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17848073 No.17848073 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck does gregory sadler wear those dark shades. it makes him look like a child rapist.

thoughts on gregory ssadler?

>> No.17848077

Those are glasses.
And that’s not how you spell names.

>> No.17848080

His son became a tranny. Proof that philosophy is only for losers.

>> No.17848120

It's DOCTOR Sadler you philistine.

>> No.17848124

Yeah, that dude is making me question the legitimacy of philosophy. If it can happen to him than who can we trust?

>> No.17848129

wow really? source?

>> No.17848140

ehs a pretty cool guy. uploads philosophy videos and doesnt afraid of anything.

>> No.17848148

"Hi mr sadler, i have a question on parmenidies"

>> No.17848169
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pic rel

>> No.17848186

>tfw adjunct professor for 20 years and counting
>tfw divorced
>tfw your ex-wife takes custody of your son
>tfw she grooms him to become tranny
>tfw you are learning your son's preferred pronouns to try to maintain a relationship with him
>tfw trying to be a stoic but are seeing a shrink
>tfw condescendingly talk back to your fans on your content creation process
Will he ever have a redemption ark?

>> No.17848192

I used to see posts about this guy all the time, now he barely gets mentioned. what happened?

>> No.17848202

Too late, he's just descending in the circles of hell it seems.

>> No.17848209


>> No.17848217

I cannot have a high opinion of anyone who replies to youtube comments.

>> No.17848219

>tfw condescendingly talk back to your fans on your content creation process
you're a fucking dipshit little prick you know that? "fans" are shit. they don't mean anything. they're replaceable. every time i see a "fan" piping up with their assertions on how a content creator ought to manage HIS/HER content creation process it's absolute narcissistic bullshit. make your own content if you know how it's done. faggot.

>> No.17848221

I can not really respect people who are dovorced. It shows poor judgment and commitment.

>> No.17848226

take your meds, Mr Sadler

>> No.17848239


>> No.17848259

>character is named Sadler
>has a sad history

>> No.17848278

Go to bed Sadler. Don't you an Intro to Philosophy class to teach in the morning for the millionth time?

>> No.17848299

I thought that was the into the trash it goes man for more than a couple of scrolls

>> No.17848472

I don't get it, does this guy have any contraversial opinions or anything that triggers everyone here? Or is it literally just "muh tranny reee"

All I know him from are his lectures on Fear and Trembling, which I found very useful and would recommend to anyone looking for help making sense of Kierkegaard

>> No.17848483

He's a living example that philosophy is useless. He failed as a father.

>> No.17848537

Like this anon >>17848483 said, he's an example on why philosophy is useless insofar as he is learned in the field but goes with the grain anyway. As much as he proclaims to be a stoic, he's already numb to his own suffering, which is a very sad fate. I wonder when he will off himself?

>> No.17848608

He has anger issues lol.

>> No.17848958

i feel he had a lot more insight into himself like 7 years ago and now hes lost almost all of it. its sad to see how a guy can read the entire canon of western philosophy and have so little fucking insight into himself. all that reading for nothing

>> No.17848976

Can someone link videos where he gets angry at fans?

>> No.17849306

literally look at any of his comment threads

>> No.17849317

I just watched a video by him. It was about a science fiction book. Didn't realize he was famous. Or that he was a philosophy professor.

Does /lit/ hate this guy? His one video I saw was pretty good.

>> No.17849330

His lectures on hegel was what made him popular here

>> No.17849334

His videos are all solid. Unfortunately /lit/ chooses to pick apart the dude's personal life instead of discussing the content of the videos.

>> No.17849355

He’s a good philosopher and a good teacher and I like that he has these personal flaws and life tragedies that we can see. I enjoy the humanity of it all

>> No.17849409


>> No.17849470

He started acting like a cunt to people.

>> No.17849473

I stopped watching his videos because I find him personally insufferable, however good his work is in itself. I hope he is able to eventually extricate the massive bundle of sticks from up his ass.

>> No.17849510

One time I saw somebody asking for an introduction to Aquinas so I replied telling him about the Compendium of Theology. Sadler saw this and declared that Aquinas never wrote such a book. Even if he wasn't wrong it was such a weird way to act because the was almost angry when he said it.

>> No.17849555

>longtime stoic philosopher
>can't even properly make the case to his son that cutting his dick off and calling himself Susie is against Stoic natural law and the Logos of the universe

>> No.17849596

>forcing his views on others

>> No.17849611
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>stoics are supposed to just be apathetic losers that neither teach nor care whether the people they associate with are virtuous or not
I can see we got ourselves a basedboy reddit stoic here.

>> No.17849616

That's literally what Marcus Aurelius did

>> No.17849620

he looks jewish

>> No.17849628

The whole trick is to not care about inane bullshit retard.
You can either love your tranny son or lose all contact with him when he breaks from you and resents you for the rest of his life.

>> No.17849657
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>your son cutting his dick off and forcing you to call him Susie is inane bullshit

>> No.17849658

It's his/her role in the universe

>> No.17849702

>emotional little bitch: "oh no muh son's dick oh no my feelings are hurt reeeee"
>stoic man: "I may not agree with my son's decision but I cannot force him on anything if he is adamant on it. It's beyond my control, the best I can do is tell him I love him no matter what, and hope I raised an adult capable of making his own decisions."

>> No.17849704

So stoics are just a nicer name for cuckolds? Huh.

>> No.17849705

No ancient Stoic ever thought like this but whatever. You have a really low IQ understanding of Fate.

>> No.17849708

Realize what is in your control, and what isn't. It's literally what the stoics wrote about. Or are you some kind of "muh feelings matter!" faggot who has to announce to everyone how hurt your little soul is anytime someone does something you don't like?

>> No.17849709

No wonder his son is a tranny

>> No.17849710

Them explain Marcus Aurelius doing nothing about his slut wife sleeping around and his son being retarded.

>> No.17849719

>noooo not my surrogate daddy!!

>> No.17849725

For people that haven't actually read any Stoics this is what they believe, yes.
>it's beyond my control as a father to keep my son from cutting his dick off and wearing a dress
Believe it or not, but Stoics had a real sense of duty and virtues.
>the best I can do is tell him I love him no matter what, and hope I raised an adult capable of making his own decisions
Now you're just quoting some modern boomer parenting guide and not even attempting to relate it to Stoicism.

>> No.17849726

I hate Trump as well, you insecure libtard

>> No.17849730

> raising your son right isn't in your control
Yeah, like I said, ultimate cuckoldry.

>> No.17849737

Stoics wouldn't spend a huge deal of time worrying about what everyone else is doing. That's modern christcuckery. It's literally about staying in your own lane, controlling yourself and not letting outside influences take over and bother you so much. Yes your son can be a tranny, but instead of letting emotions take over, you use your rational side and actually think through and say "what the fuck can I even do about it? Keep him in a cage?" and instead try and talk to them and be reasonable about it. This whole outrage and going around judging everyone isn't stoicism, it's fucking christcuck shit.

>> No.17849741

What are you gonna do, helicopter parent your children till you die? Raise them all you want and then accept that you must let go of them at some point, unless you want weak children who cling to your skirt.

>> No.17849743

The goonish grimace of Mr.Sadler as he saunters out of his handicap accessible minivan and into his local Olive Garden is an archetype

>> No.17849745

>Marcus Aurelius found out his wife was cheating on him with a gladiator so he executed him while they were having sex and forced his wife to bathe in his blood
Face it, your cringe version of Stoicism have never been a thing. Stop confusing your own apathy and lack of virility with Stoicism.

>> No.17849750

No one is talking about "letting your emotions take over". You clearly think acting in the world is the same as not being able to control yourself.
>what the fuck can I even do about it? Keep him in a cage?
That is one option.
>This whole outrage and going around judging everyone isn't stoicism, it's fucking christcuck shit.
You'll never be a real woman.

>> No.17849752

Have fun killing someone who fucks your wife, and spend the rest of your life in prison because some whore angered you.

>> No.17849755

Try to make a comment that he doesn't like or just read some of them. It's bizarre, it feels like a different person makes the vids and manages the account.

>> No.17849757

>kills only the gladiator
>keeps the wife that will still sleep around
LOL what a cuck

>> No.17849760

>that is one option
Where the fuck do you live

>> No.17849762

Keep letting outside influences anger you, and letting that anger guide your decisions.
Amazing how this Walmart stoicism has just become "muh masculine man, my anger is rational hehe".

>> No.17849763

His videos are very useful, but if you interact with him, you'll see that he can be a condescending twat for no reason.

>> No.17849764
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>“If I send away my wife, I must also repudiate her dowry.”

>> No.17849768

>It's literally about staying in your own lane
Can you tell me what stoic cosmopolitanism is?

>> No.17849771
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>y-you're just angry! why do you even care?!

>> No.17849777

>Pajeet morals
Lmao, move to some shit hole if you wanna act like a subhuman

>> No.17849785

>you have to tell your son you love him and accept his choice to be a dickless tranny otherwise you're just a barbarian
The absolute state of modern Stoicism.

>> No.17849795

Behold the great stoic basedjak poster. What a sign of rationality and masculinity.

>> No.17849805

>claims to be stoic
>wants to control everyone and everything around him
You don't know what stoicism is, you fucking moron

>> No.17849849

>claims to be stoic
>wants his own son to abide by the virtues and the Stoic understandings of natural law, and to position him to be in unison with Nature. And if this all fails, to not retreat into accepting and partaking other peoples delusions.

>> No.17849853

>This whole outrage and going around judging everyone isn't stoicism, it's fucking christcuck shit.
Christianity is probably the most Stoic thing still existing in our times.

>> No.17849859

Calvinism? Yes. Not so sure about the other denominations.

>> No.17849875

I mean generally. A living tradition that can actually be traced back to the Stoics.

>> No.17849887

>natural law and virtues
>age of consent isn't natural
>marriage isn't natural
>nothing is really "natural" besides whatever you feel is good
Tell me more anon, what is "natural"

>> No.17849950

Read Tillich. Christianity and Stoicism are diametrically opposed.

>> No.17849967

Liked his vids on Shestov.

>> No.17850608

oh jesus christ he's serious

>> No.17850643

/lit/ moved on from stoicism

>> No.17850677
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>NOOOOOOOO your son cant be a tranny!
meanwhile im wondering how such a man can look so powerful and smart at the same time

>> No.17850719

Why do you go around with paranoia that random people are child rapists? I'm sorry for the people around you who have to walk on eggshells not knowing when you're going to go off on them over something trivial like what kind of glasses they wear.

>> No.17850723

>his son went trans
Nevermind, he is a child rapist and raped his son.

>> No.17850744

Kek. These sophistical lines of reasoning are hilarious.

>> No.17850776

you are the one who posted a basedjak. this is a thinly-veiled off topic thread anyways

>> No.17850803

I never understood why libs have this assumption that people who don't hate Trump for the reasons they do must necessarily mean that they worship him

>> No.17850808

>he says while assuming that a guy mocking Trump supporters must be a liberal

>> No.17850933

Man I don't care if his son is a tranny, if he drinks himself to oblivion, is divorced or whatever. I can empathize or antagonize, but at the end of the day, the person Gregory Sadler is nothing to me.
What I do like however are his lectures, those half hour Hegel bits are interesting and several other videos I have seen were helpful as secondary sources - this is what I care about. He's as much proof that philosophy is pointless and doesn't help with life in general as much as Alexander is proof that it's the perfect motivator. You pick your ideals and you live by them, some get fucked, some get celebratedz welcome to the real world.
Stop obsessing over the lives of every and any person. I'd start caring about Gregory Sadler as a being only once he created something new and only for the insight it might give me as to how he attained this knowledge or those ideas. He's just a regurgitator.

>> No.17851063

>gamers don't die they respawn
is this true?

>> No.17852129

he's an eclectic, so he can maintain no ground of belief but whatever the zeitgeist wills