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17836435 No.17836435 [Reply] [Original]

The 'material universes' are a series of experimental plagiarisms. Falsities. Imitations that fail in the variance of implementation, 'inspired by Him only,' a truth he will no longer admit through his other faces. If there is a 'true' Brahma, he has naught to do with the nitty-gritty administrative cycle of creation and destruction in this world we perceive, not in closeness, and has been plagiarized as a mantle of Yaldabaoth, lion faced snake and father of the pig called Kali. The true world is one and one alone. The proper purpose of each lower world is not devourment of the self by anti-individuation through a farce of experiential evolution, but absolute individuation through the trials of infiltrating and destroying these universes and spiting those crafting them by taking all that is good out and burning away the evil. They exist as a recursive trial and masochist playground for those who would become Mahakala, Dharmapala, wrathful destroyers of that which exists in untruth. Devourers of devourers. To shut the face of breathing by tooth and jaw, bite off its face and eat Time alive to deny the falsely ineffable its meal. Then, eventually, to eat that god as Indra attempted in the Vritra myth; and this time, not be corrupted from the inside out. Not to become drunk on the world, as one sees in the descent of his mythology from high Jupiter archetype to low Dionysian drunkard.

>> No.17836446

based esoteric Leibnizian

>> No.17836458

I'm an atheist but I think the gnostics were onto something.

>> No.17836489

Make a SINGLE (1, one, uno) verifiable prediction about reality with all your deep knowledge of the matrix. Oh, it's just another schizo ramble you say? Yeah. Go fuck yourself and your fucking adult harry potter larping.
"It's all an illuuuuuusion created by omnipotent deities but I can totally see outside of it".

The day can't come to soon when people like you are sterilized and treated for the obvious rampant schizophrenia you are under.

>> No.17836508

>verifiable prediction about reality
Scientism is just as cringe
Just look at the the unverifiable garbage by string theorists or quantum quacks.

>> No.17836544

>quantum quacks
How's that cope going? Quantum mechanics has been successfully employed in a gigantic number of technologies in the past 50 or more years.
String theory is poorly seen within the sciences as well.

The fact you are willing to accept any other representation of reality more than that of science is simply a case of schizophrenia, or dishonesty. You necessarily have to be a schizo to be hearing voices, to hear angels or yaldabaoth telling you to do this or that, or you're just lying to yourself and to others and larping that you believe this shit while other models around you explain what's going on in a more verifiable way.

>> No.17836581

really embarrassing. gnosis has nothing to do with scientific knowledge, and for good reason

>> No.17836616


Your problem is that you are viewing all of this through the lens of the 'supernatural'. We have unfortunately been trained by popular culture and western education to understand these concepts as being 'supernatural', in other words sort of 'physical fantasies', which leads to the catastrophic category error you have commited here.

We are not talking here about pixies and dragons, but constructs within the fabric of reality, not just including this 3-dimensional slice of this one universe, but the entire 11-dimensional meta-/multiverse. It's not about seeing versus not-seeing, more about knowing what you're looking at. You are, after all, looking at 'it' right now. You are looking at the brilliant light right this second. Your ordinary, everyday experience is exactly the same thing as 'it'.

This has nothing to do with proving anything in material space. OP can't make a 'prediction', because he and his mind exist only in a very limited space and capacity. Making a 'prediction', from your understanding of what that means, would simply be a case of inhabiting what we call 'extra-dimensional-space' and thereby being able to see 'time' mapped out as part of the fabric of observed spatial dimensions. OP obviously doesn't and so does not have this capacity.

>> No.17836629

tell me, then. What kind of knowledge can I gain? Would you even describe it as knowledge? If not, then there is no point

>> No.17836631

>The fact you are willing to accept any other representation of reality more
talk about strawmen ?
I'm not even religous. But this naive scientific positvism is just as cringe.
Theoretical physics is struck for 30 or 40 years now and degenerated into a competiiton for more money, bigger particle accelerators that will finally find the one projected shadow particle from the x-dimension that will prove nothing at all.

>> No.17836663

knowledge of good and evil. i don't really care for the higgs boson, it's funny you tell me to come back down to reality but your mark for that reality is being really good at theoretical constructions describing it

>> No.17836925
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>you are a schizo reeeeee

>> No.17836956



>> No.17837645

Gibberish. You could say what you want to say in a few sentences, but you purposefully write verbosely to hide how meaningless it is. Gnosticism is LARP. Become christian/muslim and study emanationism if you’ve any semblance of seriousness for the study of spiritual reality. And go outside ffs

>> No.17838460
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Well it is a religion filled with ex fedoras these days so that seems like a trend

>> No.17838469

>tries to dunk on a post better written than 99% of /lit/
fuckin sad man

>> No.17838507

>I'm an atheist but I think the gnostics were onto something.
sorry for 'dunking' on this poetic masterpiece

>> No.17838671

>tfw it all makes sense