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/lit/ - Literature

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17839206 No.17839206 [Reply] [Original]

Any progress on your novels?

previous thread:>>17818519

For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction
>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>On Becoming A Novelist
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Suggested books on getting your fucking work done you lazy piece of shit:
>Deep Work
>Atomic Habits

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript
> Write a query
> Track your query

Other Resources
>General grammar/syntax/editing help
> When/where/how should I write?
> What software should I write with?
> Amazon Publishing to make that KDP monie
> Be like Charles Dickens and write serially
> Basic overview of the Screenplay format

>> No.17839213

Holy shit first

>> No.17839394
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Okay, since you ask; see if you find this entertaining

>> No.17839428

This better have been in /lit/ quarterly

>> No.17839449

>I had boobies and everyone could see them and they also had boobies and everyone saw everyone's boobies and it was so funny because we were naked and it was so funny when we touched our boobies and everyone's boobies we kept laughing at how funny it was to touch all of our boobies together it was so much fun

>> No.17839611
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Do any of you write erotica? Specifically non-con?

I have a novella idea in mind and have done some research and outlining but I'm not sure where to post once get a chapter or two down.

literotica editors are inconsistent with standards for what's too non-con for them and they don't provide much feedback when they reject stories.

a03 doesn't care but is mostly for fanfic they don't remove original works, but it's likely no one would see it.

kindle has a hard 'no' to non-con, but some slips through.

wattpad is a toxic waste dump. I don't even know if they allow non-con or not, I don't want to post there.

where do you guys post erotica?

>> No.17839682

>Do any of you write erotica?
>where do you guys post erotica?
It's degenerate. You should post yours in a trash can.

>> No.17839746

you sound like a fun person anon

>> No.17839764


>> No.17839775

behead vtubers and their simpathizers

>> No.17839886

I have no idea where to post something like. I write erotica but it's consensual.

>> No.17839899
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This is it. If I write one more word, it'll be the furthest in this story I've ever been.

>> No.17839939

Hello fellow literati :)
Are we feeling elite today?

>> No.17840061

I write mind control erotica. Literotica literally has a mind control section. They do not give a shit about noncon. The only story of mine that got rejected from it was a furry story with werewolves, because they didn't want that. If your stories get rejected from it, it's probably for some other reason. However, I am obligated to inform you that you are, in all likelihood, doing it for free and that you should stop doing that.

>> No.17840188


Nine chapters currently out.

Starts with a mix of a horror story, and a court trial, then becomes one of those long journey narratives to a far off place.

>> No.17840232


thank you for answering

They do care, though. One of my non-con stories got rejected. I altered it three times, re-submitted three times, and it was never accepted. I couldn't figure out what the problem was. It was pretty harsh non-con, but there are other stories on there with similar content.

I got so frustrated I just abandoned my account. it was one of the longer stories I'd written and I ended up not being able to publish it. Can no longer remember my log-in for the email account connected to the account, so it's basically done. Too bad as I had a few hundred followers.

thanks, but I don't know. I think I could probably write for money, but I have a full-time job already. if I make the writing feel like an obligation, I won't want to do it. Also I like doing weird shit and it seems like erotica readers like knowing what they're going to read when they go into a story. If I were trying to write for money I would feel more obligated to cater to what I assume the audience would like and it wouldn't be fun anymore.

plus trying not to agitate kindle's mods seems even more restrictive than placating literotica.

>> No.17840339

How much do people pay for erotica? Is it typically by the word?

>> No.17840360

If you want to make money writing erotica, your best bet is Kindle Unlimited. Look up their system.

>> No.17840388

for me its present tense first person

>> No.17840390

It took me almost 3 years but I finally finished my novel. It's not /lit/'s cup of tea at all but I've considered giving it away for free on this site just so someone other than my therapist might read it. However, I don't give away anything that could reveal my identity.

>> No.17840436

I don't, but I'm curious what the pay is like and how it works. Like, do people commission you to write them erotica? That's how it works with art. I'm just intrigued by the whole thing.

>> No.17840442

>DAE le breasting boobily down the stairs?
Let's leave reddit on reddit buddy.

>> No.17840446

For me it's switching between 3rd and 1st and back to 3rd in the same run on sentence

>> No.17840602

I have a plot which, when combined with my immense talent, shall surely do for mommydom what Lolita did for pedophilia. My only thing is it's pretty autobiographical and I would absolutely kill myself if it were ever traced back to me. And also I keep getting aroused while writing it, which leads to glaring grammatical issues. And then I masturbate and hastily delete everything I've written and spend like a week skulking about in shame because I get this unnerving feeling that everyone knows about it.

>> No.17840613


>> No.17840787

I know 4chan hates this but lurking at le eddit's eroticaauthors sub is a good way to get a sense of the business. unfortunately they do not have a sticky/faq but you can sort by top > all time and get some of the info you want, tutorials etc

know that the business is oversaturated and difficult to break in to, but it is still possible. don't buy the hype but don't think it's out of reach either

>> No.17840794
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This is it.

>> No.17840828

I took adderal about an hour ago but it isn't helping. I keep writing something then going back and deleting it and writing something else. I can't make progress

>> No.17840831
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>tfw over 100k words into draft and not even halfway through the plot
>starting to worry that there's way too much dialogue
>can't cut any of it because the story is partially a mystery and it's all plot relevant or required character exposition
>in fact, I'm worried that there isn't ENOUGH dialogue between two key characters to justify their relationship later on
I guess I'll just pretend to serialize this on RoyalRoad for shekels once it's done.

>> No.17840832

Stop deleting things anon. You think Sam took his steps back? No! Then he wouldn’t have gotten the furthest he’s ever been. If he kept drying his work he’d never leave the shire.

>> No.17840843

>I took adderal
Stopped reading there, and I like to read too.

>> No.17840847

I keep worrying I'm writing myself into a corner where I have to explain something I didn't think through

>> No.17840855

I know this is meant to be shitposting but it’s legitimately inspiring to me. I think writer’s block is horseshit and most of the advice you hear about it is similarly disposed, but every time I see this I feel compelled to add at least one word to my story.

>> No.17840859

The branches unclose their dead, and the cardinals their squeak,
the gardens shake as the sun nears, the waters brighten.
The air is mild as a ribbon, by the swings—
I live without the feeling, I go back to bed
and browse my fantasies. The moon, grey
over the lake boats freezing in my spine.
The oak trees leaning on the wicker chairs.

>> No.17840860

If you can’t edit and cut then you can’t make it. Force yourself to cut 25% of it and then make it work, for practice.

>> No.17840868
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I’m glad anon. Keep it up. This is it.

>> No.17840875
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this is it, mr. frodo. the worst and most copious my work has ever been.

>> No.17840882
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Do you think the crows have names? Are they talking ravens like in the hobbit?

>> No.17840884

Stop with the fucking post. They’re fucking annoying.

>> No.17840892

>cut one subplot
Easy as anything but it hurts the worldbuilding considerably.

>> No.17840895
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this is it, mr. frodo. if i post one more annoying post, it will be the most annoying i have ever been.

>> No.17840906
File: 685 KB, 1125x1381, 61F4F83F-5F6E-49C9-B515-F26187E7D6F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”this is it,” he said, his palms sweating, barely able to grab ahold of his walking stick, “if I take one more step, it’ll be the furthest from home I’ve ever been.” He looked deeply into Frodo’s eyes. He could see the love within them. The kind of love only a hobbit could have for another hobbit. The subtle and firm concern of a brother and a lover. Frodo smiled and said “c’mon Sam.”

>> No.17840932

Mr. Frodo, the black wraith of erotic love, swept down and coiled around Samwise's hips, girding his loins. "C'mon Sam." the shade hissed, and shoved him down into the abyssal introspection that every step after would be the furthest he'd ever been from home, from home, from home, from ho-.

>> No.17840958

How to center myself when overwhelmed with my ideas and start second guessing everything I thought I had settled on?

>> No.17841005

Write them down in a little note book when the idea comes to you. If it’s not directly connected with the bit you are writing let it stew for a bit and keep going with the task at hand. I’d like to think that good ideas are the ones that stick around in your head.

>> No.17841020

based, only way to do it. the thing im posting on retard road started like that. currently over 200k and at a crossroads. can end it in maybe 5 chapters, or start a whole new section. was planning on just finishing, but that doesn't sound as fun, I'm probably going to just keep going. you should too

>> No.17841045

The idea is to finish it as completely as possible then split the chapters into ~4k word chunks or whatever the fuck is average on the site and just pretend to be writing it in realtime when it's actually an edited draft of a novel. That way I get the shekels from a regularly updated story but also have basically zero work to do while I post it except last-minute editing passes and the reader gets a high quality work with a plot that doesn't spiral off into insanity as many serials do.
Good job on getting a reader base though, assuming you do have one. Apparently that's hard as fuck on RR unless you're writing LitRPG

>> No.17841056

How do you get shekels there?

>> No.17841061

Shill a patreon and have a paypal account

>> No.17841092

>and just pretend to be writing it in realtime when it's actually an edited draft of a novel.
I mean, you don't have to pretend anything? People don't care if it's already fully done or not. I would actually imagine people would expect you to have a backlog ready (its recommended in the FAQ somewhat also)

>> No.17841118

I would absolutely rather read a story that comes in regularly rather than one that stops and starts and sputters

>looking at you, webcomics

>> No.17841146

Degeneracy. Imagine sinking to that level. Pathetic.

>> No.17841161

You can’t rush art god damn it. ;-;

>> No.17841163

>you don't have to pretend anything?
I guess? I dunno, I suppose it's more of a "I'm releasing this piece by piece" and I just never say it's already done. I think that people would be less inclined to provide financial support if they knew I had the entire thing finished.
This is literally why I would never write a story as I posted it even with a plot outline. Life happens, sometimes you slow down, sometimes you just write shit. The best way to give even quality and a good story is in book format, but what makes money self-publishing these days is serials that get compiled into books. Therefore, my solution.

>> No.17841181

I'm not asking anyone to rush, I'm saying complete first, then post. Same as I do with my shit

>> No.17841187

>This is literally why I would never write a story as I posted it even with a plot outline. Life happens, sometimes you slow down, sometimes you just write shit.
I think the fact I haven’t written any burgerpunk in a month is pretty burgerpunk in and of itself.

>> No.17841206

Would RR let me post my weeb slayer series? it's about a guy slaying weebs, but maybe that's too far? would i have to make them zombie weebs for it to pass?

>> No.17841208
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>start second guessing everything I thought I had settled on?
Don't shy away from second guessing. Nothing ever is worked out completely in a single final eureka moment. Doubt is the only cognitively productive mental disposition.
The most beautiful tree grows in stages. Everything unfolds in time, not at once. To think you have achieved the complete object at once in a flash is to mistake the humble sapling for the great tree. All magnificence is achieved through struggle, not all at once. Fear of pain is also fear of growth.
Creation is not about centering, it is about diffusion. Centering is solidification and ending, a completion. You must branch outward,

>> No.17841211

Go to their fucking site and check their fucking rules. Are you incapable of doing even the most basic of research you lazy fuck?

>> No.17841252

>A fortunate man finds his inspiration. For some it comes early, for most, much later. However and whenever it arrives, it is a realization, a muse, an epiphany that spurs the man to action, to the organization of his life for the pursuit of his design. As soon as he sets foot down this path, the natural encumbrances and complications that arise from practicality will ensnare the man until he is laden with compromises. Relationships or health or education or hedonism may be among these assailants, but money is almost always the first and strongest among them. These bureaucratic actors are not inherently good or evil, but are simply neutral and natural riders to the reality of daily life in the modern world. After many years these compromises will slowly alter what may have begun as an iron will, like a tree’s root slowly breaking through concrete over decades. A ship turned only a single degree from its course will find harbor on completely foreign shores from its original destination. The years pass. Here and there, the man may find time to pause, and if he listens, he will hear the faint voice of his original dream, his original inspiration echoing from the canyons of his past, but the words will be lost. The torch he held aloft when he first set out has long since turned to ash, but because his way now blazes with artificial light, and since he was never plunged into the darkness that he experienced before his initial revelation, he never noticed the transition at all. So do all men arrive at the meridian of their lives as complete strangers to themselves, transformed by such slow and shallow degree that they will never be able to find that moment where they lost who they were and what they sought from life. From here, they will coast in complacent mediocrity toward the terminus of their lives, unquestioning and untroubled, aside from those few that occasionally turn their heads, trying to hear the words of that faint, distant voice from their past.

>> No.17841328


>> No.17841364

>40k words in
>70k word estimate
>still confident
I'm doing it... I'm gonna make it...

>> No.17841372
File: 72 KB, 1204x698, Bareddi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't stop

>> No.17841384

>"This is it"
>"This is what?"
>"If I take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been"

>> No.17841385

Yeah, I started one. But I only made it for myself. So it think is kinda useless making one.

>> No.17841471
File: 468 KB, 910x1886, writing exercise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels good to kill my MC. I'll get this story done one day.

>> No.17841476

Good go, anon. Get those sheks.

>> No.17841478

This is literally it.

>> No.17841479

No, because I just wrote it, in reply to that anon

Is there really a /lit/ quarterly?

>> No.17841517

There was, but it's been a long time since I've heard from them, probably went under during the coof.


>> No.17841553
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I'm gonna repeat my question from the previous thread
Idea: characters live in a setting where each time the body recuperates from a wound it becomes more resilient to said wound, so guys punch each other on the balls to get balls of steel. How overall interesting this idea is?

Also I need to come up with a special type of memento for an immortal character, since the memento is supposed to last millions of years, I don't think a simple picture in a necklace locket would suffice, but it has to be something small.

>> No.17841564

Fossilized baby tooth. That's how you do TIME. Nevermind the logistics.

>> No.17841565

Rule #1 of plot is: any strength is only as interesting as its weakness

>> No.17841606

I'll tell you when you write at least half of it.

>> No.17841645

>Rule #1 of plot is: any strength is only as interesting as its weakness
You literally have to be exposed to pain to become more resistant to said pain. Plus I imagine the sensitivity of the area would decrease. Would you like to live with a body that's insensitive to anything but a bullet?
I just want to know if the idea is interesting. Maybe what sorts of implications this entails.

>> No.17841659

>Would you like to live with a body that's insensitive to anything but a bullet?
That's gonna be your job as the author to tell us then, anon

When I say "weakness" I don't mean the theoretical weakness, I mean what is the key weakness around which the plot will be based.

>> No.17841661

There's at least 3 books with the title "The Art of Fiction". Which one is being recommended?

>> No.17841669

>I mean what is the key weakness around which the plot will be based.
You mean the main antagonistic force of the plot? Or the one related to this specific element?

>> No.17841670

Get the one with the most reviews and high rating from webstores. Amazon, Google Play, etc. Can't really go wrong.

>> No.17841703

>the one related to this specific element?
This, although it would not be wrong to say "both" - if that's the standout feature of your setting, then the weakness of that feature would become a very important part of the "main antagonistic force" aka conflict. Chekov's gun applies.

e.g. if Superman's key weakness is kryptonite, the plot better damn well feature kryptonite big time.

>> No.17841715

>each time the body recuperates from a wound it becomes more resilient to said wound
isn't that how it already works in real life? there are even asian monks who do the balls of steel thing you're talking about.

>> No.17841734

Somehow yes, but I'm talking about it reaching the point where you couldn't put a bullet through your skin.
I think the weakness of it is the type of training it would require to reach the point where this is actually useful. Like the other anon mentioned, tolerance to pain through training is a thing, it's incredibly useful, but you don't see most people doing it right?

>> No.17841810

It's the primary strength of muay thai fighters in particular, and most any fighting sport in general - practitioners are good at it not just because of what they learn, but also because they've spent more time bashing their bodies to be harder and stronger than the average joe

>IRL the other kids who've been training for umpteen years would snap Jaden Smith like a twig

>> No.17841841

>the weakness of it is the type of training it would require to reach the point where this is actually useful
Gotta be more than that. Otherwise what you get is basically Dragonball / xianxia / Superman bullshittery - two hyper-powerful beings butt heads and whoever's dome cracks first loses. BOOORING.

>> No.17841877

Well there is magic of course, which is a different set of resistances, and given that time is limited one cannot train on both magic and physical resistance. Other than that, there would be poison, and there's also a saying from my mother tongue: "even soft water can break a hard stone".

Plus I didn't say anything about superspeed, or superstrength.

>> No.17841961

I think balls of steel as not being flexible, the same way a calloused skin isn't flexible. You've got a weird idea. I'm imagining someone breaking their bones over and over again, but the bone gets stronger each time and then they'll need a hydraulic press to break the bone again. Seems like a high chance of the bone not mending correctly.

Something similar is making hardness of glass tougher makes it more brittle.

As for the momento, make it anything. I doubt people will care of it's a PlayStation 2. As long as it holds sentimental value.

>> No.17841967

Do you have more pictures like that? It's so beautiful.

>> No.17842137

I finally got around to reading this. Feels YA and probably should've been written in first person. Nothing really happens either.

>A shiver crawled down her spine, a sense of unease aided by the chill in the air creeped up on her. She kept shivering.
You didn't need to repeat the shivering. I think there was another line like this. The rest is coherent English with minor grammar errors.

The hook isn't strong. I think it would've been better to start with MC's mission in life because she seems melancholic. Create an emotional attachment for the reader to sympathise with MC.

>> No.17842247

Fiverr. I don't care where my clients post it once they've paid me.

I've also got a half-built website currently offline where I intend to dump everything I write for myself, except the worst things.

>> No.17842583

Thanks anon, I didn't think anyone had actually read it. Rereading it again this morning, I agree with all your statements. It fell a bit flatter than I remember it when I churned it out yesterday...

The prose definitely needs work and I need to refine the idea a little more. The intention with the opener is that their little society and planet is dying, but there's no way to get a message off world, so everyone is feeling hopeless until this ship appears.

>> No.17842701
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Some writing tips for productivity. I write at least 2k words a day, every day without fail.

>don't write hungry, eat a decent sized meal beforehand, writing takes physical and mental energy and food fuels it

>caffeine gets me over the hurdle of starting, usually a teaspoon of coffee. Failing that an energy drink will supercharge me to write

>set a time for when you will write, I set my timer for 1 minute to get me started at the start of the day, then I take 15 minutes break. I then negotiate with myself how long I want to work vs how long my break is. My average is 6 minutes writing, 15 minutes not writing. It allows me to enjoy writing and enjoy my breaks too.

>having a word count goal helps. Knowing how much you can write before the quality dips is important. For me it is 2k words before the quality dips. I'd rather not write than scrap writing that has dipped in quality.

>don't edit as you go. Fixing very minor grammatical mistakes is fine, but save editing for your editor, or for an editing draft. I can't recommend how useful editors are enough. Really makes the work significantly better.

>I play music when I write, songs that are easy to ignore but fun to listen to: 'one is the loneliest number', 'push it to the limit', 'all the small things', etc.

>write at the start of the day when you have the most brain power, or at the end of the day when you have less inhibitions about what you write due to being tired (earlier is better though).

>try numbering each sentence like bulletpoints. Writing line by line can help avoid getting fixated on a whole paragraph.

>invest in an ergonomic chair. This is MAJOR. Having a good seat increased my productivity x10. Sitting in bed and writing promotes laziness.

>> No.17842772

>struggling to get words out
>feeling miserable about it
>decide to take a break
>start writing some erotica for fun
>having a whale of a time

Why is writing smut so much fun?
I could do this shit full time.

>> No.17842877

You found your calling.

>> No.17843026

It is beyond funny that you are trying to give advice lol

>> No.17843059
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>> No.17843109

>Today's word is a negative one to describe men, but with a twist. Uxorious (pronounced uk-SOR-ee-us) refers to a man's attitude toward his wife, from the Latin uxor, "wife."
>An uxorious man is irrationally fond of or, worse, submissive to his wife. The more familiar idiom for the extreme sense is "henpecked".

How can you be 'irrationally' fond of your wife?

>> No.17843152

A few years ago, I made about $200 for about 50 hours of writing erotica and selling on Kindle.

eroticauthors is a great resource.

It wasn't worth the time for me, but if you're already writing it or if it's something you enjoy, it's not difficult to turn it into a small revenue stream.

Amazon has much stricter rules with more capricious enforcement that literotica.

>> No.17843171

>>can't cut any of it
Batshit crazy. You can always cut, always compress.

If you wrote the Great Gatsby, you would start at the moment when Gatsby met Daisy and end when Nick dies of old age.

>> No.17843231

Have you never met an old man who thinks his wife is the “prettiest woman alive”? The kind that makes jokes about how their fat old decrepit wife is the peak of womanhood. And it’s normally this kinda cute thing and everyone laughs it off, but it’s not actually a joke, the man has just been so madly in love with his wife he believed these irrational things?

>> No.17843269
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Some writing tips for productivity. I write at least 2k words a day, every day without fail.

>dont write hungry, I always keep a hamburger on my keyboard or fill my underwear with soup

>caffeine get me over the hurdle. I'm the first writer to think of drinking a cup of coffee. This is amazing advice.

>set a time for when you will write, I set a timer for 1 minute then take a 1 minute break, then I set a timer for 2 minutes and take a 3 minute break, then I set a timer for 5 minutes and take and 8 minute break. It's a simple fibonacci progression that I keep in my head. I'm currently on a six-month break. When I start again, I have to type for a year.

>count words. Knowing you can count or the keyboard shortcut in your editor is fun and makes you productive.

>don't edit as you go. No other writer has ever thought of this. They are all editing and not writing. No one before me has thought about separating these tasks.

>I play music when I write, well, it's mostly just the sound of water-buffalo being slaughtered in the most primitive and inhumane way, it keeps me on my toes and reminds me that life is fleeting

>write at start of day when you have the most brainpower or at the end of the day when you have been ground down by capitalism, never write in the middle of the day or when Capricorn is in the second house.

>try numbering each sentence like bulletpoints. This will accomplish nothing but having all those sentences lined up a neat rows with numbers. Also, I only have Excel installed and not Word, so it's easier this way.

>invest in an ergonomic chair, or an NFT of an ergonomic chair. You'll be tempted to sell when the market moves, but don't. HODL.

>> No.17843295
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>> No.17843298
File: 1.26 MB, 498x211, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good. Cheers!

>> No.17843773

Where can I post sketchy stories most sites won't accept? How are these kinds of stories usually shared?

>> No.17843810

Literotica is the mainstream erotica site.

Kdp is strict. I've heard people have gotten banned from Amazon for posting beastiality and incest erotica

>> No.17843820

Unless it's dinosaur erotica, then you're safe.

>> No.17843837

Literotica still won't let you post stuff with underage peeps though

>> No.17843846

>Bumford Hogan muttered to himself, "If I don't make it up wish mountain in the next ten minutes, I'm going to be late for Glutty Sirlfriend's birthday party," he said to himself, to no one in particular, at the foot of wish mountain.

>> No.17843862

Is this written by a bot?

>> No.17843873

:( no y r u so mean

>> No.17844071
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52k words. That's a thousand words for every week of a year.

>> No.17844101
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That’s not that much

>> No.17844159

It's not much but it's mine.

>> No.17844199

This is it.

>> No.17844265

Coomer lit question - does there need to be a reason for the harem? Like in most I've read, the protagonist gets stronger with each girl, or there's some huge gender ratio disparity to 'justify' why he has so many girls.

>> No.17844293

The only reason needed is that the lead is a chad who claims women as he pleases.

>> No.17844625

A short story I wrote made some of my family members cry. I hope they're not trying to flatter me, because if they aren't this might be my best work yet.

>> No.17844740

I’m pretty sure my family members tell me stuff like that to keep me from killing myself

>> No.17845057

Did you personally witness the tears? Did you take tear samples and taste them for natural salinity versus artificial?
If not, they could be lying broski.

>> No.17845088

I didn't see it, that's why I'm doubtful. I am not suicidal, so they don't have the need to lie to me.

>> No.17845131

This is why I distribute my drafts with tear and urine sampling kits: the latter is to much sure they didn't think the story was good due to any narcotics in their system.

>> No.17845148
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>mixing nonsense in with genuine advice
A daring synthesis

>> No.17845170

You can post underage stuff on ao3, but idk how much attention non-fanfic stuff gets on there

>> No.17845217

I think you need to build up a following first. Probably write normal stuff and underage stuff on the site, then just tell all your fans your underage stuff is on AOOO. That's what slutwriter does, and he is literally the only porn author I can name.

>> No.17845232
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>Friend wants to do an art/write collab, and keeps pestering me about it.
>He's been helping me learnt to draw, so fine. I owe him.
>Sit down, he starts drawing, gives me a prompt. I've done this before plenty of times.
>Blank page. Can't write. Can't fucking write. Can't even fucking write anything down.
>Meanwhile he's sketching out the random request I gave him at the start and here I am, a grown adult, unable to write a cheesy couple of pages.

I feel like unironically screaming and smashing my head through the monitor right now.

>> No.17845272

whats the prompt?

>> No.17845310

Some fun fantasy thing, something I can chunk out multiple pages in under an hour usually, but today I can't write anything. I've tried doing it as a paragraph vignette, I've tried writing other stuff to get me going, I've tried switching to pen and pencil, walking around my room, trying to think of how it'd work in my head, all the damn tricks and I'm still looking at a blank screen.

>> No.17845331

I recommend that you write something, anything, even if you hate it. Just to unclog your system.

>> No.17845861

Maybe it's just because the weather is getting a little warmer here, but I liked it anon. I did have to re-read it a few times to understand what it was about, but I'm a brainlet when it comes to poetry so I don't know if that means much.
I think this is well written anon, you definitely have a lot of talent. In particular this analogy;
>A ship turned only a single degree from its course will find harbor on completely foreign shores from its original destination.
was striking.
The one suggestion I have is that you should try and simplify some of your sentences to be a little less wordy. For example;
>These bureaucratic actors are not inherently good or evil, but are simply neutral and natural riders to the reality of daily life in the modern world.
I think calling the hindrances an artist may face "bureaucratic actors" just steps over the line into pretentiousness. I think you also use a bit too many "and" words like "neautral and natural" when choosing between one or the other would be better.

>> No.17845892

You're not invited


>> No.17845947

What degree of mimicry makes something plagiarisms or just downright copying?

I ask because there’s a story that really a inspired me and I want to write something with similar themes and elements but as a new writer, I’m having a hard time figuring out how much I can borrow and how much I can’t. Some of the things I want in my story seem oddly specific.

>> No.17845993

>Some of the things I want in my story seem oddly specific
going to need a concrete example, but there should definitely be a decent amount of leeway

>> No.17846004

Plagiarism is only when you are directly ripping lines from another work intentionally and without credit. All else is permitted.

>> No.17846005
File: 81 KB, 637x587, LastDrink_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone can take a look at this passage from my short story, I'd appreciate any feeedback.

>> No.17846115


This is a short story I wrote last night

>> No.17846651

quality words, anon, not just quantity

>> No.17846673

How much have you written this year?

>> No.17846684
File: 608 KB, 3810x2065, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm an idiot. Here is a short story I wrote last night. let me know what you think

>> No.17846719
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I get this worrying sensation that anons in these threads don't draft.

>> No.17846760

You need the quantity first before you get to the quality.
It's called editing.

>> No.17846775

They don't. They cry about how their words aren't perfect and then all the weebs outpace them and they rage about that.

>> No.17846838

No amount of editing is going to repulse faggotry of RR magnitude

>> No.17846847

first thing i saw was virgin at 23 CUHRINGE.

inorganic infodump about hero killer but whatever it's not a big deal

>my son you're home

nobody talks like that. Anway you seem like a decent writer try writing something that isn't about a virgin

>> No.17846877

I want to start writing, but I don't really know what story I want to write.

>> No.17846889

you don't want to start writing then, you are probably infatuated with the IDEA of being a writer and the things associated with that

>> No.17846904

cringe names, leant? breathing?

>> No.17846942

If your objective was to write cringe, congrats, you aced it. You're good at this parody bullshit. But the story didn't make sense at the end and devolved into a 4ch-tier rape joke. I'd say you can do better than that, so try to.

Also, your screenshot is much too small, make the words at least 3x to 4x bigger.

>> No.17846952

What >>17846889 said. People used to want to write because they had something to say or needed an outlet for the words inside them. Now most people want to write because of the perceived glamour and fame and "easy" shot at riches. That's not going to get you anywhere.

>> No.17846960

Why's he asking why he wants the cigarettes? It should be obvious, so the question and dialogue thereafter seems contrived.

The past-tense style of descriptions of Godwin like the skin color are kind of odd. "seeing" should be "'Seeing". There's a lot of minor errors and choice of description that could be more interesting and have more nested details.

>> No.17846981

That's because you can't edit.

>> No.17847063

>I can turn this literal cowpat into the most beautiful Michelin star meal I would serve at my restaurant
>flame on
>glug of olive oil
>cowpat in the pan, lay AWAY from you
>literally baste
>finish off with the most beautiful literal red wine

>> No.17847175

>>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry
Where the fuck do I find this book?

>> No.17847180

Do you know books about monster creation? Not talking about Frankestein and shit. Of how is the process in creating a monster or the ideas used.

>> No.17847223

Is it normal to have 'default' characters when you're not really sure about a story and want to test it out in your imagination?

>> No.17847235

interesting lecture for you

>> No.17847279

I'd think of it less as default and more as underdeveloped. You need characters for a story, and you don't want them to be weak. You can beef them up in editing as needed.

>> No.17847286

This sounds like projection anon

>> No.17847347
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>> No.17847356

>it's easier to edit 0 words than 1000 words

>> No.17847376

>haha yeah bro i can make you a meal lemme fry up this air rq

>> No.17847447

Less parody, more satire. Not a rape joke, just not interested in writing a gory, realistic rape scene. You would've liked that though, wouldn't you?

>> No.17847486

you are an idiot

>> No.17847501

Sure sure, go ahead, be my guest, PYW

>> No.17847616

All I need is a few minutes and then my story will be complete. It’s all I ask, spare with me, please, I beg of you, when I’m angry I’m further from the truth. When I’m angry I think it’s a fingertip away, but please, please, be patient. Here is an angry old man with shreds of hair on his sideburns, long, bushy, outward, they’re like fur on a rabbit. He, this man, has large caterpillar eyebrows and a balding head. The small patches of white hairs that remain make the shape of a horseshoe, and he always wears a white tank-top, with greenish-brown trousers and suspender straps. Be careful the man is coming, here he is now.
‘Get out of my fucking way, I’m an old man. Get the fuck out of here.’ He was once a pronounced filmmaker and as fans of his films we wished to speak.
‘I said get the fuck out of here you, fucking Jew. I’m sick of you kikes, let me die in peace,’ and with that a woman walked through the door, she could not be more than 14 years old, she had pale clean innocuous skin, black hair, and a watery face. Something about her emitted a smell of purity, yet she was scant in a red and aqua kimono fastened tight. He looked at her.
‘What is taking you so long you dumb fucking slut… Do you see what I have to put up with, this dumb fucking slut?’ He was furious, he picked up his glass and smashed it on the floor. ‘Where’s my fucking beer you cunt. Get me one right now,’ unphased she walked towards the door, when he called her back. ‘Where the fuck do you think you’re going missy,’ as he snatched her hand, I jumped out of the way, he thrust it towards his trousers, while spitting ferociously at her face, ‘I thought you’d know by now you stupid cunt. Get to it,’ he practically shouted in his growl. ‘Get fucking to it,’ and I stood there ashamed, for I could have stopped him, but the thought did not occur to me until now. ‘Why are you standing there Pondexter,’ and as I was leaving the room, I noticed him taking off his trousers and unzippering his belt. The girl didn’t seem too angry, she must have been used to it by now.

>> No.17847626

>spare with me
>innocous skin


>> No.17847639

>caffeine gets me over the hurdle of starting, usually a teaspoon of coffee

>> No.17847652

fixed it

>> No.17847680

The phrase is "bear with me" and innocous means "not harmful" which doesn't really make sense when it comes to skin.

>> No.17847681

My name is Troy, and my wife thinks I’m whiny, I don’t know I started this blog to relay my daily events. My therapist thinks it’s of good use, but the truth is I’m hopeless. I’m a lost cause and I’m bellowing, wellowing, and far from mellowing like that cool guy in the 80s I once was. The truth is today will be as miserable as the last, and the even greater truth is I’m getting sick of listening to myself speak. I, can you not begin every sentence with I, and the truth is that shitty fucking phrase ‘The truth is,’ is stuck in my mind like a pimple on my scrotum, and the truth is I’m going to keep beginning sentences or different contingences of thought with the truth is until I forcibly shed that phrase from my vernacular. Look at you Troy, three sentences in and you’re rambling like a beaten dog, look at you, you’re barely a middle-aged man, you have grown daughters, and a lovely wife. The truth is I forget about that most of the day, and the truth is I’m a college professor at Iowa State University who is having trouble with my marriage. She thinks I’m whiny, but the truth is I am whiny. I need to eradicate that fucking phrase, holy shit. Any time I sit down to write, I get so nervous and stuck in this fucking loop I repeat myself; this is a fucking blog post for god’s sake Troy, not some literary contest. If it were a contest, I’d surely lose, but I’d be all pissed off the next month or so. I don’t know, maybe a day, maybe less. Well, what do you fucking know Troy? God damnit, I’ll keep this entry, but I better start again tomorrow, I’m just too damn nervous.

>> No.17847697

Bear with me is funnier
She has an innocuous countenance, but skin seemed better imo.

>> No.17847699


>> No.17847739
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>he doesn't write smut for easy amazon bucks

>> No.17847844


>> No.17847928

I am at 40,000 words. I have a clear outline for the rest of my book, which amounts to about 25,000 more words. I want to try to finish the draft by Thursday evening. That is roughly 8,000 words each day beginning tomorrow. I believe that I can do this. My story is strong. My characters have grown voices that can be edited into the earlier parts. The conflict has been established and the stakes are rising with every scene. I am fueled by hate for the RoyalRoad posters, for v-tubers, and for published author Sam Sykes who has a character examine their own reflection on the first page of a novel for adults. I will make it.

>> No.17847987

I don't understand this obsession with word count. Writing isn't like lifting where your progress is strictly measured by how much you lift. Stop thinking in word count, and start thinking in terms of meaning. Anyone could write a 5 million word piece of crap by just writing "blah" over again forever. Quality over quantity.

If you want to write a novel, it's true that there are certain quantitative considerations to take into account. But the way I see it, the story itself dictates what must be said of it. If I wish that it would be novel length, but it insists that it must be a long short story or a novella, then so be it. I won't try to squeeze water from a stone.

You must leave room for the unexpected. It may take 10,000 words to say what you want to say, or 100,000. Do not prejudge it but let it unfold organically.

>> No.17848060

>Not a rape joke
Then the whole thing was even more pointless

>You would've liked that though, wouldn't you?
Who doesn't?

>> No.17848079

incredibly based. definite going to make it energy.

shut up; didn't read.

>> No.17848106

gotta ghostwrite pet ig blurbs for those fiverr bucks

>> No.17848111

I've been wanting to write a story for one of my very old ideas. As a kid I use to make little people out of twist-ties and came up with this whole idea of tiny people who lived hidden from humans, like the Borrowers or Littles but even smaller, I had some weird idea that gunpowder wouldn't work that small but crossbows would so they use bows, crossbows, and spears, and would tame dragonflies to ride into battle (which was funny seeing as they only live for like a day or two). I used to have them fight miniature robots from a human lab because it felt wrong for them to kill each other but later on I imagined them waging a war over territory around a cloverleaf highway, with the highway of course forming an almost impassable barrier for an army. I also had the idea of one group of them planning to poison a huge number of humans and take over a building somehow where they could find enough food to never have to grow their own or go hungry again. At one point I wrote like a 300,000 word novel about something else but I'll probably never finish that now and I stopped working on it anyway. Becoming a wagecuck really destroyed my motivation to write.

>> No.17848119
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>Wrote for the first time in months
>It's fetish smut because I'm too scared to touch my actual novel
I'm not gonna make it am I

>> No.17848254

I only read the first sentence of your post. I know how many words it will take me to write the events of my outline. I know how many words I generally do write per hour but do not have a similar metric for how many plot events I can write per hour for obvious reasons. When I am judging my outline against a deadline that I impose on myself I must weigh it against the number of words by force. You would know this if you had actually written anything of moderate length with any urgency at all, I imagine.

>> No.17848306

I only read the first word of your post. If you can't even finish one sentence you ain't going to finish your great fuckin masterpiece, retard.

>> No.17848337

You would have had to read more than you said you did to say what you did. Please shit yourself.

>> No.17848382

/wg/, my perfectionism is so paralyzing I can't even decide how this scene is supposed to look

I thought adderall would help with this but it just made it worse

>> No.17848390

It was /lit/ trying to force a meme based off that picture of shopping malls next to freeways. I liked the idea space and so I’ve been playing around with it off and on.


>> No.17848397

my man

>> No.17848465

Can I get a critique on my fully-immersive 4d reading experience? Samples:
>She grimaced as she sat down to yet another dinner of copystock and printer's ink. [LICK PAGE HERE]
>Sunburn had roughened his skin. It felt like touching paper as she traced her finger along the curve of his cheek. [TOUCH PAGE HERE]
>There was nothing like the smell of a library. Fresh drywall, tight-woven commercial carpeting, crisp paper. It was a serious scent, a scent that said "Let's do some studying." But then there were the seasoned shelves of old mahogany, leather book-bindings, and of course, the piles of faded newspapers left askew by the homeless. It was an eternal scent, a scent that said "Take your time." Before settling down, she glanced around and, secure that she was alone, quickly slipped a finger down her waistband and silenced the nagging itch on her butthole. She had just gotten comfortable. Did she *really* need to visit the bathroom and wash her hands? Only one way to find out... [SCRATCH ASS, SNIFF FINGER. IF FOUL, TURN TO PAGE 164. IF FRESH, CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE]

>> No.17848497

this is the true essential freedom of writing that the SJW newbury medal props want to take away from you.

>> No.17848592


>> No.17848633

A /lit/ aesthetic movement that went nowhere. It was a cool idea: a world overrun by mass-consumption. It failed because no one who tried anything really understood what makes these places the way they are, so instead they just wrote lame little EMERGENCY PROCLAMATION: McSECTOR ALPHA-5 FAILED TO MEET BURGER-CONSUMPTION QUOTA snippets instead of stories.

If you want to do Burgerpunk, let me give you some advice: I grew up in Suburban Florida. A steaming, seething shithole of mass-produced vinyl that gets knocked down every few years just to be re-built. If you want to know what Global Warming will do to the world, visit the Florida panhandle. But anyway, there was a trail which led from the local park, through the pine woods, up to an Interstate Intersection. One of the greatest pleasures of my teenage years was getting together with my neighbor, rolling up a joint, and hitting the trail to the gas station just to buy fountain drinks just for the hell of it. There was a point where we had to cross the interstate, four lanes of high-speed traffic, and it scared us shitless every time. No-one ever stopped or slowed down when they saw us. Every tenth car was law enforcement, and weed was super illegal. There was not a single time we did that shit without screaming each other's names like we were about to die. When you drive the interstate, it seems so small. But it's a different world on foot. Those little flourescent strips are six feet long, and a single lane is like ten feet wide. It makes a man feel small. You can imagine how we felt as boys. Anyway, we'd make this trip and we'd come out of the thorns, soaked with sweat and slightly embarrassed from getting so emotional about almost dying. And there would be the intersection: lined with immaculately-groomed grass in the afternoon Sun, all the business signs just starting to kick on, looming and buzzing overhead. There was the Hardee's and the Wendy's and the Chevron which sold bongs. And we'd have our pocketfuls of change, anything more than $10 might as well have been a million to us for how fucking broke we always were. Marching the remaining one-hundred feet in this perfect grass, because everything was made for cars. There were always dozens of cars coming or going, and they seemed to be occupied by princes. Who were these lords? These lords who traveled by mechanical chariot and bought value meals as if they packs of gum? Our broke asses, Knights Errant, sharing a 64 oz goblet of Coca-Cola beneath the shade of the Chevron sign, stoned as shit, hearing the cars rumble by and wondering if we'd ever be driving them. We talked of mass-produced fantasies: Jedi and Jurassic Park. Pirates of the Caribbean was still popular at the time. Tomorrow there was school: a soulless building where we were drilled in mass-produced lessons meant for a world which vanished a little more every day. But for now we had our fantasies.

>> No.17848648

Nothing wrong with a warm up project. Better to write something than nothing at all. Just make sure that you get back to your novel eventually and don't write nothing but smut forever.

>> No.17848669
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UNF. burgerpunk didn't fail, anon. it just found its king.

>> No.17848750

I hit the character limit but I'm on a roll. So basically that is what burgerpunk should be: a celebration of uniquely American phenomena. This feeling of living in a country that makes you feel small, where everything is cheap and unaffordable. Living in a seething hot world where the best part of your day is walking through two automatic doors and into an air-conditioned Wal-Mart. This sort of throbbing sensation you can get when you look at your driveway, and then at your street, and then you look inside your mind and you see where your street meets the highway, meets the interstate, meets the world. Everything is bound together in hot asphalt and yet forever out of reach. You see your government once a week, when it drops junk flyers in your mailbox. Everything else: the crowded roads and the McJobs and the glowing business signs, those are just ketchup atop the patty of burgerpunk.

I live in Washington now. Compared to Florida, it's heaven on Earth. Mild weather, prosperous economy, legal weed. But this isn't the America I grew up in. This isn't the America where I stood ankle deep in scraps of food I could never afford, scrubbing dishes for $7.25/hr and thinking I was a wealthy man when I went to Wendy's. I haven't seen a live alligator lurking around a children's park in 15 years. I shudder to think my children might never share their Cheetos with a prehistoric monster.

>> No.17848764

I really liked that. If you read some of the more recent posts I’ve made on RR, I’ve kinda switched into more what your talking about. This extreme realism that creates the surreal. The quaint introspection of things that don’t deserve it. The beauty in the horrid ugliness of existence. I didn’t really understand that when I first started. But I think I do now. It’s not about accidentally rewriting snowcrash 30 years later, it’s about updating Dubliners 100 years into the future.

>> No.17848782


>> No.17848797

Thanks for the feedback anon. He was meant to be asking why he should give him the cigarettes the first time, but that might not have come through clearly.
>cringe names
Kek, well Godwin I made up but Caelan is a medieval Irish name. Thanks for reading either way anon.

>> No.17848809

Fucking resonated. I need this injected into my veins

>> No.17848920

I'm glad people liked it. I've been trying to fit that aesthetic into an actual story, with characters and a plot and such, but really I'd rather read it than write it. I'd give anything to see an Akira-quality anime that really nailed that feeling.

>> No.17848954

I’ll try my best anon. You’ve inspired me. I think I really understand it more clearly now. Maybe I can scrap some of the parts of my punk alcoholism book.
Burgerpunk RR guy

>> No.17848959

Thank you for the valuable feedback anon

>> No.17849103
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>feels pretty good about a bit of writing I did
>open a real novel
>first page blows me out of the water
There is no poetry in my soul. My language is barren and lacking in any qualities. Even if I manage to produce words at a steady rate, what good are they?

>> No.17849117

Go read MTL novels to feel better about yourself and see how far you've come. Because one's early works are similar to that.

>> No.17849120

there is, for me, a substantial difference between writing to get plot down and writing sexy prose and fun dialogue. different parts of the brain.

>> No.17849122


>> No.17849133

Machine translated, usually with an editing pass.

>> No.17849137

yeah because machine translated is such a common word it needed an acronym

>> No.17849139

There is a reason you are telling the main character's story and not somebody elses. Their worldview, their journey throughout the book should be the most interesting plot. Sub plots become easier to cut when you realize they're just side stories

>> No.17849141

Actually, yes. There's a pretty big market for non english novels that were never translated properly.

>> No.17849143

Well that doesn't make me feel any better, not writing incomprehensible gibberish is not the same as writing well.
Admiral Maynard feel the pain of Sabo and Issho's victory!

>> No.17849156


>> No.17849192

I doubt that it’s a common word it’s probably just a long word that the groups that read it are tired of typing it out all the time.

>> No.17849196

just what the world needed another fucking idiot.

>> No.17849205

Should you write a book for yourself? Im making a short book. But I only want to made it for myself. I dont want others to read. Should i continue?

>> No.17849209 [DELETED] 

You already have the fucking answer. Why are you even asking this shit? Fucking hell.

>> No.17849210 [DELETED] 

There are many retards on /wg/.

>> No.17849221 [DELETED] 

>Well that doesn't make me feel any better, not writing incomprehensible gibberish is not the same as writing well.
Maybe if you actually wrote instead of blog posting on here, it would make a difference in your writing.

>> No.17849265

Stop posting

>> No.17849359

reminder that no matter how many times they post it, weebs don't write more than regular anons. there is no physical evidence of this claim. please take your meds weebs and maybe you'd see that.

>> No.17849481

This is pretty good, anon

>> No.17849595

The idea was to come up with something weird, so I'm glad I accomplished that. And you also did give me the perfect idea for a memento. A piece of physicalized memory. So every time you touch it you relive the memory perfectly.

>> No.17849676
File: 382 KB, 910x1454, magic system.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a magic system for an isekai I was going to write, but I hate isekais.

>> No.17849716

I don't see characters or character conflict, only a setting. And a bit of plot.

>> No.17849729

No characters yet because I haven't thought of any. I was thinking that the class magic would be a good base to create flawed characters.

>> No.17849744
File: 265 KB, 1046x786, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've written 150 pages of Blackula

>> No.17849792

Where did all the black doctors and nurses come from in Hungary???

>> No.17849800

the hood

>> No.17849888

the Hungarian hood

>> No.17849947

Im enjoying this. It’s a bit scrappy here and there, but I’m enjoying it. I understand they are short stories but a pinch more world building would add to it I think. Not just description but interaction.

>> No.17850023

The writing is decent, and I got a chuckle here and there, but it's a tad lacking in imagination. Real life especially in the past couple of years has been wayyy more whacked-out than this. Also it's not quite "punk" enough IMHO.

>> No.17850035

what's a draft

>> No.17850056

It's one of those long-necked animals, right?

>> No.17850073

usually gotta fix it in the winter but it's nice to have in the summer

>> No.17850076

>feel like I've finished a chapter
>it's actually shorter than the three others I finished
Bros... not like this...

>> No.17850085

It's what you do when you turn a corner really fast and your inertia carries you

>> No.17850110

a graft?
but seriously. if rewriting the whole thing from scratch is what is meant by drafting, then i rarely do that. i just edit line by line, two documents side by side if need be, rewrite some parts if need be, and it worked OK so far. even if ended up 80% an achilles' ship (i forgot his name).
i did that once though and it went well (though maybe because there was a lot to fix in the first place). short stories by the way

>> No.17850141

It's a drink

>> No.17850186
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> One of the youngest known published authors in the world, Prisha Hedau, released her first book: PANDEMIC 2020: A 9 Year Old’s Perspective

Hedau never specifically set out to write a book. What started as daily note-taking on note cards to remember her experience during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, moved to essay writing after encouragement from her parents. Soon the Louisville, Ky., resident’s thoughts became small chapters that created a book.

Only nine years old when she wrote the book, but now 10, she is found to be among only a handful of published child authors in the world. “I didn’t write this book to make money. While I would like to save a portion to go towards my education one day, I wrote this book to be able to give back to Dare to Care Food Bank and to COVID-related organizations to help people in my community,” Hedau said.
“In 100 years from now, people can read my book and remember what 2020 was like.” Hedau shared that not only will readers be able to relate to her thoughts and feelings, but they will also find useful tips for non-traditional learning, finding new hobbies, and instilling healthy habits.

As she adds author to her resume, it joins a long list of accomplishments, including holding state and national-level rankings in chess and math competitions and managing several social media platforms where she shares videos of her self-choreographed dances.


>> No.17850191

You need rewrite from scratch 3 times if you want to have even a 2% chance of getting published

>> No.17850194
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>> No.17850226

Please read my new chapter

My book is a search on fictionpress: SYNTH PILL

This chapter I think is good. It is the pay off to looking at the cashier the MC noticed and liked because she was hot.

>> No.17850269


>> No.17850276

Despair but also despair

>> No.17850313

Why do people put dialogue in one giant paragraph? Is this how zoomers are changing literature

> "But didn't you kinda feel dizzier up there than down here?" I asked Vic. "What?" He said. "When we were taking the elevator up all those floors. Did you begin to feel like your equilibrium was messing up or something?" I questioned him. "What is an equilibrium? All I could feel was excitement, I wish we went even further" He smiled. "Well, there has got to be something there" I said "They restricted the access to get to the restricted access elevator." I said, Vic laughed.

>> No.17850326

>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
Can we discuss this book for a minute? I'm currently using it to give my novel more of a conventional backbone, but I constantly find myself disagreeing with things the author writes. Story to me is the thing that (apparently) just needs to be present. I see it as more of an obstacle I have to get through in order to say the things I want to say, and has an overall restraining quality on my freedom of expression. I'm still working and researching "story" because I've had to admit to myself that I don't have a great innate command of it, but it all feels so paint-by-numbers. It doesn't help that the author is obviously a very staunch materialist and uses issues I still see as being in contention as if they're settled science. I hate story and I hate characters. I don't see any beauty in either, red am worried that I'm compromising my vision to please people who probably won't like my writing anyway. What do?

>> No.17850338

post except of your writing and we'll tell you whether you're delusional or not

>> No.17850358

I've posted this a million times before and I'm not looking for feedback on my writing exactly. I know this doesn't work.

>> No.17850360

This is absurd, about halfway through I lose track of who’s saying what

>> No.17850377

I'm going to write 10,000 words of pulp everyday and you can't stop me.

>> No.17850383

Well, I'm not sure what sort of discussion you're looking for. A novel without a plot or characters sounds boring as shit. It's not the right medium. Try writing essays or Socratic dialogues

>> No.17850390

It's a "How-to" book. I read the first couple of pages and wasn't all that impressed with what it had to say. Even though I haven't read the book, I think I can accurately sum it up as "Make your MC struggle, give them emotions, and have a setting they can interact with." The book describes what popular genre fiction have used to sell their work.

If you're writing philosophy, then don't bother with trying to make a story.

>> No.17850414

Bro, I think you'd be better off doing a deconstructive academic essay. Are you planning on submitting queries for this? Because few agents are going to risk propping you up when the next Twilight might be just around the corner.

>> No.17850421

>The book describes what popular genre fiction have used to sell their work.
Yeah this I think is a good way of putting to words my own impression. It actually helps me a lot to know that wasn't just my own observation, in that I feel a little freer to pick and choose. The way the book is structured it seems to want to just converge everything into a superficial character drama, and that's not what I want to read or write.

>> No.17850435

The problem is that I love it. In my eyes it's almost perfect... to my own personal standard of perfection. I want it to be the centerpiece of a longform fiction—desperately. The way I'm thinking right now is that I need to give alongside it enough "story" (read: conventional backbone) to guide the reader towards it. I'm just all over the place right now.

>> No.17850441

> Becoming a wagecuck really destroyed my motivation to write
I'm starting my wagie job next month, this is exactly what I'm afraid of

>> No.17850450

But wouldn't you rather be a productive member of society and bring lots of profits to Mr. Bergstein?

>> No.17850472

Every day that I'm not working, my dad's disappointment grows. He's already stopped talking about me to relatives and coworkers

>> No.17850486

Maybe daddy's approval isn't the alpha and omega of life.

>> No.17850493

So would your dad be happy if you flipped burgers at McDonalds instead of writing your book?

>> No.17850494

that man is tiny and the loli is a giantess

>> No.17850590

I read your jumble of words. I didn't awaken to any epiphany. I'm not sure what the purpose of it is, and I certainly don't feel like going out of my way to deconstruct every word choice. I'd rather read Alice in Wonderland.

>> No.17850691

Is there a market for male oriented smut like the kind you see in my japanese animes?

>> No.17850796

Anyone want to look at this?
It's a prompt for the flash fiction thing. Someone told me they'd like to see me do longer stuff or something. ive started, I just wanted to finish my last FF prompt.


>> No.17850800

At this point I think he must be a troll

Nobody can be that fucking obtuse

>> No.17850825

Yeah definitely.

>> No.17850870

Writing: okay. Story: pointless.

>> No.17850893

>Story: pointless.

>> No.17850899

Based, thank you

>> No.17850930

Is there a point to the story? You explain it. Cause I don't see any.

>> No.17850980

I do not know how. If I do not do as I demand of myself, I don't bother.

>> No.17850986

Damn, that's all I've been writing for myself. What was I thinking?
How do I get this off the ground? Do you have any examples to show me?

>> No.17850990

that some people are just pathetic beings who are destined to be so

>> No.17850991

I'm not a troll, I just don't put much stock in conventional wisdom for the sake of convention. I am pretty obtuse though, but it's mostly because I'm trying to come to my own understanding organically. This is just how I learn. Once I've got my own, holistic understanding on something I'm good to go. Are you sure you aren't just insulted that I don't conform to convention?
Well, thanks for reading in any case. This is valuable data, and I've got a new structure and approach based on these reactions, which are common.

Thanks to everyone who replied.

>> No.17851110

Yeah, I think I was still struggling to find the tone and voice that I wanted before diving into a real plot.
Thanks anon. I’ll work on it.

>> No.17851148

I'm addicted to crazy long webnovels and I have some advice to share. Never cut, always expand. There's always something else you could, and should, elaborate on. It might even lead to a new mystery or new way of exploring the story's themes you hadn't considered before.

>> No.17851159

>Are you sure you aren't just insulted that I don't conform to convention?
Lol, quite comfortably, no.

Okay Mr. Rebel without a cause, you do you.

>> No.17851168

I've got more than a few causes

>> No.17851219

It's not about being the first

>> No.17851446
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Anyone else struggle with inefficiency? I keep going through bouts where I reject my system for writing and try out other methods, because I think they might enable me to have a higher output. I always feel like I write too slowly.

Then I always flounder along writing in someone else's style for a few weeks or even a month, those projects during that time end up marred or I have to put them away for a later time. Then I return to my way of going about it for a new project and everything feels hopelessly right.

In the end I'm glad I even have any sort of system that works, but at the same time I feel like I'm constantly battling myself. It sucks.

>> No.17851785
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how do you know if your book is obnoxiously pretentious or not?

>> No.17851920

Everything can be broken down into a learned skill and every skill that is similar to another skill will inevitably improve the initial skill. For instance, the only reason our generation can type as fast as we can is because you had to type as fast as possible in online multiplayer games or else you got shot in the face or lighting bolted. To get in a "git gud faggot" you had to be as quick as the wind. That ability to type fast has now let us go into the world of writing with the ability to put our thoughts down as fast as they appear. We could have gone and learned from Mario teaches typing, but we learned in a different way. Just as your practice of using a different voice or inspiration or format or really anything will inevitably improve your mainstay skill set. Even shitposting like this has some benefit. Look how long this paragraph is. Look at the practice I've now put into explaining something simply with examples as if it's a nonfiction self-help book. There's always a benefit to doing something different anon, you aren't going to magically be good at it. You are good at your method because you have put time into it and supplemented it through other methods.

>> No.17852141

No he wants me to get a 6 figure job but I would still make more money at Burger King than I do writing books

>> No.17852215

Six figure jobs suck living sucks I just want to write all the time but instead it’s just airplanes sleep and nothing

Write if you want to write, otherwise you’ll spend the next several years wanting to kill yourself, biding your time and crossing your fingers hoping your fake internet coins pay-off so you can pursue your actual interests

>> No.17852296
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>knew where two characters would meet
>had no idea how to get them there
>finally figured it out
These 'Aha' moments feel fucking euphoric.
I love it when my story starts pulling itself together.

>> No.17852477
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>There's always a benefit to doing something different anon, you aren't going to magically be good at it. You are good at your method because you have put time into it and supplemented it through other methods.
I hadn't thought of it in so positive a light before. Thanks, anon.

>> No.17852490

Is it normal to have the strong desire to write a story similar to the one you're currently or recently finished reading?

>> No.17852502

If it's a good story, sure.

>> No.17852570

Sure thing. This is it.

>> No.17852863

why do people write instead actually getting medical help for their schizophrenia

>> No.17853038


I posted the initial iteration of this idea two threads ago. Someone responded saying my MC's motivation was unclear and that the hook was weak. I tried rewriting it some, this time highlighting what will be my MC's primary motivation as the story unfolds - her love for her father and the desire get everyone off the planet to safety and establish a new home.

The MC is supposed to sound kind of bitter and whiny in the initial part, let me know if it comes on too strong. Also let me know if I'm pushing to much setting/world building in the second section, I just want to make it clear how far this planet has fallen, but maybe it would work better spread over a couple more pages.

>> No.17853176
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>relatable villains
>character arcs
Seriously stop this shit

>> No.17853189


>> No.17853225

It's in a language you can not understand

>> No.17853239

how convenient

>> No.17853298

Well, here you go. I warned you:
Els meus company es van aturar riure's de mi, i el Viatger Forellut, recolzat en una de les figures de pedra, ens contà la rondalla dels Bous de Pedra:
-Això era i no era, fa molts anys, abans de l'arribada dels adianencs a l'Illa, amb l'Estendard de les Tres Taronges, en els Temps Antics; un pastor que tenia cinc vaques lleteres i que vivia prop de la carena de la Serra de Tramuntana, en un tàlvec en hi havia una font, anomenada precisament la Font del Pastor. El pastor era molt pobre i tot i que feia uns formatges de llet de rabossa de molta anomenada per aquests verals, no aconseguia de surar la senpaiília. Un dia, desesperat per la misèria que l'engolia, va sortir al camí de ferradura que baixava al port de Súmir a fer de bandit. Tres dies i tres nits es va estar el pastor a l'aguait dels viatgers amb la bossa plena, però només van passar pel camí un almoiner del Monestir dels Rogets, més escurat que el mateix pastor, un marxant que s'havia arruinat a la Fira de Gaixir, vestit de parracs i una dona prenys que anava en cerca del marit ... Quan el pobre pastor ja desesperava de topar un caminant amb cabals per alleugerir-lo de la bossa i estava ben decidit a tornar- se'n cap a casa, va veure passar pel camí un jaio que arrossegava un brau, estacat amb una corda.

>> No.17853349

okay you got me and that other guy, can't speak catalan

>> No.17853408
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>lose a file I was working on
>rewrite 6,000 words of it in 6 hours from memory

>> No.17853435

>big reveal finally arrives in the nth book
>it was clearly made up while the author was writing the nth book
>all the hints and buildup in the first n-1 books are vague and open-ended, with the reveal clearly designed to fit them, not vice-versa
What are some examples of the opposite? Stories that made you say, "you had this planned the entire time, you son of a bitch."

>> No.17853457

Attack on Titan for sure

>> No.17853477
File: 2.45 MB, 1801x2414, 20210316_093624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are gonna dogpile on you for bringing up weebshit.
pretty fucking amazed that even shit like PATHS was foreshadowed in the first damn issue/episode

>> No.17853482

New Thread:

>> No.17853486

>People are gonna dogpile on you for bringing up weebshit.
Why? The only ones doing any writing in these threads are animefags.

>> No.17853548

Author planned everything out.

>> No.17853568

>next month
How do you get one so far in advance? I would love to get a job starting in 2 months I'd quit my old one and have a month off. Ohh nooo I lost 2k in wages. Thank god I live with my parents or I'd actually kill myself.

>> No.17853593

Have you ask a relative for a job? Not that anon, but I asked my uncle for a job and I got it.

>> No.17853596

> write what you know
What the hell do I know? I feel like I don’t know anything...

>> No.17853610
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Supposedly the Name of the Wind trilogy
if the third book ever comes out

>> No.17853613

Your dad is delusional, like all Gen X and Boomers.

>> No.17853624

Apply for a wagie job at a nursing home or hospital. They lost a lot of employees to covid, so they're desperate for non skilled people. I'm starting next month because I refuse to come into work before my vaccine becomes effective

>> No.17853717

the human brain is an amazing thing, anon. god fucking speed.

>> No.17853917

Would rather pull my teeth then ever read your piece of shit work.

>> No.17854005


>> No.17854096

Those eyes. They fucking haunt me.

>> No.17854136

it's an /a/ term

>> No.17854159

My dad offered to talk about getting me a new job because I hate my current one but I also hate the idea of walking into something the week after. I need a month of NEETing to recover from fucking my sleep schedule like an idiot.

>> No.17854176

Good luck to you, anon.

>> No.17854212

You're disagreeing because it's fucking garbage and anyone with a brain knows it. Some fag added it to the OP because it was literally the only writing book he'd ever read and now it keeps getting reposted.

>> No.17854391

Maybe this is a dumb question but what is your process for coming up with story ideas? Do you just have things you want to write that hit you suddenly and you flesh it out from there? Do you come up with a beginning first, then an ending, then a middle? What goes on in the most initial stages of your writing?

>> No.17854784

A scene randomly comes into my head. Something cool happens, something amazing and emotional and epic. Then I ask how did it happen? What led to it? Who's there? Why are they there? Is it the ending, or only a beginning to something more?

>> No.17854797

I kind of want to write an epic fantasy novel in the style of Watership Down, where there are civilizations and epic wars and continents and clashing cultures and magic and religions and all that good stuff, but all the characters and cultures are animals. And I'm not talking anthros or furries either, but straight up animals.

>> No.17854989

Read redwall. It’s what you described.