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File: 87 KB, 748x960, FB_IMG_1616517384083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17851635 No.17851635 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17851644
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>> No.17851651


Fair point. Just a small list in the corner that appears for a moment after each violent scene when you stream it online, that way the viewer can pause it if they wanna read the whole thing.

>> No.17851657
File: 98 KB, 750x913, NPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17851667

he didn't even do anything wrong though

>> No.17851673

the atheist mass literacy was a huge mistake

>> No.17851677

Is this useless roastie saying that we need to put disclaimers next to chopping the top half of a dude's head off stating that it's bad? It's not a surprise that these godless heathens have trouble with morals, but it seems obvious so me.

>> No.17851684
File: 24 KB, 360x333, ceo of cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female opinions

>> No.17851691

I thought morality was a anachronistic vestige of white cishet male hegemony?

>> No.17851698
File: 134 KB, 1437x909, 1616357087525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The West was a mistake

>> No.17851699

She's being sarcastic you fucking autist. He shoves a rat in a girls pussy for fuck's sake

>> No.17851702

>these godless heathens have trouble with morals
Men sleep around much more than women

>> No.17851725
File: 120 KB, 1024x576, china14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, only china can end amerishart racism

>> No.17851731
File: 265 KB, 368x464, vcaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet is an immensely complex multi-dimensional meme-polygon with multiple axes of symmetry, such that for any satirical take you can find its genuine equivalent.

>> No.17851738

clear sarcasm, retards

>> No.17851747


Honestly I don't even know what to say about this
It's so on the nose I have to assume it's a joke

>> No.17851754
File: 50 KB, 540x418, 1563450144411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this shit really fucking annoys me. I don't give a fuck about some twitter bitch but I meet people all the time who have this same opinion of books, movies, games, tv, etc. "Media x is bad because character y isn't explicitly shown to be evil despite some bad behavior". Faggots.

>> No.17851755

Damn, the smallhats should sue them for copyright infringement. Pretty sure "weaponized racemixing for long term imperialism" is their trademarked invention.

>> No.17851766
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Seethe, cope, dilate

>> No.17851770
File: 88 KB, 1100x825, 1583114428549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humourless incels with social retardation ITT thinking she's serious

>> No.17851771

They're gonna have a real bad time if they ever read Lolita.

>> No.17851773

What's is moral about running concentration camps, giving Saudi drones, and having a government that bans independent media?
>Cultural preservation
The communists are an atheist state that mass murders religious minorities.
>Equality, Propserity
1/3 of China's wealth is owned by the top 1%.
They steal it from the west
Plenty of violence in China. They literally run over Children with their cars and nobody doesn't anything.
They send their kids to American universities
>Family values
One child policy, and suicide nets

>> No.17851777
File: 8 KB, 251x272, canada 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seethe, cope, dirate

>> No.17851780

It was posted by a woman, women as we all know do not have the mental capacity required for sarcasm

>> No.17851788

yes, that is an opinion

>> No.17851795

Sorry buddy but the one displaying lack of mental capacity in this case is You

>> No.17851800

>the left slowly morphing into Christianity
And all together they’re on the path to mediocrity and irrelevance

>> No.17851801

How do you instantly find these pics?

>> No.17851805


>> No.17851819
File: 76 KB, 556x521, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a folder of Xi Jinping images

>> No.17851823

they have them saved specifically to shill for and against china
Why they are this invested in influencing the discourse surrounding china on 4chan will sadly likely remain a mystery

>> No.17851824

>the left
Progressive libcuckism (aka the american "left") is just extremely watered down christianity.

>> No.17851838

There is no way that's not satire.
On tumblr there's a pretty big war going on in the fandoms between people who enjoy shit, and moral purists. It's pretty wild. I try to avoid that kind of shit, but every once in a while you see a post or two.

>> No.17851867

Can you blame them? In less than a century women have invaded every male institution and discursive space, destroyed comedy with their milquetoast "I wanna play toooooo! Daaaad, Patriarchy won't let me play his gaaaame!" anti-meritocratic coercion, destroyed irony by being so gormless and naive that they have fused reality and its parodies, etc. The average woman is stupid and childish at levels only mentally handicapped men can aspire to. Women vote for whoever seems "nicer," women vote to let billions of foreigners come in because they don't understand that "being nice" isn't a geopolitical strategy. Women literally cry like babies at work when something goes wrong. Women set all the standards for hugbox HR departments that mandate infantilizing orwellian rituals like mandatory backpatting to boost morale. Women even make the military let them join without passing fitness tests that a flabby male teenager could pass. Women have normalized not being able to criticize fat people. Women have normalized not being able to criticize dangerous rapist terrorists who rape women on Christmas eve immediately upon being released into a country offering them free social welfare beyond their wildest dreams. The more freedom and opportunity and encouragement women get, the worse they perform in every sphere. Then they cry about it and blame men, who give them more encouragement so they can fail and cry again.

Everything about women is fake, shallow, sad, and retarded. Men detest women in the same way someone who lives around violent thug minorities hates violent minorities. Women are primally disgusting to men, most men see most women as a mix between a stupid snot-nosed entitled bratty kid, a bratty entitled teenage thot whose father's endless indulgences have ruined her mind, a fat mouth-breathing retard who can't manage his own affairs, an entitled bitchy Karen who thinks she is so special that she can hold up entire lines because of some minor issue she has made up, and the go-nowhere ambitionless twentysomething at the office who cries every time there's a problem. All of this hate and disgust is barely sublimated when an average man looks at an average woman.

What do you really expect when yet another woman, with yet another twitter account, is making yet another stupid clueless entitled statement about how the world should cater more to some harebrained self-centered shit she thought up and immediately blurted out with no shame and no fear of being judged as a retard? Am I supposed to go over Woman Being Retarded #9892354728937417264178194829305742735285632864823446386434623 with a fine-toothed comb and forensically reconstruct that she's part of the special set of B- twitter comedian who writes in tumblr lowercase and affects ironic self-awareness (between bouts of normal, unironic woman-crying about actual non-issues)?

>> No.17851869

As if the Chinese aren't literally plotting to take over the world (starting with Asia and Africa).

>> No.17851877

this is true

>> No.17851884


>> No.17851885

The only problem with progressives is they aren't anti-communist enough. Liberals shouldn't be working with communists, but should be killing them.

>> No.17851892

Diagnosis: Seething. Prescription: Sex.

>> No.17851895

Poe's Law, faggots.

>> No.17851898
File: 80 KB, 640x539, absolutely halal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just be more assertive

>> No.17851914

Why would that prescription cure seething?

>> No.17851926

I don't think they are invested in influencing the discourse, but in creating the impression that there are people who are trying to influence the discourse. You and they both find the notion that such debate is occurring here absurd, but they seem to find that absurdity funny, while you find it merely stupid. I'm also on the side of finding it stupid, but I'm very much hoping that it's some bizarre absurdist LARP rather than being in any way serious.

>> No.17851935

It cures it for people who don't truly seethe, they're not actually angry, just acting out frustrations. When you have actually spent years cultivating a deep seethe nothing can fix it, successes in other aspects of life only make you more enraged about the canker on reality that is the object of your seethe. For me it's that God created French people

>> No.17851937
File: 2.00 MB, 240x180, 1588209595835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this guy retarded?
>is he pretending to be retarded?
If I get this wrong, then I'm retarded
4chan is a psyops designed to test our sense of self, and we're ALL losing.

>> No.17851955

I don't know man, that's a little too Poe.

>> No.17851960

In 9 out of 10 cases, the infantile misogyny is cured by active sex life. Just like a fat fuck needs to eat less and exercise physically, the incel gets better by exercising his social/sex skill.

>> No.17851971 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 600x600, twitter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17851974
File: 73 KB, 385x363, twitter 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17852166

>not realizing that the best way to defeat satire is to embrace it
>Not trying to embody it because you know it is morally bad

>> No.17852943

twitter screencaps should be punished with death

>> No.17852955
File: 84 KB, 385x358, 1616297555670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17852982

Blowjacks too.

>> No.17853048


>> No.17853111

i wish

>> No.17853143

Good post

>> No.17853228


>> No.17853307

bad post
> What's is moral about running concentration camps, giving Saudi drones, and having a government that bans independent media?
easy retroactively decressing oppression by not letting oppressed groups becoming a continuous thing in the first place. the self identification of being a minority is what creates victimhood. simply abolish the minority. trade between contries is not wrong. banning independent media is simply banning reactionary elements. unless you think fox and cnn do a good job at anything besides finding things to increase engagement abd money.
> The communists are an atheist state that mass murders religious minorities.
completely fine, as long as they then preserve a culture afterwards, even an athiestic one.
> 3 of China's wealth is owned by the top 1%.
> Plenty of violence in China. They literally run over Children with their cars and nobody doesn't anything.
lot of shootings in america, and nobody does anything.
> They send their kids to American universities
humility is a virtue
> One child policy, and suicide nets
both are good things and i bet you love sensationalization about it by your capitol media.

>> No.17853415


>> No.17853458

Well said anon. I went to the druids and married my tulpa and haven't looked back since

>> No.17853535
File: 26 KB, 870x352, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you forget about these?

>> No.17853564

>More clear

>> No.17853726

>1/3 of China's wealth is owned by the top 1%.

Not a problem. In fact, money and power should be more highly concentrated not less.

>> No.17853732


>> No.17853750

You don't know women.

>> No.17853785


>> No.17854414

That's sarcasm as well anon

>> No.17854428


>> No.17854530

all the people who think the tweet is serious... unbelievable

>> No.17854531


>> No.17854562

Ah yes, Twitter content, exactly what I come to any site other than Twitter for.

>> No.17854600

I can imagine leftists turning book titles into Buzzfeed headlines

>American Psycho (And 100 Reasons Why Patrick Bateman Is A Bad Guy)

>> No.17854607

twitter post; didn’t read

>> No.17854623

This but Crime and Punishment. I was agreeing with Raskolnikov the whole time until I realized he was wrong.

>> No.17854624

fuck women

>> No.17854636

>In 9 out of 10 cases, the infantile misogyny is cured by active sex life.

Yeah because instead of actually fucking bitches daily they latch onto some ugly GF and become her whipping boy cuz she was the first ugly poon he got to stick it into. They become complacent, weak and dumb.