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17850606 No.17850606 [Reply] [Original]

*Solves politics

>> No.17850615
File: 61 KB, 930x620, Merkel-Sarkozy-face-a-la-crise-de-la-dette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*solve Gadhafi

>> No.17850619

He was too strong.

>> No.17850623
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*Solves psychology

>> No.17851417
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I miss him

>> No.17851427
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>> No.17851676

He literally sold out the IRA at the end of his life, and helped reverse a communist coup

>> No.17851789

been trying to get my hands on a copy

>> No.17851793

i own one and it's pretty bad, very juvinile thinking and very small book, only like 50 pages or wahtever, kinda interesting read tho

>> No.17851799

childish take, read more about the troubles

>> No.17851815
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>I own one and it's quite amazing, ascended genius thinking and very big book, like 50,000+ pages or wahtever, highly interesting read

>> No.17851839

>sold out the ira

is that supposed to be a bad thing? literally only ammerimutts like them because fuk da british

>> No.17851845

i though you chinese only shilled on /pol/

>> No.17851854

what the fuck does china have to do with gaddafi?

>> No.17851863

you tell me, shill

>> No.17851865

If you weren't uneducated - you would see this is an in response to a socialist IRA supporter. I support the toppling, and murder, of qaddifi because he was a socialist, and no Americans don't like him because we overthrew him

>> No.17851879
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> that footage where Gaddafi is captured and some random arab is stabbing him in the ass with his pen-knife

>> No.17851893

Based. I want that to happen socialists more often. They should die in the same gruesome matter.

>> No.17851897
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>uk tabloids are fucking cringe

>> No.17851902

Gaddafi wasn't socialist lol

>> No.17851910

Yes he was - Islamic socialism. He got btfo'd by NATO thankfully

>> No.17851939

>born after the cold war
> views everything through cold war propaganda prism

You young guys are weird

>> No.17851948

was more like socialism of national variety iykwim

>> No.17851950

The Cold War didn't end. Chicoms want world domination, and useful idiots, like you, are apathetic towards it.

>> No.17851963

All socialism is bad, and needs to go, regardless of what variety. Its like aids, it spreads. Socialists should be murdered, even their family members, to prevent them from ever coming to power or imposing their awful ideas.. Indoasia solved its communist problem when it carried out large scale mass murders, and they never had a communist problem ever since.

>> No.17851966

if you're a kulak it matters a whole lot if your country is going to go commie or natsoc. if you're a racial minority it probably matters a lot too, though you might get fucked by either of those situations

>> No.17851992
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>> No.17851994

Communists, socialists need their throats silt. Fascism is absolutely on the table when it comes to dealing with communism. There nothing worse than living under a communist system. I would unironically take my chances with the most murderous fascism if it meant that communism would no longer exist.

>> No.17852008
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>> No.17852314

so i should read this?

>> No.17852448

Gaddafi rejected both capatalism and soviet style communism and instead incorporated a new system called "Third international theory." Which was different from both socialism and capitalism and instead.

>> No.17852467
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>I support the toppling, and murder, of qaddifi because he was a socialist, and no Americans don't like him because we overthrew him
Read this, you are literally agreeing with Hillary Clinton. It is not about communism vs capitalism but good guys against globalism/zionism. Both China and America are puppets of the Rothschilds, the Rothschilds have just decided its their turn to terrorize the world.

>> No.17852474

can i get a qrd on these? i need a new book to read

>> No.17852538
File: 110 KB, 265x375, Quotations_from_Chairman_Mao_Tse-Tung_bilingual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*solves philosophy

>> No.17852704

What were his three main tenets again? Islam, Socialism and something else

>> No.17852711

pleb-tier schizo book for children

>> No.17852720

sounds like facism

>> No.17852721
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>> No.17852794

economic plan from a guy that ran a country successfully for a little while
really esoteric dream journal from a guy who had conversations with gilgamesh
red's cooler all around

>> No.17852818

It was. He was based.

>> No.17852821

>had conversations with gilgamesh
was he a chill dude?

>> No.17852829

they just take a break from wandering by a campfire and discuss mortality and science

>> No.17852831
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sounds comfy

>> No.17852889

No it didn't.

>> No.17853045
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I imagine psychosis is comfy

>> No.17854431

jewish rat paws wrote this

>> No.17854692


This anon is correct. I am not this anon.


It's unironically a poorly thought-out work of political philosophy. He starts out by rejecting parliamentary/representative forms of government, and conventional elections in general, because they involve ceding power to a representative, and involve the tyranny of the majority (or plurality) of electoral winners over a large population whose will was not carried out in the election. His pretended solution is a network of people's conferences and committees which represent all sectors of society, government of all-by-all, but even this practically necessitates having someone in charge of each cell/committee, an inconsistency which he waves off in an unsatisfying way. He wants to replace parliamentarism with parliamentarism, effectively. Every village has a chief, there's no getting away from that.

Then he considers the economy in very general terms, with the basic attitude that there ought to be perfect, arithmetic distribution of every resource to every individual at all times, as near as is practicable, and with any surplus being seized and redistributed as needed. He has the remarkable insight that "need" is a central factor in the economy.

The third section is a bunch of random cultural glosses and ramblings, and is apparently modeled on Mao's little red book, which also ends with the culture stuff as an afterthought. This section is a bit funnier because he considers that black people will inherit the earth since they outbreed everyone else, and he also shits on spectator sports at the end because he considers that each individual should reap the benefits of athletics for himself (exercise), one of the more cogent thoughts in the book.

I'll probably get called a jew or CIA for this post, but it's unironically a dull book. It's also very short and easy to read (because the ideas are that childish), so if you want, here, knock yourself out (jew/CIA plant link which isn't the real book):


The 4chan love for Gaddafi is based (heh) on his wearing funny outfits, doing his own thing, and not giving a fuck about Israel. As the (jew/CIA plant) Green Book demonstrates however, it can't be based on his intellect.

>> No.17855817

What you gonna do? China ftw. the west will die

>> No.17855853

Sure thing 50 cent army

>> No.17855945


>> No.17855985

We need a Maoist revolution in America. Country boys rolling into the cities in technicals to murder the bourgeois urban faggots and redistribute their stuff.

>> No.17856018


On the contrary, we've had a Maoist revolution ongoing over the past five years or so. It has been awful and has made everyone's lives worse, exactly as it did in China.

>> No.17856033

lmao keep seething. take the xipill

>> No.17857137

Why would anyone in the UK like Gaddafi when he organised a terrorist attack that happened on UK soil? Some proper retards on this boaedb

>> No.17857396

This book might not be the best example of his intellect but he was no doubt a very smart man. Listen to speeches and you will understand that he predicted everything that will happen if he was to lose power

>> No.17857397

because he supported the IRA

>> No.17857415

Lol at these retards attributing failures of outdated capitalism and late stage monopolization with socialism.

Once it becomes obvious that capital took political monopolistic leverage on the state and uses violence to protect itself from thing like ideas, identity, change, even opinion of population, it's gonna be too late.

>> No.17857431
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>> No.17858524

The Chinese would probably have taken a Pro-Gaddafi stance. He attempted to challenge the US hegemony over the global Oil-trade, by introducing a non-dollar-alternative to use as a currency.

You fucking american retard.

>> No.17858556

>If you weren't uneducated

You're so smart bro