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17859710 No.17859710 [Reply] [Original]

So one of you faggots recommended me this book. I've just finished it, ignore or read what I've write below, doesn't matter. Just answer this -

>What the fuck am I supposed to take away from this book?

This book is basically just the diary of some french incel, and his somehow more pitiful companion, Raphael Tisserand, a fat, short, balding acne covered virgin, obsessed with getting his dick wet. They almost go and kill two people to symbolically get back at the Stacie's who rejected them, and the Chads who humiliate them, unfortunately this does not happen, because our protagonist (who goes unnamed) is to dejected, apathetic and miserable to muster the will to kill anybody, and Tisserand is far too much of a weak pussy bitch, who'd prefer to indulge in masturbating to his proxy cuckolding than do something fucking interesting and stab some people.

This book is as miserable as the narrator, we're dragged through his needlessly shit and tedious life. That makes the first part of this book incredibly boring. Only occasionally do we get some interesting philosophy, that give me some glimpse as to the purpose of this book, in the form of his animal stories, his memories, when we get the

>"Sexuality is a system of social hierarchy."

and when the narrator near the end of the book is asked by the nurse why he's so unhappy, to which he responds in detail to what hes sees as the superficiality of life, how everything is just built on domination and sexuality, just a petty cut throat game of bullshit.

>"Is it really possible to live and to believe that there's nothing else?"

I'm sure you know how this bitch nurse responded

>Have sex incel

Not in those exact words but

-"When did you last have sexual relations?"
-"Just over two years ago."
-"Ah!" She exclaimed, almost in triumph. "There you are then, given that how can you possible feel good about life."

Is the point of this book that sex is the meaning of fucking life, because that's sure as fuck the way it comes across. Are incels just doomed to murder, misery and suicide, if they don't get some cunt to spread their thighs for them. Reading the wiki page I find under "Literary significance and criticism" -

>"The thesis is that thesexual revolutionof the Sixties created notcommunismbutcapitalismin the sexual market, that the unattractive underclass is exiled while the privileged initiates are drained by corruption, sloth, and excess."

Anyway I could keep writing and I don't know when to stop so, what am I supposed to take away from this book? What did you take away from this book?

I might read Atomised yet, the book did redeem itself in the later parts to warrant more reading into the authors other works.

>> No.17859724

Gonna listen to this interview -

Try to unravel the meaning behind this book and as to why you faggots recommended it to me. I'll reread some key chapters as well.

>> No.17859765

The shit about the Nurse seems like some super sad bullshit. No competent medical professional would exclaim (essentially): look for a lay. They'd do a BHC and have his dangerously depressed ass detained.

>> No.17859794

Why would you trust the French?

>> No.17859814

>The shit about the Nurse
Sorry not nurse, even worse, his therapist, or psychiatrist is the one who said this -

>"Ah!" She exclaimed, almost in triumph. "There you are then, given that how can you possible feel good about life."

After he is hospitalized for depression and suicidal ideations.

>> No.17859835

>A Frenchman is a incorrigible coomer
Color me surprised

>> No.17859839


Maybe true, but even therapists are detached and demoralized in such a sick, decadent society as this, so it's not beyond the pale entirely.

>> No.17859853

The incel meme felt forced from day 1 and I continue to believe that it is forced and invented for the purpose of demoralizing people to control them.

>> No.17859855
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Just watched this -

I understand the existentialist elements in this book, and the issue with consumerist, material society, post "Fordism" society. Put the only answer to this that Hoellebecq gives is to get laid, is that all there is to life?

>“I don't like this world. I definitely do not like it. The society in which I live disgusts
me; advertising sickens me; computers make me puke.”

>“The problem is, it's just not enough to live according to the rules. Sure, you manage to live according to the rules. Sometimes it's tight, extremely tight, but on the whole you manage it. Your tax papers are up to date. Your bills paid on time. You never go out without your identity card (and the special little wallet for your Visa!). Yet you haven’t any friends. The rules are complex, multiform. There’s the shopping that needs doing out of working hours, the automatic dispensers where money has to be got (and where you so often have to wait). Above all there are the different payments you must make to the organizations that run different aspects of your life. You can fall ill into the bargain, which involves costs, and more formalities. Nevertheless, some free time remains. What’s to be done? How do you use your time?"

>> No.17859869

Sounds like a criticism of sex positivity movement to me, but I have not read the book. French novelists rarely give answers to these problems though, they tend to just complain and end books abruptly.

>> No.17859871

i think its was good, but i dont expect a normie to get the point of loneliness.

>> No.17859872
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It looks as though all his books revolve around sexuality being an integral aspect of the plot, though this is the first book of his I've read. I'm just making an educated guess based on what others have said and the fact that hes a frog, I mean just look at the covers of his books.

>> No.17859879

>but i dont expect a normie to get the point of loneliness.
What is the point of loneliness?

>> No.17859885

Therapy is entirely a product of this sick society. There is no golden age of therapy, lmao.

>> No.17859895

an understanding that the life you live is unknown to the world, and the only world which are real are the one within yourself, so why does the external matter?

>> No.17859908
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Therapy like everything else in modern society is a scam designed to suck you of life and money. Therapists receive kickbacks from psych wards, so at the slightest hint they'll immediately call the cops to kidnap you and force you into a $6000 72 hour hold. Six grand profit, and the employees there "looking after you" make barely above minimum wage.

Therapy is a multi-million dollar profit industry. Their goal is NOT to help you. Their goal is to extract as much profit as possible over many months via overpricing and extorting insurance.

A very similar industry is circumcision. They make millions in dollars each year, pure profit because they resell foreskin for upwards of $400 each. They make so much profit that they'll genuinely perform a circumcision for free if the parents are poor, just to resell that baby foreskin to the medical/cosmetic testing industry for absolute bank.

Everyone already knows that doctors/psychiatrists get kickbacks/incentives for prescribing specific medications, but some people don't ever go a step forward and realize that the medical industry is entirely for-profit. Therapy is a for-profit scam, circumcision is a for-profit scam. Neither one is helpful in any way, in fact both can be incredibly damaging (the loss of human rights from therapy is permanent, psychiatrists are bound by law to report you at the slightest hint of violence/suicide/etc, this fucks you over for life.)

Don't even get me started on psychiatric hospitals which charge $6000 for keeping you locked up in a room for 72 hours. The amount of profit mental hospitals make is utterly absurd. It's all about profit. "Therapy" is a profit-mongering scam.

>> No.17859928

>why does the external matter?
Because we are petty creatures that are obsessed with our social standing and getting pussy. What dominates the majority of our inner thoughts is most likely the same, base drives, that are only satiated through the external, that has been commodified to entrap us, which deprives of meaning.

>> No.17859947

>“I've lived so little that I tend to imagine I'm not going to die; it seems improbable that human existence can be reduced to so little; one imagines, in spite of oneself, that sooner or later something is bound to happen. A big mistake. A life can just as well be both empty and short. The days slip by indifferently, leaving neither trace nor memory; and then all of a sudden they stop.”

>> No.17859952

To be fair your body really likes the act of sex and it can be jet fuel for the soul when you get it from a lover who cares about you.

>> No.17859960

Yes you literally need to have sex to be mentally well, incel

>> No.17859962

Even "Submission", which apparently revolves around the nation of France converting to Islam, is stuffed with sex. Sex is the reason the main character converts to Islam.

>> No.17859972
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is there any good in depth study into why porn does damage to you but sex with a partner doesn't?

>> No.17859988

Reality isn’t happening so much in the outside world, but in my inner understanding of the outside world

>> No.17859991

Yeah he talks about his books being "sexual charged" in this interview, that I am currently listening to and taking notes on (timestamped for convenience)


>> No.17859998

It's not so much the sex, but the emotional and physical intimacy which comes with sex that's the reason sex with a partner is better.

>> No.17860001

Sure, but after a while having infertile sex genuinely feels pointless. If this didn't happen relationships would last forever, but they don't.

>> No.17860031

>is there any good in depth study into why porn does damage to you but sex with a partner doesn't?
The book mentions in the fifth chapter of the third part, following after the scene with the therapist, who he propositions and is rejected by, that the cause of all these mentally ill and deranged people is they lack love.

>The idea gradually dawned on me that all these people - men or women - were not in the least deranged they were simply lacking in love.

Porn is a merely a poor imitation and subsitute for this love and intimacy for the poor and dejected. Hence

>"The thesis is that the sexual revolution of the Sixties created not communism but capitalism in the sexual market, that the unattractive underclass is exiled while the privileged initiates are drained by corruption, sloth, and excess."

>> No.17860035

> "partner"
This isn't doubles tennis, you absolute NPC.

"Lover", "whore", "wife" - speak a goddamn human language and leave your newspeak at the door.

>> No.17860039
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>Sure, but after a while having infertile sex genuinely feels pointless.

“Sex without love is as hollow and ridiculous as love without sex.”

― Hunter S. Thompson

>> No.17860057
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>leave your newspeak at the door.
Based, people who say partner are fags

>> No.17860238

“It's a fact...that in societies like ours sex truly represents a second system of differentiation, completely independent of money; and as a system of differentiation it functions just as mercilessly. The effects of these two systems are, furthermore, strictly equivalent. Just like unrestrained economic liberalism, and for similar reasons, sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization . Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make love with dozens of women; others with none. It's what's known as 'the law of the market'...Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. Sexual liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society.”


>> No.17860283

What a disgusting subhuman
Thank you for saving my time from reading the petty bullshit of a pussy addicted fag.

>> No.17860338

supposedly theres an exchange of male female energies, you take and you give

>> No.17860342

>you take and you give
bodily fluids?

>> No.17860741

he found on the Pareto principle applies to sex as well as economy. Bravo

>> No.17860751

>the diary of some french-
Into the trash it goes

>> No.17860754

It didn't use to with monogamy, the aftermath of the sexual revolution is the topic of the book

>> No.17860770

Oh i see. Someone recommended me that book on lit like 10 years ago, i read it. Didn't understand anything and it was quite boring. That was right before the PUA thing turned to the redpill thing which then turned to the MGTOW and the incel thing. He was ahead of his time wasn't he?

>> No.17860809

>He was ahead of his time wasn't he?
Yep 1994 I think it came out, you're right, I found a large part of this book boring, I'm gonna watch the movie, then I'll see about reading his other book

>> No.17860820


>> No.17860860

>French: Extension du domaine de la lutte, literally "extension of the domain of struggle"
>English: Whatever
Why are they like this

>> No.17860869

This guy talked about it in his vid >>17859855

The title is okay, gets a 6.4/10

>> No.17860886

Found the link to the movie to watch for free, shit quality though -

>> No.17860953

not true, when I went to the doctor because I felt sick, he checked for depression symptoms.
One question he asked if it’s possible that I‘ve contracted HIV. When I answered I hadn’t had intercourse in two years, he nodded. The question wasn’t directly about HIV, it was about my sex life since it’s known that no sex or an unhealthy sex life is going hand in hand with depression

>> No.17860991

>One question he asked if it’s possible that I‘ve contracted HIV. When I answered I hadn’t had intercourse in two years, he nodded. The question wasn’t directly about HIV, it was about my sex life since it’s known that no sex or an unhealthy sex life is going hand in hand with depression
Heh. What a cheeky cunt

>> No.17861033

Is this according to the same psychiatric establishment that claims cutting your dick off is an appropriate means of psychiatric treatment?

>> No.17861085


The book clearly got an emotional reaction out of you OP, and you came close to hitting the 3000 char limit. So as a work of art it clearly did its job with you on at least one level, even if you still hate it after thinking about it for an extended period.

>> No.17861138
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>The book clearly got an emotional reaction
I am currently in the process of watching the film, its a very depressing book, and the bland and tedious nature of it, and this film, I believe to be intentional by the author to show the dull and boring nature of life, which is fueled by our obsession with sex.

“I've lived so little that I tend to imagine I'm not going to die; it seems improbable
that human existence can be reduced to so little; one imagines, in spite of oneself,
that sooner or later something is bound to happen. A big mistake. A life can just as
well be both empty and short. The days slip by indifferently, leaving neither trace nor
memory; and then all of a sudden they stop.”