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/lit/ - Literature

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17820103 No.17820103 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on how the modern world is entirely based on a gigantic scam?

>> No.17820113

The first 5000 years of debt.

>> No.17820271


>> No.17820318
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Back in the '00s, during the DOTCOM Bubble, the massive speculation caused by the internet related companies caused the Nasdaq Composite stock market index to rose 400%, only to fall 78% from its peak.
The interesting part is how the losses were managed by the goverment. This was the so called "sonic inflation", due to the relatively short period of time that it lasted, in addition to its "expansion" to less developed economies.
The whole proccess isn't well documented and overall sketchy. There isn't a single big book about it, but a series of small documents available on internet. Just google "Sonic Inflation"

>> No.17820437
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There's noting really that confusing if you understand macroeconomics. The Asian financial crises in the late 1990s caused a flood of dumb money into America. The Clinton administration wanted to eliminate the national debt so without that outlet where was all those savings going to go? Into the hottest flimflam... all kinds of start up corporations got access to tons of money and were able to take on even further levels of liabilities they couldn't seriously manage.
Also when I google Sonic Inflation I only get a bunch of furry fetish art

>> No.17820631

Gaddis - JR

>> No.17820637

dialectic of enlightenment

>> No.17820651

it's not, so you could check the fiction section maybe

>> No.17820661

Fucking kek

>> No.17820671

Mein Kampf

>> No.17820672
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read this shirt

>> No.17820782
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>> No.17821028

I'm reading this.
It's interesting but the author is as concerned about imparting his hatred of jews as he is about providing actual information.
In the 3rd Chapter (I think) he outright claims that Jews probably had Napoleon assassinated.

>> No.17821036

Yeah I’ve had actually nazis tell me the book isn’t good so it’s probably trash

>> No.17821040

fuck you lmao

>> No.17821071

Das Kapital

>> No.17821220

YouTube links to download with jdownloader

The Four Prices of Money

The Natural Hierarchy of Money

Money and the State: Domestic

The Money View, Macro and Micro

The Central Bank as a Clearinghouse

Federal Funds, Final Settlement

Repos, Postponing Settlement

Eurodollars, Parallel Settlement

The World that Bagehot Knew

Dealers and Liquid Security Markets

Banks and the Market for Liquidity

Lender/Dealer of Last Resort

Chartalism, Metallism and Key Currencies

Money and the State: International

Banks and Global Liquidity

Foreign Exchange

Direct and Indirect Finance

Forwards and Futures
Interest Rate Swaps

Credit Default Swaps

Central Banking for Shadow Banking

Touching the Elephant: Three Views

>> No.17821226

Mein Kampf

>> No.17821316

For my Legionnaires

>> No.17821319

How about Maurizio Lazzarato? What do you think, /lit/?

>> No.17821398

Brainlets seething over something as simple as our financial system never gets old. Stay poor faggot.

>> No.17821407
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>> No.17821426

Define money.

>> No.17821482

This one. Money is literally just a bunch of made up bullshit to measure a moral debt, and you might as well just eat it

>> No.17821509
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The Lost Science of Money

>> No.17821532

Money is a medium of exchange and store of value that we invented to make trade easier. It is so fundamental it is one of the first technologies any settled society develops. If you have trouble understanding its utility please kill yourself before you accidentally procreate and pass on your retard genes.

>> No.17821539

>muh barter myth
Midwit alert

>> No.17821587

Since your definition is correct, you appear even more retarded by not understanding the scam underlying the system of borrowed money in global societies. It's like you can do 2+2 but not 2+2+2.

>> No.17821597

He doesn't hate jews but it's impossible to not mention their role when discussing this subject
Sure, Schlomo

>> No.17821613

I’m sure there will be no greed in a world with no jews.

Lol, why are nazis always such spergy cringelords? You’re like furfags, but instead of mentioning your species, you have to namedrop the jews all day

>> No.17821615

these are its functions not its essence.

>> No.17821641

Why are you like this? Nobody said greed wouldn't exist without jews. Jews are just, on average, overly materialistic and profit off of others' greed. They are behind most of not all forms of mammon worship in the modern world. Without jews it would probably have been some other group and I'd have called them out.

>> No.17821671

>Jews are just, on average, overly materialistic and profit off of others' greed.
No more than literally any other social group on the planet. Have you ever seen how the average Saudi prince lives?
>They are behind most of not all forms of mammon worship in the modern world.
Lol as if Protestantism doesn’t have televangelists that bath in money, and the Catholic HQ isn’t literally a fucking palace, and I’m sure Putin also takes very good care of the Orthodox clergy. Get fucking real
>Without jews it would probably have been some other group and I'd have called them out.
Yes, but never your own, which is the main problem

>> No.17821685

>No more than literally any other social group on the planet. Have you ever seen how the average Saudi prince lives?
No, not nearly all. And Saudis weren't like that before they were bought off by jews. Thanks for proving my point.
>Lol as if Protestantism doesn’t have televangelists that bath in money, and the Catholic HQ isn’t literally a fucking palace, and I’m sure Putin also takes very good care of the Orthodox clergy. Get fucking real
Yes, christianity is a jewish religion for non-jews. Thanks for proving my point.
>Yes, but never your own, which is the main problem
Sure I do, have you seen the state of the west currently? Westerners are individualistic, greedy motherfuckers. They haven't always been like that though, that's been steadily increasing on par with the amount of jewish influence. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.17821687

>niggers are inferior because they are stupid and can't do business
>therefore whites are superior and are not guilty because of groids never achieving anything
>the jews are smart and make profit where they can
>many jews are successful businessmen
>therefore the jews are evil

>> No.17821697

I'm not a capitalist nor do I think niggers are inferior or jews inherently evil. Thanks for playing, retard.

>> No.17821728
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Das Kapital Volume 1
Das Kapital Volume 2
Das Kapital Volume 3
Economic Manuscripts of 1861–1863, which includes Theories of Surplus Value
Theories of Surplus Value
Value, Price and Profit
Wage Labour and Capital






>> No.17821832 [DELETED] 
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when you finish with the clown stuff and actually want to know how banking and financial markets work pick this up

>> No.17821845

Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World

>> No.17821848

Graeber was one of last year's saddest losses

>> No.17822144

He won’t die until we forget him

>> No.17822519

un ironically there's no such book which would cover all the bullshit. people would not accept it.

>> No.17822618
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It takes the Jew to expose the dastardly Anglo for what he is.

>> No.17822888
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>> No.17823249


>> No.17823387

Thank you for this, Anon. These lectures are excellent.