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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 114 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17859360 No.17859360 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Signs that the poster you're arguing with is a fucking retard.
I'll start: They take this guy and his ideas seriously.

>> No.17859371
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>> No.17859375
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ITT: Signs that the poster you're arguing with is a fucking retard.
I'll start: They take this guy and his ideas seriously.

>> No.17859391

Seethe harder.

>> No.17859392
File: 65 KB, 300x330, 20210324_125442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Signs that the poster you're arguing with is a fucking retard.
I'll start: They take that guy and his ideas seriously.

>> No.17859396

t. oversocialized lefty

>> No.17859397

>the poster you're arguing with
theres your sign bro

>> No.17859402

wait who, the ted poster, the ted poster hater, or ted?

>> No.17859403

They say shit like "cultural marxism" unironically.

>> No.17859414

The OP

>> No.17859434
File: 59 KB, 500x695, fresh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beshemal the whole fro.
walltz up and offer a banana.

>> No.17859482

OP rides the short bus

>> No.17859510

They read mishima and think he's good

>> No.17859567


>> No.17859599

>tedcuck lacks self-awareness

>> No.17859635
File: 53 KB, 607x405, sneedful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted was right about the industrial revolution and what it leads to however he as a person was a faggot living through his midlife crisis. It's not like his work is substantial anyways, if it hadnt been ted some other guy would have written a similar book.

>> No.17860014

>Ted haters must use a 100 word discord convo as an ad hominem refusal because they can't even bother to learn their own arguments

>> No.17860029

Ellul > Ted

>> No.17860033

he was completely wrong about the industrial revolution as it improved every metric we have for quality of live many times over, if he had said the agrarian revolution was a disaster that would have been right, but being right isn't as edgy as being wrong

>> No.17860041

i used to think that, but it's true after it was obvious communism sucked ass economically there was a shift to "cultural issues" like how americans where just consume too much stuff unlike people in russia and china who still didn't have refrigerators and tvs, it was pure cope of a dying ideology and if someone wants to all that stage of marxism "cultural marxism" thats as good a name as any

>> No.17860052

Communists wanted to subvert the west with class warfare, but after that failed they switched focus to race, gender and identity

>> No.17860093
File: 273 KB, 900x674, ivanov-art-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jacques Ellul is better
No matter how you try to develop technology it will always end in a nightmare.
Anarcho-primitivism or Ellul's Christian-anarchism not working/being realistic does not mean technology is any better.
>They take this guy and his ideas seriously.
I think Ted K should be read before Ellul,because he is very easy to read.
Ted is not enough however,he is extremely basic.
I coped and seethed my pants when I read that,please stop.

Weak bait
50/50 chance gommies will fall for it

>> No.17860104

Not even riding it, he's on a wagon that the other retards have hooked up to the back.

>> No.17860109

Yes we should all just be subsistence peasants who listen to whatever our priests tell us.

>> No.17860114

>We live longer now, that means we live in objectively better time
fuck off bugman

>> No.17860126

Ah yes, what we have now is completely different because we can check a box once every four years

>> No.17860129

Read the manifesto already poopoohead

>> No.17860188


>> No.17860218

This. I instantly stop reading if the author uses “Marxism” or “cultural Marxism” while clearly having no clue about either.

>> No.17860221

Don't change the subject. This is about technology, not democracy.

>> No.17860229

>muh living standards
Also kys

>> No.17860297
File: 88 KB, 650x486, Evening-walk-2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>priests are somehow related to this
>democracy is somehow related to this

>> No.17860300

than why did you bring up obeying the priest

>> No.17860354

>Still no arguments
Are you trannies even trying anymore? And I know you're trannies because you literally worship one.

>> No.17860371

Tedtrannies out in full force today.

>> No.17860376

they're a liberal
they're a centrist
they're american

>> No.17860397

Their name is « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

>> No.17860455

It's not an ad hominem I specifically said I'm attacking his character and that he was right about the industrial revolution, the argument being made is that you shouldn't admire ted. He was driven by narcissism, not ideal.

>> No.17860983


>> No.17861005

>discord tranny things he has authority on who is a "faggot"

>> No.17861011


>> No.17862176


>> No.17862182

cope, seethe, and dilate

>> No.17862188


>> No.17862219


>> No.17862227

>They do not speak Spanish
>They think Shakespeare was the best writer to ever live
>They think that Don Quijote is a humorous novel

>> No.17862247

I am publicly shaming the writer of post >>17859360 . I am calling on him to defend himself and his words. This board needs standards and I plan to uphold them. People can't be posting retarded shit like this. It's sad and makes us look like a joke. I also believe this poster to be the author of post >>17859375 . This post is less inflammatory but expresses the same sentiment. However it is a post which can be defended.
Shame on this poster. Everyone should take note.

>> No.17862272

Seeing discord trannies seethe over him like this makes me like him more

>> No.17862290


>> No.17863220
File: 30 KB, 620x349, 1606073542265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Signs that the poster you're arguing with is fucking based.
>I'll start: They take this guy and his ideas seriously.

>> No.17863457

>t. Steven Pinker

>> No.17863465

what is wrong with spengler? have you read him? he has even influenced adorno

>> No.17863613
File: 80 KB, 480x480, Twenty such men could bring America to its knees..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17863647

>improved every metric we have for quality of live many times over

except for mental and emotional health, community, family life, sense of purpose and meaning. u know, those small details

>> No.17863729

I was reading a book about Asian farm workers that described them as "smiling and enjoying their work", meanwhile in our advanced society I sit at a computer until my eyes glaze over and my limbs become inactive.

>> No.17863954
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>they take this guy and his ideas seriously
Why wouldn't we?

>> No.17863999

Haha seething commies

>> No.17864023

I don't know what is a greater form of delusion.
Commies and their 30x proven catastrophic political vacuum
Anarcho primitivist tedfags thinking they can topple the babylon metropolis with bombs literally made from wood like their dear leader and then live in an ewok tree house civilisation

>> No.17864031

Unlike anarchoprimitivism, communism works, so...

>> No.17864037

absolutely FPBP, every time

>> No.17864071


>> No.17864072

>Communism works sooo

>> No.17864138


>> No.17864281
File: 30 KB, 480x462, 1614219861764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted is Ellul for the most part, but simplified and praxis oriented (lmao). No one ever gives a concrete reason for why they dislike Ted apart from his destructive acts. Yeah, he killed some nerds and even some innocents. Personally, it's fascinating that he at least put the pen to the sword in spite of the costs it heaved upon himself. That's a kind of man you won't find nowadays. Sure, by conventional morality, he's deplorable, but eh.
Sometimes, in the pursuit of an ideal, innocent people get hurt. I'm not sure why commies/ultra leftists would hate him for their heroes are very much in the same vein.

>> No.17864344

>praxis oriented (lmao)

And people wonder why no one gives a fuck about philosophy.

>> No.17864420

op cucked by the first reply

>> No.17864435

OP btfo

>> No.17864531

OP will not recover from this

>> No.17864864
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>> No.17865094
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get mogged OP

>> No.17865122

They put a image of a butterfly in the name section when they post

>> No.17865127
File: 535 KB, 700x478, (you).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that continued technological development will eventually enslave humanity but can you please stop being retards

>> No.17865139

they post on 4chan
in particular, they start threads on /lit/ that are not /lit/ related

>> No.17865152

Glowing like an Angler

>> No.17865200

Anyone has that meme with the yes chad and his girl going to live in the forest and he immediately tells her to start making bombs after they arrive? PLease post it

>> No.17865284

Nice bait

>> No.17865302

>t. bunkertranny
Stop trying to fit in schizo

>> No.17865599


>> No.17865645

>what is processed food
>what is obesity epidemic
>what is phone/internet addiction even in youth younger than 5yrs
>what is "the age of information" however most of it is scrubbed if it is anything of value or interest
>what is pesticides
>what is pharmaceutical companies
>what is chemical research and production companies regularly poisoning people

I mean, I could go on. Yes, now people dont starve or die from infections that often. I dont think that justifies any number of issues caused directly by industrial society or indirectly caused by industrial society.

>> No.17865703
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>> No.17865707

>they pronounce it donkey hottie

>> No.17866005

malformed =/= shrinking

>> No.17866011

They are literally trying to feminize men and demonize masculinity constantly

>> No.17866385

My man

>> No.17866407

It's half with him, his leftism/socialization stuff is good, the rest is kind of meh.

>> No.17866515

rekt and raped, OP, you were rekt and raped right here and now

>> No.17866529


>> No.17866907
File: 273 KB, 600x903, 77f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ tranny

>> No.17866927


>> No.17866950


>> No.17866964

why are the people so small in this painting

>> No.17867027

>Why wouldn't we?
I mean /lit/ IS full of 16 year olds after all.

>> No.17867051

So did he genuinely think killing random people involved with tech would bring about change in society? I've never read his manifesto.

>> No.17867056

>ITT: Signs that poster you're arguing with is a genius
>I'll start: They take Ted Kasczynski and his ideas about Riemann surfaces seriously
His most valuable contributions were in analytic geometry. Ecofags can fuck off.

>> No.17867196
File: 540 KB, 720x563, 1601459024855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Return to nature, Obtain monster cock

>> No.17867989

plastic is literally turning everyone into infertile gays
>In 2017, author Shanna Swan and her team of researchers completed a major study. They found that over the past four decades, sperm levels among men in Western countries have dropped by more than 50 percent. They came to this conclusion after examining 185 studies involving close to 45,000 healthy men. The result sent shockwaves around the globe—but the story didn’t end there. It turns out our sexual development is changing in broader ways, for both men and women and even other species, and that the modern world is on pace to become an infertile one.

>How and why could this happen? What is hijacking our fertility and our health? Count Down unpacks these questions, revealing what Swan and other researchers have learned about how both lifestyle and chemical exposures are affecting our fertility, sexual development—potentially including the increase in gender fluidity—and general health as a species. Engagingly explaining the science and repercussions of these worldwide threats and providing simple and practical guidelines for effectively avoiding chemical goods (from water bottles to shaving cream) both as individuals and societies, Count Down is at once an urgent wake-up call, an illuminating read, and a vital tool for the protection of our future.

>> No.17868147
File: 741 KB, 1600x1440, Ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technology bad, durrrrrrr.

>> No.17869040
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>> No.17869134

this desu, while ted wasn't wrong his motives never sat right with me

>> No.17870041

He doesn't use the phrase "cultural marxism" retard or anything like it

>> No.17870103

is this serious or are you just (You) farming

>> No.17871032
File: 117 KB, 669x1000, 51b43bc88519cbbd4a7bfc69153b9e9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because of Pewdiepie, this faggot seethes at the Mish. The contrarianism we find on these boards are a mask for anti-intellectualism

>> No.17871035

Ok, retard

>> No.17871687

If someone is arguing with me they dont understand that I am right and they are wrong, thus they are a fucking retard

>> No.17871722

wow terence mckenna looked like he had a bad trip

>> No.17871814

no YOU'RE the retard and also a nigger

>> No.17871821

Thanks OP for revealing how many midwit teenage faggots(many of which are poltrash) actually infest this board. Ted K...lmfao. Simple minded garbage. Nobody who has read actual philosophy and history takes this gimmick shit seriously. It reads like a 16 year old's diary

>> No.17871859

true autism
how long did you waste on that post fag?

>> No.17871861


me next:

whining about human rights and wanting to impose a south africa despotic marxism on all of society forever

>> No.17871867
File: 114 KB, 978x721, 1615462280823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he bothered to gather every plst that replied to him

lol kys retarded nigger faggot

>> No.17871874
File: 25 KB, 468x288, 1615786031474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave him alone.. he has nothing else

>> No.17871886

I'm not OP, you're just stupid faggots. Thread is embarressing
I wish I wasted that small amount of time reading Ted K, but unfortunately I wasted a little more getting through his garbage manifesto

>> No.17871896
File: 50 KB, 680x539, 1615024602608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok retard

>> No.17871907

memebrained clown

>> No.17871916
File: 287 KB, 2688x1242, t6l1vnrdcpo61-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. retard

>> No.17871919

>said from very expensive technological device on some social network after long session of playing VRchat sex sessions while having a vtuber stream in the background

>> No.17871953
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>> No.17871958
File: 168 KB, 912x938, 1615071795553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. Call the burn ward.

>> No.17871974

>le you criticize society yet you participate in it meme

>> No.17871983

I am an admitted anti-intellectual, I think all so-called intellectuals should be shot.

>> No.17872138

Is this Romulus and Remus?

>> No.17872309

They make oversimplified argument and look for signs instead of providing actual arguments like this post.

>> No.17872323

Butthurt OP on damage control

>> No.17872475


>> No.17872487

Read ted

>> No.17872500

I am confused why you think that insult makes any sense. Bunkerchan supports transvestism, and thus it would be valid to call their members bunkertrannies. But on the other hand, /pol/ hates transvestites, so it does not really make any sense to call them "/pol/ trannies". Could you elaborate as to your thinking here?

>> No.17872686
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>> No.17874100


>> No.17875253

the one most touched by tecnology are the one who gravitates the most to Ted, because they know full well how much tecnology has fucked their life

>> No.17875654

Idk I kinda like it. It's refreshing to read, even today. He's simplifying a lot, and doesn't always build up with arguments, but his observations and perspectives are solid and coherent. I don't agree with his conclusions though.