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/lit/ - Literature

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17842928 No.17842928 [Reply] [Original]

>can't read poetry out loud because parents are at home

>> No.17842938

>living with your parents still
i hope youre not older than 18, anon

>> No.17842948

>can't fap to trap porn because parents are at home

>> No.17842963

I feel you, anon. One time when i was younger, my dad came into my room and caught me reading a leatherbound edition of De Quincey's Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. He looked disgusted and ashamed.

>> No.17843241

I can unfortunately relate to both.

>> No.17843402

>not just subvocalizing

>> No.17843441

Subvocalizing degenerates your reading ability.

>> No.17843448

Isn't it the opposite

>> No.17843461

It is proven to be the most efficient and natural way to read

>> No.17843526

*reads 20 pages an hour*
Yeah, okay faggot, enjoy finish 10 books a year

>> No.17843550

I fucking hate speedreaders. Reading a novel is not a fucking race, subvocalization is the most efficient way to read and actually fucking comprehend what you're reading

>> No.17843572

This is your brain on highschool english courses

>> No.17843589

>not just reading aloud in a big retard voice

>> No.17843612

lol how

>> No.17843615

>if you don't subvocalize you speedread
Holy shit, we found pure, raw, undiluted copium!

>> No.17843671

>Doesn't read with just their eyes
>Doesn't quickly dart eyes from sentence to sentence relying on just a glance from the peripheral to understand what's being said.
>Thinks you can't """speedread""" and understand a book
>Thinks you have to be in Highschool to read more than 1 book every two months
Lol, cope booklets.
If you aren't reading at least 100 books a year (with notes, summary, etc. for at least 10) then you aren't growing.

>> No.17843700

Just read it in your minds you fucking NPCs, imagine not being able to hear your mind's voice

>> No.17843713

Give a detailed review and analysis of the 10th book you read this year

>> No.17843734

>Doesn't quickly dart eyes from sentence to sentence relying on just a glance from the peripheral to understand what's being said.
That is speedreading you neanderthal

>> No.17843776

I know retard, I described the process because I wanted to emphasize that speed-reading is natural, not some weird power, and in all likely hood you too have done it.
You guys make it sound like speedreading is a sin and you can't retain anything from doing it when it's something pretty much everyone does subconsciously.
Speadreading != skimming.

>> No.17843827


>> No.17843962

Speed reading is a process for when you have to do a book project in a day or are studying for medical exams. It's a thing for work, not literature. If you speed read you treat literature like a chore, you ignore all the nuances and craftmenship so that you can check off another name from your list. You are not a reader, you are an automaton with no actual appreciation for what you've read and I will treat you as such.

>> No.17843974

holy based

>> No.17843988

No, I won't give you an actual analysis but if you must know I finally read Frankenstein (don't usually read fiction but decided to read some of the classics this year, I usually stick to philosophy, economics, computer science, but mostly mathematics).
Pretty good actually (something like 9 or 10/10). Victor was my favorite character by far. The creature was nice but I had trouble sympathizing with it because I couldn't imagine considering something I artificially created a "person" and everything that monster did was completely unforgivable (this made some of the more obvious cues Shelly put in to get the reader to sympathize with the creature come off as ridiculous to me).
Almost more interesting than the story is the history it pulls upon, occult, galvanism, etc. I find it a lot more aesthetically pleasing than what might have come out today (A.I. and that sort of thing).
There was also supposedly a moral to this story about how "science can go to far". Personally, I don't find this sort of argument convincing.
In science is embodied all the noble reasons to live, to learn and do things. Sure there are things beyond science (not just practically but also philosophically) but everything in the realm of science is there for man to understand and manipulate to his will, suffering the risks but ultimately reaping the rewards in the end.
A great example is the advent of nuclear physics in the 20th c. which lead to nuclear bombs and so much suffering but which also lead to nuclear power (the cleanest and most efficient power source there is). There is more that we have to learn and do and we should push on regardless of these warnings.

>> No.17844054

>stemcell who worships science and defends speedreading on the literature board didn't understand frankenstein
You are a walking stereotype lmao

>> No.17844070

Fuck em. I live with my parents and I read poetry outloud. I also blast swans on my tv speakers time to time just to mess with them and I dont even like swans

>> No.17844079

Speed-reading is not treating something like a chore. Again, speed-reading != skimming.
It's not a "special" version of reading people use to pretend like they read, it's just a different way to read that has the benefit of making reading faster.
If you like, you could take notes while you're reading if you are so scared of forgetting something but half the time you don't really need them because as soon as you close the book your mind would already be filled with so many questions and thoughts that you would probably be better off writing notes AFTER you close the book.
Anyway, are you really a medfag? I hope not, you sound like you would be struggling.

>> No.17844140

I love science but I don't worship it.
Like I said, scientific methods cannot even be theoretically applied to every problem but where science can be applied we ought to use it and when science can be advanced we ought let it (while respecting the minimum amount of moral duties we have to other humans first, and other sentient/intelligent agents second in a deontological ethic I don't really care to go into now).
Go ahead though, tell me how I didn't understand Frankenstein faggot.

>> No.17844145

>Again, speed-reading != skimming
>it's just a different way to read that has the benefit of making reading faster.
At the expense of drastically reducing reading comprehension and retention, a fact that has been tested and proven time and time again
>If you like, you could take notes while you're reading
Why the fuck are you treating literature like it's a fucking textbook
>Anyway, are you really a medfag? I hope not, you sound like you would be struggling.
No, and the fact that your mind locked on that conclusion instead of understanding that it was just an example is further proof that speedreading degenerates the mind

>> No.17844208

The fact that you don't see anything wrong with creating artifical life or think there should be any boundries at all with science and don't understand the responsibility the creator has to their creation proves you don't understand frankenstein. Along with the fact that you didn't understand that science wasn't the only purpose of the book, that the monster was both a stand in for the devil and man, which was why the alchemy motif was used, to enfuse a sense of the supernatural into the events. You also didn't really seem to pick up on the nihilist or anti-natalist arguments at all

>> No.17844257

Not an actual response, please try again.
>At the expense of drastically reducing reading comprehension and retention, a fact that has been tested and proven time and time again
You seem to misunderstand me, and this is why I originally put speed-reading in quotes. I don't mean to say that you should speed-read the entire book.
Often when I come across a particularly salient passage I stop and take a note or just sit and think about it for a minute, just to savor the feeling I have just had then and their while reading it.
I'm sure you've had this feeling and another place I like to do something similar is when I'm listening to music.
Besides, I do multiple readings of the same book when I can so I find stuff all the time.
>Why the fuck are you treating literature like it's a fucking textbook
I don't.
>No, and the fact that your mind locked on that conclusion instead of understanding that it was just an example is further proof that speedreading degenerates the mind
Nice try. I didn't come to any conclusion, I was just wondering and slightly worried about another anon. It's not like you can't learn a lot about someone from the examples they use.

>> No.17844263

Things only americans do and consider "normal":
>grown ups subvocalizing
>unable to write in cursive

>> No.17844330
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>can't read because my parents are sleeping

>> No.17844402

>not living with your parents

>> No.17844441

>The fact that you don't see anything wrong with creating artifical life or think there should be any boundries at all with science and don't understand the responsibility the creator has to their creation proves you don't understand frankenstein.
This doesn't mean that I don't get the work, just that I don't agree with it's moral conclusion. It's like the difference between getting a joke and finding it funny.
Frankenstein is a wonderful story and I can see how this specific moral could quite easily jump from the text on it's pages but I can't say I completely agree with it (though I don't not take it seriously as a critique of the philosophy of science for it's sake and I don't 100% dismiss it either.)
>Along with the fact that you didn't understand that science wasn't the only purpose of the book
Not a fact, never said it was.
>that the monster was both a stand in for the devil and man
>You also didn't really seem to pick up on the nihilist or anti-natalist arguments at all
I doubt that Shelly had any anti-natalist arguments in her work at all, though I will admit to have not picked up on them if you satisfactorily show them to me.
In my opinion, Shelley was trying to show the tragedy, not in being born, but in being alive without love and being left alone in the world. She suffered many losses in her own life, including her children, and later her lover; before she was even conscious, her mother.
She wanted to show how useless life was as a creature who exists only to exist.
There is no doubt in my mind that the monster would have been a lot happier if he had his little wife but Frankenstein, with good reason, denied him that. Even if that one family he ran into (their names escape me) ended up accepting him I'm sure he would have been happy.
In this sense the story really isn't nihilistic either, since there are many things in the story that give the characters meaning in life (for Walton adventure and glory, for Frankenstein his sister (kek) and knowledge, and for the creature love from anybody)

>> No.17844723
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>> No.17844808


>> No.17844829

do an asmr whisper of your poetry

>> No.17845025

kek, are things really different outside the US?
I'm the opposite of both and some friends think it's strange (though most of the older guys and people who do happen to write a lot do actually know how to write in cursive, it's really only vanishing among illiterate zoomers.).

>> No.17845090

>can’t read poetry out loud because I live alone and it feels awkward

>> No.17845475

Hypersocialized bugman.

>> No.17845482

>believing the meme that you can just leave at 18

>> No.17845488
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>dogs barking
>autistic brother screaming on fortnite
>mom screeching with the cat
>dad playing the awful singing audio of my aunt


>> No.17845655

Wait, people read without reading the words in their head? How?

>> No.17845666

I know I did

>> No.17845675

this desu

>> No.17845839

>not reading because insert reason
shut the fuck up and read it. scream it out loud if you have to. become based, my friend

>> No.17845849

And they're busy raping you in the asshole? I hope?

>> No.17845911

filthy phone poster

>> No.17845940

>doesn't know how to use headphones

>> No.17845979

Why would speedread something I'm enjoying though? I can understand if you just want the information but if I'm reading for fun I want to take my time and savour it