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File: 27 KB, 300x457, BE19C87F-0C73-4C0E-BE7E-73F073F7E3B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17842491 No.17842491 [Reply] [Original]

Just bout book in pic. Did I fall for a trap bros, I’ve heard a lot of good things about it .

>> No.17842609
File: 10 KB, 217x320, 1F0F0027-61BC-4C3B-A99F-F7167E589079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self-help books

>> No.17842617

It's pretty good. Didn't actually put it to use, so I couldn't say if it's life changing stuff.

>> No.17842655

This, although Jordan Peterson books could really help to some users of this site.

>> No.17842801

>Jordan Peterson
see this pic >>17842609

>> No.17842815

People who read self help books are so pathetic.

>> No.17843226

Self help seems like nonsense but Anthony Robbins is based

>> No.17843325

It's not bad. There is good advice and actionable tactics you can use to improve your life.

NLP is pseudo-science bullshit. Tony Robbins is a grifter.

If you read enough self-help you can start to see how formulaic it is. The only thing that changes in the "science" or "revelation" that is the basis of the book. (NLP for Tony Robbins).

>> No.17843436

Yeah, that's why they need them, Sherlock.

>> No.17843682

The path to self improvement is to read enough of them that you can construct your own system, begin holding seminars, start a mailing list, then publish a book, and go on Oprah, earning millions along the away.

Actually following the advice in the books is for losers though. Winners build.

>> No.17844309

It might give you some usefull ideas and techniques but that's at best 10% of real self improvement. Remaining 90% are a combination of just doing something, experimenting and analyzing. Also, some of these self-help-become-rich books are straight up "how to be a workaholic 101".

>> No.17844408
File: 24 KB, 338x499, 41CuOLKbshL._SX336_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the personification of learned helplessness.

>> No.17844540

My grandma gifted me that book as well as Money: Master the Game. I haven't read through ATGW yet because it seems more focused on psychology, which I'm not really into, but MMTG was pretty good. A little bit lengthy, Robbins often likes to write colourfully and at length with some repetition, but his basic advice seems pretty good for an intro to investing. Definitely beneficial for me as someone who made a good chunk of money off of crypto and then wanted to invest it in something a little more traditional.

>> No.17845856

Good point. Never thought about it that way. It's as if God's ordained losers believe they can defy Divine Will.

>> No.17846188

Every self help writer is a grifter. But Robbins unironically wrote a helpful well written book. It tells you actual things you can do and they work if you try them, plus he writes very well. Just don't let him upsell you into his many overpriced other ventures. But if you avoid that it's unironically the peak of the genre

>> No.17846788
File: 101 KB, 785x731, D3AA886C-1D32-417C-8E06-A5D614B5C664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't just decide what decisions will benefit you! You have to give money to people to let them tell you what decisions will benefit you!

>> No.17846935

Imagine thinking Seligman isn´t a huge fraud.

>> No.17846962

Max Stirner "The Ego and its own" it's the best self-help book i've ever read.

>> No.17846982

He's probably a commie too

>> No.17847045
File: 168 KB, 748x756, B9lLxO8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My grandma gifted me that book as well as Money: Master the Game

>> No.17847181

Lol at people on fucking 4chan thinking they're above self-help content. You need it more than anyone quit deluding yourself.

>> No.17847326

? I use my brain to help myself. Just cope with failure, regret, etc. like you´re doing now because you´ve probably read such books, who cares lol

>> No.17847419

Those books can be very helpful. You aren't some philosopher God who's above everyone else's wisdom and experience that can be offered. I've read at least one cover to cover and it definitely helped me tremendously at that point in my life. It's not all about "cope" either, it's about "improvement" too.

>> No.17847452

I know bro, but if you´re fucked in life self-help books are worthless.
It individualizes problems and always sticks it to the individual, not society itself.

But I could understand that self help books work for middle class/rich people, just make sure you don´t get stuck in the endless spiral of ´uhhhh ooohhhh i need to improoove myself´

>> No.17847492

Fucking this. Are self-help book readers really the type of moron that's been attracted to this site now?

>> No.17847942

OP is baiting, retard

>> No.17848125

Already read Jordan’s 12 rules. Looking for more

>> No.17848623

Disenfranchised, vulnerable, outcasts that are looking for a sense of community and belonging? If it wasn't shit-posting on 4chan or reading self-help books, it would be drinking cyanide Koolaid on a commune somewhere.

>> No.17848638

Rule 13 is How to Read the Ashton Manual in the upcoming edition