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File: 51 KB, 425x315, 425.ad.Comic.Rowling.Meyer.091009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1784152 No.1784152 [Reply] [Original]

So a lot of critics say Stephenie Meyers is a lousy writer.

Even Stephen King said he sort of likes Rowling's books, but thinks that Meyers is just a bad writer.

Can anybody give me some examples of Meyer's bad writing?

I really dont see how Stephen King can dislike Twilight but still like Harry Potter.

>> No.1784155

I havent been around /lit/ in months, and goddamn people are still talking about Stephanie Meyers.

>> No.1784156

JKW may not write anything amazing but the difference between her and SM is that she's a great story teller. Besides the last HP book, the HP series is great because it's an exciting story with strong chracters. Where as Twilight has a myriad of plot holes, contradictions, flat characters and bad role models. Plus, she repeats herself. Like she'll say "I walked to the fridge. I took slow steps towards the fridge". Sad thing is, her major was writing.

>> No.1784161
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This essay breaks down every aspect of Meyer's writing, from her use of perspective, to her word choice, to her incoherent symbolism, to the structure of her novels, and her concepts of conflict.

and then there's shit like the pic related

>> No.1784163
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>> No.1784164


Well its a very narrative style. If someone were reading it aloud, he'd have to read it slowly. I guess thats sort of... calm...

>> No.1784168
File: 137 KB, 772x91, another to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're not defending that passage.

You just can't throw a comma into a sentence whenever you feel like it. That's not how commas work.

>> No.1784169

Fuck all you haters.

Meyers is not a bad writer. Its just her editor thats crap.

If you had read Jane Austen's original script of pride and prejudice without the editor's intervention you'd think you were reading a teenager's blog as well.

No one is perfect sheesh.

Semantics aside, the emotions conveyed is what truly matters in making a great story.

>> No.1784172
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>> No.1784173

The editor can only do so much; they're supposed to fix typos, not all the fucking commas and wtf sentences she created. Looks like even the editor couldn't stomach reading through it.SM does a terrible job at making me imagine how everything looks in the story.

>> No.1784174

Actually, Harry Potter is a boring story with weak characters. Your move.

>> No.1784177
File: 5 KB, 126x124, Snickering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smiling hugely

>> No.1784178

She's revolutionizing the use of the comma. She's a modern-day Melville.

>> No.1784180
File: 145 KB, 727x245, dropping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know Meyer majored in English, right?

>> No.1784179


Boring? How can you explain the fact that it could capture the low attention spans of hordes of children and teenagers?

Its you v.s. evidence man, onus is on you.

(still your move)

>> No.1784181

Why take any notice of Stephen King's opinion?

>> No.1784182

Editors are meant to fix typos, they aren't there to fix plot holes, weird sentence structures and make boring characters seem interesting.

HP: when he's upset, he'll explain why he's upset
Twighlight: bella will simply say "I am mad". Wow, so imaginative.

>> No.1784184
File: 285 KB, 841x277, angirly, now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boring? How can you explain the fact that it could capture the low attention spans

through escapist fantasies, duh.

>> No.1784185


Hes a good writer and I enjoy his books.

He can tell me what brand of milk to buy.

>> No.1784189

Meyer at least respects the reader's intelligence enough to let us figure out on our own why the character feels the way her or she does.

>> No.1784190
File: 171 KB, 793x199, begged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how Meyer uses quotation tags the same way Christopher Paolini uses them

>> No.1784192


Hey where are you getting those images from?

>> No.1784194

Stephen King only drinks off milk and thinks you should too.

>> No.1784197

I like Stephen King and I have opinions about literatur

>> No.1784198

What are you talking about? Saying "I'm mad" vs "I felt rage build up in my body and my vision turned red" is so different. "I'm mad" is bland, boring, and doesn't let us, the reader, get a feel on how truly mad a person is.

>> No.1784199

King isn't even a passable writer. As far as the craft goes, he's even a step below Sedaris in his command of the written word.

>> No.1784196
File: 236 KB, 917x279, colon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meyer at least respects the reader's intelligence enough to let us figure out on our own why the character feels the way her or she does.

>"I was almost afraid to pick up the phone."

Oh, very subtle. I almost didn't catch the sense of fear Bella felt at that moment, probably because the tone was so utterly blase.

>> No.1784202
File: 197 KB, 581x190, allured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mean to defend Twilight, but there seriously isn't much of a difference between those two passages, besides the fact that one is more verbose than the other. They're both pretty cheesy passages of narrative summary.

>> No.1784203
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>> No.1784204

Those were made up for an example. I was just stating GOOD books make us feel what the character is feeling, where is SM just tells us "Oh hey, Bella is mad. Okay? Okay.".

>> No.1784206

Neither does the second one. It's extremely cliched and doesn't communicate much more than the first does. The first at least values economy of language

>> No.1784207

Good job, but that's beside the point

>> No.1784211

My point is, in SM books, except for when Bella is talking about how hawt Edward is, she simply just states she is mad/happy/bored/scared. It seems so bland and boring. You're supposed to make your reader feel what she's feeling; if she's scared, describe why she's scared and what is happen (goosebumps, racing heart, sweaty palms, etc). Again I know these are shit examples but it's 3AM and I'm just trying to get my point across.

>> No.1784212

"Show, don't tell"? Go to hell.

>> No.1784214

she does it for 90% of the book.

>> No.1784216

No, you go to hell.

>> No.1784217
File: 24 KB, 404x267, 1305628489126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much butthurt

>> No.1784218

I will make a name for myself yet.

>> No.1784220


they all say that

enjoy journalism

>> No.1784221

team edward!

>> No.1784224

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>> No.1784225



>> No.1784226
File: 8 KB, 251x172, 1305546656326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1784227

You should use a secure tripcode then

>> No.1784231

Actually, I'd like to see someone crack it. It's a cool little literary reference you may or may not get.

>> No.1784239

It's very unlikely for someone to spend that much effort on you. It certainly won't be me.

>> No.1784245


Children and teenagers have low attention spans for things they don't enjoy. They have attention spans that would be obsessive in an adult for things they enjoy.

The fact they enjoy HP does not make it good, any more than children and teenagers enjoying the Spice Girls makes them a good example of that art, music. Popular does not always equal good. That said I haven't read HP or seen any of the films so I can't comment on its artistic value but the point remains the same, its popularity doesn't equate to the skill used to create it.

>> No.1784265



>> No.1784272

I think we should compare meyers with rice.
similar themes, rampant sexualization, and the target audience changes but not too much.
even then, meyers loses.

>> No.1784299
File: 79 KB, 450x1200, 15c1a0ea-a7d5-4d11-b248-b7b6c38c3b75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1784305

>implying recognising someone as a better writer than Meyer means you like their books.


>> No.1784309

Are there any images like the ones in this thread for Rowling's writing? I can't image she has as many facepalm moments.

>> No.1784368

Mormon romance novel vs lord of the rings high school edition.
your call stevie

>> No.1784871

Meyers isn't just a bad writer. She is a bad human being.

>> No.1784878

It's a bit rich for Stephen King to be slating on shitty writers.

>> No.1784899

Edward is described in detail, his family get some of the spotlight too, her father is adequately described for a background character, but Bella's a self-insert, and her peers have basically no characteristics other than names. The writing is flat but not terrible - in short, it's an unmemorable piece of pulp fiction.

The only reason people make such a fuss is because it's very effective emotional pornography for teenage girls, and once it got popular, the typical female herd instinct kicked in. Men don't like it because they have contempt for women's desires. With egalitarianism, they honestly believe women secretly think like men do and are being oppressed into indicating otherwise, so they call Twilight misogynistic when they are the unconscious misogynists.

>> No.1784901
File: 6 KB, 320x240, 1289156853869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there are harry pothead faggots in here who defend stupid "chosen one" literature

>> No.1784905


gettin angry bout young adult literature

>> No.1784912

>young adult
Children's literature.

>> No.1784915

I don't read Twilight but I have a lot of contempt for male Comic-Con types who virulently hate it and couch their distaste in feminist critique. Like, honestly, once you give two shits about Sucker Punch or whatever I think you forfeit your right to moan about how Twilight glorifies abusive relationships (oh yeah, and crowds up Hall H with stinky girls)

>> No.1784914

I love Stephen King's books and I don't understand why he's not considered a good writer. I'll admit that he has an unsettling fascination with genitalia, though. If he has an opportunity to mention the state of a character's genitals, he's going to do it. A corpse in a river? Fish have eaten his penis. Someone gets hit by a car? Squashed genitals. An old woman starved for sexual attention? Her pussy's dry. The old woman is a witch? She orders a young woman to strip so she can stick her finger up her asshole and then shlick her off.

All of these are true instances, the first is from IT and the rest from the Dark Tower books. In "Wizards and Glass," the fourth book, a witch basically rapes a chick.

>> No.1784922

That's "Wizard and Glass," pardon the mistake.

>> No.1785023


>> No.1785040

I like Stephen King and I know exactly why he isn't considered a good writer.

>> No.1785054

King = weak
Rowling = shit
Meyer = I don't even consider her a writer, she is below shit

>> No.1785089

I delete an entire sentance if I use more than ONE comma.
Thats just atrocious.

>> No.1785108

Why isn't he?

>> No.1785211

I just rewrote this sentence and made it better:

He lay across my bed, smiling hugely with his hands behind his head and his feet dangling off the end. He was the picture of ease.

I'm wondering if you could even put a colon before "He was the picture of ease."

Just, ugh, look over your sentences.

I think the reason why Bella is boring and bland and they got a boring and bland actress to play her is because if it's Bella narrating this story, she does it blandly and boring...ly... The original sentence is a perfect example. Picture somebody saying that. It's not done in observation, it's done slowly with no enthusiasm, and if that's not intended (which I bet it isn't supposed to be), that's how I read that shitty sentece.

>> No.1785244

JK Rowling's wirint isn't stellar but the stories told were interesting which is far more than can be said when the main focus is the constantly angsty teens.

>> No.1785248
File: 70 KB, 426x640, robert-pattison45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really dont see how Stephen King can dislike Twilight but still like Harry Potter.
because boys like HP and boys dont like Twilight.


>> No.1785267

Everyone should get a copy of Twilight a study it thoroughly. It's a wonderful book on how not to write.

>> No.1785268

Now I feel stupid.

>> No.1785274


>> No.1785284

Are you a furry?

>> No.1785292

shark suit

>> No.1785310
File: 149 KB, 724x915, notsharkleberry[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically like this.
A furry shark.

>> No.1785342

>your move
You guys playing a game of Yu-Gi-Oh! or what?

>> No.1785361

It'd be more entertaining if they were.

I never got Yu Gi Oh.

>> No.1785370

Seeing all the buttmad grrmdark epick fantasy neckbeards' hatred of her, I am tempted to defend Meyer as "not as bad as they say", but then I read some of her writing, and I loose interest in the idea.

>> No.1785374

"even Stephen King"

i lol'd