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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 74 KB, 522x672, Homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17870490 No.17870490 [Reply] [Original]

Any progress on your novels?
Are the themes of time, space, infinity, memory or pointless dueling present in your work?

>Write a review for the book you're writing
>Write a short story or flashfic based on a review of a book you've never read

previous thread:>>17853474
For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction
>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>On Becoming A Novelist
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft
>On Writing, Borges

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry
>This Craft of Verse, Borges

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Suggested books on getting your fucking work done you lazy piece of shit:
>Deep Work
>Atomic Habits

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript
> Write a query
> Track your query

Other Resources
>General grammar/syntax/editing help
> When/where/how should I write?
> What software should I write with?
> Amazon Publishing to make that KDP monie
> Be like Charles Dickens and write serially
> Basic overview of the Screenplay format

>> No.17870498

Why did you make a new thread before the bump limit?

>> No.17870504

Thanks for making the new thread, animefag is already seething as always

>> No.17870506

And inb4:
>anime op bad

>> No.17870509
File: 106 KB, 632x474, asian_white_harvard_graduation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have to make the new thread early, or the animeposter will make a new thread with a random loli picture

>> No.17870518

It's just a fucking picture for christ's sake

>> No.17870525

Die moefaggot, stop forcing your fetishes and parasocial friend simulators on others.

>> No.17870533

then it won't be such a big deal that we don't have to look at your dear lolis

>> No.17870558

Jesus, you guys are just pathetic at this point.

>> No.17870569
File: 51 KB, 633x640, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my Sci-fi, /lit/?

>> No.17870571

I'm not the loliposter op, but:

These are generals, no one cares what the fuck the op pic is. It could be /wg/ written in paint and no one would complain about muh animefag. The first ops for this general were literally pictures of writing tools and no one cared.

Creating a thread before the bump limit detracts the discussions a lot. A lot of anons will go unreplied because of that. If you care about the quality of the threads so much, think about this.

>> No.17870573

stop posting anime shit forever and the people who don't like it will stop feeling obliged to prevent you, and then threads can go on for as long as you want, problem solved

>> No.17870580

>I'm not the loliposter op,
lies lol.

>> No.17870585

>I'm not the loliposter op,
With the exception of maybe two threads in December, no loli have ever been posted. So I have no idea what they are talking about. They’re just changing history to fit their views.

>> No.17870587
File: 157 KB, 600x600, 1612140338053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to do a quick warmup so I can bring myself to write the next chapter of my main story whose deadline is practically tomorrow. But I ended up going full steam ahead of a short story based on a dream I had months ago.

>> No.17870596

>the setting doesn't lend itself towards literature in our current times
Ehh.... I think there's hope. Baen might pick it up.

But you really ought to write for yourself more than for others.

>> No.17870604

lol seethe

>> No.17870616

We ain’t seething.

>> No.17870619

yeah, write a short story about your setting, just 1000 words. Then show us

>> No.17870629

>another pyw
I really should be working...

Well, the last one I replied to was that janny rip 2 threads ago. Crit that one and I'll rassle something up in a couple hours.

>> No.17870632

I was just gonna self publish. Like I said, I haven't done any creative writing since high school but I've had a journal article published which I had to fucking pay for

Where to start? I'm unsure it could truly be told without backstory. 1000 words is nothing.

>> No.17870638

>journal article published which I had to fucking pay for
Yeah I've done a couple of those myself. Just one of those things.

>> No.17870640

So, level with me, how do you feel about that one animefag who wrote five short stories in a day?

>> No.17870643

If I had to do it again, I wouldn't. I didn't even go on to get my MA.

>> No.17870644

post it again here pls

yeah the backstory is boring, sorry. There's a reason that most dystopian novels start with
> the protagonist lived in a shitty future world and started his adventure
that's the sort of thing that you write in a prequel after you've established a fanbase, otherwise it's boring worldbuilding that no one cares about

>> No.17870654

Here ya goes >>17839394

>> No.17870656

Yeah. Triggered snowflakes. I can predict this becoming a vicious cycle if the alleged loliposter starts doing the same thing, creating a new thread way before the another one reaches the bump limit.

So, two problems that damages your story:

The story is set in the year 3021, but aside from "VR has evolved a lot" we don't really see much of it. I'm not speaking of neuromancer-style neologisms, but aside from the 3021 VR thing you only talk to us about the 2014 VR thing. Furthermore, asise from the VR thing, it seems like it's set in present day US; gamers seems to still occupy the same role, NEET is still a term and a thing, etc. A lot of shit changes in 1000 years, you know? It breaks the immersion, the suspension of disbelief, if you will.
You could flesh out more about this hundred year period or you could move the story back in time a little, maybe set it in 2040/2060 or something like that - pretty easy considering it would just mean changing some numbers.

The mc is somewhat inconsistent, too; there he talks about how excited he is to be playing it, here he talks about how he just wants to collect his check, "shut-eye" (not a gamerly term, I think.)
You probably know how to fix this.

Godspeed and good luck, anon.

>> No.17870661

Yet another banger for you undeserving fuckers.
In which I argue the claim that the only justifiable form of residence is a little fortified fortress or castle. If one does not live in a fortified compound of one's chosing one is never free but always reacting to the external violence of the world.


>> No.17870680

hmm, the prose doesn't match the memey setting and payoff. I don't know how to fix it, but it needs to be written differently. It's written in a Tom Sawyer way but it doesn't fit

>> No.17870682

Thanks, anon. I hope it caught your attention the whole way through.

>> No.17870689

Lol it was 100% a joke anyway.

>It's written in a Tom Sawyer way
What do you mean?

>> No.17870694

>Yeah. Triggered snowflakes.
Shit, and I remember when other anons busted animefags balls for making new threads early as well and for the same reasons you gave. Which makes this all the more pathetic.
>I can predict this becoming a vicious cycle if the alleged loliposter starts doing the same thing, creating a new thread way before the another one reaches the bump limit
I don’t think there’s even a loli poster. That’s something they just made up.

>> No.17870706

the characters are typing, right? But they still type their dialects phonetically
> helluva
> R&R
> yknow
> lil sis

plus since they're typing and not speaking, the dialogue should be formatted in a way that shows the two people are texting

>> No.17870716

>still seething
lol stop talking about yourself in the third person. It's just a picture right? Just scroll down and ignore it lmao.

>> No.17870719

If it’s just a picture why do you keep making threads before the bump limit?

>> No.17870726

50k words in and I just finished my favorite few chapters that I've written so far. Based McCarthy inspired me with a way to make wandering around in the desert work. I'm on the home stretch now, and then I can edit this clay into something that I hope will sell.

>> No.17870735

if it’s just a picture, why don't you just get over it

>> No.17870736

Anon, you claim I’m seething when I’m not. And I’m merely asking asking you why are you making threads before the bump limit.

>> No.17870762

because we don't like your anime pictures

>> No.17870768

Anyone get serious insanity vibes from the animefag? The repetition of phrases and inability to laugh it off is weird to me

>> No.17870771

Not the animeOP, but instead of just scrolling down and ignore it, you make a new thread before the bump?

>> No.17870780

they are stunted. if they could progress, they would have moved on from anime to begin with. this is also the key to understanding their pedophilic tendencies.

>> No.17870782

Yes, exactly. You are very observant

>> No.17870791

>Not the animeOP
stop lying lol.

>> No.17870808

if you are part of a group and one of them starts putting up signs that read "pedos welcome" should you consider that a little detail to hurry past?

>> No.17870828

What the fuck are you even talking about. There were only two OP pics with loli and both of them were never sexual to begin with. I don’t know where you get this pedo shit other than projection.

>> No.17870834

Neither are they actual soldiers. The story is being told through the tinted lens of the janny.

>> No.17870842

we're not goldish. We remember the dozens upon dozens of anime picture threads

>> No.17870850

You're on 4channel, you're a weeb pedo and there is absolutely nothing you can say or do to change that.

>> No.17870855 [DELETED] 

i believe my repeating digits say more than words ever could.

>> No.17870863

>We remember the dozens upon dozens of anime picture threads
And only two of them were ever loli. And both of those pictures were neither sexual nor gave of pedophile vibes. So, again, what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.17870880
File: 86 KB, 1334x750, 1616068603444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17870882
File: 30 KB, 852x480, 9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only two!

>> No.17870883

No, I'm not getting into the anime pic equivalent of the "I'm not a pedophile, I'm an ephebophilia" conversation

>> No.17870889

How is grown adult women anywhere near ephebophilia?

>> No.17870907

Are you serious right now? We don't want pictures of anime kids retard. Discussion is over. The general is going to actively make threads so that you won't make then anymore.

>> No.17870909
File: 56 KB, 1000x750, 161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally moved my writing group to the daytime so it wont interfere with my writing
>dnd group ending next week so it won't interfere with my writing
>moved my family meeting to early evening so it won't interfere with my writing
>still don't write because anxiety

>> No.17870917

Everyone is a child of God and to lust after anyone is by definition pedophilia.

>> No.17870927
File: 456 KB, 526x526, how_to_make_money_with_writing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some pictures we can use for the new thread. You don't have to use them, they're just suggestions

>> No.17870933
File: 109 KB, 960x960, cat_work_ethic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17870935

So, you’re just making shit up then?

>> No.17870953

I wonder what it says about our commitment to our craft when the largest source of activity is whether the top image is an anime girl or something else.
I for one no longer care to pretend I was ever interested in a writing general, I'm simply here for the drama at this point.

>> No.17870994
File: 817 KB, 1816x2354, Ezra Weston Loomis Pound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Years ago a musician said to me: 'But isn't there a place where you can get it all [meaning all of poetry] as in Bach?' There isn't. I believe if a man will really learn Greek he can get nearly 'all of it ' in Homer. I have never read half a page of Homer without finding melodic invention, I mean melodic invention that I didn't already know. I have, on the other hand, found also in Homer the imaginary spectator, which in 1918 I still thought was Henry James' particular property. Homer says, 'an experienced soldier would have noticed'. The sheer literary qualities in Homer are such that a physician has written a book to prove that Homer must have been an army doctor. (When he describes certain blows and their effect, the wounds are said to be accurate, and the description fit for coroner's inquest.) Another French scholar has more or less shown that the geography of the Odyssey is correct geography; not as you would find it if you had a geography book and a map, but as it would be in a 'periplum ', that is, as a coasting sailor would find it. The news in the Odyssey is still news. Odysseus is still 'very human', by no means a stuffed shirt, or a pretty figure taken down from a tapestry. It is very hard to describe some of the homeric conversation, the irony, etc., without neologisms, which my publishers have suggested I eschew.
- Ezra Pound, Abc of Reading.

>> No.17870997

...I feel dirty, somehow.

>> No.17871021

>I wonder what it says about our commitment to our craft when the largest source of activity is whether the top image is an anime girl or something else.
Only a select few give a shit and their the ones making early threads to prevent anything else being in the Op.

>> No.17871029
File: 183 KB, 1044x776, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another page of Blackula done.

I'm going have Van Hassain kill Vampiress Lupita with an onyx stake (instead of a silver stake) and witch doctor water (instead of holy water)

>> No.17871054

>Dr Seward
You mean Papa Doc Sheyweeder

>> No.17871088

Papa Doc, I like that. That sounds very black. I'm going to have Vampiress Lupita call him that. Before I write her dialogue, I'm going to have to watch another black video on Youtube so I can insert some authentic black phrases

>> No.17871114

Rapper names and interviews are a gold mine, anon

>> No.17871133
File: 335 KB, 1406x2048, ExRBOXjVkAIxylD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, so tired I posted in the wrong thread by accident.

Short one-shot I whipped up over the course of today instead of writing my next chapter due now, well, today, since it's midnight. I think one day I will expand it into a short story, but maybe not any time soon.

The premise is based on a dream I had a few months ago. I had to write names of those I see in dreams(Woah) into a notebook and invoke their death. I had to do it every day, too, else I would be killed by my handler so to speak.

With that said, it's supposed to be supernatural/urban fantasy. Maybe psychosocial/drama, but that might be difficult to gather since that synopsis I described won't be gathered too much from the text.

6k words.

Don't really care for critique, but feel free to do it if you want I guess. I just want it out of my head and hard drive and for others to see. I did very light edits along the way in Scrinever and in Grammarly, but I might've overlooked some things here and there.

>> No.17871144
File: 56 KB, 695x990, purge the weebs (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't post new meme 10 part short story series on RR because rule #1 is no hate speech.

Oh well, guess I'll post it on paste-bin. Introductory chapter will be released on Monday, March 28th. Get ready for some action packed short stories /wg/!

>> No.17871145

Good idea. I'm going to look for interviews for this R&B girl band called TLC because I need to write black dialogue for a black female. They were popular in the 1990s


I'll have to watch this carefully this weekend. It's a shame it doesn't have subtitles, I can't understand some of the slang

>> No.17871155

What do you all prefer to write about? I mean something very precise like what type of scenes or what type of descriptions, writing about nature for example. For me it's describing characters' facial expressions and gestures.

>> No.17871170
File: 207 KB, 1848x1050, text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any feedback would be welcomed

>> No.17871206

> The mysterious blonde strides over to me. Then stops, and kneels to straddle me. She rubs my cheeks, then proceeds to caress my ears. “Make a contract with me,” I can hear perfectly the monotony in her voice… almost as if my hearing has been restored. She leans in, brushing my cheeks again. Any minute now, I feel as though I will die. Underneath us, the pool of orchid-red liquid widens to unbelievable lengths. It becomes increasingly hard to breathe, or even keep my head up.

> “Make a contract with me, and I shall save you,” the woman insists more stubbornly, “you mortal beings clung to life like it has meaning… you continue to torment yourselves with meaningless, mundane activities. It makes me sick…” she grins devilishly, “but the fact that you wish to live in this hellish realm is what makes me makes me love you children of man all the same!”

> The woman takes the book and shoves it onto my chest. She prys it open to a random page, then grips one of my bloodied limp hands. “You want to live, don’t you?!” She demands, peering closer into my eyes, “is it not one of man’s greatest desires to become immortal?! A second chance at life?!” With those words, my gaze drifts over to Ken’s lower half still visible on the stairs. Even from here, I can see them twitch slightly.

sounds like Madoka Magica

>> No.17871241

>after sex scene
>indie music reference
>she has large firm breasts and she likes when i touch them
>protagonist fucking around with eastern european girls

you could not have written anything more conventional, i want to refrain from saying "cringe" and "basic", but this is cringe and basic. can you tell me more about why i am supposed to be interested? genuine question. what makes you think the reader cares?

>> No.17871276

can someone please explain the current year short story structure meta to me. as someone who exclusively reads 800 page novels i am having a ridiculously hard time telling a story in just a few thousand words.

>> No.17871287

>I has teh secks, the saga

>> No.17871319

>as someone who exclusively reads 800 page novels
get a load of this guy.

>> No.17871418

You lot ever write disgusting scenes and turn yourself off so much you have to stop?

>> No.17871423

no, because we keep our souls pure from erotica

>> No.17871564

I wrote about that one time I woke up in the middle of the night to my roommates watching porn together
It was two chicks pulling out their rectums and rubbing the pink socks together
Jesus Christ

>> No.17871577

>watching porn together
am i the only one who thinks two dudes watching porn together is gay as fuck

>> No.17871590

It's not gay if you don't jerk off the other guys' dick

>> No.17871593


>> No.17871598

What no? It happened and I have duty to the truth to include it in my book

>> No.17871635

maybe they were unironically gay, anon. It is 2021, after all

>> No.17871674

But the porn was lesbian stuff

>> No.17871684

Oh, well ..... hmm actually I don't know how to explain that

>> No.17871688

you sound like you're 18 years old and you've been swept up in the new trend of everyone being a minority transexual with deviant sexual tendencies

conventional themes doesn't mean bad

>> No.17871714

I meant gory scenes, you sick fucks

>> No.17871740

I think guts coming out of the body is gory by any definition

>> No.17871753

not him but he was probably just being kind and what he should have said was "generic and boring" - like an 18 year old's first attempt at being deep and literary.

>> No.17871902

omg baste oniichan make thread before weebsenpai

>> No.17872021

i'm squeamish with blood and i almost fainted reading THAT passage in mishima's patriotism, jesus fuck

>> No.17872022

>commission a freelance editor on fiverr
>opening of report says most of my mistakes are understandable for a first time writer
>proceeds to tear it to shreds
I think giving up on writing is preferable at this point. The only people who'd read my shit are two or three random assholes on the internet and my grandmother. If only I could retract all the months I spent writing the piece of shit.

>> No.17872027

post it

>> No.17872063

You need to keep going. You know your mistakes now, LEARN MOTHERFUCKER

>> No.17872198

i don't think everyone should be writing about minorities, it's stupid. writing about regular things is good and important. but what >>17871170 wrote is just cliché. it's not "conventional themes", it's stereotypical and tasteless

>> No.17872207

Yes, yes, I know you had teh secks. It's still nothing to write home about.

>> No.17872344

>i hired some guy to critique my writing and he actually did it! This isn't what I wanted!

>> No.17872354

There's a difference between getting critiqued and getting shit on

>> No.17872550

Should you just give up if your shit at grammar. I've read twenty books on grammar and I still make basic mistakes.

I'm starting to think I'm brain damaged.

>> No.17872687

> if your shit at grammar

>> No.17872844


>> No.17872862

life imitates art

>> No.17873041
File: 106 KB, 1419x905, writercat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would any gracious anons be willing to read the first chapter of my new novel? This one was lightly inspired by Disco Elysium.

3650 words.

Does this work as an opening? I was told that a novel needs a period of showing the protagonist's "normal world," everyday routine and so on, before I can begin introducing dangerous elements, or it may fall flat. My worry is that if I don't show any conflict in the first chapter, no one will read on. What do you think?


Also, I bought a cheap used laptop for like 50 bucks to use as a writing station. It works really well - writing on my PC sometimes feels like trying to fast in a restaurant, there's all the games and Discord to distract my dopamine centers. The laptop can barely run Scrivener and dictation software, so there's no way to be distracted, you just go into flow state that much faster. Pic related is the laptop. Comfy af.

>> No.17873475

I don’t like this, it makes me very uncomfortable

>> No.17873493
File: 580 KB, 2048x1152, lev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a shame, but I appreciate your honesty anon

>> No.17873561
File: 1.03 MB, 716x1271, white river ontario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a section from my upcoming book / autofic novel about riding bicycles across Canada with my friend. A 2-month journey living by the land. Mental health is the core theme, particularly because we did it as a fundraiser for a mental health charity we founded together. In this section, we're roughing it in rural Northern Ontario.

>> No.17873570
File: 164 KB, 375x436, Buster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ken Komura

>> No.17873577

>I regard myself as Azra—a shortening of the term Azrael, if you will
>Akane Wakabayashi

>> No.17873579


Wow, forgot to link:


>> No.17873582


It’s written well, but her inner monologue points are a bit confusing. That’s just formatting though. Also the bit at the beginning with her being pleasured by the car vibrations? That’s a bit cringe to me, desu. As a woman who’s been in a car, those vibrations aren’t strong enough to do much. But you are playing up the whole drug and dopamine stuff so it does fit.

The action scene was very well done, imo, but I don’t understand the swans.

>> No.17873607
File: 92 KB, 1032x581, 20180920_025439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much for the feedback, this'll help me.

A lot of inner monologue is in italics in the manuscript, but the pastebin website removed all italics making it needlessly confusing as to what's direct thoughts and what's narration.

>> No.17873814


The big problem is nothing interesting is happening.

>> No.17874115

I have to write 5000 words a day to meet my deadline on April 1st. Wish me fucking luck.

>> No.17874234
File: 274 KB, 1080x1111, Screenshot_20210325_191027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, I'd appreciate anyone kind enough to give feedback on this poem. I know free verse is the thing now as opposed to metrical, but I've got a thing for it.

>> No.17874321

56k words. I am so habby :D:D

>> No.17874416

Is there any long-term benefit to joining a writing group?

>> No.17874454

reposting from last thread, would appreciate some feedback on the narration

>> No.17874685

did you rike it?

>> No.17874765

Getting the shit beat out of you is pretty interesting

>> No.17874837

you'll eventually give up on principled writing and instead blast out shitposts that you know will make everyone pog up. it is liberating but accompanied with an element of nihilation or pessimism.

>> No.17875166
File: 366 KB, 1410x2250, mmb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud of myself lads. Managed to sell 30 copies of my smut on amazon.

>> No.17875324

Way to dilute

>> No.17875458

Great work anon

>> No.17875473

why is homer the best author ever

>> No.17875518

are first drafts supposed to look like disorganized schizo rambling? feel like I'd be better served by the notecard system of drafting than using sheets of paper

>> No.17875560

How does writing for a visual novel differs from writing for a book? Should you describe anything visual at all?

>> No.17875566

Go back

>> No.17875577

They can look like whatever you want them to look like. My first drafts are more or less the first and final drafts after line edits or whatever it is they label them as.

>> No.17875618

To.... where exactly

>> No.17875851

Do non-writers actually read literary journals or are they a meme? Not counting the New Yorker which is normie-tier

>> No.17875943

Currently writing a book in my native lang. It's a collection of about 15 short stories on around 20-25 pages each. Over half way currently, but struggling with motivation to keep going as I've written all the stories closest to my heart. Now I'm writing what I'm perceiving as mostly filler desu and I already have a good length on the book.
Asking for advice on how you novelists keep writing disciplined even when writing sections of the novel that seem kind of meaningless or uninspired. (not directly meaningless, filler is maybe a better word, but I'm struggling to describe this feeling.). Do you guys just publish when you feel "done"? Or do you press on to finish what you set out. That's mostly why I'm still writing on this book, just to achieve the goal I started with even though I've written mostly what I wanted to write.

>> No.17875985

lol nobody here is published don't bother asking

>> No.17876027

OK, man. Whatever, the post is up and larpers can atleast reply

>> No.17876055

>Asking for advice on how you novelists keep writing disciplined even when writing sections of the novel that seem kind of meaningless or uninspired.
The most generic advice I can give is simply to close out of any distractions and set timers for yourself. Try to wake up early and get it out of the way. I wish I could practice what I preach because discipline can be incredibly hard when it comes to stopping and falling down the slippery slope of surfing the web or taking extended breaks to play vidya or anime.

Another thing you could do is set a deadline to finish a chapter, but if you're bad at those and have a tendency to start writing a chapter at the last possible second then that can pose a struggle as well.

>Do you guys just publish when you feel "done"?
I'm only serial-publishing/writing, but essentially yes.

>> No.17876152

For real, distractions kill me when working on the computer. I usually switch off the internet in my house when writing (since I only write fiction anways, don't need to look anything up), but sometimes I end up taking long lunch breaks or going driving just to distract myself.

What is serial-publishing?

>> No.17876217
File: 76 KB, 627x617, wiesniak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to finish it, wait for a few weeks, then edit once it's fresh in your mind. Then you'll find that you won't remember which sections were a chore/difficult to write, and which weren't. Your writing style will be more or less on the same level, which is a blessing to you - this means even if writing feels awful and difficult, you can count on the fact that it's fine.

However, this illusion is what trips up most people - because they write only when 'inspired', and once it's difficult, they move on to something else. This makes for a ton of unfinished works.

In short - finish what you started.

The latter half is harder and more boring to write, but in terms of quality it's just as good as when the writing was exciting. We just get bored of ideas after a few months of work, that's how human attention is.

This is also why Stephen King writes the draft of his books in 3 months. Because he knows that he'll get bored of the idea if he takes too long. Not everyone can write as fast as he does (2k/day) but it's comforting to know he struggles with the same lack of motivation/inspiration that we do. He also said that he's able to write and finish his books "cold," but prefers to do it when inspiration is still there. A writer must learn to write both "cold" (after inspiration wore off) and "hot-blooded" (when he's still chasing his idea). Develop these skills and you'll go far.

Congrats, man.

It's okay if they do, but it means you'll need to edit it down to sanity later.

It's a meme.

Use a method of timers, and split up your day to do a writing session in the morning, then a writing session in the evening. Set a timer to 20-30minutes, and write without interruptions. If you're interrupted to think/feed the cat/whatever, then pause the timer. Keep doing the 30min sprints, taking a bit of rest in between. You can do 2-3k that way in a few hours in the morning, and then sprint the rest in the evening. Just know you have to not worry about quality as much, and just lower the standard for putting down the next word - anything will do, just keep writing. You'll hit the goal.
I don't know anything about poetry, but it feels a little melodramatic, the language is not very beautiful so it's not an enjoyable read. I think any postmodern poetry that's trying to be more classical has to do it with a degree of irony, like a deconstruction, otherwise it feels like a cliche. Please don't take this too much to heart, though, the poetry I tend to like is by William Carlos Williams or T. S. Eliot. Very different from yours.

Thank you for standing up for my scene! It made me smile to read.

I love writing combat gore/dynamic fighting. Also two unique characters bullshitting and playing off each other verbally.

it's cute, I used to be this ironic slacker that would not do any work. it felt good in the moment but now I have nothing to show for it.

>> No.17876229

It's basically writing a story chapter by chapter on a web platform, by various means like dialy or weekly/biweekly+.

>> No.17876247

I'm thinking of writing a novel which is just literally my diary desu and then I change the names and call it fiction and also things turn out better than real life. The working title is "Woman Writer"

>> No.17876270

Would it be avant-garde to write in the way of a 4chan thread or in those mannerisms? I'm imagining something like the Aeolus Chapter of Ulysses but with the style of speaking you'd think is stereotypical of 4chan.

>> No.17876292

I plan on doing a chapter in this style in one of my novels, but it's a big project I won't start work on for a while

>> No.17876404

Thank you for the advice, it's quite uplifting. I know that what I write is shit, but that's not the point. I'm ghostwriting a book for a friend who is about to become famous, and he wants to capitalize on that fame. BTW, do you happen to work in the industry?

>> No.17876427

When was Loli ever posted?

>> No.17876434

These niggas dont have pupils or?????

>> No.17876626

Once I finish my first draft of my children's novel but before I edit it, I am going to write an essay autistically analyzing what made the first few Harry Potter books successful. Would anyone here be interested in reading that, or should I keep it to myself?

>> No.17876779

How do I "buy into" my own characters? I feel like I'm sculpting in the dark

>> No.17876828

Any advice on how to get out of rewrite hell? I spend so many times on the same sentences they don't even read like English anymore.

>> No.17876837
File: 39 KB, 381x400, rage_at_computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swear to God Cormac Mccarthy's the devil's fruit of prose. It's incredibly fun to read but then it creeps into your own writing and rots it into rancid incomprehensible dribble.

>> No.17876841

much like athena was born of zeus, they spring from your head fully formed.

>> No.17876849

remove style and focus on construction and, more importantly, advancing the narrative

>> No.17876851

Try using text-to-speech. I find that having another voice read things back to me helps.

>> No.17876861


>> No.17877004


>> No.17877032
File: 206 KB, 1200x800, ojorgeluisborgesgiatisyggrafi11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pictures in the OP, reflect the writers of these generals. Who are aiming to be the next Nabokovs, Conrads, Faulkner, Joyce, not the anime bullshit you keep peddling. And stop pretending to be different anon, we know you its just you animeOP.

>> No.17877052

>Who are aiming to be the next Nabokovs, Conrads, Faulkner, Joyce, not the anime bullshit you keep peddling.
The only ones who are doing any sort of writing in these threads are the animefags, the fuck are you on about? How delusional can you be? Are you forgetting that one of them wrote five short stories in a day?

>> No.17877141

How the shit do I stop procrastinating/having writer's block and actually write? I can shit out 150 words a day and then I'm stuck and don't know what to write next.

>> No.17877209

>anime bullshit
The animefags are the ones who are gonna make it. "The Path Of Ascension" over on RR isn't even a month old and it's already earned $2100.

Compare that with a payout from a reputable small press in my country, Aurealis, who pay out $20-$60 per 1000 words and is capped at 8000 words. If I somehow manage to get 10 short stories accepted (which is impossible unless I submit to at least 10 different magazines) with a maximum payout of $4800, then I still can't see myself making it by writing literature for the "literary."

It's an uphill battle that seems impossible to climb now. And once you've made it with web novels, people still follow you and throw their shekels down the drain, waiting for your next work. Like the author of Mother Of Learning who hasn't produced anything since.

>> No.17877431

nah man i aint aiming to be some modern lit-fic author who will be roundly mocked and forgotten by the current lit-fic audience. They want the classics. They don't give a shit about you.
So I'm gonna tell the same stories I planned to do anyways except it'll have knights and samurai and all sorts of silly shit because that would be fun.

>> No.17877479

How to write an episodic story? For episodes that are more self contained and less focused on the overall arc through line, how do I know which slice of life anecdotes are worth including?

>> No.17877495

>the sophists are the ones who are gonna make it!

some things are worth more than money.

>> No.17877803

And what are you using as a measure of success? How will you know that your work is appreciated if there is no money involved?

Not all of us can live in poverty like Cormac McCarthy.

>> No.17877946

Watch Avatar, it's one of the most tightly-written series I've seen. Slice of life episodes are for building subplots.

>> No.17878094

lol seethe animefags. This general no longer welcomes you here.

>> No.17878275

I have to wonder, have you read any award winning novels from 2020? What did you think of them?

>> No.17878283

>Any progress on your novels?
I wish. but I'm getting really close to the climax

>Are the themes of time, space, infinity, memory or pointless dueling present in your work?
my main villain is the physical embodiment of the conservation of mass/energy, and every conflict in earth's entire history could have been avoided if he wasn't such a dick

you tell me

>> No.17878284

>tfw bullied for not using line indents
bros should I use line indents
I was told that it looks shitty without them

>> No.17878288

>What did you think of them?
They are trash, they can't hold a candle like the classics.

>> No.17878295

>anime seether is still trying to snipe OPs
Why. This is retarded and no one gives a fuck who makes the OP
Stop being so attention starved

>> No.17878374

Organizations are inherently pathological structures which are inevitably bent to the will of authoritarian mindsets.

Observe the progress of /wg/. Originally started to give aspiring writers a place to discuss the craft, the OP images were designed to serve that purpose, by making the threads stand out in the catalog. But then someone struck upon the notion of using an image of a military general engaged in the act of writing as the OP image. This clever visual pun was lauded for it's originality and humor. This was the beginning of the end for /wg/. Once this type of praise was heaped upon the selector of the pun-based OP image, these threads became a target of the authoritarian mindset.

A brief digression to explain what I mean by the authoritarian mindset: it is a natural human instinct to seek the praise and approval of his peers. It usually means he has done something very well, and serves as a reflection of his abilities and talents. He enjoys winning, but can lose gracefully because he values the act in and of itself, and it pleases him to see it done well. Therefore he invites competition as a stimulating force in his life. The immature man is not willing to do the work necessary to achieve success, but like everyone else, he still enjoys the accolades that come with success. Therefore he views competition as a hindrance on his path to receiving praise. He seeks to eliminate competition by any means necessary as opposed to overcoming it. He does not like to be challenged in any capacity, hence his preferences for children's cartoons. With their simple morality and two-dimensional characters, they do not compel the authoritarian to reflect on himself or society at large. They give him a bland self-insert character to which he can relate, and then show that character defeating enemies and always being right.

/wg/ originally held very little appeal to the authoritarian. It was designed to invite criticism as opposed to praise, which frightens the animefag, err- whoops, I meant authoritarian because it may compromise his fragile, delusional self-image. Originally, he sought control over the OP image because he wanted people to celebrate his choice. When that failed, he sought to exert control simply to compel others to obey his will, because he sees that good people can inspire others to copy their behavior, and has confused this process to believe that compliance=admiration. Further frustrating the situation is the fact that the authoritarian plays by the letter of the rules while disregarding the spirit. The authoritarian LOVES rules because they give him an opportunity to chastise others for a lack of obedience, even if it constricts his own freedom. So he camps the thread and waits for the bump limit to be reached before making his move.

>> No.17878381

My measure of success is God's love and wisdom.

>> No.17878406

>authoritarianism and the pursuit of validating pleasure through the enforcement of rule
>not egotism and the pursuit of validating pleasure through the simple acknowledgement of ones own identity
decent but misses the mark
animefag and pseudfag are both dumb fucks and need to get twitter accounts to vent their dumb bullshit

>> No.17878414

Animefags at least write in these threads. The pseudfags just shit on everyone and call everyone they don’t like animefags.

>> No.17878419

Along with this craven desire for power comes a slew of other unpleasant personality traits, chief of which is projection. It is not the animefag who is obsessed with the selection of the OP image, oh no, it's you! It is not the animefag who is ruining the threads, it's you complaining about his behavior which is ruining it. If you'd simply let him have his way, every single day, relentlessly, without fail, things would be much simpler. Why can't you simply be reasonable? To a mature anon, it seems incomprehensible that anyone would persevere in this behavior which brings nothing but insult and hated. But to the immature authoritarian, it does not matter that everyone resents him, what matters is that everyone is forced to play by his rules. You will cede power to him, or you will be forced to argue with him, but either way you are being forced by him.

Even now the authoritarian prepares his reply. Rather than engage with any point I have made, he will attempt to embarrass me by mocking the effort I have put into describing his terrible behavior. "Look at all these words you wrote! Over something as simple as a picture of an anime girl!" while steadfastly ignoring the efforts he has gone through to ensure that anime girls remain in the OP image and pretending as if he is not elated to have garnered 3000+ words of someone else's attention. Later in the thread he will attempt to claim authority over the discussion by stating that his kind are actually the ONLY ones putting any effort into the discussion. Perhaps he may even aim lower and pretend as if he didn't even read my post. Unfortunately for him, I know that he has nothing better to do.

>> No.17878459
File: 72 KB, 918x918, Es9exK4VEAIKwFe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And whenever pseudfags do post their stuff it ends up being just as terrible as animefag writing, but I suppose that's besides the point

>> No.17878483

animefags overstepped their welcome, they made it a hostile workplace. all they had to do was maintain their fictions as fictions. instead they plastered their imagery everywhere, they advertised their anime websites, they asserted themselves "the only ones who write." be as sour as you want but /wg/'s current turmoil was inevitable. the masculine spirit cannot stand to look at anime!

>> No.17878504

I can't tell if this projection or just satire. The last exclamation mark throws me off.

>> No.17878513

with that kind of logic, I could say
> look at JK Rowling, Stephen King, or [insert any successful non-anime writer] who made $______ in the past x years
> therefore it's the non-anime writers who are making it

Additionally, you have literally no evidence for your constant statement, "only animefags on /wg/ write, everyone else is a non-writing ngmi pseud." Yes, the same statement you write multiple times in every thread without an anime OP picture.

>> No.17878528

Don't bother with them. Ebooks automatically strip line indents from your formatting anyway

>> No.17878532

>/wg/ is 90% do you even write
>the remaining 10% is all smut, anime and mountains of pseudfags long abandoned first chapters
At least the crits are decent sometimes

>> No.17878544

>outs himself as never reading others anons work
read and help other anons
don't tell me your one of those fucks who just post their royal road update and contribute nothing to discussion

>> No.17878555

did you reply to the wrong person? your post is a non-sequitur

>> No.17878567

anon was claiming that there's no evidence for the thread meme that only animefags write
and its because animefags are constantly posting their shit and updating and asking for crit/advice
you'd have to never click an image or paste to not see the sheer anime onslaught

>> No.17878596

I see lots of normal, 3DPD /wg/ stories, as well as normal anons talking about their non-anime writings. Either compile a statistical analysis of previous threads or stfu

>> No.17878637

write non-fiction during writer's block, I find it easier to write stuff textbook-like material when I'm having trouble with my novel

>> No.17878654

>muh stats
whatever dweeb
submit to the cultural wave or stand alone as a super special snowflake who somehow has experienced and concluded something unique despite having been in the same environment

>> No.17878685
File: 40 KB, 736x802, 4af8ed84d6f3ddc17dbc22916ca3bf57[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

communities often reifiy their raison d'etre as the symbolic neighbor: if you take the argument as your own, it is only because in a disagreement the symbolic token of mutual-identification is the only thing that is missing, and the only one that matters! that is why parties can identify the other side as belligerent, but not their own. if i seem satirical, it is because i am swashbuckling with animefags on a thread devoted to fictions.

>> No.17878729

still buttmad that he can't make anime thread. SAD!

>> No.17878781

I don’t know, anon. The fact that you have to make a new thread before the bump limit because you’re scared it’s going to have an anime pic is pretty pathetic.

>> No.17878788

i would strangle a dove to avoid seeing anime

>> No.17878868

I predict that you are ESL.
I don't know if it's just the brutal presentation of pastebin but the sentences feel way too fucking long. An example:

I can’t remember the last time I wanted a girl to stay and I wish that she understood this, understood where this places her and what this means, but after a couple more minutes she stands to get dressed and I call her a taxi and when I shut the door behind her I miss her and this registers as a very unusual feeling.

I can't remember the last time I wanted a girl to stay, and I wish that she understood this, understood where this places her and what this means. But after a couple more minutes, she stands to get dressed and I call her a taxi. When I shut the door behind her, I miss her and this registers as a very unusual feeling.

This is nearly a paragraph and you wrote it as one sentence. Which one do you prefer to read? Unless you're going for a polysyndeton style of writing, like cormac mccarthy.

Then the barrel of the gun shortening and withdrawing in the cup of his shoulder and his face bent to the stock and him walking into it, the black plume of smoke forming soundlessly about the muzzle and the shot popping into his leg, audible and painless in his flesh and him taking another step with the same leg and pitching forward as if he had stepped in a hole and then he could hear the shot.

I'm not sure if it's just the subject matter or how you write, but it feels off to me.
Speaking of the subject matter, personally it doesn't appeal to me. It's just an excerpt so I feel like it's unfair to judge it so harshly, but the lack of context makes me care even less about a depressing person whose life is shit. I guess you might like it if you could relate to it, but I can't. I prefer books like anansi boys and jurassic park, magical stories that take me out of the dull boring world that surrounds me. I feel like this is pretty shit feedback, so again, I apologize. Keep it up.

>> No.17878891

Your writing will improve. You will always have something new to bring to the meeting, so you will be writing more.

>> No.17878898

Not really, no.
The dialogue, music and art is what you need to focus on
T. Wrote two VNs. Don't ask, they won't impress you.

>> No.17878908

what don't you like about anime? i hate vtubers because they sully the pure realm of 2d with online twitch thot shit

>> No.17878927

Of course, I'm talking about instant success versus the ladder that you'd have to climb if you go the traditional way. Can you be like Delia Owens and succeed on your debut novel? Even she had a history of awards beforehand. Or Cormac McCarthy who refused to be anything but a writer and lived in poverty?

People want their success and they may choose the quickest and easiest path, more so if there are public statistics such as the author of Azarinth Healer who earns $7000+ per month, or the shit stain that is The Wandering Inn.

Should instant success be a barrier that inhibits literature? No, of course not. But every publisher dreams of the next Harry Potter. As I said, it's an uphill climb in which few will see the peak of. It's naive to fault people for taking the "easy route."

It's not hard to see the type of people posting their writing, as listed below. The previous thread was a 2:1 landslide for anime-tier fiction.

>Anime Tier

>Non-anime tier

>> No.17879117

>When video games first came to the screen I bet no one but the rich or wasteful took those clunky devices seriously. Well, from the hum of the Arcade onto the sizzle of the TV screen, video games have come a long way since Pong or Pac Man. Maybe too far. And that’s what this tragic tale is about.

Just delete this opener entirely and go back to the drawing board. Refer to next point, do more research. At the very least, it will endow you with a greater sense of reverence for the subject matter.

>video games have become so real you couldn’t separate it from reality
"video games have become so real you couldn’t separate them from reality". Sounds better.

A pedantic note: eight bits go into a byte, so a gigabit is eight times smaller than a gigabyte. Normies usually conflate these terms, but if you want to make your super epic console sound ultra futuristic, you should probably use "terabyte" instead of "terabit". Also, you should probably up the storage capacity (or ram? it's not clear) to something ridiculous like 100 exabytes of yottabytes or zettabytes. We're using terabytes in 2021, so the idea that we'll still be using them in 3034 sort of detracts from the point of the premise, in my opinion. Nobody ever talks about yottabytes, so nobody knows how big they are. I wipe my ass with 10tb hard drives, they cost $200 and I use them for archival.
Of course, if 10tb refers to the random access memory instead of the storage, that's something else, which leads to my next point - you should probably do more research. Look up the history of home gaming consoles, and of technology in general. The way you casually and hastily describe the current innovation of VR that we are now experiencing as just "the oculus console" leads me to believe you haven't done your due diligence, so to speak. If you give a more detailed history of gaming consoles and VR, then your futuristic one seems even more impressive when you introduce it.

>> No.17879121

More research on current VR tech is never a bad idea either, especially neural networks and the dystopian nightmare that bill gates would be happy to oversee. Here's a basic video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19fjsk9blB4

I suggest reading Ready Player One, unironically. It is a complete meme of a book, but the description of virtual reality that it presents is very good. The way the world of the oasis is painted with the prose, it is charming from the first. Even the name - Oasis - it invokes a certain serene divinity in the amygdala. Python is the name of the zoomer programming language that everybody uses now, and as such, it's another thing that people are familiar with. If you're not married to the name, that is to say, if you haven't planned any themes that tie back into it, like the VR shit being analogous to an insidious snake, sliding into our very minds, I would come up with a different name.

>Beta tester
Nigga... did you watch SAO prior to writing this?

>In the beginning of the thirtieth century wires were being introduced to people’s nervous systems by a tech known as NerveWear – an all-purpose shopping, phone, and convenience service that completely obliterated the cell and computer industry in a single swipe.

As I read more of this, my estimations of your age continually lower. I don't want to just call you a retarded animefag, probably because of sunk cost fallacy, so I will persist. Do you know what cell phones are? They are computers. Do you know what the little chip in your credit card (assuming you have one) is? It is a computer. Do you know what all the modern defense and banking systems run on? Computers. You can kill an entire village in yemen from a thousand miles away by flicking your finger a few inches, sending a barrage of hellfire missiles down from a reaper drone fifty thousand feet above the ground.

>> No.17879124

The computer is the greatest invention mankind is ever likely to make, and integrating them into our bodies would not "obliterate the computer industry", it would probably become the computer industry. If we reached that level of technological sophistication, everything in the industry would revolve around it. Think about it. Think about how ubiquitous cell phones are. Phones are used for everything, all the time, now. It's almost like they have become "an all-purpose shopping, phone, and convenience service" that, while innovative, did not obliterate the traditional computer industry in a single swipe. Because the meteoric rise of cell phones necessitated the rise of traditional computing as well. Phones are great, but you still need to develop the software.

>Roaming into the gaming lab that Friday morning I was abuzz with excitement as to what I was to do
Okay, first of all, "roaming"? Where exactly is he roaming? Into the gaming lab, to do a specific task required of him by the company? Then he has a destination in mind, and is doing the opposite of roaming. He has a clear and defined reason for being there. He is not roaming.
>I was abuzz with excitement as to what I was to do
I don't really know what you were thinking. This syntax is completely fucked and redundant.
I was abuzz with excitement at the thought of the impending test.
I was abuzz with excitement, thinking of the Python.
Just, get good. lol. I really don't know how to explain it. I guess some people just have an innate sense of "this sounds good" and "this sounds bad", because I can't think of any other reason for you writing the phrase "I was abuzz with excitement as to what I was to do" other than you not possessing the "this sounds bad" sense. I don't even know how you would go about training yourself in this regard. Read more books, I guess.

>> No.17879179

I wrote three of these posts, nearly 6000 words, and I realize that it is just not worth it. Fuck the sunk cost fallacy, you write like an underage retard. This is fucking fan fiction. Tell me your legitimate age, because if it is over 22 then I will fucking shit.
This man is correct. Your writing is anime tier. Even worse, it is light novel tier. It is worse than that. Some depth of creative bankruptcy that is yet to be unearthed. I would read this story, but only for how ironically bad it is. Like the game Deadly Premonition by suda51. "F.K., in the coffee!" Except nowhere near as funny.
Now that the vitriol is out of my system, I think the best legitimate, actual feedback that I can give you is the same as the ending of my last prewritten posts - Read more books. Because it seems to be that you have read harry potter and watched SAO, and that's it.

Note: I am a highly autistic individual whose main hobby is computers, so I am especially sensitive to radioactive garbage like this insinuating itself into my domain. Normies might not care. Here's an example of actual fucking trash - literal isekai light novel trash - that is well reviewed on amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Summoner-Eric-Vall-ebook/dp/B07HPD2WD1/
This is absolutely the worst book I have ever had the displeasure of reading and everyone should totally read it, and then read the reviews. It is a shining testament to the fact that the average person does not much care what they consume, just that they are consuming and mildly entertained. So you could definitely make money and gain fans with this. miserable excuse for a story. The only question you have to ask yourself is, are you content with it?

I need a shot of whiskey.

>> No.17879186

excuse me, I am the Blackula author and it is most definitely NOT anime

>> No.17879196

put this much effort into my post next time

>> No.17879197

I'm the autist that just wrote 6000 words about some retard's SAO ripoff, post your complete story so far. It looks entertaining and I always liked the black dracula in the grim adventures of billy and mandy.

>> No.17879202


>> No.17879206

and I read the meme jannie story, and that's not anime either, so that brings your anime to anime:non-anime to 4:6. I'd also like to see the other authors on whether they agree with your categorization, because it looks like you're categorizing science fiction, futuristic settings, and technology writings as anime too

>> No.17879212

What post? Which one are you? Also, I only went on ridiculous diatribes and seething rants because I know more than the average person about the subject of videogames and computers. If it's some interpersonal drama type shit I probably won't really care.

>> No.17879220
File: 177 KB, 691x1999, Aqua Short Story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17879231
File: 29 KB, 700x692, OIP[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17879241

here's my Royal Road page. I haven't been updating it because I do want to sell it on Amazon when I'm done, and I've found out that they don't let you put the entire story for free on the internet and sell on Amazon simultaneously. I suppose what I could do is suspend or disable Blackula on Royal Road before I publish on Amazon. hmmm


>> No.17879243

no advertising

>> No.17879253


>> No.17879256

you're weird

>> No.17879258

shut up faggots
I've never actually read dracula so the effect of parody will probably be lost on me, but I'll read it and report back

>> No.17879260

i am always awake. i never sleep. i think of nothing and am nothing inside.

>> No.17879264

Seethe more animefag.

>> No.17879282

this was a dry run for my foray into Black literature. at the time, I was reading Dracula and I decided to try re-writing Dracula, but everyone is black.

I see all sorts of pro-black books, I'm not sure what the correct phrase is, on the market. Things like How to Be an Antiracist, White Fragility, and I think it would be a good market to get into. They're basically normal books, but instead of with white characters, with Black characters. My next idea for a book is black romance, where a black man chooses a black woman for his wife instead of a white woman. There would also be side characters, like a white man who still loves the black woman and pines after her and a jelly white woman who pines after the black man. I think black women would really like that because it affirms the idea of black women being highly desirable "queens"

>> No.17879288

Thanks for your feedback anon, I really appreciate it. I am actually not ESL so that was an interesting observation. There was one error in the text where Microsoft word just auto corrected my word into a different form. But besides that I thought the English was pretty decent here.

Regardless, I do appreciate your feedback, and the feedback of others who have suggested to me that the piece is completely meaningless, stereotypical, and uninteresting.

I must say, when I think about my own favourite books or short stories, most of them are actually about pretty pedestrian people, situations and settings. I wonder if this is just a difference in perspective or if my writing is truly more bland than the seemingly ordinary situations I read about in my favourite books. For example, I think about books by Brett Easton Ellis or Murakami or Ernest Hemingway where a lot of the scenes and characters are pretty ordinary, and common

>> No.17879291
File: 143 KB, 1024x1022, 4hrk2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sleepy Giggle
>"If she asked you to life down and die for her, you'd slit your wrists on the spot."
>"Aqua, sweetie"
>Moaning in protest
>(for now it's just for now don't worry it's not the end calm down)
>"take one with me please" LOL
>"take the initiative, tentatively disrobing her nd relieving her of her sleepwear"
>"Her happiness is your happiness, and you are her happiness, so if Aqua's happy, you're happy, and if you're happy, aqua's happy, and if you're happy, you gently tuck your arms under aqua's legs as another wraps around her back, lifter her up in a princess carry as she lets out an 'eep' of embarrassment."
>Neural pathways
>Never again

Get out, just get the fuck out. No one wants to read your delusional fantasies, fuckin' weeb.

>> No.17879303
File: 490 KB, 682x6843, Okayu and Korone Short Story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't write for commissions.
How do you guys even make it in the world? Would you guys not accept an offer for free money simply because it is not to your liking?

>> No.17879310

So give your garbage to the people who commissioned it and fuck off. Surely you have higher aspirations than this?

>> No.17879318

How fast do you think they'll ban you after I report you for racism?

>> No.17879333

>3000+ words

>> No.17879337


>> No.17879338

>I has teh secks vol2
Forever virgin

>> No.17879342

The categorisation is simple.
>Who are aiming to be the next Nabokovs, Conrads, Faulkner, Joyce, not the anime bullshit you keep peddling.
I put your Blackula in anime because I deemed it immature and LN level writing. Essentially, if it's not "mature," then it's anime.

>> No.17879346

I think I only got good things from McCarthy. Using shorter sentences, active, direct speech, finding the power in simple, mundane observations, etc

>> No.17879350

>judging based on aesthetics and not plot, theme and prose
oh fuck pseuds blown out
don't tell me you only want to be percieved as a good writer and not be one by the merit of your work but by the popular acclaim of others?

>> No.17879353

See how the animefag is quick to anger once he's cornered.

>> No.17879355

you can make any categorization you want, but the other authors can say what they want about your categorization. If you put my works in the anime bin, I'll reply and say it's not

you're free to do so

>> No.17879356
File: 99 KB, 1623x933, Haisee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my army story that nobody here can read anime or not?

>> No.17879359

It's anime, always has been. Just because the animefags encourage you to write it doesn't mean its not.

>> No.17879363

Okay but how is it anime though? I'm curious to learn your reasoning here.

>> No.17879365

take your meds
you keep going on about something that doesn't make sense

>> No.17879367

Because I deemed it immature and LN level writing. Unlike the mature novels of great authors of the past.

>> No.17879368

Yeah, I'm thinking this is based.

>> No.17879370

He's only placing works under the anime umbrella to inflate the numbers of "anime works," so he can say "only anime writers on /wg/ write." Obviously if you put out Blackula to anime or manga readers and told them it was a work of anime, they would be very confused

>> No.17879374

Seems legit. Guess that means weebs really are the only ones writing here.

>> No.17879377

Don't seethe just because I called you out. You weebs aren't the only writers.

>> No.17879380

seethe, cope, rentfree
basedjack I cast you out

>> No.17879384

And to think, all of this started because the anti-animefag or whatever couldn’t cope with having an anime in the OP pic.

>> No.17879388

>be weeb
>have 56k words written
>get called a weeb by a guy who only cares about the OP pic
I mean, okay? I don't have a problem with this. Weebs are the future.

>> No.17879392

>this memetic image macro isn't literally me
>I will not do what is in my power to derail all discussion and make the thread about me
fuck I hate identity fags
no on cares what you do or don't like, get a social media

>> No.17879397

If most weeb shit was actually good, like psycho pass, nobody would care, but LN shit is what's popular, so people shit on weeb writing. Cope.

>> No.17879401

That's fine, you can shit on people all you want, but you're NGMI

>> No.17879403

That's fine, I will still call you a dumb faggot.

>> No.17879410

>dyel doesn't do anything but complain that others are practicing
literally just write

>> No.17879412
File: 372 KB, 220x165, Risitas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17879419

Says the weebs who have no higher aspirations than writing weeb shit

>> No.17879424

post your writing

>> No.17879426

Blade Elegy isn't an anime work. Half of the works listed under anime aren't anime

>> No.17879428

But you're the only one who has said that. My literary models are Kalle Päätalo and Karl Ove Knausgård, you're just throwing this weebshit around because it's the only thing you have. You're hollow. You have nothing to say. You're obsessed with the format of the threads to the point of shitposting day after day over the OP picture because there is no content in you, you can only exist in the surface layers.
I'm sorry anon but you're never gonna make it.

>> No.17879435

post YOUR writing.

>> No.17879455

Havahduin. Rautapöntön alaosassa olevista aukoista ei näkynyt paljon mitään. Nousin epäröiden ylös ja avasin kamiinan kannen. Pelkkä hiillos! Hiipuva hiillos, jossa näkyi vain vähän punaista. Ei helvetin helvetti! Eihän tämä nyt ole mahdollista, en minä nukahtanut! Katsoin kelloani. Jaa. Olin ummistanut silmäni vain kuuden tai seitsemän minuutin ajaksi. Nyt vaadittiin toimintaa! Tämä ei ollut sellainen kolttonen, josta saisin jäädä kiinni. Minulla ei ollut tulitikkuja eikä sytkää omasta takaa, eli minun oli saatava tuli palamaan ilman uuden tulen tekemistä. Helppo homma! Olinhan minä sentään… ollut tulessa itsekin ja kaikkea… hahaha, ei, ei, mitä minä tässä vielä aikailin, pökköä pesään!

Otin puukasasta pienimpiä tarjolla olevia puunkappaleita, mahdollisimman kapeita. Jos aikaa olisi ollut, niitä olisi pitänyt vielä käydä pienimässä ulkona, mutta nyt oli pärjättävä näillä. Asettelin puunpalasia kamiinan sisälle varovaisesti ja ikään kuin ristiin keskenään. Minulla ei ole mitään käsitystä siitä, mitä oikeasti teen. Vuosien hitsauskokemuksen aikana tuli on tullut hyppysiini avaamalla kaksi hanaa ja antamalla pienen kipinän. Nyt tilanne on toinen. Menen kontalleni kamiinan edessä ja puhaltelen kevyesti noihin aukkoihin, jotka muistuttavat minua niistä kiekoista, joilla vanhoissa puhelimissa valittiin numerot. Sitten alan ajatella, että hengityksessäni on hiilidioksidia, joka saattaa tappaa tulen ja lakkaan puhaltelemasta. Mietin, jos ottaisin valopetrolia ja kaataisin sitä puiden päälle… mutta ei, se aine haisee vahvasti ja siitä jäisin varmasti kiinni. Minun oli vain uskottava itseeni ja tuleen. Tuli, ihmisen liittolainen. Kaikki muut eläimet maailmassa kavahtivat tulta, mutta ihmiselle tuli tarkoitti lämpöä, valoa, turvaa. Ihminen ja tuli olivat ystäviä. Minä olin ystäväni pettänyt, mutta antaisiko hän minulle anteeksi? En kestänyt epätietoisuutta ja astuin teltasta ulos.

>> No.17879458

Kesäyöt olivat niin valoisia, vaikka nyt olikin melko vilpoisaa. Hätilän metsissä todella oli kylmempää kuin vuodenaikaan nähden saattoi olettaa. Katselin ympärillämme kohoavia telttoja, kuusipuita ja kumpuilevaa maastoa peittävää paksua sammalmattoa, siellä täällä vielä syömättömäksi jääneitä mustikoita jo kaluttujen varpujen seassa. Muissa olosuhteissa tämä olisi mitä miellyttävin paikka, ja luonnonkauneudelle herkistyvä mieleni salli hermojeni levähtää hetken tuossa vehreydessä. Kipinään nukahtaminen oli vartiorikos, niin olin kuullut kerrottavan. Tästä ei pelkillä huudoilla selviäsi. Ensimmäinen todellinen metsäleiri, ja joko olin mennyt ja pilannut kaiken? Tunsin tarvetta virtsata, ja kävin kusaisemassa, kuin uhmaamassa maailmaa ja kaikkea sitä, mikä minua vastaan siinä oli asettunut. Tulivartio saapui, he olivat minulle ulkonäöltä tuntemattomia miehiä, ties mistä ryhmästä. Heilautin kättäni ja lopettelin tarpeeni tekoa. Kääntyessäni näin savun nousevan telttamme piipusta.
”Tulivartio?” toinen vartijoista kysyi luikkiessani teltan oviaukolle.
”Tulivartio” vastasin, ja hymyilin kääntäessäni heille selkäni. Ystäväni ei ollut minua pettänyt, enkä minä vahingosta viisastuneena enää häntä laiminlyönyt.

>> No.17879468
File: 142 KB, 359x363, 1615966824780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a mistake I made, there's a comma missing. I guess I was a weeb all along.

>> No.17879479

If everyone is black, what's the point of adding "afro" in front of "european"? The joke is that everyone is black, right? Wouldn't that make africa white? Or is everyone in the world black, and therefore afro european is just a different tribe of black compared to pure european?
Honestly, I was expecting the prose to be in ebonics, like that black bible parody book. I can't remember what it was called and google is no help, but I remember idubbbz getting one in a bad unboxing video, it went something like "and god something something with a rod, and moses ran away like a bitch." Like that. Regardless, the point is that it's much more "straight" parody rather than "wacky" parody that I expected.
It's okay, but I have to question, why the black angle? If you're not doing hilarious ebonics or infusing actual african history and culture then it seems like a white person story except their skin is black.
Well, obviously may 16 is unlike all the other chapters. It's ebonics meme parody after playing it straight with a twist parody. Okay. And it has a reference to a contemporary actor, in a story set in the 1800s. And he pulled a sofa to the window, but you wrote that the black woman leapt "in bed" with him. What the fuck are you doing? Am I supposed to laugh or take it seriously?
Are you black/jewish/rich? The answer to this could determine whether or not you're allowed to publish on amazon.

>> No.17879494

it doesn't matter since nobody can read this shit, so nobody will be able to tell if you've made a mistake or not.

>> No.17879500

Yes, I told you in my first post you couldn't read it.>>17879356
You brought this on yourself man.

>> No.17879517

The African American dialect is called AAVE, African American Vernacular English. The old name was ebonics, but that has fallen out of favor.

I'm quite interested in this ideal of black excellence that the new Black movement or Black Lives Movement is pushing. It's this ideal that black people and the features of blackness are inherently noble. While I was writing, I noticed that aside from the black name changes, the novel was exactly the same as Dracula. They dress like white seventeenth Europeans, talk like them, act like them, etc. If I didn't add in the adjectives about blackness and afros, it might as well be white Dracula.

So, here is the thing that differentiates Blackula. All the human characters talk like normal/white people, but when you undergo the vampire process, you start speaking in AABE. The exception for vampire = AABE is Blackula himself, who always speaks standard English. The vampire wives speak in AABE. Later in the novel, the black sailors start off speaking standard English, but when they get bitten, they use AABE. When Lupita is a human, she uses standard English, but when she gets bitten, she uses AABE.

The sofa/bed thing is from the original novel. Johnathon Harker is too afraid to sleep in his bedroom and goes to a feminine bedroom. He pulls the sofa out in front of the window and uses it as a makeshift bed. Of course, he doesn't know that Blackula put a protection spell of some sort on his bedroom and that was the only thing that was protecting him from the vampire wives.

>> No.17879530

I can't tell if you're ironically american or are wearing a masterful caricature

>> No.17879534

I've tried to not care about the writing that gets posted. It's just exhausting to see people screech about the OP pic.

I've posted my anime-tier writing (https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/40867/my-writing-exercises/chapter/648162/exercise-17).). I've seen good writing in these threads. None of them will match the classics (and I'll probably never read a classic). Some have potential to be great, but we never see an update. Maybe one guy said he got accepted by a magazine.

And this is how one languishes in their mediocrity, forever ashamed that their work will never raise the brows of passersby because it cannot belong on the pedestal that has been created for it. Yet, we see that same mediocrity be upheld year after year, prize after prize. And we think to ourselves, "This is bullshit. I can write this." And the moment we try is when we find ourselves incapable.

I skimmed over it. It reminded me of bits of Infinite Dendrogram and 86, or just mecha in general. That's why I put it in anime.

>> No.17879549

I've never heard of other of those two works, but Elegy reads as a military novel that deals with the grief and psychotically effects of war. Just because there are large machines piloted by humans doesn't make them mecha. Especially since real life people pilot planes, remote devices, and drones. Anime works need to be distinctly anime, not simply vaguely remind you of an anime.

>> No.17879560

>I've tried to not care about the writing that gets posted. It's just exhausting to see people screech about the OP pic.
it's just the Op and a small cadre of anons, no more than three, who are shitting up this thread because of the OP pic.

>> No.17879561

I am an American. Maybe I am a carticature, after all I am on the spectrum. But I'm genuinely interested in the ideas of the new Black movement. Unfortunately I'd probably get beaten up if I tried to integrate into the real life Black community, so I have to get all my black information from Youtube and TV

>> No.17879563

You probably won't have any problems getting published because you sound like a pozzed retard. There is nothing inherently noble about black people, there is nothing inherently noble about people in general. People are just people, it's your actions as an individual that define you. Black lives matter is a black supremacist movement that cynically exploits past racial issues to agitate current racial tensions to gain money and power. And possibly to do more insidious things than that.
The story is dracula because you took the idea from the guy who wrote dracula. You literally took the story from bram stoker and made the characters black. This doesn't add anything, no historical significance, no deep social commentary, it's simply wish fulfillment for black supremacists. And then you made vampires analogous to stereotypical american niggers who have no respect for anything by making them speak in ebonics. I am truly puzzled by your motives. Pretty much what the other guy said, I can't tell if you're a fucking retard or a cynical genius.

>> No.17879578

Thank you very much for your honesty, anon. Yes I was thinking of SAO while writing this. I made some edits recently and the work is currently collecting webs as it is - I don't know where to go with it. Maybe I never had a true passion for it to care enough. It seems like you know what you're talking about but I doubt the average user will care so much. In fact, the more I simplify the terms the wider a market I'll reach. I have a feeling hard sci-fi readers might feel the same for mainstream sci-fi books; they're not accurate or technical enough, I suppose.
Still, it was an honor to be schooled by you. I'll leave my age alone so that you may retain some hope in humanity, lol.

>> No.17879589

>I'm genuinely interested in the ideas of the new Black movement
Watch the george floyd body cam footage and then read about the untold destruction wrought on america in the months that followed by useful idiots rioting for a drug addicted career criminal. That's pretty much all you need to know about the ideas of the new black movement: the fact that nobody in black lives matter will ever talk about how it was entirely george floyd's fault that he died. Also, read up on liberia. If you're black, you can literally just go there and they will give you citizenship. Just a thought.

>> No.17879594

Maybe I did jump the gun with Blackula and Blade Elegy. I was trying to put my perspective of this anon >>17877032 into the level of writing that gets produced here.

>> No.17879607

Ebonics/AABE isn't bad though. According to the New Black movement, it's a distinct dialect that is just as valid as standard English.

> There is nothing inherently noble about black people, there is nothing inherently noble about people in general
> wish fulfillment for black supremacists
The characters in Dracula were noble though. John Harker is a lawyer who works hard to step up the corporate ladder, his wife Mina Harker is traditional but still learns stenography and keeps organized notes so she can be useful to John's business, Dracula is an actual nobleman, Dr. Seward is a doctor.

There are also two characters that I cut out, but there is a brave Texan cowboy who gave his life for the main characters and a rich aristocrat who marries Lucy. There are passages where the cowboy, Dr. Seward, and Van Helsing cuck the aristocrat. They do the cucking to save Lucy's life, but I didn't think it sat well with the theme of Black excellence so I cut that out too

>> No.17879614

Striking the right balance between accessibility and technicality is an art in itself. If you really think it's a cool idea, you should pursue it. They say write what you know, but you also have to write what you like. Just try to make it better.

>> No.17879622

I see more than that. I hate army spedes and your writing did little to change my mind about this caveman class of people. It's pretentious, infantile, banal drivel. Your observations are dull, your language grade school level. Mixed up tenses, colloquialisms, ellipses, and onomatopoeia...Even though you write in another language, you share all the other anons' problems. You keep talking about your garbage among people you think can't read it, imagining you're safe from criticism here, but I can tell you and everyone else now, it's not interesting.

>> No.17879623

Thanks, anon. I have, indeed, moved onto a genre I like better.

>> No.17879629
File: 96 KB, 1300x865, middle-aged-man-plugging-ears-with-fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I ignored/am ignoring the George Floyd and rioting, as well as the increased violence, murders, attacks, etc. It doesn't put me in a good headspace to write black literature. I'll pay attention to it after I've written my fill and move onto a different genre

>> No.17879640

Okay I'll stop

>> No.17879668
File: 165 KB, 1615x709, firefox_xBGEY8oFlN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ebonics/AABE isn't bad though. According to the New Black movement, it's a distinct dialect that is just as valid as standard English.
Key word being "new". You can start a redneck pride movement and claim southern accents and dialects are "just as valid" as standard english, but the aristocratic black dracula would still consider them philistines, as idiotic as the ebonics vampires. It is quite literally a parallel to real life. Blacks like obama study hard so they become president. Those who use ebonics usually don't, unless they have some sort of gay internet job like "influencer" or "content creator". Successful vampires like blackula have castles and dominion over others who lack his drive.
>The characters in Dracula were noble though. John Harker is a lawyer who works hard to step up the corporate ladder, his wife Mina Harker is traditional but still learns stenography and keeps organized notes so she can be useful to John's business, Dracula is an actual nobleman, Dr. Seward is a doctor.
Those characters are noble because of their actions, not because of their skin color.
Are you an underage californian? Do you open your mouth when you take selfies with your nintendo switch? What the fuck is wrong with you? How can you write about something if it makes you uncomfortable to see the truth about it? You're literally writing a lie, a convenient excuse for the bourgeois and desperate to avoid facing their real problems. Just read these posts. They're live on /gif/ right now, and they explain pretty well what's happening at a surface level.

>> No.17879703
File: 11 KB, 236x227, e5f6afb12d9bbb2f4b936e282cf255e8--funny-good-night-quotes-awesome-quotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"why isn't any body doing anything" then he realized he wasn't doing anything. He doesn't think that any more.

The street he was looking soon was filled will mindless and most likely souless flesh machines incapable of having empathy or intelligence incapable of thinking for themselves thinking what the media wants them to while the media thinks what their masters want them to,you see the string pullers are not the people behind the poudiums but rather the acient text writers.

The writers have long parshied and their texts have been misinterpreted and shifted.

To justify the government's vileness and greed.

He turned away and walked into the alley way behind him he stared at the slogan on the brick wall next to him "be safe not sorry".

The poster was accompanied by a man beaten brutely by a group of teenagers for merely bumping in to them. The mans face was pale and old he looked as if his nose were broken and his hair was

First time writing a book rate me

>> No.17879723

0/10. I've read better.

>> No.17879726

> I hate army spedes and your writing did little to change my mind about this caveman class of people
But isn't every male in Finland an army spede at some point?

>> No.17879730

>"why isn't any body doing anything" then he realized he wasn't doing anything. He doesn't think that any more.
Good, has punch. If you're looking to rip bukowski this is done well
The rest is incoherent in style and not very good. Kind of bad in fact
Not much of a /crit/fag so I'm sorry I can't offer more

>> No.17879733
File: 82 KB, 1286x861, Ghouleater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, this writes like anime, but does anyone want to look at this?

>> No.17879750

pretty fucking bad
what are your plans for ghouleater? what are his long term goals? were his loved ones killed by ghouls? because depending on the answer you give, this is literally just goblin slayer except without the baby murdering.

>> No.17879757

actually, scratch that, in my mind the girl was analogous to the baby goblins, but then I realized that the ghouls in your story actually did sacrifice a baby. I was so uninterested that I just sort of glossed over that part. not really a good sign, ritual baby sacrifice being glossed over. do yourself a favor and watch the first episode of goblin slayer for an example of how to do baby murder right. Just don't watch any of the other episodes because they're all shit.

>> No.17879762

Well, thanks for input, friend.
Think of him as the Grinch. His heart eventually gets bigger.

>> No.17879769

what, he learns to respect the baby murdering ritualistic otherkin? or does he convince them that baby murdering is actually wrong?

>> No.17879773

Also the ghouls stopping being evil.

>> No.17879775

>You can start a redneck pride movement and claim southern accents and dialects are "just as valid" as standard english
that is an actual movement

> Those characters are noble because of their actions, not because of their skin color.
Yes, and the black characters have the same actions. So they're noble too.

I don't pay attention to news about black people doing bad things. It would leak into my writing. I'd end up writing about people who steal shoes and bicycles and reee about oppression and we wuz kangz and pharaohs and shieeet

> You're literally writing a lie, a convenient excuse for the bourgeois and desperate to avoid facing their real problems.
I want to write a romanticized, idealized version of Black people. Like looking to a mirror, but it has those automatic beauty filters that those Asian influencers use. What would the world be like if everyone were black, no oppression from whites or white institutions? It would be a universe like Blackula. And Count Blackula has the best traits of Blackness. He isn't snobby or classist, he doesn't look down on people who speak AABE

>> No.17879780

Also you say is bad - can you please be more specific? Don't hold back.

>> No.17879791

>girl atop a broken building
>dodges a knife by "hiding inside"
>girl somehow outraces him to warn the others despite him being a good distance away from her most likely, since he went down to some park where the entrance was.

I hope you have a clear picture in your mind where everyone is standing and when.

>> No.17879796

It needs work, I know.

>> No.17879802

>is such a mental mop that the mere exposure of a concept will pollute his work
You shouldn't be writing. There is nothing that "you" want to say. It's purely the cultural voice speaking through you and it's saying the same words it's been saying for years

>> No.17879812

>animefags this triggered
Maksimum kek

>> No.17879813

well, Blackula is just an experiment. If it goes poorly, then I'll try something new

>> No.17879817

>that is an actual movement
And it is retarded.
>Yes, and the black characters have the same actions. So they're noble too.
So you acknowledge that it is because of their actions and not their skin color that they achieve nobility. This begs the inevitable question, why black? Which is answered by your next retarded point...
>I want to write a romanticized, idealized version of Black people.
You want to write a wish fulfillment fantasy for black supremacists. The same way a rape doujin is a wish fulfillment fantasy for incels. History is history, and pontificating upon what is past and what could have been won't give you the answers you really need. Besides, the answer to your question of "What would the world be like if everyone were black, no oppression from whites or white institutions?" is literally answered by people like obama and all the black lawyers and executives. Stop acting like a nigger, stop speaking ebonics, stop taking pride in your skin color as opposed to your intelligence or work ethic or creativity. You will get a fair shake, because the american experiment is not actually institutionally racist despite what you may have been led to believe.
Regardless, it seems like there is absolutely zero reason that this story has to be a black version of dracula. Your reasons for modeling it after dracula aren't contingent upon the actual dracula story itself, this could just be an original story and it wouldn't suffer (except it might have a worse premise).
Also this.

>> No.17879821

I think reddit might be more receptive to your story

>> No.17879822

>3 posts in under 3 minutes on /wg/
>they are arguing about Blackula

>> No.17879831

I never knew how bad I was before today, I'm sorry for shitting up the general

>> No.17879833

I mean the writing not the baby killing.

>> No.17879842

you know how I don't talk to black people outside of work in real life because they'd beat me up? The digital equivalent of that would happen on Reddit. Besides, I don't know how I'd even share this on Reddit

>> No.17879858

New thread
New thread
New thread

>> No.17879867

omg thank you, I totally appreciate this! it's to anons like you that keeps these thread going!

>> No.17879869

bro... just fucking stop. you are a stereotype of a soiboy and you don't even know it. disconnect from identity politics completely. just write interesting stories.

>> No.17879872

This I totally agree, I can't wait to post my story in the new thread! here I go!

>> No.17879873

liked, upvoted and retweeted

dumb nigger

>> No.17879879

Yeah, I'm thinking this is based.

>> No.17879888

>disconnect from identity politics completely
core tenant for all dumb fucks
too bad it makes people cum harder than a throat pie

>> No.17879890

thanks for sharing! but no thanks to the racism! see you in the next thread!

>> No.17879891

Why did you make a new thread before the bump limit?

>> No.17879897


>> No.17879898


>> No.17879905

I'm really not trying to be mean, I just don't know how else to effectively communicate that you are being brainwashed by a fucking con job by layabouts and commies who want an easy ride. the more mental energy you expend on this, the less fulfilled you will be. unless you want to make a living grifting and pandering to blm garbage, there's no future in this. just write a funny little story about dracula speaking ebonics and move on.

>> No.17879942

> unless you want to make a living grifting and pandering to blm garbage
you've made me think. My current actions of LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU regarding black politics and current events can't be good for my intellectual integrity or my writing quality. How can you write an honest story if you deliberately ignore aspects of the source material just to fit a new ideology? and I've found I'm just not "getting" AABE. As much black Youtube and BlackPeopleTwitter as I consume, everyone knows that I'm a wh*te boi.

All right, I'll quickly finish up Blackula. They just have to kill Vampire Lucy, chase Blackula to Castle Blackula, and then kill Blackula. Then I'll move on to writing normal stories about white people

>> No.17879945

Bump limit. Autosage.

>> No.17879960

>How can you write an honest story if you deliberately ignore aspects of the source material just to fit a new ideology?
You're a funny guy anon. You being a sponge for the ideas of those around you isn't so bad if you surround yourself with good peers
>Then I'll move on to writing normal stories about white people

>> No.17880000

>My current actions of LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU regarding black politics and current events can't be good for my intellectual integrity or my writing quality
Obviously not, but this self reflection is incredibly rare among leftard types, you are to be congratulated on taking the first step out of the cult.
>I'm just not "getting" AABE
Just a matter of how you were raised, and how much respect you have for the english language itself. Imagine if I started typing like a typical black twitter user. It would be insufferable.
>Then I'll move on to writing normal stories about white people
It's not that, just your perspective on people in general is completely fucked. An example of a good black character written by a white guy is shadow from american gods. Well, he's half black, but whatever. His skin color isn't important to the plot, it's mentioned once in passing that he looks like he has nigger blood in him by a prison guard and then once again when he looks at his cream and coffee colored skin in a mirror. His actions are what is important about him. If you took his skin color and inverted it, or just never mentioned it in the first place, nothing would change. He would still be who he is, not because of what he was born as, but because of his choices. America has given black people the choice now to decide their own destiny. They can get along like everybody else or they can keep resisting the integration into american culture by pulling a weapon when stopped by the police, claiming that they DINDU NUFFIN the whole time.
Identity politics is evil, but I fear it may be necessary to save america from itself... I don't think multiculturalism can work.

>> No.17880009

Quads. Oh and an example of shit garbage race baiting nonsense is all the random quips about race and sexuality and shit in ready player two. It's honestly the fucking worst. Black character complains about muh orcs are the blacks of lotr.

>> No.17880037

Multiculturalism requires that everyone have the mental fortitude to go through the labors of developing an independant ego and identity which can interface with foreign concepts without the typical reactionary copes
It's the only way to have a society that can avoid being mentally cucked out of their own egos but good fucking luck making the average layman stop having identity orgasms
It's like asking people to stop fucking and creating burden babies, it's not happening

>> No.17880044

or... we could send the disparate elements back from whence they came. if you hate the country to much, just leave.

>> No.17880069

>implying all disparate elements are foreign bodies
Social schisms are inevitable
If you don't equip people with the intellectual tools to rationalize their decisions and pursue the best outcomes then everyone will get fucked
Of course you could just go full china and black van any unsafe thinkers but then I wouldn't get to eat paki street food and jerk off to 2d feet. I'd prefer to not work in a carcinogenic steel factory for 18 hours a day and die at 30