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File: 64 KB, 590x395, dawkins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17828814 No.17828814 [Reply] [Original]

Ok now I'm curious about this book. Has anyone read it?

>> No.17828819

no i dont read twitter, faggot

>> No.17829208

Dawkins is a retard. I'm not surprised he's promoting another liberal nonsense

>> No.17829226

He's promoting a book against transgenderism are you retarded

>> No.17829243

oh I'm sorry, it's hard to tell from that title

>> No.17829251

I don't support many things that are labelled as a 'fight' against something so common and benign, like basic human biology.

>> No.17829267

its actually a book promoting science that the left activists have attacked researches for since it goes against a lefty narrative.
12500% increase in teenage girls wanting to transition in the past 10 years is not normal.

>> No.17829292

Well Dawkins is a retard regardless.

>> No.17829301

Holy shit the author is a based Asian cutie BTFOing ugly mentally ill whites? I'm a fan now

>> No.17829321


>> No.17829334

>12500% increase in teenage girls wanting to transition in the past 10 years is not normal.
It perplexes me how they could uphold the narrative for so long. I'm not super familiar with the trannies vs. poltards debate but I'm pretty sure trannies think their condition is genetic and has a solid biological basis. But that sounds inconsistent with the massive surge in the prevalence of this phenomenon that we're witnessing

>> No.17829341
File: 16 KB, 267x400, 64ebb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I love Richard Dawkins now

>> No.17829363

Why are normies so slow to get red pilled? This is stuff that 4chan has been talking for years.

>> No.17829385
File: 291 KB, 2048x1154, EvLfePTXcAAZQRQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left or right?

>> No.17829410

Wtf I hate trannies now, thanks science man.

>> No.17829658

It’s as genetic as the people who say they can’t lose weight because of their genetics