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/lit/ - Literature

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17823777 No.17823777 [Reply] [Original]

>Im such a depressed nihilist but Im a good person at heart ;_;
>but im also superior to everyone else, I just need to break through
>Im so superior I could kill someone and it wouldnt matter just like stepping on a snail
>omg murder is actually bad
>police omg omg
>im so depressed and disgusted with myself
>omg a manic pixie dream girl
>she has her downsides too so ill be a manic pixie dream boy for her
>im so depressed ugh, nothing makes sense, theres no meaning
>fuck ive been sent away to prison, guess i have a lot of time to spend on thinking
>*thinks thinks thinks*
>ugh.. in search of meaning... i think ill cling to.. GOD.
*the end*

i had such "contemplations" when i was a late teenager lmao.
if youre beyond your teens and still (or just now) enamored by this book, you're a victim of stunted growth.

>> No.17823832 [DELETED] 

nice trips, me.

>> No.17823835

my fucking sides lmao

>> No.17823882

nice trips, me.

>> No.17824434

fuck this hurts.

>> No.17824442

Raskolnikov is literally me

>> No.17824462

in what way?

>> No.17824463

Crime and Punishment is so fucking overrated. The Brothers Karamazov is best Dosto desu

>> No.17824466

This book is still good but Notes from the Underground is a more nuanced, better exploration of these themes. Mainly because the Underground Man isn't anywhere near as ridiculous as Raskolnikov.
The Idiot is better too.
Pretty much every other Dostoevsky book is better.

>> No.17824554

I'm also very similar to him in many regards. Funnily enough he actually made me realize how people in my life - my family mostly - probably have seen me, and why I might have been a hard person to deal with for them.

I think you really need to be like Raskolnikov to see any sense in his character

>> No.17824569

Most of us either are or were edgy narcissists at one point and that's why we make fun of them so bad bc we get how pathetic that state of mind really is
You'll notice that nobody is more universally hated across all of 4chan than the edgy "muh life so hard my brain so deep" 14 year olds. We were all there once

>> No.17824774

all of this is exactly the reason why dosto and by proxy all of russian lit is shit

>> No.17824865

lmao fuck off is it actually like this? I don't want to read it if it has that smug "heh you're learning something right now ;)" tone.

>> No.17824886

No it's a very well written book but /lit/ is a place where we shit on the things we like as a perverted form of nostalgia because we have now evolved past the things these works taught us but also realize they were fully necessary for us to get to this point so the condescending summaries are a form of love.
Read it if you've never read it, its still good.

>> No.17825089

Well yeah. Raskolnikov's worst characteristic was arguably his arrogance, and it kind of melts away in the end when he realizes what an cringe edgelord he was when committed the crime. But that's not why I identify with him, it's that he's a recluse, just ironically enough and sees the world and society for what it is. And even more than those, it's his personality of a neurotic anti-social thinker, which is probably a very common type here also

>> No.17825092

now you know why /lit/ likes dosto so much

>> No.17825108

You killed the retarded sister of somebody who ran the equivalent of a pawn shop and wept tears of joy when you were shipped off to a Siberian prison camp?

Spoiler warning.

>> No.17825115

kek you're reading a pulp crime novel looking for contemplations
stop being so edgy my boy

>> No.17825118

Apparently OP did, when he was a late teenager.

>> No.17825127

>sees the world for what it is
Murdering an invalid is proof of this? If he sees it for what it is, why didn't he try to help those stuck here with him (in time)?

>> No.17825200


>> No.17825209

>manic pixie dream girl
she is literally a whore

>> No.17825230

yeah but its her that introduces him to christ and thus saves him

>> No.17825246

what a terrible thread

>> No.17825267


>> No.17825450

literally me

>> No.17825461 [DELETED] 


>> No.17825478
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>> No.17825492

No, he literally isn’t. You’ll realize that when you age out of your teens.

>> No.17826160

>Raskolnikov is literally me
>Raskolnikov is literally you
So you're literally me?

>> No.17826170
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>> No.17826953

It's not his best, but still the best as the first to read.

>> No.17826960

Idiot is the end game of Dosto

>> No.17826964


>> No.17826979

I kind of agree but I'm also surprised this view seems to be common here. Outside of /lit/ Idiot tends to be considered inferior.

>> No.17826993

"Ivanovich! Oh my! I know this is hardly a tense situation but the kettle is about to boil! I must keep an eye on the kettle so that I know when it boils! This is how people think and speak! Everyone in the world is hyper-neurotic and in the middle of a crisis! Life is simply moving from one crisis to another! The tea! It is almost boiled! I can hear the faint whistle!"
"Mother!" exclaimed Ivanovich with a cold smirk. "Calm yourself! Have you no understanding about the condition of man in a faithless, godless world? Nothing matters! Not the tea! Not even murdering the old lady who makes the tea! Except it does matter! Because god exists in the form of guilt, in the form of the sensation of sin, which lurks within us always, ready prick us when we err, ready to damn us when we do things that are truly evil!"
"Ivanovich!" cried his mother. "What are you saying, talking of murder! Talking of sin! I am just a calm old woman who cannot be bothered to think such deep thoughts, such deep and terrible thoughts!"
Ivanovich grinned coldly from ear to ear.
"The men and women of today do not think, for fear that what would come to their minds would drive them mad! It is a faithless, godless world! Only the criminals can be at home here!"
"I am at home here!" shouted the criminal.
"The tea is done!" exclaimed his mother, trembling and weeping. "The tea!"

Love his subtle characterization.

>> No.17826995

What’s the order to read Dosto in? Any charts

>> No.17827015

for fucks sake just read one of them

>> No.17827025

I would start with C&P because it's easy, popular and nicely introduces you to their social realm. And then read what you want. I would also suggest tackling BK as the last, after Demons and the Idiot, because it's culminative and much better understood after making your way through the rest. And learn a little about the author's himself. It will make you appreciate autobiographical tropes he uses all over.

>> No.17827057

based Dosto pummeling the NPCs with relentless edge

>> No.17827288

The book is good precisely because it criticises and makes fun of edgy teen nihilists

>> No.17827325

reminder that there are hundreds of thousand of female readers who got a crush on Raskolnikov while you, the big mature man, remain a cucked virgin

>> No.17827564

Manic pixie dream girls are whores my friend

>> No.17827577


>> No.17827682
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I really liked, that as the headspace of a person changed, for the worse or better, their physical wellbeing declined or got better. Dostoevsky does this in a lot of his books, either with Raskolnikov ,Snegiryov or Fyodor Pavlovich.

I have realized that often when I physically feel bad, it often has its root in something that is either bothering me unconsciously or something that I don't want to confront.

>> No.17827741

What is "this point"? For some reason it suggests that serious readers will all converge to the same worldview in the end.

>> No.17827760

The only novel I've read that gave me restless sleep. Dostoevsky was able to capture the anxiety and despair so well.

>> No.17827819

Based. Id read a book book written like this and love every moment of it.

>> No.17827851


>> No.17827860

Stupid nigger

>> No.17827905


>> No.17827921

kek but that was entertaining though

>> No.17828528

Woah... basin

>> No.17828966
