to anyone

>> No.17872468
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Impressive self-refutation, OP.
Let's add another unrelated pic to this trash fire.

>> No.17872477

>My idea is the most empathic way of living for all races and people.

Stop arguing in bad faith you faggot. We both know you don't give a shit about empathy.

>> No.17872481

> Philosophy will solve all our problems.

Wrong. There's just no way of making a happy story out of a creature that grows old and dies at the end. There will always be people who react terribly to our fate and become domineering monsters. The problem is, and always shall be, death. Christianity tried to solve this problem with Heaven, but people figured out the trick. Now there will be true hell to pay. The future is incredibly bleak. Unlesss someone figures out something that changes everything, we are doomed.

>> No.17872484

I mean that without tragedy, a bountiful harvest never comes and nothing flowers. Life only remains a seed because underlying all life is tragedy, a drive to bring it about or a drive to alleviate it, and if not in yourself than perhaps more importantly, in someone else. When we no longer want for anything, that’s when we’ll want the most.

Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. John 12:24

>> No.17872490

You can't change human nature. Who are you or anyone else to decide who's uneducated or illuminated, who's right or wrong, honest or dishonest. Even if philosophy is adopted by everyone people will keep being biased towards their own beliefs and even by pure reasoning you can hardly disprove some harmful ideologies. When you stop seeing the world as something binary you'll also probably stop making useless threads like this one on 4chuds.

>> No.17872498

Wrong, you don't even know what a causation is and how it works through history. Why are uneducated people so vocal?
>to anyone
Must be why you try to argue with me.
So you have nothing to say?
Nope, stop trying to project your sins on me. This is the most empathic way of living and all people will live in just societies unlike now.
No, there are countries and people that are more evolved, we just have to help the less evolved people to catch up.

>> No.17872507

Once again, you're a low class pleb who was conditioned to enjoy entertainment, not an argument. Philosophy, Art and Science are more interesting than being raped and killed.
>human nature
It's just low class people who got traumatized or are uneducated. It's why some countries have almost no corruptions, they are more evolved.

>> No.17872512
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>OP resorts to mass replies as he can't contain the butthurt
You failed to stay true to your own philosophy in a 4chan thread, where nothing but your ego is at stake: how do you expect your system to function in the real world?

>> No.17872513

>Both uneducated and illiterate, a deadly combination
How so?

>> No.17872518

Very poetic, but your flowery language betrays the simplicity of the situation. Man desires motion because stillness is how life experiences death. The man who "has everything" has nothing because he has no reason to move, i.e., he experiences living death. There are ways of embracing stillness (allegedly). The Buddhists call this reaching nirvana -- exiting existence.

>> No.17872520

>wrong because... causation!!!
fucking retard, how about this, prove to me that seeking utopia doesn't involve the raping and violation of people? can you prove that or are you gonna try some more college freshmen "rhetoric tricks"

>> No.17872521
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>"the problem is that people don't logically critique value judgements"
>operates by essentialism

>> No.17872539

>This is the most empathic way of living and all people will live in just societies unlike now.

History proves you wrong. Several nations in history were 99% or close to 99% ethnically homogenous and they were still poor shitholes anyway. There is nothing intrinsically good about ethnic homogenity, apart from the population being easier to control for a cynical elite.

>> No.17872543

WHAT? Why I reply to every single person, just in a single post, are you OK?
Because you base your ideas on assumptions of pop literature books.
>doesn't involve the raping and violation of people
Did you even read the short text, are you really making assumptions about a text you didn't even read?
>civilizational context
Why do you have hard time reading a simple text?

>> No.17872548

Bullshit, corruption is tied to how much a state is actively combating it not on how "evolved" its citizens are.
>traumatized or uneducated
Your idea of "educated" is how much someone is brainwashed in adopting the "right" values.

>> No.17872554

You're speaking on assumptions and don't acknowledge outsider influence or malicious intent. Once again, philosophy as a main objective will make every race noble.

>> No.17872556

nothing in your short text disproves me, did you even read what you wrote lmao

>> No.17872563

>Bullshit, corruption is tied to how much a state is actively combating it not on how "evolved" its citizens are.
And that is tied to the quality of the people from that country...
Must be why the opposite values are being forced on all people and I'm the outsider.

>> No.17872564

>Everyone works on LOGIC
>Then we fight over which axioms are true
Also how much logic do we need? Aristotelian? First order? Fuzzy?Infinitary ones?Modal?
What about those not smart enough to learn them?

>> No.17872566

>You're speaking on assumptions

I'm literally responding to your horseshit post. There is nothing "empathetic" about racial segregation.

>> No.17872567

>Because you base your ideas on assumptions of pop literature books.
Instead of calling someone uneducated, why don’t you actually formulate an argument, my belief is that Utopia will never and can never exist, because a Utopia runs counter to human nature. You say I only believe that because of “pop literature”, how I came to my belief or why I came to my belief isn’t important in this discussion, what’s important is WHAT I believe, so why don’t you tell why what I believe is wrong, where it is wrong and how am I wrong, and why I am wrong? Rather than just saying that I’m wrong without a reason faggot.

>> No.17872575

>Why I reply to every single person, just in a single post, are you OK?
Lurk more fgt

>> No.17872576

So you admit that you're a mentally ill person who can't follow a basic conversation? Racial segregation alone will stop all the human and drug trafficking in the world.

>> No.17872579

There is, read the post. Going to share another one if you have hard time with this one.

>> No.17872585

It's easier to respond this way, I assume you're just pretending to be retarded at this point.

>> No.17872601

You're not supposed to post just because it's easy, nigger.
Cramming five low effort, snarky, one-liner replies into a single post is only going to get you more insults hurled back at you, and you'll deserve all those insults for being a faggot who drags down the quality of discussion with your drive-by replies.
In conclusion, you're a retard and you should lurk more before attempting to contribute again.

>> No.17872605
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Stop self-promoting your blog you fucking homo.

>> No.17872608

so you admit you can't read?
you said "live in a utopia" and i'm essentially asking you to prove:
1) your utopia is a utopia
2) the method of achieving utopia will actually attain utopia
your short text is worthless because all you do is repeat your premise, it's one whole circular schizo post

the only way to actually prove either 1) or 2) is to give me historical examples of a utopia achieved, or in the event that you fail to provide, which is obviously what will happen, you must prove that raping and killing are actions that will not inevitably lead to utopia, which you won't be able to do either

>> No.17872624

Holy fuck this blog.

>> No.17872626

>snarky, one-liner replies
There is nothing more to be said, they don't even have the concentration to read a very short text.
I have been here longer than most of you have been alive, if anything I deserve it more than anyone else. But I'm starting to regret it since I just waste my time with people who don't even know basic concepts.

>> No.17872630

>Objective music in a civilizational context is music that would inspire people to better themselves while also is as intellectually stimulating as possible. The subjectivity claim is a dishonest one, that difference in taste assumes you can’t have an objective choice in a civilizational context. There is the assumption that if you don’t hurt other people everything you do is right which is made in bad faith because you can hurt people indirectly just as if you did directly, normalization of low culture is such. Popular music’s idea is that of self-indulgence, it’s a monologue that affirms itself. In contrast, art music is that of of self-denial, a dialogue in search for truth. The difference, for an example is that the logical conclusion to, Jazz as for now is Rap as the latter achieves quicker the direct feeling of carnal pleasure. A more complex genre of popular music gets deconstructed to reach its goal quicker. In contrast, the logical conclusion to classical music as for now is electroacoustic music as it amplifies the complexity. This shows us the harm of exposing people to popular music, at least before they are well versed in art music. They will be agitated and wired to become impulsive, self-indulgent and in conclusion anti-intellectual, it’s a silent war.

>> No.17872642

>if anything I deserve it

Nobody cares what you think you deserve, your arguments are shit.

>> No.17872646

>utopia is utopia
Yes, it focuses on self-perfection and truth.
>the method of achieving utopia will actually attain utopia
The method to achieve it is trough reasoning and understanding of it's importance.

>> No.17872658

So, I don't see what's wrong with it?
>your arguments are shit
Yet you can't disprove them?

>> No.17872667

>it focuses on self-perfection and truth.
it is the truth that utopia is a place where schizos like you are hanged and bred out of society, disprove this
>The method to achieve it is trough reasoning and understanding of it's importance.
>begging the question
max cringe, keep your schizo diary to yourself

>> No.17872669

OP meaning no disrespect but reading imageboards is not the equivalent of a proper education in philosophy.

>> No.17872699

>disprove this
I already disprove it when I explained how such societies would work. Just read the text...
>max cringe
>the equivalent of a proper education
Where did I said that? Are you going to engage with the topic or just came to stir shit?

>> No.17872716

You didn't say it anywhere, but from the posts on your blog its pretty clear your conception of pressing societal quandaries is almost entirely based off what you read on forums

>> No.17872730

>i don't know what begging the question means
even if you insist on restating your premise and passing it off as your argument, you didn't even disprove me. you keep begging me to read your faggy writing, and you didn't read the very direct attacks on your society, so i'm right and you're wrong by omission. so that means you have should give me your address so i can rape and kill you so humanity can achieve utopia. do you agree or disagree?

>> No.17872743

>other people don't deserve proper replies
>I deserve to use this board as my personal ad space
Good luck with that master plan, fag.

>> No.17872765

But I did...
>is almost entirely based off what you read on forums
Keep projecting, it's not an argument so I doesn't matter. I'm sure you will be very shocked to read primary sources for some of the "classics".
You're so ADHD-ridden that you can't even read a short text and just scream when people prove you wrong?
>don't deserve proper replies
I give them proper replies, the problem is there is not much to work with. You just love to twist the words of people you don't like.

>> No.17872868

It's a search for truth, there are no boundaries.

>> No.17872880

Once again, human nature is relative because you assume all humans are the same or that they can't adapt.

>> No.17872943

Yes, but what is your starting point? What are the axioms you will use? At some point you have to assume things are true, because logic cannot do that. The clearest example of this is mathematics. We have the ZFC axioms upon which the whole of mathematics is founded. They are axioms, things taken to be true, they are never proven inside of mathematics.
Logic is an extremely valuable tool, but it can't solve everything.

>> No.17873021

The idea is to question everything and not take anything for granted. You can make constructs since we are search for truth in the first place but they are going to be temporary and always at risk of being disproved.
>Logic is an extremely valuable tool, but it can't solve everything.
We can't know that yet and I also said that it's just a tool, you would have understood that if you bothered to read the text.

>> No.17873106


There are limits to what you can prove logically in axiomatic systems.

>> No.17873111

>nce again, you're a low class pleb who was conditioned to enjoy entertainment, not an argument. Philosophy, Art and Science are more interesting than being raped and killed.
I think you just got filtered, or didn’t actually read.

>> No.17873119

>There are ways of embracing stillness (allegedly).
Vehemently disagree and that’s why I think it didn’t betray anything.

>> No.17873165

We can't know for sure yet.
I'm very aware of what he was trying to say which is wrong because he doesn't acknowledge the cause of corruption and maliciousness. Not to talk that the whole dynamic of these societies would be very different to these we have now of predators and victims.

>> No.17873187

Gödel's theorems are proven in the actual (as in in use) ZFC axiomatic system. This puts a hard limit on what things you can say about certain axiomatic systems, in particular the ZFC is one of these systems. To solve this logically you would need to deduce a new axiomatic system that does not have this issue. But something that is deduced logically is not an axiom.
Do you see the issue now? Again, we are talking about maths because it's where it is the most easy to see this problem, but it's not hard to find situations like these in philosophy.

>> No.17873222

>But something that is deduced logically is not an axiom.
The problem is that you think we know enough to assume these axioms are the only ones or right at all.

>> No.17873253

No, I'm not debating that. I'm asking you how do you know those axioms are right? What you are trying to do is to prove that logic is right with logic. It makes no sense.

>> No.17873264

>I'm asking you how do you know those axioms are right?
I said that I don't, that's why we are trying to build constructs and map the reasoning.

>> No.17873310

You won't be able to. By definition. At some point you will have to invoke metaphysical principles or give up.
Besides, there's the point that not everybody is able to study things like logic.I'm actually a professor and have tutored people and some really don't have the intelligence required to learn some things.
t. STEMtard

>> No.17873318

>The only way to achieve this is by racially segregating people in the best climate for them. The very idea of ethnic diversity is flawed because it tries to mix people with very different features which creates unforeseen results and low trust societies. Through racial segregation people can become self-aware of their positive and negative ethnical and environmental qualities that prevent them from being philosophers, prevent unexpected behavior and strive to negate all negative qualities. For now, this sounds like the most reasonable and humane way to achieve world peace.
What ethnical and environmental qualities prevent people from becoming philosophers? How are these people supposed to act upon the awareness of their own ethnical and environmental deficiencies? To be frank, why not simply genocide all those people limited by ethnical deficiencies, like every other utopian enterprise?

>> No.17873364

>You won't be able to. By definition. At some point you will have to invoke metaphysical principles or give up.
That's assuming what you think is right in the first place, which we can't know yet.
>Besides, there's the point that not everybody is able to study things like logic.I'm actually a professor and have tutored people and some really don't have the intelligence required to learn some things.
I have never ever sad that all people are equal. The thing is that all people can adapt for it sooner or later and they will become better and even more so their lineages.

>> No.17873398

The level of smugness in this thread is nauseating. None of you know even a quarter of what you think you know.

>> No.17873420

>What ethnical and environmental qualities prevent people from becoming philosophers?
Impulsiveness, lack of prefrontal cortex, genetic memory, culturally genetic expression and hostile environments for an example.
>How are these people supposed to act upon the awareness of their own ethnical and environmental deficiencies?
To agree with it. There is nothing nefarious or malicious behind it for them to disagree with.
>To be frank, why not simply genocide all those people limited by ethnical deficiencies, like every other utopian enterprise?
Because it unethical, unlocks endless justifications based on assumptions and will not prevent the cycle of rises and falls of civilizations and ethics.

>> No.17873429


>> No.17873474

Chucklefuck, the masses are unwashed for a reason. They don't give a fuck about cultural pursuits; that's probably the most ridiculous shit in the Utopian framework, that the masses will revel in their newfound freedoms by...emulating the elite. In reality, they despise their social superiors and reject anything that may resemble it (middle class white aspirations and impoverished black aspirations are not copacetic, check the gini coefficient).

>> No.17873480

You are mistaken; These things aren't decided, they are observed.

>> No.17873508

The reason for that is that people were not industrialized, were more primitive back then and simply didn't have a good upbringing , nowadays they are not but we have introduced many other races which makes us start all over again which is not just wrong but always ends fatally.

>> No.17873574

You go around talking about how the philosophical life is the highest and best pursuit, only to turn around and force other people to live less than satisfactory lifestyles, and somehow genocide is, in your mind, the 'unethical' approach. Just as how the terminally ill are given the option of euthanasia, the terminally ignorant must likewise be allowed that same measure, especially since their ignorance is, according to you, a consequence of genetics, for which there is no cure but eugenics. Indeed, euthanasia ought to be forced on them, for the ignorant, by definition, can't think for themselves anyway. So what if it is 'unethical' - that's an statement with no significance, and you yourself admitted that ethics is fallible.

>> No.17873595

Like I said for the nth time, they can adapt for it as time goes on.

>> No.17873672

Why wait for the time when we can have a utopia here and now? Don't tell me you are letting your irrational sentiments get in the way of progress, my dear comrade.

>> No.17873678

It's all subjective.

>> No.17873684

Read Goethe and Steiner and Spengler retard

>> No.17873688

Because it won't be an utopia and it will make us depraved, I already gave you these examples which you refuse to acknowledge.

>> No.17873744

I am following your premises to the letter: eliminate all the unphilosophicals and you will have your utopia here and now, for the remaining population will thereby have the ability and the motive to fully contemplate their actions and it’s consequences.

>> No.17873777

Wrong, I especially mention that when we segregate it will be easier for us to help them.

>> No.17873865

Segregation is nothing but an unnecessary detour from our Utopia. When humans are capable of reproduction, why do we needlessly strive to help the dysgenic and preserve their life? Doing so shows a shocking disregard for the whole in favour of the part and is, dare I say, unphilosophical.

>> No.17873996

I explained that it will make us depraved and will continue the cycle of destruction.

>> No.17874057

To the contrary, eugenics makes the population pure, not depraved. Furthermore, this process will put a stop to all further destruction, for what else would need to be destroyed when everyone is all living philosophically?

>> No.17874143

Depraved is a state.

>> No.17874159

Yes, and?

>> No.17874210

It's the opposite of reasonable mind .

>> No.17874225

>OP is homocidal
>OP has fantasies about raping people
>OP says maybe racial segregation isn't 100% bad
now you think it's too far

Go back to the website you came here from.

>> No.17874257


>> No.17874272

I said it's what people prefer which is the opposite of my idea.

>> No.17874378

Glad that you agree.

>> No.17874901


>> No.17874961

You had me until the racial segregation. Even if I gave you race realism, There are plenty of examples throughout history of people in supposed alien environments (such as the Black samurai or other historical examples). That simple prekis renders your argument unsound. Therefore, you are filtered. Good day racist forehead.

>> No.17875112

That black samurai thing was affirmative action like all other.

>> No.17875197

You asserted this was the case but failed to demonstrate how the selective violence of the higher philosophical man clearing the board of the lower troglodytes will result in a state of 'depravity', whatever that means.

>> No.17875323

God bless 4chan. Only a discourse like this could occur here.

>> No.17875329

Because it's a strictly emotional and primitive thing that will traumatize you and normalize this behavior since it's irrational at it's core. It's why these people do it more in the first place.

>> No.17875372

I wish I could be three (3) again and think shit like this

>> No.17875404


Based and egoist pilled.

All my anxieties in the past (and they sometimes show up again) can be traced back to this idea; this sort of messianistic vision where I have to improve others or society. The only responsibility I have is myself, and the same hold true for everyone.

>> No.17875412
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>> No.17875424

You assert, but you do not demonstrate. How is it rational for Homo Superior to constrain its own flourishing utopia by conceding territory and resources to the reservations of Homo Inferior, and the material and energy to keep them from leaving the segregation they, by definition, will not believe in?
The reward for this obviously suboptimal behavior is supposedly that one day the unphilosophical man will one day evolve to become the equal of the other sort, but this is ridiculous and smacks too much of the sunk-cost fallacy.

>> No.17875444

>will not believe in
No, the idea is that they have to understand it first, it's not about forcing them but an agreement which they would love because it's the most positive thing they will experience.

>> No.17875467

>they have to understand it first
And what if they have no interest in understanding?

>> No.17875490

Such a possibility doesn't exist.

>> No.17875511

By the simple fact that philosophical man lives in utopia, and the unphilosophical man lives in something that is only as utopianic as is enforced on him by his betters the utopia is more desirable than the other. The ethnic gumbo of the modern world wasn't created through random motion, but by perceived self-interest by what you claim to be people who didn't know any better. Since what we are discussing are people who will continue to not know any better, and this ignorance is according to you a product of an inherent hereditary quality there will always be pressure for the one to move into the lands of the other, in same way there is now.

>> No.17875519

Where is the proof for this claim?

>> No.17875559

They will have the same education so no, they will become self-sufficient very quickly, this is how powerful philosophy is.
The proof is in the fact that they will have to engage with it because it's most important thing in our lives.

>> No.17875569

Educated by whom? Will it be emigres from the philosophical populations who spoil the ethnic purity of these enclaves and make self-sufficiency questionable from the beginning, or will the unevolved population just have these perfect teachers pop up in the morning like mushrooms?

>> No.17875585

There will literally always be a prole class. No human society will ever be able to escape from it, even once we reach the point of having to give people jobs for the sake of them having jobs (which, in certain fields, exists already).

>> No.17875589

The internet is already a very important part of our lives and so this will make sharing of information extremely easy. Why couldn't you just read the text instead of making assumptions about it?

>> No.17875593

>The proof is in the fact that they will have to engage with it because it's most important thing in our lives.
They cannot know this if they do not wish to understand.

>> No.17875614

>do not wish to understand
You can't refuse to engage with it because it will be the most important event in our history.

>> No.17875632

How can I know it is the most important event in human history, if I refuse any knowledge of it?

>> No.17875677

If you can acknowledge the food stamps deposit as an important event you will have no problem with this either.

>> No.17875689


>> No.17875703

>pimp my Reich

>> No.17875715

Because they are connected.

>> No.17875741

Okay, but why?

>> No.17875773

Because the whole structure of the system will be different and you will have to engage with the topic, opportunism and bad faith are not arguments.

>> No.17875802
File: 39 KB, 591x768, fyodor-dostoevsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Shower upon man every earthly blessing, drown him in bliss so that nothing but bubbles would dance on the surface of his bliss, as on a sea...and even then every man, out of sheer ingratitude, sheer libel, would play you some loathsome trick. He would even risk his cakes and would deliberately desire the most fatal rubbish, the most uneconomical absurdity, simply to introduce into all this positive rationality his fatal fantastic element...simply in order to prove to himself that men still are men and not piano keys."
The people with the safest, most chill lives also tend to be some of the most mentally ill. If people do not suffer, their brains will create the suffering for them.

>> No.17875823

Great, another person who has the attention span of zero. These societies are not going to be a daycare, hyper-intellectualism is gong to be normal.

>> No.17875875

If I am a man of the unwashed mass. Why am I assumed to be acting or be capable of reason or rationality?

>> No.17875901

Because you can still have enough cognition to understand simple concepts, if you refuse to or have a disability then you can't make any choices in the first place and you're dependent on the state.

>> No.17875916

Learn some basic html & css, form built websites have no soul

>> No.17875934

My idea is to present the information in a more easily readable format than what this site can present, everything more than that is just picture thinking and emotional attachment.

>> No.17875963

So when confronted with your vision, all will act rationally and accept it?

>> No.17875969

Immediate Gratification is The God of Humankind and other kinds.

>> No.17875998

Yes, no other system will be as empathic as this one.

>> No.17876018

Despite the fact that human nature has shown otherwise?

>> No.17876028

Trauma and mental disorders are not human nature by definition.

>> No.17876045

fucking anglos and their misusing of words
>human nature
there is not such a thing

>> No.17876057

>there is not such a thing
There is but it's not what people assume it is and it's relative to their genes and environmental influence.

>> No.17876072

That they may be, but, still. Humans do not always act in their best interests.

Your vision requires all humans to act firstly in their own best interests when present with your vision. Which there is a great deal of evidence they will not, even if it is in their best interests.

>> No.17876078

If after reading OP that's all you could come up with, then fret not, in a few decades you might reach that mental age you so desire.

>> No.17876102

Perhaps utopia would be a world with a better balance between suffering and happyness

>> No.17876121

>environmental influence
then it can not be natural per se as there can be artifical enviroments. Then we throw away the not-as-useful word "nature" for the more useful identity.
But now we may realize the existing conflict between the Crowd and the Individual.
While the Individual possess Human Identity, the Crowd is possessed by Mob Mentality.
Is Mob Mentality part of the Human Identity or just a biological mechanism of living beings outside of [insert species] identity?
then we ask
Is The Crowd moral?
then we may keep on asking the questions that have been directed to the Individual but rarely to the Crowd.
that's not Utopic, that's Harmonized.
Utopias ain't good anyway

>> No.17876122

But our world doesn't function through reason, it functions through might. Most people don't even have the memtal capacity to do what you ask.

>> No.17876124

True, but utopian ideologies feel it necessary to wipe out suffering completely. This is not possible first of all, and even if it were, people would degenerate

>> No.17876149

I'd argue that rather than death, the issue is scarcity and suffering, which is a biological drive to drive you towards competition.

>> No.17876200

> Which there is a great deal of evidence they will not, even if it is in their best interests.
The idea is not difficult to comprehend and I have covered all the problems, the preying behavior that they are victims of and the long term consequences of their choices.
The idea is that your actions will have a meaning and suffering will just seem like something hardly possible but that will not make them docile because they will be intellectually engaged which some people can describe as "suffering".
Where did I say a single thing in favor of natural things? My idea is the very opposite of the cruel nature.
Wrong, it's just that the dynamics today favor that but they are going away either for good or for worse anyway. It's on us to chose which of the two.
Self-perfection=strive for truth>competition=primitive behavior.

>> No.17876215

the issue is indeed Identity.
Horror Movies are a thing because you do not endanger yourselves anymore.
FPS/RPG games are a thing because you do not engage with nature anymore.
Fandoms are a thing because you do not engage amogusels passionately.
Humans have been coping these last 50 years or so.
And yet Humans desire the Utopia, the definition of blurred identities.
When the fictional chars claim that Human Instrumentality is an Utopia they are not lying.

>> No.17876228

>Philosophy, as it’s translation from ancient Greek is defined as love of wisdom. Following the meaning of the definition we come to the conclusion that you don’t actually love wisdom if you refuse to put everything through all forms of scrutiny as it exposes your unwillingness to find the truth and thus love of wisdom. This is the reason why we need to live in world wide philosophical societies, such that every human is able and required to fully contemplate their actions and it’s consequences.

So the definition of philosophy is proof we need philosophy? That doesn't make any sense. You have to do this thing called explain - you should've learned this shit in elementary - to us how loving wisdom actually does anything.

>Without philosophy we cannot live in a coherent way in this construct we have as of now unless we have reached an objective truth or something absolute that can show us the perfect way to live.

A: What the is "this construct," it is not clear from context. B: Is that first bit a separate clause and thus something that must be true unless we reach truth or the perfect way? I would assume not, as your argument seems to rely on philosophy leading to truth, but you wrote it as if it were.

>I label it as incoherent because in a society that doesn’t embrace philosophy instead forces us to rely on random cultural influence and biological determinism that accepts only basic emotions as truth which leads to chaotic, irrational and deadly actions. This is why we need to embrace living in a civilization and understand our duty of being philosophers.

Cultural norms are almost never random, they have an explanation even if that explanation seems stupid to you. You also seem to think philosophy is never violent or chaotic, but many philosophies revel in both.

>> No.17876233

>The only way to achieve this is by racially segregating people in the best climate for them. The very idea of ethnic diversity is flawed because it tries to mix people with very different features which creates unforeseen results and low trust societies. Through racial segregation people can become self-aware of their positive and negative ethnical and environmental qualities that prevent them from being philosophers, prevent unexpected behavior and strive to negate all negative qualities.

You spend absolutely no time introducing this. What the hell does climate have to do with anything? Do their brains work better in certain humidity or some such? Why do they have to be separated into certain climates? As well, do you honestly deporting all the blacks is gonna make them self aware? That's insane, they'll just get even more mad at whitey and chimp harder. People don't tend to care about big brained shit like philosophy when their homes are under threat.

>For now, this sounds like the most reasonable and humane way to achieve world peace. In a world where people love wisdom and find their meaning of life by being philosophers who investigate the meaning of life and their problems while sharing it globally looks closer to virtuous living than in such that refuses to acknowledge it. Mandatory philosophical education for all ages that is focused on understanding and criticism is the most reasonable choice we can make in this age.

What is a "virtuous life" exactly. Is it merely loving wisdom? Something predicated on religion? I have absolutely no idea as this is the only time you've used the word virtue. Also learn how to break up your sentences and utilize commas, almost all your sentences are longer than they ought to be. This entire manifesto is subparly written, incoherent and seems to be predicated on us understanding your position on topics you never demarcate your feeling concerning. Please take a remedial rhetoric class at your local highschool (given that I'm 80% sure you're below the age of 21.)

>> No.17876242

What is history?

>> No.17876253

I don’t see anything wrong with the teaching of more philosophy. Why wouldn’t you want more philosophy taught?

>> No.17876303

>cruel nature
Anon. I'm gonna tell you this right away. Life is rebellion. The Rebellion against Stagnation. The Chaos that is often mentioned is The First Life. All life is escaping the Stagnation also known as Filth.
>Cruel Nature
I'm already expressed the non-existence of Nature but you said this.
It seems you are talking about life instead.
if so then you sir, are disgusting.

>> No.17876334

>sense. You have to do this thing called explain - you should've learned this shit in elementary - to us how loving wisdom actually does anything.
Ironic considering your reading abilities are equal to these of a toddler.
>such that every human is able and required to fully contemplate their actions and it’s consequences
Even you quoted it yet act like it's not there.
>What the is "this construct
>I would assume not, as your argument seems to rely on philosophy leading to truth, but you wrote it as if it were
Yes, you still need a proper setting for it and our civilization is the best one as of now. You give it some mythological origin when it's just evolution.
>Cultural norms are almost never random, they have an explanation even if that explanation seems stupid to you. You also seem to think philosophy is never violent or chaotic, but many philosophies revel in both.
But when you compare them to others is when you find the difference.
>You spend absolutely no time introducing this. What the hell does climate have to do with anything? Do their brains work better in certain humidity or some such?
Because I assume most people at least understand what a phenotype is and how different races react to different climate and settings.
>insane, they'll just get even more mad at whitey and chimp harder
Wrong, like I said, they will not be thrown in the wild and instead will live like us. We will always help them and they too will help us if we need it.
>What is a "virtuous life" exactly
One that is focused constantly on making the most correct choices and thus our need of philosophy.

>> No.17876362

You misunderstood the text, I think it's the most vital part of our life.
If you're to become a philosopher you will never ever become stagnant unless you find an absolute which is what I'm writing about.

>> No.17876364

>It's just low class people who got traumatized or are uneducated.
I was raised in a middle-high class environment and i'm still a mentally ill trainwreck. Half of /r9k/ will tell you the same.

>> No.17876383

Because low class culture has been dominating the world and such people are put into big positions because they are easier to blackmail.

>> No.17876745

Seeing this thread, I understand why you would never have been 'disproven' (read: persuaded). Unlike the statue you're trying to ape, you already think you know everything, and unlike every one of his interlocuters, you would read over all of your posts and not see any blatant contradictions nor absurdities. Basically, you're willing to believe in spite of the evidence, and as far as we are concerned, you are on par with the religious and dogmatic. As always, the tongue is never refuted if it never wishes to be.

>> No.17876944
File: 42 KB, 640x660, 1616528357470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy is not identical with reason. Nor is wisdom identical with truth. Nor is empathy or peace identical with the good. I personally believe, based on philosophical reflection, that war and violence are necessary to the higher essence of man, and in fact that philosophy is driven by the same will to dominate---whence the "utopia", the 'no-place' in other words, then?

And philosophy is not for everyone, in fact it is an esoteric and dangerous art which should be reserved for a few---if you'd read any Plato between the lines, you'd get this. You cannot reasonably expect everyone to be philosophers, nor should you, since true philosophy is corrupting to nomos.

Cast off your idealism and actually read some books. Philosophy does not mean thinking in an abstract way about your ideals, it means the love of wisdom, which is about the world. In any case your 'reflections' are really just elaborations of the shitty modern liberal ontology: a proper investigation would be questioning your presuppositions, not taking them as self-evident.

>> No.17877092

What if someone, by philosophical reflection, comes to the conclusion that some raping and killing is good, or any other conclusion that disagrees with yours? Do you declare that that is not real philosophy? In that case, how are you different from a tyrant, and how is your so-called "philosophy" really free inquiry at all? Or if it is real philosophy, then how is yours the only correct one?