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17845358 No.17845358 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about incels?

Like about a yougn, sexually frustrated guy who constantly tries but keeps failing?

>> No.17845367

anything by shopenhauer, while not about incels, is certainly written by one. Meaning you can behold the twisted thoughts that marinate in the mind of the sexually deranged.

>> No.17845408

Most incels don't try OP, sure their poor genetics and socially stunted childhoods make it very hard to succeed but most give in to defeatist mindsets and don't work to better themselves.

>> No.17845413

Schopenhauer was a chad who kept fucking random women.

>> No.17845428

schopenhauer wasn't an incel though. seeing women for what they are does not make you an incel

>> No.17845444
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Damn, i wonder what this graph means

>> No.17845460

It does now, 'incel' is shifting to mean something equivalent to chud instead of 'can't get laid'.

>> No.17845459

No I think a lot of incels probably try and still don't get anywhere. It's gotten harder for the average guy to compete as of late, just admit it.

>> No.17845473

I never had a woman in my life

>> No.17845474

it went from referring to a very particular online group characterized by its own lingo/terminology, blackpilled worldview and so, to becoming synonymous with "virgin loser" to now simply meaning "loser" with all of its connotations.

>> No.17845481

Irrelevant to my point, most incels just give up and don't try.

>> No.17845501

Honestly I believe this is because of porn and video games rather than women being more demanding. In my experience, pussy is easier than ever.

>> No.17845516

Chud already lost its meaning when it entered 4chan lexicon. They're both the same stand-in for loser.

>> No.17845528


Chud is tranny vernacular and not a word anybody else uses

>> No.17845529

I don't get it, i'm partially paralysed and i've got girls bugging me to cheat on my gf, what are these people doing wrong?

No i'm not rich.

>> No.17845537

>what are these people doing wrong
They don't talk to girls at all, or sabotage themselves by ignoring the simplest social interaction routines and clues.

>> No.17845545

My Twisted World is what you're looking for, great book - if a bit repetitive. If the gentleman himself, Elliot Rodger, didn't go and kill all those people I reckon it could've been well received with some refinement as a modern take on American Psycho

>> No.17845548

this website sucks

>> No.17845550


>> No.17845563

Contrary to popular belief women actually love cripples

>> No.17845587

You'd be amazed how often 'want a ride on my scooter?' works, you really would.

>> No.17845656

this but unironically. i need to quit

>> No.17845704

me too

i want to get off moot's wild ride


>> No.17845721

I quit porn and cigarettes. Both were easier than quitting this place

>> No.17845748

Two questions. Why do you want to quit (I'm new and curious) and why is it so hard to do it?

>> No.17845781
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>I'm new
get out while you still can friend

>> No.17845788

This pic rings more true to me with each passing year. Fuck

>> No.17845809

But anon, 4chan made me the man I am today.

>> No.17845843

Fortunately, I just pretend I belong here and am only here for a few weeks to visit. That's why it doesn't hit me particularly hard, I can imagine how some of them will lose their minds here, but I take it with humor as long as I'm here. But I know that many have bad things on their minds. Fortunately, I'm armed.

>> No.17845864

I’ve spent half of my life on this god forsaken website. 15 years and counting. Fucking kill me. Please anon.

>> No.17845871

Same and I hate myself.

>> No.17845880


Here, this is a short story i wrote last night

>> No.17845889

The only thing you must do is become happier in regards to the future.

Nothing is about appearance, everything is about mentality. You could make it as a stockbroker with sheer mentality alone, you don't even have to look the part.

>> No.17845910

And yes, I also have several tabs open, that's why I'm here. Idiots. Normally I wouldn’t even know the word incel and to be honest I’ve already forgotten the definition of the word but don’t look it up now because I don’t care. But I think most anons on this miserable side actually do care. I can still filter all this dirt out of my brain, but if I stay here longer then it will catch up with me, I know that for sure.

>> No.17845919

>active self-denial

>> No.17845951

incels dont try

>> No.17845954

4chan made me stronger, more motivated, better read etc.

>> No.17845996

>not when it was meant ironically.

>> No.17846015

Any biography on Nietzsche

>> No.17846118

I'm sympathetic to incels abstractly and I am myself totally sexless but I don't know if I believe this graph. It's too extraordinary. The implications are so severe and depressing. The trend is real but this seems exaggerated.
Then again Tinder has been a massacre for young men

>> No.17846186

Social systems that allowed average men to secure a wife are 'oppressive' so we're back to the 80/20 rule.

>> No.17846191

It could be both.

>> No.17846193

wew. suicide fuel

>> No.17846274

why not just check one of the other dozen threads made every single day by you losers

>> No.17846354

I was with him until that gay bit about misogyny.

>> No.17846368

This reeks of that reddit migrant who heard about le epic frog forum and was shocked to find it a bit more hostile than his feelings could handle.

>> No.17846615
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lol im an idiot, sorry. here is a short story i wrote last night. incel themes. let me know what you think

>> No.17846677

The fuck guy's?
No one remembers Catcher in the Rye?

I mean, Good. But still it should at least be mentioned if only for the chance this op might an hero some singer or something.

>> No.17847221

The Qur'an

>> No.17847329
File: 33 KB, 541x541, 1616167267601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my diary desu

>> No.17847713

why not try Otto Weinenger?

>> No.17848138

It's the ability to withdraw completely from social life. No previous generation has been able to numb themselves from reality with the endless supply of content and media that the internet provides.

t. loner whose friends all slipped away while he wasted his time online

>> No.17848415

Plenty, just search it up on a search engine.

>> No.17848824

Are you me?