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File: 504 KB, 510x680, white privilidge kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17848677 No.17848677[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books will teach me about my white privilidge?

>> No.17848684

Mein Kampf

>> No.17848711
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>> No.17848712

im a tranny

>> No.17848720
File: 232 KB, 1004x1556, instagram support black art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of this/\?

>> No.17848721

If we can get the field niggers to hate the house niggers they won’t team up and take over the plantation.

>> No.17848731 [DELETED] 
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Not exaggerating, being completely and totally genuine when i say i hope her parents get raped and killed by a pack of niggers. For her own good. Then she won't grow up to be a self loathing sad sap, and her parents clearly deserve it regardless.

>> No.17848737
File: 347 KB, 597x488, anti white mom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this woman?

>> No.17848739

What books will teach me how to be a shitposting retard? Stirner?

>> No.17848758

Yeah same deal, although boys are much more likely to realize its horseshit even without tragedy, so it might not be necessary. Chances are those kids will grow up at least distasteful of social justice.

>> No.17848776
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start with the greeks

>> No.17848781

How ironic that she seems to be standing in a shabby, run down passageway. Our culture is sick and the elites are taking it to the bank. The ignorant deserve the hell they craft for themselves.

>> No.17848784

You would have to want to learn.

>> No.17848788

>the elites
you can just say the capitalists

>> No.17848791

This isn't /b/.

>> No.17848792

Best me to it anon, holy based more people need to know about this book

T. Castizo

>> No.17848800
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>> No.17848807
File: 60 KB, 500x634, BellCurve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This explains the phenomenon.

>> No.17848818


>> No.17848827
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It's something you're born with
also yes stirner

>> No.17848828
File: 336 KB, 900x651, tavistock whiteness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17848906

What’s it like being a media slave?

>> No.17848911

Caucasians of today are a far cry of what they once were. I can appreciate this work... but is it even relevant at this point?

>> No.17848916

Of course not.

>> No.17848931

>but is it even relevant at this point?
Even if it wasn’t, what does it relevancy matter, it is a fascinating and exciting look at history that you will come out from reading with a greater outlook on European history than you got from school, and in a shorter time. Things in the world will make more sense in the context of history, the book itself is of intrigue but so will the things it gives context for. At least for me, it is more in testing than any television show, music, video game, anime or other nonsensical distraction from the Protocols. But though most “caucasians” as you say are indeed not like their ancestors, someone great will come along eventually out of millions.

>> No.17849107

The decisive argument against the "colorblind" view of immigration is that racial groups have interests, and refraining from taking ethnicity and/or race into account when making immigration policy does not lead to any real egalitarianism in terms of the relative power distinct racial groups have; There is still privilege, although what group takes it over is determined by the free movement of people. For instance if you have a white majority that dominates society socio-politically as the "default" national identity, allowing large amounts of non whites immigrating into the country will lead to a new group forming a majority and inheriting privilege. This argument could be expanded to support white identity politics in general, ie the recognition that racial interests are real and that white racial interests are as legitimate as any other (as opposed to the current situation of the "left" supporting minority racial interests only and the "right" opposing them all)

>> No.17849123

So it's just anglo-saxon history?

>> No.17849170


>> No.17849179

So it's just "everyone relevant in history was white like me"?

>> No.17849189


>> No.17849218


>> No.17849239
File: 159 KB, 916x1280, 2598e22a723ccf5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the big book of mental illness

>> No.17849244

>For instance if you have a white majority that dominates society socio-politically as the "default" national identity, allowing large amounts of non whites immigrating into the country will lead to a new group forming a majority and inheriting privilege.
whites have the lowest ingroup preference out of all racial groups
there are hundreds of studies corroborating this
by your definition there is no white privilege since whites do not vote in a bloq bigger than the next demographic