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/lit/ - Literature

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17823822 No.17823822[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do Americans feel the need to reaffirm their literature so much? Is it because they know it sucks and is irrelevant?

>> No.17823830

Yeah it's pretty trash

>> No.17823833

why do frogposters feel the need to consistently make shitty uninteresting threads?

>> No.17823842
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Especially in comparison to English literature - hell, even in comparison to just American literature - Russian literature sucks.

It's extremely limited not only in scope (only at most a dozen interesting literary figures out of 200+ million people, in a period spanning just ~40 years out of 1000+ years of the history of Slavic people) but in thematic diversity as well - it's almost all "muh hardships in life and how i'm using spirituality/metaphysics/transcendence to overcome them." That's it.

There's no decent Russian realist book (with a different theme to the one mentioned above, at least). No decent sci-fi book (besides Roadside Picnic, maybe). No decent gothic book. No decent horror book. No decent modernist book. No decent post-modernist book. No decent.. well, almost anything really.

Russian literature is as barren and uninteresting as Russia's geographic, social and political landscape. It's sad to think that some people confine themselves completely within this culture's literature. Their brain must undergo extreme shrinkage as a result.

Hell, America alone has:
1. Herman Melville
2. Walt Whitman
3. William Faulkner
4. Edgar Allan Poe
5. Ralph Waldo Emerson
6. Philip K. Dick
7. Thomas Pynchon
8. William Gaddis
9. Cormac McCarthy
10. DFW
11. Kurt Vonnegut
12. Nathaniel Hawthorne
13. Henry David Thoreau
14. John Steinbeck
15. Ursula Le Guin
16. Ezra Pound
17. Frank Herbert
18. Ernest Hemingway
19. F. Scott Fitzgerald
20. Truman Capote
21. Mark Twain
22. Don DeLillo
23. Philip Roth
24. Allen Ginsberg
25. William Burroughs
26. Jack Kerouac
27. H.P. Lovecraft
28. Charles Bukowski
29. Hunter Thompson
30. William Gibson
And that's just America. Look how much diversity one nation of 200-300+ million people achieved in barely 200 years. Meanwhile Russia has been around for 1000 years, with a similar population, and there's none of that. Zero creativity. An entirely creatively bankrupt nation.

And I didn't even mention any British writers yet. Britain is a hefty opponent for America in terms of literary output, especially when it comes to classical literature. And that's an island nation of just ~50 million people - over 4 times fewer. I forgot to mention that of course both British and American literature use the same language, so in any meaningful comparisons langVSlang BOTH nations' outputs should be added to one tally - but that's just an unfair wreckage to any other literature in the world.

>> No.17823885

3rdworlder detected.

>> No.17823891

The us is the third world.

>> No.17823892
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>> No.17823900

Keep seething and coping, faggot.

>> No.17823950

And seethe & cope yourself sir.

>> No.17824936

You know that the English language is inherently unpoetical when English literature becomes refined, and better, in Russian translation.

>> No.17824965

I am sorry how many of these were actually real Americans? I mean Wasps whose lineage could be traced back to the thirteen colonies

>> No.17824998


>> No.17825012

lol no, look at this abomination

Быть или нe быть - тaкoв вoпpoc;
Чтo блaгopoднeй дyхoм - пoкopятьcя
Пpaщaм и cтpeлaм яpocтнoй cyдьбы
Иль, oпoлчacь нa мope cмyт, cpaзить их
Пpoтивoбopcтвoм? Умepeть, ycнyть -
И тoлькo; и cкaзaть, чтo cнoм кoнчaeшь
Tocкy и тыcячy пpиpoдных мyк,
Hacлeдьe плoти, - кaк тaкoй paзвязки
He жaждaть? Умepeть, ycнyть. - Уcнyть!
И видeть cны, быть мoжeт? Boт в чeм тpyднocть;
Кaкиe cны пpиcнятcя в cмepтнoм cнe,
Кoгдa мы cбpocим этoт бpeнный шyм, -
Boт чтo cбивaeт нac; вoт гдe пpичинa
Toгo, чтo бeдcтвия тaк дoлгoвeчны;
Ктo cнec бы плeти и глyмлeньe вeкa,
Гнeт cильнoгo, нacмeшкy гopдeцa,
Бoль пpeзpeннoй любви, cyдeй мeдливocть,
Зaнocчивocть влacтeй и ocкopблeнья,
Чинимыe бeзpoпoтнoй зacлyгe,
Кoгдa б oн caм мoг дaть ceбe pacчeт
Пpocтым кинжaлoм? Ктo бы плeлcя c нoшeй,
Чтoб oхaть и пoтeть пoд нyднoй жизнью,
Кoгдa бы cтpaх чeгo-тo пocлe cмepти -
Бeзвecтный кpaй, oткyдa нeт вoзвpaтa
Зeмным cкитaльцaм, - вoлю нe cмyщaл,
Bнyшaя нaм тepпeть нeвзгoды нaши
И нe cпeшить к дpyгим, oт нac coкpытым?
Taк тpycaми нac дeлaeт paздyмьe,
И тaк peшимocти пpиpoдный цвeт
Хиpeeт пoд нaлeтoм мыcли блeдным,
И нaчинaнья, взнecшиecя мoщнo,
Cвopaчивaя в cтopoнy cвoй хoд,
Tepяют имя дeйcтвия. Ho тишe!
Oфeлия? - B твoих мoлитвaх, нимфa,
Bce, чeм я гpeшeн, пoмяни.

>> No.17825018

> why do Americans
Go back to /int/ and let us live rent free in your heads over there.

>> No.17825090

nice list, could you make a similar one for british authors? curious as to who will be on there

>> No.17825139

>nobody of importance

Thanks for confirming our point.

>> No.17825165

>Hell, America alone has:
>1. Herman Melville
>2. Walt Whitman
>3. William Faulkner
>4. Edgar Allan Poe
>5. Ralph Waldo Emerson
>6. Philip K. Dick
>7. Thomas Pynchon
>8. William Gaddis
>9. Cormac McCarthy
>10. DFW
>11. Kurt Vonnegut
>12. Nathaniel Hawthorne
>13. Henry David Thoreau
>14. John Steinbeck
>15. Ursula Le Guin
>16. Ezra Pound
>17. Frank Herbert
>18. Ernest Hemingway
>19. F. Scott Fitzgerald
>20. Truman Capote
>21. Mark Twain
>22. Don DeLillo
>23. Philip Roth
>24. Allen Ginsberg
>25. William Burroughs
>26. Jack Kerouac
>27. H.P. Lovecraft
>28. Charles Bukowski
>29. Hunter Thompson
>30. William Gibson


>> No.17825178

The one by Бopиc Лeoнидoвич Пacтepнaк is better; anyway, mediocre works mediocre remain, even at their deanglisized best.