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17871976 No.17871976 [Reply] [Original]

Granted I'm kinda fucked up and have some issues, but looking through the diagnostic criteria of a whole host of mental illnesses/personality disorders, I meet numerous criteria for the majority of them.. Some moreso than others. For instance Schizo type disorders isn't one where I meet that many. On the other hand, according to the DSM and multiple bullshit online tests, I have anticoial (seems to be psychopathy, right? if i have it (i highly doubt it, it is factor II though), borderline, avoidant, dependant, and narcissistic personality disorder (albeit covert). Plus (apparently) Bipolar, Depression, anxiety, paranoia and also apparently an eating disorder. There are probably also thigs that juste escape me now. That's not to mention the moderately long list of paraphilias i have and the things that i apparently had in my childhood (aggression, add) or just in the past (long psychotic episodes).

So according to my, admittedly, amatuer assesment, I have just about everything. I'm sure if i went to a psychiatrist, he'd eventually classify me as one of them but that would just be an attempt to reduce the complexity of my fucked up-ness, thus, it would most likely not be accurately describing wtf is wrong with me. I mean comorbidity is a thing but to that extent? How is that even possible?

So what do you guys think. Is psychology a bunch of horseshit and basically some shit that charlatans have invented to more easily regulat, police, map and control us? Or is it a valid field and I'm just super fucked up? If so, was i fucking molested as a kid? It seems that for a whole lot of the disorders i have (according to these spergy psychfags at least), child abuse is a common factor. If that's the case, you can tack repressed memories onto that clusterfuck of a list.

I don't know. What do you think, the entire field seems like a giant fucking scam

>> No.17871988

*if i have it (i highly doubt it), it is factor II though))
*things that just escape me

>> No.17872088
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>Is psychology a bunch of horseshit
> basically some shit that charlatans have invented to more easily regulat, police, map and control us?

>> No.17872109
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>a giant fucking scam

>> No.17872154

what is it then?

>> No.17872163

Rede Anti-Oedipus: Capitalizm + Schizophrena

>> No.17872169
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>diagnosing yourself through symptom checklists

>> No.17872175

Rightwingers only believe in psychology when they have to explain how (( they)) manipulate people

>> No.17872176

I like how OP is talking about psychiatry but keeps asking if psychology is bullshit, seemingly unable to distinguish two completely different fields. Uh yeah OP, I think you need to do more reading. Also therapy etc. isn't all there is to psychology.

>> No.17872190

Majority of psychology is shit overlay over real issues. There are quite a lot of people who are absolutely mentally ill and should be put down, but here come psychologists and invent "therapies" that according to completely fantastic frameworks completely detached from reality can "help them", so we're not putting them down even though we should.

>> No.17872374


as if there isn't significant overlap between the two. OP's questions still stand

>> No.17872386

mostly yes, unless it's part of psychometrics in which case actual mathematicians and scientists have enough influence there

>> No.17872450

OP, taking the DSM as law when reading about psychopathology is not ideal. Psychiatrists and clinical psychologists use it to aid their diagnoses, which are frequently used through talking therapies. It's naturally going to be difficult to objectively assess yourself when you read the DSM; almost everybody sees at least part of themselves in many of the conditions. There's a reason why psychiatrists (and to a lesser extend clin psychs) spend years specialising in that field to be able to understand how someone may develop psychological conditions. As for what you've described of yourself here, there are huge overlaps between ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and narcissism, antisocial personality disorder and some mood disorders. There's so much comorbidity that occurs in psychopathology that it's very difficult to simply say "an individual has this diagnosis, and that's that".
Psychology as a field is more than just clinical, and it is horseshit, but not in the way you think.

>> No.17872458

are you telling me psychiatrists dont exactly do this?

>> No.17872461

>I have anticoial (seems to be psychopathy, right? if i have it (i highly doubt it, it is factor II though), borderline, avoidant, dependant, and narcissistic personality disorder (albeit covert). Plus (apparently) Bipolar, Depression, anxiety, paranoia and also apparently an eating disorder. There are probably also thigs that juste escape me now. That's not to mention the moderately long list of paraphilias i have and the things that i apparently had in my childhood (aggression, add) or just in the past (long psychotic episodes).
>I have just about everything

Gave me a laugh anon. You know how ridiculous this sounds? Probably you're just a bit too intelligent and self reflective for your own good.

>> No.17872466

Everyone has a right to live, anon. Even you.

>> No.17872478

Careful on that edge.

>> No.17872494

i'm always amazed at how predictable and audacious the people rushing to defend psychology/psychiatry are.
>haha, well, OP that's not exactly how it works sweetums.. by the way it is much more complicated than that? my argument or point? well thats it, that's the post teehee.

why can't I ever find some of you jews actually explaining or defending anything?

>> No.17872510


thank you. that's the most coherent answer to my questions i've gotten so far. i've talked about this with people outside 4chan before and this is a very good way of putting it i think.

so would you say the only way i could find out what i really have would be to undergo extensive analysis?
yes, i know it sounds riciculous, like, no one except people in institutions for the criminally insane would be all those things at once. i feel like it's all a giant practical joke. that's why i was basically questioning the entire enterprise. it just seems like a fucking scam. thanks for calling me intelligent though

>> No.17872545

Stop taking "online bullshit tests." Those are usually created by amateurs who have no credentials.

Yes, you should get diagnosed by a real psychiatrist.

Psychiatry and psychology are not the same. The former requires medical school training, and allows the professional to prescribe medication. The latter requires a PhD of psychology, this training is more focused on models and theories of treatment. You will find also that psychotherapists are more empathetic and cordial, since they are trained to practice pro-helping social behaviors.

Repressed memories are NOT inaccessible to you. That is a major misunderstanding of Freud which caused many suggestible people to "remember" child sexual abuse just because an authority figure asked loaded questions or demonstrated biased social behavior. Today, psychologists are very aware that such a definition of repressed memories is dangerous.

You can expect to be interviewed by a psychiatrist. You will tell them all of your symptoms, how they have negatively impacted your life, and how long they have occurred. They will ask questions in order to narrow down what they believe to be the issue. Then, they will likely diagnose you with a disorder and start you on a medication. They will also highly encourage you to see a psychologist so that you can receive talking therapy (which might also help to pinpoint your disorder if the diagnosis is wrong) or CBT (highly effective therapy that is scientifically rigorous) or some other treatment which you would be practicing in your everyday life. After this, you'll be working with your psychiatrist to find which medication works the best for you.

So, is it bullshit then? We have a long list of scientific studies spanning decades which give us an idea of what to expect in certain situations given certain symptoms. This research is from several disciplines, effectively allowing for a biopsychosocial model of treatment. Nonetheless, humans are highly complex. We can't predict everything, as we could when a chemist studies a mineral. So, we rely on the data we have in order to reduce what your symptoms mean. Then a hypothesis, or diagnosis in this case, is formed. The results of treatment will either prove or disprove the hypothesis. If disproven, a new hypothesis will be formed, which is based on data.

>> No.17872570

Generally speaking; yes. But even going 'extensive analysis' has caveats. For instance, you may see a shrink who will refer you to another specialist in a specific psychological disorder.
Ultimately, these diagnoses only matter when they're having a significant impact on your life. If you're getting symptoms of a disorder that don't impact your life severely then you don't need to worry over getting yourself checked out.
This guy hit the nail on the head, OP

>> No.17872574

as a fellow crazy, u sound really unbalanced and u probably should try talking to someone. you don't have to be diagnosed w anything. you seem to be the only person concerned with fitting yourself into some category. u clearly aren't educated on the nuances of diagnostics or even really what psychology is lmao.

if you're experiencing so much instability that you are personally identifying with the characteristics of multiple psychological disorders, u should get some help.

>> No.17872622

Real psychology is just spirituality disguised by scientific language (see Jung). I'm 100% sure that there are spiritual sicknesses that can be cured by proper guidance.

That being said, many people go to the psychiatrist because the dystopia destroys their will to live and are told that they are "depressed. " I know the psychological industry us used to justify conditions inhospitable to life. They call you sick instead of calling the system sick, just like a court calls you guilty instead of the state which establishes the conditions.

>> No.17872628

The entire field is a giant fucking scam that still hasn't even decided what it referring to with its object of "psyche"

>> No.17872647

Its biological spiruality. I seek therapy for not being as productive and ambitious as people surrounding me.

>> No.17872661


thank you both. couldn't really have asked for a better answer. well then, guess it's time for me to confront all my issues. wish me luck bros, it can only be a rough ride in my case

>> No.17872706

Your post is really sad. You are a worker drone who feels bad that he isn't productive enough. You aren't "ambitious" like those around you because something in you knows that it's all bullshit. Hence your neurotic nature. You are standing between two worlds. One world is one in which you a productive little worker drone. The other world you cannot fathom, but sense that it is completely at odds with the world you know. Your psyche wishes to manifest a truth that will destroy you, so it is working behind the scenes to reprogram your consciousness to permit the release of suppressed psychic energy.

>> No.17872724

>Is Psychology a bunch of horshshit?

>but looking through the diagnostic criteria of a whole host of mental illnesses/personality disorders, I meet numerous criteria for the majority of them.

Just because you can go trough the DSM and diagnose your self with hundreds of personality disorders doesn't meant that psychology is horseshit. What it means is that you should not go trough it and diagnose your self with everything you see in it because you are not qualified to do so.

Is what happen here that you been going trough it, and then you think you have many of the disorders, and that makes you very uncomfortable, so what you try to do in order to relive your self from that discomfort, is to ask if the whole thing is just bullshit? Because if the whole thing is bullshit that means you don't have all those disorders you diagnoses your self with? On the other side if its not bullshit that means you have those disorders? Is that the process that is happening here? Again, No its not bullshit. No you don't have all those disorders. The problem here is the person doing the diagnostics here is not qualified to do so.

>> No.17872749

This, unironically

>> No.17872783

I grew up around workaholic people who saw job as a salvation. I dont know what could i possibly suppress.

>> No.17872825

This person is right, and both psychologists and psychiatrists are aware that the DSM is an imperfect tool that aids treatment and research.

>> No.17872839

>Because if the whole thing is bullshit that means you don't have all those disorders you diagnoses your self with? On the other side if its not bullshit that means you have those disorders? Is that the process that is happening here?

that's not what i was getting at. what i meant was that while yes, obviously mental issues are real, i was questioning the classification of these issues into different disorders. my thinking was, that categorizing a set of issues and symptoms a person ight have into 'illnesses' and 'disorders' seemed to be bullshit, since these sets of problems are too complex and unique from individual to individual. the symptoms and problems definitely exist. i was sceptical of the methodology i guess but, honestly >>17872570
have changed that perspective quite a bit.

i still however think that the system has the potential to be overly rigid.

>> No.17872856

Many people have been legitimately helped by therapy though

>> No.17872873

...life. The spirit of life and freedom is what's being suppressed in you.

>> No.17872886

>Real psychology is just spirituality disguised by scientific language (see Jung).

According to who is this "real psychology"?

>That being said, many people go to the psychiatrist because the dystopia destroys their will to live and are told that they are "depressed. "

When people in psych talk about depression they aren't talking about ideological disagreement or whatever. What is discussed is biological inhibition caused by environmental and/or genetic factors.

>> No.17872892

>i was questioning the classification of these issues into different disorders. my thinking was, that categorizing a set of issues and symptoms a person ight have into 'illnesses' and 'disorders' seemed to be bullshit, since these sets of problems are too complex and unique from individual to individual. the symptoms and problems definitely exist.
It is complex. But one thing that is fascinating is that, you have people from all over the world reporting and experiencing the same set of cluster of behaviors and "symptoms" without having spoken to each other or influenced each other. So how can it be that people globally all fall in to the same patterns of behavior and also dysfunctional behavior?
There are commonalities, there are states that you find everywhere, and they are so similar. How can that be? If you experienced being with a narcissist in one country then you can detect and see one in another part of the world. Even in people that are cut off from the world. The same personality pathologies manifests in isolated groups world wide.

>> No.17872901

Is there a way to let the spirit of life flowing? Im sure that im strong enough to dig my way through expectations, regret, irony and sarcasm. I honestly want to believe.

>> No.17872967

i admit you do have a point there, and it is indeed fascinating.

here's what i think now: in part, my frustration with the field might also stem from my desire to know what is wrong with me but i'm very reluctant (why i don't really know. maybe i think if i don't admit my issues to myself, i perceive them as less real?) to talk to a psychiatrist, so i try to find out on my own. that doesn't yield any useful answers, so in my frustration i considered it to be bullshit.

now, what i find very interesting in regards to what i just said, is that this points to yet another problem of the psyche that i apparently have, but i wouldn't even begin to know what exactly, essentially proving to myself that i'm way out of my element when it comes to diagnosing myself

>> No.17873007

Don't boil down psychology and psychopathology to an elaborate control system to keep the capitalist machine running. While it's true mental health issues can be co-opted for perverse purposes and social factors are easily neglected due to how elusive they are in an academic setting, what's the point in stroking your ego by pointing out the obvious? The study of the mind, the brain and its pathology doesn't stem from a desire to keep people productive and droney (even if it was an interesting take some years ago), it's the other way around.

>> No.17873015

That is something a real psychologist would help you figure out. Ultimately at a distance how can I know what impedes your life flow? My guess is that you are a young neurotic student being pushed through the academic system and then into your corporate cell -- your forever home. Everyone around you is optimistic and happy, but something seems to be wrong with you. Why aren't you happy like the others? Why aren't you as driven as they are?

The illusions don't have as tight a hold on you as they do the others. It's as simple as that -- I'm guessing.

>> No.17873081

Thats pretty close, i've remained neet for 5 years after uni's graduation. I thought that uni could be a new me, new attitude kind of place but that didnt happen then i realized that i didnt like the field which i chose but didnt know what to do else so i finished uni out of pure duty but i payed the price so high that i didnt want to do anything. All in all, i put my all eggs into one basket and it crashed to the ground. I read a lot of psych books in uni and tried 2 different therapists (one kicked me out and it didnt work out with the second one). I feel bad about unloading my problems to you as you probably have problems on your own too.

>> No.17873087

You're not alone there. Most people like to remain vague and unpredictable. It's sort of like an instinct. Why? Because it makes us feel bigger and broader. It shields us from failure because we don't know the parameters of failure. But ultimately, it also stagnates our growth, because we also don't know the parameters of growth. We end up like wandering clouds with no direction or no sense of purpose.

Going to see a professional will help you sort all of that out. You'll achieve the power of a concrete identity, with cohesive goals and a better understanding of your place in the world. You want that. We all need that. Please try to overcome the fear of becoming a person, because you will not regret it.

>> No.17873160

Your problems are my problems. Most of us are in the same boat these days. I also NEETed after college. The truth is there is just no reason to keep this system going. Things have to change. You weren't bothered by your field...your life force forbade you from giving yourself to that which is destroying you. Keep going and you'll find the answers you seek. It won't be easy, and hell it won't be pleasurable, but you'll at least come to understand what's going on. There's a larger drama in motion. You are just a little piece of the puzzle, but you are a piece of the puzzle. Solve your problem and survive and you will be doing what you need to do. Don't commit suicide because that is failure and abandoning the rest of us. Even if no one pats you on the back, if you stay alive and keep yourself relatively sane, you will be doing what is needed of you.

>> No.17873188

>b-but you're not qualified
The tests they give you in a psychologist's office to diagnose you with these disorders are the same (or sometimes worse) than online tests

>> No.17873314

You will never be diagnosed based on a single test. The clinician will use information from multiple tests and interviews to form a comprehensive view of your situation

>> No.17873362

Rarely are they the same tests. The most vigorous of tests are copyrighted and only available to professionals. This is also due to the code of ethics, since a vigorous test can easily fall victim to an amateur malpractice, whether this is due to deliberation or ignorance. Tests must also be interpreted, in light of other tests. An online test can give you raw results, but what do you do with them? Let's take up a worst case scenario: you have an inkling of what your problem is. You search the internet for a test that relates to your untrained inkling. You take the test. Its questions are vague and loaded. There aren't enough questions. There aren't any that are reworded to check for reliability and validity. Their method of measurement is off. Maybe they use six variables, instead of seven, in their Likert scale. Perhaps the test has never been used by a trained professional and is only used by the website to gain clicks for advertising dollars. You get the results and they're half-baked with jargon which makes it sound authoratative. Maybe the results are so vague that anyone could find truth in them. So, you now cling to this new label and subconsciously roleplay as if this label is true. You then demonstrate impairments of your concept of self and how you are expected to behave. The test has successfully made you worse, or perhaps caused more complicated mental problems. Congratulations.

>> No.17873421
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The key requirement a lot of people forget with all the DSMV personality disorders you described is that
>"The enduring pattern leads to clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning."
If you are able to hold a job, you have relationships with your family or friends, etc, you don't have a personality disorder. i've worked with people with all the disorders you've described- their lives are sheer chaos, they have no insight as to why they keep getting fired, can't keep a friend, why their parents have cut ties to them. Truly trippy speaking to them.
If you're relatively high functioning, you could probably benefit from analysis. Old school sitting down in a couch talking about your problems with someone for a long time. Your history of psychosis is really the only thing that would make sense to seek care for.
The bullshit with the internet is it's made up of a lot of dudes and chicks who know a little bit about a lot of stuff, and have formulated strong opinions with their extremely limited knowledge. Years of experience drive you to more understanding of nuance and probably would make you less inclined to say "psychiatry is a scam." Way too many people read the DSM-V and have never worked in any sort of clinical context, so they're reading a trade manual for a trade they've never experienced. They develop unrealistic ideas about how it's used and applied to patients.
All of that said, a lot of psychology research these days is awful. It was way better when they didn't have this scientistic dedication to coming across as some kind of physical science. fMRI studies are bullshit and neuroscience doesn't truly answer any of the questions it claims to. Much better to view psychiatry as the practice of theorizing and applying theories to patient care, with the most enduring theories being the ones which most reliably help patients.
Hence my recommendation for tried and true old-school psychoanalysis for relatively high-functioning people with tormented inner lives.

>> No.17873434

Do you mean "little piece of puzzle" as my consciousness? I been thinking about suicide since my teens as especially now when im 30 next year but me being coward completely stops from doing it. I dont seem to know what my root problem is. I can only describe the fear, eternal doubt, lack of identity and cowardice aspects. I seem to be suffering from peter pan syndrome where i refuse to acknowledge that im the only one whos responsible for my life choices but i feel absolutely miserable even when avoiding my problems.

>> No.17873470

Psychology works only if it does makes sense and irrefutable. So far pop-psychologies like MBTI and few well used theories (that eventually refuted) like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs are widely used yet papers proven them to be obsolete.

It is not a bunch of horse shit, if a method/theory is usable and proven to be worked. Sometimes you need to test it into the field instead of just learning the theories and shit, and eventually proven to be wrong (Management/Business Degree falls into this fuckery, where they uses outdated practices and theories that are 90% never used irl)

so the short answer, yes. However it has potentials.

>> No.17873478

nah, the DSM/ICD are just tools to complement your diagnosis
in medicine, rarely you'll see diagnostic criteria with 100% sensibility or specificity, it's pretty much the reason why medicine is constantly evolving

>> No.17873487

my guy dropping the spin snout. you're too good for this place.

>> No.17873499

Imagine that we applied this logic to everyone with a chronic disease

>> No.17873599

The best part about this thread is that psychology confirms its therapeutic worth. As OP analyzes and writes about his problems here, the information will be transferred from the emotional center of the brain to the cognitive. Of course, this would be better off done with the guidance of a therapist though.

>> No.17873620

first, psychiatry =/= psychology
second, clinical psychology is legit
third, to address your points:
a) just because you meet certain criteria doesn't mean you have a disorder. identifying yourself or others with personalities disorders is pretty common and usually means nothing.
b) even if you had a disorder, what matters the most is functionality, not everything needs to be treated
c) more often than not, people with a mental disorder have more than one (dual pathology concept), so no, your psychiatrist will try his best to point out everything that is wrong with you and will try to treat everything if possible, but obviously he's going to start with whatever is fucking you up the most at the time of your visit
d) psychiatric disorders are hard to treat, mainly because it requires either money or insurance, and change of habits that the average joe can't really afford i.e. some kid with a disorder completely depends on his parents, but his parents are abusive assholes, moving away from his parents would benefit him more than any therapy at the moment, but it's not something that the kid could do
e) as I pointed out earlier, diagnostic criteria are just tools to complement your diagnosis, not your diagnosis itself

>> No.17873628

As soon as you latch onto a psychiatric label, that set of symptoms and its associated patterns of dysfunction will be constantly at the back of your mind, prodding you towards further dissolution.

Un-diagnose yourself of everything. Perceive yourself not as "chemically unbalanced," or somehow biologically predisposed towards melancholy and worthlessness, because those beliefs will inform your every action and thought. Psychiatric diagnoses are for those beyond help, who need the framework of professional and pharmaceutical parasitism to give them meaning and a niche in society where their existence is more than a net negative on those they interact with.

It's entirely logical and rational for most people to feel some sort of dysfunction, because the nature of our society and culture is hostile to what human life should be. But we still have agency and responsibility over out lives. The framework of psychiatry denies that agency.

Most importantly, though, do NOT identify yourself with any disorder or psychiatric concept. It will strip you of your humanity and reduce you to a chemical system with no allowance for soul. Even if you don't put stock in any of that, be aware that any identification with mental illness will only push you further into despair.

>> No.17873669

I'm not High-functioning i think. I'm not (quite) as bad as the people you described in your first paragraph but I'm not the polar opposite either. I have had immense difficultly finding and holding down jobs (currently employed but it's dead end and the contract will be over in July. after that i don't know what I'll work). as for friends. except for 1 in middle school and 1 in high school, I've never had anyone i really considered a friend and honestly always found friendships incredibly difficult to maintain. now, after having finished high school, i have lost all contact with "pals" and both of the guys i considered friends (all through my fault, admittedly). The only thing i have going for me is my relationship with my family, which is fairly good. I can't complain there and they're the only thing keeping me hanging on if I'm being honest.

I think i agree with most of the rest of what you're saying too

>> No.17873752

agreed. it's kinda wild to me how quickly i was proven wrong (and even partly proved myself wrong)
as for psychiatry and psychology, yes,i was wrong to conflate the two.
aa for meeting criteria, yes, that's exactly why i was kind of frustrated with all this. a lot of stuff applied to me but i kept thinking 'i can't have ALL of it'
re: functionality. not looking too good on that front desu
i didn't think know that what you outlined in c) was the case, so thank you for informing me about that part
as for d) luckily i live in germany and insurance would cover psychiatric care as well
and about them being tools; i understand that more clearly now. I'm definitely not fit to use these tools

I'm not yet sure if i agee or disagree with you. interesting though

>> No.17873767

Read Saving Normal by Allen Frances

>> No.17873813

I'll keep it in mind

>> No.17873913

good post

>> No.17873976

Nobody "has" right to anything. Some deserve having rights.
Yes, much less dead weight in our society, how could we hope to live like that.

>> No.17874004

Is self-therapy possible?

>> No.17874025

depends on how bad the disorder is

>> No.17874072

I don't know where you live but in my country it works in the reverse way, you first go talk to a psychologist who will evaluate you, after that, if he feels like it would be beneficial to you, he will refer you to a psychiatrist.

I've never heard of anyone in my country that has gone directly to a psychiatrist without going to a psychologist first.

>> No.17874129

>I've never heard of anyone in my country that has gone directly to a psychiatrist without going to a psychologist first.
don't you have private practice in your country?

>> No.17874188

neurosis i guess. i did the personality test where i had to draw answers and explain why i chose them, then doc said that i had a massive repression going on but nothing else.

>> No.17874195

Yeah, and I guess going to see a psychologist first would be possible in a private clinic, but I was talking about the public system in my post, maybe I should have cleared that up. But anyway, if you're using the public system in my country then you'll always have to consult a psychologist first before being sent to a psychiatrist.

>> No.17874214

this just further reinforces the "idea'" that psy-atrity is nothing more than a method of social control

>> No.17874282

it's kinda the same here, the only difference is that a family physician is the one who sends the patient to other specialties
otherwise, in private practice, you can directly make an appointment with whatever specialist you want
nah, psychiatry encourages environmental changes, the things you perceive as social control tactics are openly criticized by psychiatry, linking them to a possible increase in depressive disorders

>> No.17874305


the fact that this is the only post to bring up psychometrics is damning for this thread >>17872386

>> No.17874309

>environmental changes

kekw, you mean just giving people xannies and and telling them to fuck off and that there's nothing wrong with their life it's a heckin chemical imbalance!!!

doctors are all corrupt or useless see opiod epidemic, it's a job for people who want to make lots of money not help people

>> No.17874333

Your problem is that you live in a dystopia that is inhospitable to life. It's not just your problem. It's the problem of the modern world. We are going to have to change our environment. Your pain is not yours alone. Staying in the game, staying alive, means that you can maybe help do something one day to change things. Don't let the system demoralize you. The problems of today arent that there aren't enough hard workers or qualified workers. We are facing a spiritual crisis...and you are fighting on that front...believe it or not. If you can overcome the spiritual malaise of our time, you will have succeeded on your little battlefield. If enough of us win our personal battles, we will collectively win the war. I know this is true. I can't prove it, but I've seen glimpses of the process occurring. Stay the course. Don't judge yourself by the standards of others. They aren't in the spiritual war. They don't know what it's like. I tell myself these same things.

>> No.17874343

>kekw, you mean just giving people xannies and and telling them to fuck off and that there's nothing wrong with their life it's a heckin chemical imbalance!!!
ah yes, what an impressive social control method
you nu-boomers never fail to amuse me

>> No.17874415

yeah unhappy people sedated via drugs are usually pretty controllable

>> No.17874535

>this book says that me, a degenerate who browses a forum about books all day and has no friends, has a mental illness!

>> No.17874589

Although I think that hierarchical way of communication between psychologists and psychiatrists is not beneficial at all. Some people are led to believe their disorder is only legit if they are getting meds and will bypass totally the psychotherapeutic treatment (in private practice), when it's not a matter of intensity and severity of the condition but rather different epistemological treatments that should go hand by hand.

>> No.17874590

if only there were psychiatric journals out there with articles denouncing the mis-use of benzodiazepines as a first line treatment or textbooks gathering the pharmacological effects of them, but no, psychiatry is an evil entity whose sole purpose is social control.

>> No.17874603

the problem isn't that it says i have A mental illness (I'm well aware ( it says i have countless mental illnesses

>> No.17874785

the university where I studied medicine, had medicine and psychology under the same department, it kinda led to medicine having a humanistic approach and psychology having a clinical approach
from experience, there are still old-school psychiatrists that don't believe in therapy (as in psychology), and I've seen psychologists from other schools that don't have any clinical psychology courses on their program delay the psychiatric attention
for me, it's really weird because there's enough evidence that the tandem greatly improves the outcome of any given disorder, even if the patient never really requires any drug
however, I live in a country with limited resources and a half-baked universal health system, so these hierarchical communication systems are a necessity, and the role of the family physician and the general practitioner is expanded

>> No.17874985

I dont know anon. I seem like capable much less than an average Joe. I'm just being torn up between courage-cowardice, doubts-clarity. Are you trying to say that i'd function just normally in a different time and different society? Somehow i doubt that running away from taking responsibility for your life is a core thing in any given community.

>> No.17875066

with this approach, literally every discipline is a method for social control.

>> No.17875675


>> No.17875746

As long as "gender dysphoria" is still designated in the DSM there is still a shred of legitimacy, don't tell the trannies though

>> No.17875834

>Yes, much less dead weight in our society
There will be also less society dumbass

>> No.17875878

homosexual used to be there too.

>> No.17876160

It's a CLINICAL text, not a self-help book. FCS.

>> No.17876218

You know how I know you're a retard? The effects of benzos have been well-known to psychiatry for ages and a huge review of their effects on cognition was published last year in the American Journal of Psychiatry.

>> No.17876227
