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File: 116 KB, 1200x869, ted kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17821439 No.17821439 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17821582

"Man" doesn't choose. You do.

>> No.17821602

So what you are saying is that consciousness is the same entity in all living things therefore I made this decision?

>> No.17821646


>> No.17821658

Because the freedom of the wild kinda sucks sometimes, for example, when it's 15 below zero, your crops failed and you've got a festering dental abscess.

>> No.17821933

Societies have their own "mind" in which you're just a cell.
If you decide to commit suicide, a single cell in your body can't do anything about it but die with you

>> No.17822010

>be tedpilled
>destroy all technology
>99.9% of mankind dies off within 5 years due to a lack of food, clean water, stable government and medicine
Wow what a philosophical genius

>> No.17822017

There's no such thing as freedom in the wilderness. Actually it's the opposite of freedom.

>> No.17822057

Ted wanted preindustrialism, he wasn't a primitivist

>> No.17822066

This. I’m sure it’s a more “healthy” way of life, for the people who actually survive that is.

>> No.17822112

because freedom is scary

>> No.17822164
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Nature doesn't care about your fees fees, if you don't do what it says you die

>> No.17822229

What a brainlet take

>> No.17822274

Can't believe not even one anon managed to answer this correctly. This board really has gone downhill.

>> No.17822340
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We had the freedom of the wild and we didn't like it.

We've thoroughly tried, and have grown out of, so many of the things you people want to return to.

>> No.17822361

Even still, the only reason we are able to feed so many people is because modern technology allows us to farm much more efficiently. Without tech, the lack of food alone would cause a rapid population collapse which itself would likely topple most governments am not send the world into chaos

>> No.17822366

Go outside

>> No.17822395

because civilisation by it's nature expends itself, hunter gatherer population don't increase at the rate agricultural and latter industrial society did. Take what happened to the native american for exemple, it's not that they chose to adopt the European culture, it's that they were crushed by it

>> No.17822401
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/lit/ can't go a day without talking about him uh

>> No.17822412
File: 1.94 MB, 640x360, muh gdp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nature doesn't care about your fees fees

neither does society lol

>> No.17822462

A species will naturally do whatever it can to preserve itself through reproduction. For man, the best way to ensure reproduction and life is through society. A man cannot stand up to nature by himself, and must band together with others. But even with superior numbers, they need tools. Each man can presumably make his own spear correct? This may work for a small tribe of survivalists, but the population is rising, as the men's wives are giving many children. So some men will fight and others will make, and the food will be divvied up. But now there are too few resources to produce spears. So now some men will have to go gather resources to bring to the makers to give to the warriors. The food needs to be divvied up again. Now we have a city of 100, and need someone designated to keep records of food and metal and wood and if any citizens commit crimes. So on and so forth and we have modern civilization. By subjecting man to civilization, man has ensured the longevity of his species, thus fulfilling his natural duty.

>> No.17822484

This seems logical but not at the same time. What if 1 person controlls an entire society, then its not really a societal mind but the mind of the controller

>> No.17822489

Sounds based

>> No.17822500

Exactly, this is what you trannies fail to realize. We are already in anarchy. You guys just suck at it

>> No.17822501

because those who dont are conquered and enslaved

>> No.17822504

No, you're scared of slavery

>> No.17822511

The men who have chosen to remain wild were enslaved by the civilized races.

>> No.17822930

Do you choose to be born in a civilization and be adapted to the particularities therein such that it becomes incredibly difficult to adapt to a non-civilization?

>> No.17822974

The transition from hunter-gatherer to agrarian was because they could now make a living doing things that didn't involve food production. People accepted industrialization because they could eat meat everyday and only had to work 10 hours a day.

>> No.17823118

*gets eaten by a bear*

>> No.17823156

>99.9% of mankind dies off within 5 years

Are you honestly suggesting that this wouldn't be a vast improvement over the current state of affairs? Holy contrarian...

>> No.17824125

i'd be a fecal cell that would fly freely in the wind when my host farts

>> No.17824137

LOL lemme guess Commiefornia?

>> No.17824209
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Because Enkidu was tamed by Gilgamesh

I believe to be truly free, you must have the strength to wrest freedom away from tyrants. To do so you must work in tandem with technology and live immortal rather than try to become primative and return to the ways of Enkidu only to later on be again tamed by Gilgamesh.

I'm a technological free man.

>> No.17824232

He wasn't even an anprim. If he was he would've moved to the Alaskan bush Chris Mccandles style. A permanent cabin a couple miles from town, in a state that's wiped out its natural predators. That is not a state of nature. And that says nothing of whether the state of nature is "freedom" which it isn't

>> No.17824339

so tired of le ted meme. You mean the freedom to die of famines and droughts? The freedom to starve if you don't get food everyday? The freedom of having terrible tooth pain?

>> No.17824349

Ted never claimed to be AnPrim and critiqued the movement, which cost him at least one friendship as a result.

>> No.17825026

>99.9% of mankind dies off within 5 years

a good start

>> No.17825039
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one of a mere handful of philosophers who had the courage, conviction, strength, skills and wherewithal to live his philosophy. what's not to love?

>> No.17825055
File: 6 KB, 259x194, zerzan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey OP read john zerzan, he muses on this question quite a bit

>> No.17825131

Genes/traits propogate by survival of the fittest. So do ideas.

>> No.17825185 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.90 MB, 400x225, 1616209252515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Epic of Gilgamesh reveals all.

>> No.17825188


>> No.17825194


>> No.17825309

that is literally the point holy fuck why do people argue about stuff they haven't read

>> No.17825316

It seems he did it out of a combination of anger and wanting people to read his manifesto

>> No.17825398

i was in SoCal recently for work and sitting at a stoplight in I looked over and could see a homeless guy dropping his pants to take a shit. There was some mystery-meat looking woman in a newer Lexus LX about 5 feet away from him at the light trying her hardest not to look over at him.

The entire scene pretty much summed up America

>> No.17826348

More pussy this way. Clean and shaved too. Although I wouldn't mind me some hairy bush pussy either.

>> No.17826649

Man didn't choose civilization, he was just hungry and miserable, and decided to cooperate to improve his being. He bartered one thing for another and with time it became his permanent occupation. Fast-forward several thousand years and we have our modern world built upon global trade.

>> No.17826654

I would also bomb people if I were that short.

>> No.17826656
File: 13 KB, 271x240, 1406250121821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civilisation gives men power.
Power gets pussy.

>> No.17826664

Does she shit with that arse?

>> No.17826761

This is misleading.
Modern archiological studies show that hunters-gatherers were much healthier and had more free time than agricultural societies. They had less diseases, healthier bones and teeth and were higher.

>> No.17826766

Enkidu was tamed by whores and wine

>> No.17826787

hunter gatherers also were out-competed by herding and agricultural societies. Hunter gatherer societies simply could not support a high enough population to withstand the march of "progress". Also hunter gatherer societies were very violent - murder was quite common

>> No.17828061

>Neither does society
>nation of Israel exists solely because of jewish fairy tales
Sure ok

>> No.17828073

There is only freedom in righteousness and truth.

>> No.17828074

"You" don't choose. Nature chooses your will for you.

>> No.17828157

I don't think a future like those we all fantasize about could've been possible because self-restriction is itself a technology of sorts. Wanting an unchanging system of being is a prison cage for some people just like the wastes of society are a prison for many of us. Technology isn't the problem, but that it always falls into the 'wrong' hands and those who think themselves right will never have it because rumination is first borne of inaction and not having what you want, and advances belong to those who are those willing to sincerely prey on their fellow man. That's what art is, what all the books and things we read here are, what all political movements are, cope. It doesn't devalue them, but it's what they are. The championed concept of 'Being' is a tattooed single mother unthinkingly fucking another man and having another baby with fetal alcohol syndrome. But.. maybe a few times in the universe it goes right for a while.

>> No.17828170

only a few did, and they forced it on everyone else. hope this helps

>> No.17828249

>99.9% of mankind dies off within 5 years due to a lack of food, clean water, stable government and medicine
that's the objective you faggot

>> No.17828253

>it’ll matter what happened to juman civilization when everyone’s dead

>> No.17828276

that's irrelevent, even if hunter gatherer lived better lives, agricultural society still spread much faster and therefor become dominant

>> No.17828284
File: 33 KB, 720x699, 1615718161693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>be tedpilled
>>destroy all technology
>>99.9% of mankind dies off within 5 years due to a lack of food, clean water, stable government and medicine

The world would be better off if there was a cap of 1 million people and we were ruled by a theocratic death cult that culled our population when needed and made sure that technology never rose again. Also it would be based if they threw the last remaining niggers into a volcano

>> No.17828287

You didn't chose shit.

>> No.17828294

Civilization, for those on top, is a greater freedom than the freedom of the wild.

>> No.17828408
File: 102 KB, 1024x944, 1615111052173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it has to be all one way or all the other

>> No.17828430
File: 601 KB, 1104x1116, 1613927835596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there isn't a life-giving civilization producing source of intrinsic gratification that comes from a constructive hierarchy, which is ingrained into our material being and part of what constitutes the development of the species

>> No.17828475

Fpbp, bugman determinists seething

>> No.17828509

i actually contest this - people at "the top" are so constrained by their need to maintain their position and act optimally that they are actually some of the least free people