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/lit/ - Literature

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17826661 No.17826661[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would you say is the most fundamental philosophical question?

>> No.17826665


>> No.17826673

I fucked your mom? Because your dad wants it, that’s why

>> No.17826687

Sure, but why?

>> No.17826688

pls respond ;_;

>> No.17826708

What is meaning?

>> No.17826709

He has a cuck fetish, I think.

>> No.17826713

Why is there something instead of nothing? Obviously

>> No.17826717

Ok, why?

>> No.17826719
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>What would you say is the most fundamental philosophical question?
On /lit/? I will say that there is unfortunately a subsection of anons on this board who use literature as a form of distinction. When they see people who watch what they consider a low-culture—or even degenerate—for of media like anime, it devalues their own position of perceived superiority as someone who participates in high-culture literature or philosophy. In essence, they don't like the idea that "peers" with "manchildren". These poseurs can be readily identified by their love of renaissance/baroque/counter-reformation/neo-classical statues and romantic-era paintings in the OP they make, in their quest to LARP as aristocrats.

>> No.17826732

>anons on this board who use literature as a form of distinction
You should make an argument why is this a bad thing

>> No.17826733

No no no! Someone cant actually be better than me!

>> No.17826762


Resolving the antinomy between being and becoming, and universality and multiplicity. Once you've done that then you're the biggest nigger on the block

>> No.17826783
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I freak myself out with this one. Even when I feel I can convince myself of God I then ask why he exists and why he bothered making anything which I know is absurd but my brain throws me Into panic. It's like no matter what I try to believe about existence it still freaks me the fuck out which seems irrational as why hang onto fear if everything is absurd?

Fuck I hate having this ocd garbage.

>> No.17826793

>To be or not to be... that is the question.

>> No.17826799

He's aware of his inferiority and indulging it pleases him psychologically.

>> No.17826802

Is it better to parade through life under assault from.hellish arrows or to shuffle off this mortal coil? Thus with a kiss I die.

>> No.17826809

Finally, we're getting somewhere. Now why?

>> No.17826813

Because he's a sinner in revolt against God.

>> No.17826815

Why are you asking?

>> No.17826821

it pleases him pyschologically because he's a pervert. He takes the good thing, his marriage, and undercuts it with his evil perspective, thus turning what ought to be good into something that is not.

>> No.17826822

Interesting, three responses, and yet my response stays the same: why?

>> No.17826823
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>> No.17826828

Why not?

>> No.17826829

you seen pbs spacetime videos? cool stuff

>> No.17826832

what's after death?

>> No.17826833

Toll houses.

>> No.17826835

How to maximize joy

>> No.17826839

You'll remember what's been said
By every good heart and head
You will see all things ever thought
Feel all, both cold and hot
You will fly, after you die
They may cry, but you get pie

>> No.17826842


This is a completely meaningless question because neither the summation of existence nor universal absence are predicated upon anything else because both are universal conditions. i.e. they do not depend upon external objects or causes / sequences of events and it is impossible for there to be such a dependency. If everything were reduced to nothing you would have a sequence from existence to nonexistence (which is itself a retarded idea for completely different reasons).

You are literally asking "what contingency does this non-contingent thing rest upon?"

>> No.17826843

why aren't you answering the question?

>> No.17826846

I don't think my brain can handle that right now. I can barely sleep through the night.

>> No.17826852

Books for this idea?

>> No.17826855


>> No.17826879

Poor soul

>> No.17826886

dude just try to enjoy the weird wild world of being. let the idea of it become a thing of curiosity and pleasure rather then fear

>> No.17826899

I'm trying bro. I think I should go to a shrink.

>> No.17826901

For me as a librarian, the question would be: How to sort information properly?

>> No.17826905

>neither the summation of existence nor universal absence are predicated upon anything else because both are universal conditions
>they do not depend upon external objects or causes / sequences of events and it is impossible for there to be such a dependency
You will have to argument this. Or post a sourse. Because right now this is just your opinion. You are not trying to answer

>> No.17826910

Enlighten us: how do you do it? How do archivist knows what to collect for the future generation and what do discard?
Does IT solve this problem?

>> No.17826916

I separate the books by types of racial slures used.

>> No.17826918

Dude any mental health stuff is gonna be a personal journey. In my own personal experience I used to fear the realization of thinking about the fact I exist, I call it Meta-Awareness. It stopped when I started to love just thinking about the brighter possibilities and realized other people didn't consider it a taboo to mention they exist

>> No.17826919

Do you have the answers for my questions?

>> No.17826923

Glad to hear it anon. I hope I co.e.out of this alright. I'm no stranger to ocd and anxiety but holy FUCK these last 2 weeks have been a struggle.

>> No.17826931


>> No.17826938


>> No.17826942

I can however tell you every book that has used the word nigger

>> No.17826948

>oh, so you are a racist? Name every racial slur!

>> No.17826949

>That's your name? Well, as Mr. A. Racist, it's good to meet you, Every R. Slur!

>> No.17826954

more taxes

>> No.17826959

Slant eye
Jungle bunny
Dune coon
Tar baby


>> No.17826963

Oh, god

>> No.17827005

I work for a library that receives a mandatory copies of books from every publisher in the country. So acquisition is not a problem. But because you get books on a daily basis, we struggle more with storage spaces than anything else. Only around 1-5% is available sorted in the library sorted by generic keywords "fantasy", "history", "mathematics" etc. Nothing specialized. The rest is hidden in the warehouses, so if you want a book you have to use the catalog. Sadly the catalog team is inefficient and lazy so we have only around 600,000 titles available from the 2+ mil stored. We cannot discard anything however, due to the same law which enabled us to receive a mandatory copy. Books are sorted by signature which is really just the ordinal number the book receives when arrive.

But to answer your question it all depends on the type of library. Smaller libraries/those who don't have enough storage space log the number of borrowing for each book and sort them each year to see which books are borrowed and which are not. Naturally those books that are not borrowed tend to be discarded. The librarian then assesses which subjects are most borrowed and buys more of those books. University libraries/specialized ones, they just focus more on electronic databases of research papers. From library theory, a librarian plays a major role in shaping the society by offering titles that promote lifelong education. But nowadays, librarians just offer what is most popular. This is because the funding for libraries is tied with the number of visitors and books borrowed.

As for IT there isn't a single catalog, each library has its own system which kind of sucks when you want to borrow books between libraries. We are still struggling to promote one catalog for all libraries. Classifying books is also stagnating. With the rise of the internet, Dewey Decimal System, or the Indian classification system are kind of useless. Best thing is a dictionary classification system but even here you have the problem of some books having the "dictionaries" tag while others have the "dictionary" one. Back in the days a librarian had to read the whole book and write a conspectus. Nowadays we just wait till some other library defines the keyword and we just copy them. Kind of lazy if you ask me, but my job is to just retrieve the books for the customer and return them when the time comes.

>> No.17827166
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"Why don't people like me?"

>> No.17827229

"why are things the way they are instead of another way" or "do things have to be the way there are or could they have been another way" are more fundemental

>> No.17827273

He's right you know. You guys have to stop larping.

>> No.17827636
