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17848938 No.17848938 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn’t he been refuted?

>> No.17848942

Why do you keep making the same thread every day?

>> No.17848946

His claims are unfalsifiable :)

>> No.17848956
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He has.

>> No.17849154
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>> No.17849163

You can’t refute what isn’t scientific

>> No.17849593

He was a genius, guy learned like 5 different languages.

>> No.17849633

Because the psyche is not an external object that we can manipulate and measure scientifically.

>> No.17849642

I know 5 languages, 4 of which fluently; 3 of those on the level of a native speaker and I'm, more or less, a moron.

>> No.17849645

Because he just says "ur mom" and dabs. There's no coming back from that.

>> No.17849694

Jewish khokhmes can't be refuted. They are hermetic and circular in their profound meaninglessness.

>> No.17849819
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>In passing from philosophy to psychology it will be found that identical tendencies appear once again in the latter, and in the most recent schools of psychology they assume a far more dangerous aspect, for instead of taking the form of mere theoretical postulates they are given practical applications of a very disturbing character; the most ‘representative’ of these new methods, from the point of view of the present study, are those grouped under the general heading of ‘psychoanalysis’. It may be noted that, by a curious inconsistency, their handling of elements indubitably belonging to the subtle order continues to be accompanied in many psychologists by a materialistic attitude, no doubt because of their earlier training, as well as because of their present ignorance of the true nature of the elements they are bringing into play (1);

>(1) The case of Freud himself, founder of ‘psychoanalysis’, is quite typical in this respect, for he never ceased to declare himself a materialist. One further remark: why is it that the principal representatives of the new tendencies, like Einstein in physics, Marx in economics, Bergson in philosophy, Freud in psychology, and many others of less importance, are almost all of Jewish origin, unless it he because there is something involved that is closely hound up with the ‘malefic’ and dissolving aspect of nomadism when it is deviated, and because that aspect must inevitably predominate in Jews detached from their tradition?

>> No.17849966

who's this?

>> No.17849988

what about Adler

>> No.17849989


>> No.17851465

because he was right

>> No.17852026
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Freud's mom looked like that??

>> No.17852146

How Jung refuted Freud? That's absurd.

>> No.17852266
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>not refuted

>> No.17852471

Ya know, in all these threads I haven’t seen a single argument, article or book refuting Freud, just random name dropping and Wikipedia arguments. This just makes me want to read him more desu.

>> No.17852557
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Jung didn't necessarily refute Freud. He argued that Freud had some brilliant contributions, but that some of his ideas were reductionist.

So, Jung upholds Freud's theory that dreams can be psychologically interpreted, but does not believe all dream symbols can be reduced to sexual metaphors or wish fulfillment. Jung proposes instead that dreams can be compensatory (compensates for real life), predictive (predicts the future based on subconscious or physiological clues), or archetypal (derives primitive symbols from the human brain's evolution), and much more.

>> No.17852753

How many did you know from childhood?

>> No.17852799

Read the books of the man above your post. He acknowledges the contributions of Freud but also knows he was wrong on fundamental things.

>> No.17853485

Because Freud and Jung's pseudoscientific frameworks are not based on facts. These can't necessarily be "refuted" in the same way God and tarot card readings can't be. Modern day psychology is built upon real science, that is, neuroscience--neurotransmitters, chemicals, brain scans, prescription drugs, and the like. I won't deny that Freud and Jung have influenced psychology and therapy, but their influence is way more limited than what might be initially perceived and arguably their 'contributions' predate them. Take this example: A huge field of modern psychology is child development. Freud has influenced modern psychology by focusing on how problems arise in the psyche during childhood. That's a truism, however, and the actual specific concepts Freud builds off of this truism--oedipus complex, anal retentive fixation, penis envy--are all bullshit. Those were created entirely from his own subjective interpretation of his clients.

I will say one positive thing about Freud and Jung: they are great to study if you are an author and want to use their concepts to improve your writing. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Jung's work should be a primer for all authors who wish to know how to write deep and compelling characters.

>> No.17853779

>Modern day psychology is built upon real science, that is, neuroscience--neurotransmitters, chemicals, brain scans, prescription drugs, and the like
You are describing Psychiatry and even that is barely a science

>> No.17853832

>even that is barely a science

I agree. I also refuse to get vaccinated, wear a mask, and I refuse to drink tap water because the government is leaking minerals in our water supply to turn us gay.

>> No.17853861

because i havent decided to, yet.

>> No.17853886

Because most people are fanatically upright or "muh scientiffic method" and cannot take genuine insights the man had after decades of practice and theyc annot seperate the good from the bad. Freud was a philosopher writting about the human condition , not a strict scientist, but brainletts still don't get it.

>> No.17853887

elaborate please

>> No.17853900
File: 395 KB, 575x333, F45D6064-F68B-4F33-AE3E-8124B7841388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks you’re path*

>> No.17853967

to be fair its completely legitimate to be suspicious of the medicalization of mental/psychological matters, and its often dogmatic/unsubtle use of drugs, and its a bit cheap to equate that to conspiracy idiots worrying about vaccines and tap water. go read Discipline and Punish by the bald french gay man

>> No.17853983

Psychiatry is the medicine branch where the doctor know the least of what the actual fuck he's doing. It's history of brutality and abuse is quite a shameful heritage. The drugs they use are not really known how actually work, it's all statistics with no logic or knowledge, and most of the times these drugs work just a hair better than placebo. Almost everything they discovered they did so by mere accident. A lot of things they say or therapies they prescribe are fads of a particular decade.
I could go on. I mean I'm not bashing at them, at least they try but the results are quite underwhelming

>> No.17854812
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>Psychiatry is the medicine branch where the doctor know the least of what the actual fuck he's doing
It’s ridiculous how barbaric institutional psychiatry is and always has been

>> No.17854850

lmao they look like such sleazebags (they were)

>> No.17854888

indeed. half a century ago they were hammering spikes into skulls and now we should consider it a legitimate field? fuck no

>> No.17854908
File: 328 KB, 1000x563, 96ADA2A3-EE0F-45EB-97D0-B420F001C783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re still hammering spikes but on terms of drug dosage now. Anti-psychotics are the new frontier of barbarism

>> No.17854920

>Jung proposes instead that dreams can be compensatory (compensates for real life), predictive (predicts the future based on subconscious or physiological clues), or archetypal (derives primitive symbols from the human brain's evolution), and much more.
all of which are directly implied and included by Freud's conception of wish fulfillment in dreams.

>> No.17854937

ive never read any psychology. how do i get into it?

>> No.17854944

What do you want to get out of it?

>> No.17854952

that's a scary looking mofo

>> No.17854960

tldr; psychoanalysis is inherently paradoxical because of psychosocial constructs philosophers are forced to contend with

>> No.17854962

an understanding of other people. maybe become more persuasive but also understand peoples motives. nothing malicious, just help me deal with other people

>> No.17854968
File: 1.84 MB, 750x982, 1CAE44FA-5A36-46AB-B9A4-A9DB10340806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn’t read psychology books then, you should start taking more risks in your social life. Go to a bar when they open back up and try to turn strangers into friends

>> No.17854973

thanks bro. thats the advice i need

>> No.17854979

No problem bro I had the same goal and that’s how I achieved it

>> No.17854980

just approaching people respectfully and talking to them in a firm, thorough manner can make them respect you

>> No.17855008

this >>17854968 but also read some good novels. not necessarily "psychological" authors like Dostoevsky but just books about people interacting, feeling, and experiencing: Stendhal, Faulkner, even Shakespeare

>> No.17855035

oh, god. this is shit advise because there's an underlying assumption that people deserve "understanding." there's not much that needs to be understood about the average person. what you'll learn from going to a bar is "why i shouldn't bother going to bars." have fun!

>> No.17855045
File: 32 KB, 443x455, FC0001AB-9218-4CCE-84D3-A223AF3F67BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is retarded. If you wanna get better with people the best environment is one where they’re drunk, you can repeatedly fuck up and it’s no problem.

>> No.17855048

ah, yes. as the most intelligent among us always say "start with the drunks!"

get fucked, retard.

>> No.17855076
File: 37 KB, 1200x630, grunbaum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not read it but I have heard that Adolf Grunbaum's book is a compelling critique

>> No.17855085
File: 73 KB, 1024x929, 91C6B7A5-19C4-4E66-A5D3-8DB19829B6A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re so painfully disconnected from sociality that I don’t know what to say to you

>> No.17855132
File: 34 KB, 388x600, Covers133_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Successful Error is an incisive critique, by one of Sigmund Freud’s first followers, of the doctrine and methodology of Freudian psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is a science; consequently, any criticisms of it must use scientific tools—logic, experimentation, measurement. By such methods, the true nature of psychoanalysis reveals itself as a mass of self-contradictions and inconsistencies which is wholly incompatible with any philosophy save its own. First published in 1940, The Successful Error stands as a spirited achievement of critical balance, repudiating the fundamental misconceptions and false premises of the Freudian school while also acknowledging the achievements and insights of its flawed yet remarkable founder.

“The error of a great mind does not become better by being associated with a remarkable effort of the intellect. An error is forever an error.” (Rudolf Allers)

Rudolf Allers (1883–1963) was an Austrian psychiatrist and professor. An early follower of Sigmund Freud, he eventually parted ways with the Freudian school and became professor of psychology at the Catholic University of America, mentor to Viktor Frankl and Hans Urs von Balthasar, and a friend of St. Edith Stein. His major works include The Psychology of Character (1931) and The New Psychologies (1933).

>> No.17855279

Is it possible that much of focus on phallic objects and oral, analyze stages etc is just his own jewish neuroticism and protection? Not throwing the baby out with the bathwater, Freud certainly was a great thinker, but when I see jewish smut coming out of Hollywood it makes me wonder if this is just something they do.

>> No.17856107

>but when I see jewish smut coming out of Hollywood it makes me wonder if this is just something they do.

Yea, I agree. Those fucking degenerate kikes. *goes back to masturbating to futa hentai*