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File: 77 KB, 800x1200, 800x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17853749 No.17853749 [Reply] [Original]

409 pages?!

>> No.17853759

is that supposed to be a lot

>> No.17853774


>> No.17853801

Wtf, that's even less than War and Peace!
Peterson writes pleb books made for plebs, confirmed.

>> No.17853815

Yeah and it's all large print

>> No.17854055

There are about 80 pages of filler at the end, making the actual book only ~320 pages.

>> No.17854231

1. Clean your room
2. Wash your penis
3. Clean your penis
4. Wash your room
5. Beware of the dragon of chaos that is woman
6. Declare jihad on post-modern neo-marxist cultural judaeo-bolshevism
7. Only eat beef and benzos
8. No apple cider under any circumstances
9. Munchhausen by proxy your thot daughter
10. Don't mention that one book by Solzenytsin
11. Praise Nietzsche and tell people they need to become Christians
12. You will never be woman

>> No.17854844
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>> No.17854931

If you listen to the audio book Peterson narrates it. It's basically the same as watching his lectures. You even get the same feeling of passively absorbing consumable media that gives you a temporary feeling of accomplishment that quickly fades away.

>> No.17854948

god i love lit

>> No.17854967


>> No.17855292

>pull yourself up by your foreskin bucko!!

>> No.17855315

Are you guys my friends?

>> No.17855348

Just let me know soon if you guys are my friends gotta go soon

>> No.17855356


>> No.17855373

this but unironically.

>> No.17855519

It's way more pages than that shit should have. What does that weeping perpetually moistened mental patient need 409 pages to say? Meditations isn't even 150 pages. There are textbooks for actual hard science that are only like 150 or 200 pages more than Peterson's book. Moby Dick is like 400 pages. Peterson is such a pretentious queer.

>> No.17855543
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>> No.17855682
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>> No.17855898

like you're doing anything else

>> No.17857456

1 Stand up straight with your shoulders straight
2 Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping
3 Befriend people who want the best for you
4 Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not the useless person you are today
5 Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them
6 Set your house in order before you criticise the world
7 Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient
8 Tell the truth. Or at least don’t lie
9 Assume the person you are listening to knows something you don’t
10 Be precise in your speech
11 Do not bother children while they are skateboarding
12 Pet a cat when you encounter one in the street

I never read his books and not being an North American I do not care about Peterson, bust these are not the worst advices. However is #3 really a problem for adults?

>> No.17857464

It's not very aesthetic

>> No.17857608

2 is pretty compelling

>> No.17857639

Wash your penis + don't do drugs (except benzos) x25.000

>> No.17857926
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It's not

>> No.17857959
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>Be a clinical psychologist that probably knows perfectly well that self-help books literally do nothing for people's mental health or well-being
>write one anyway and make millions

He's living up to his milquetoast liberalism that's for sure.

>> No.17858037

shouldn't be more than 12 pages

>> No.17858146

I don’t typically read these sorts of books (self help?) but I’m reading this one right now. The first half is very strong and has had, without a doubt, a positive impact on my life. I’m kind struggling through the last half but I’m still happy overall with what I’ve learned so far.

>> No.17858769

Fuck Jordan Peterson. The exact definition of a brainlet.
>gets addicted to Klonopin
>goes off cold turkey like a fucking retard
>could have easier tapered with a doctor
>instead goes through insanely horrible benzo withdrawals
>don’t bother kids why they are skateboarding
>skateboarders totally just fucking skate massive hand rails without practice.
> they don’t wear a helmet because they want danger
No, they don’t wear a helmet because it is harder to do tricks when you have a helmet on because it feels like you have extra weight. Jordan Peterson constantly just puked out shit that he believes without doing any research. He is the epitome of a brainlet.

>> No.17858775


>> No.17858777


>> No.17858794

>this makes leftists so mad that we need JP hate threads every day

>> No.17858851

>talks about defeating dragon
>succumbs to the benzo addiction

>> No.17858929
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Truly based

>> No.17858965

You sound really mad. Get your money up

>> No.17859241
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I dont feel so good anons .. is he a crypto communist?

>> No.17859257
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1365, jordan-peterson2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a weirdo. This is in his house.

>> No.17859281
File: 153 KB, 1024x634, solzhenitsyns-other-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Michael E Jones about Jordan Peterson:

>talking about Solzhenitsyn's 200 years together
>peterson becomes pale and chickens out

>> No.17859291

That picture is fucking hilarious, god bless whoever made that

>> No.17859340
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I imagine this is what someone would wear to a blood passover ritual.

>> No.17859385
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found this

>> No.17859687


>> No.17860355
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>12 "rules"
>Really 12 chapters of loosely-associated stream of consciousness rambling
>Midwits love it because they can read their own meaning into it and feel validated

>> No.17860416

>8. No apple cider under any circumstances
What's this referring to?

>> No.17860532


>> No.17860548


>> No.17860785

in america, I would say yes. This isn't to say that there are tons of people trying to harm you directly, rather, many people who are consumed by addictions or vices who will quite often hold you back.

>> No.17862426


>> No.17862792

“I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about, okay. This is all a mystery to me.”
The truest thing Jordan Peterson has ever said.

>> No.17862809


Most of these are terribly out of context or awful reaches. I honestly don't get why he's hated to this degree.

>> No.17862825
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>12 Pet a cat when you encounter one in the street
And this is the true cunning of JP. The Jew always outwits the white man in the end. Now I can no longer say "He is always wrong".

>> No.17863074

Wow, really sounds like some real nazi shit