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/lit/ - Literature

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17857958 No.17857958 [Reply] [Original]

>6000 books on my to read list
>keep finding books on subjects i think i need to know before starting another, to then find prior knowledge books on those i think i need
>haven't even read one

>> No.17857978

Maybe read a book dumb fucking frog poster

>> No.17858008


>> No.17858029
File: 315 KB, 640x640, tenor-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to read about the history of Florence but now I'm at Wittgenstein, Shitte islam, communist Chinese thought, agricultural technology, shipbuilding, 1st century judea, Hollywood in the 1960s, Greek geometry, Ancient roman economics, and the urban development of Allepo. It's all connected, I will never understand Florence without all of this and more

>> No.17858040

i know what you mean, my books keeps piling up faster than i can read them.

>> No.17858057

I used to have this mentality but it’s literally just you being an emotional little procrastinator
just log off good reads, accept that the first time you read something you might not 100% understand and read a goddamn book

>> No.17858060

I'm realizing even if I spend hours every day reading it'll take years to get through even just my modest list, leaving out the other 99.99999%.
Its over. I'll have to be a specialization fag to have any real knowledge of anything

>> No.17858072

This, even though I can relate with those posters. You can actually log things in your mind which you don't understand which you can then verify later (or better yet, write them down), and sometimes it actually becomes clear in the course of reading the book. Just fucking do it faggots.

>> No.17858076

>I'll have to be a specialization fag to have any real knowledge of anything
Anon, the complete opposite is true. Try to learn how the world works as a system. Don't silo your knowledge

>> No.17858078

Know what's tragic? Even when you read books, you don't remember 100% of the stuff, by the time you are done with book 10, book 1 will fade away.

>> No.17858082
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>Look guys, look! I’m an idiot. See? It’s true!
Cut it out

>> No.17858090

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

>> No.17858096

Aren't you a woman?

>> No.17858098

Make me a sandwich whore

>> No.17858817

She also likes other women

>> No.17858829

That's why you start with the Greeks.

>> No.17858844


>> No.17858845

I understand, anon. I feel the same.

>> No.17858916
File: 144 KB, 960x543, comfy_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the comfiest feelings is knowing you will never run out of things to learn and wonderful literature to read. It doesn't matter how old you are and how much you know, there are still surprises at every corner, hidden gems everywere.
This completionist mania is a product of our consumerist society. Just enjoy the travel.

>> No.17858946

Great post. It's in fact a bittersweet feeling, comfy but depressing at the same time, because you know you will never be able to read all the beautiful books that you want to read.

>> No.17859959

this is why you start with the greeks

>> No.17860013

Dumb opinion. OP is talking about how everything is interconnected, not that he lacks knowledge to understand certain books.

>> No.17861070

Same but it's not 6000. If you are literal. MOre like dozens which will take me a decade to read.

>> No.17861075

Or you can Start with Marx and Hegel, so the longest and hardest is done.

>> No.17861100

There are books which are must read. E.g: Plato. Then there are secondary read. Perhaps one day, if you have time.
I'm frustrated because i still haven't read the books that are often spoken of on /lit. Like currently, Max Stirner, Carl menger, Nietzche, and Evola.

>> No.17861119
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I too am a LISTER. I just can’t stop listing.

>> No.17861156

Protip: delete your entire reading list, the next time an interesting book piques your interest read it and nothing else until you're finished.

>> No.17861170

If you have thoroughly studied and understood Plato when you were in high school you don't need to read the complete works by Plato. It is a good thing, a plus, but it's not necessary. This board acts on the assumption that if you haven't read Plato you don't even know who he is. This is wrong for 90% of Western people, unless you were a very bad student and never listened to what the teacher said.

Oh, obviously I'm assuming philosophy is taught in all schools, r-right?

>> No.17861201

I am from the UK we were never taught philosophy in class. We weren’t even taught grammar in English. First time I came across grammar was in my Spanish class.

>> No.17861217

Oh, alright then :( In southern Europe it's mandatory.

>> No.17861982

just take the plunge. even if you don't get it, you can come back to it after reading some related books with a better understanding

>> No.17861989

You're a poser

>> No.17862226

Felt that, on a deep level.

>> No.17862940

The fact that the first thing you think of when encountering this topic is how its being used to collect validation of others says more about you than anything else.

>> No.17863152
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>do what i want, when i want
>read whatever i want
>read whenever i want
>dont read if i dont want to
>keep list of books i may or may not read, if i feel like it
>dont give a damn what pseuds on lit tell me, unless they make a good post
>post sneed whenever i want, jannies seething
>catch a ban and just phonepost until its over
You are your own master. Read what you want. Post what you want. Be satisified with yourself and your own judgment. Post Sneed. Fuck hot pockets, fuck mods, and mother fuck jannies!

>> No.17864327

not the real butters