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/lit/ - Literature

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1781949 No.1781949 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, what do you think of Wilde's The importance of being earnest on victorian morality? his language is so witty that i feel im missing something, like theres a deeper layer im not seeing

>> No.1781962

i think he's gay

>> No.1781963

it's just a bunch of double entendres.

There is no deeper meaning.

>> No.1781964

"I’ve now realized for the first time in my life the vital importance of being earnest"
Is that the piece you are missing?

>> No.1781966

I would say far from that, it stems much deeper than you believe.

>> No.1781967

Is everybody in this thread up to this point ESL?

>> No.1781973
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no, it is, its a critique on victorian society and its morals

let me explain what i think he is trying to say, then you can fill me in if you think im missing something

like you pointed out, he critiques their view on sincerity. this stems from his main critique, that their strict code of morals is so strict and serious that it becomes trivial, an example being the value of sincerity. they care so much for appearences that they wish to appear sincere, rather than actually be sincere

this feels shallow though to me, i feel like im missing something

>> No.1781978

>no, it is, its a critique on victorian society and its morals
>this feels shallow though to me, i feel like im missing something
It's about being yourself and not pandering to what people want you to be. It also debases and ridicules the whole landed gentry thing. Lady Bracknell is ridiculed through her own actions and shown that, despite her birth, she is far more uncouth than someone found in a handbag. The whole being able to change social class was a big thing across Europe around this time, and unlike some contemporary (and even later period novels), Wilde spends less time making fun of the Nouveau Riche and more time ridiculing the whole concept of lineage.

>> No.1781980
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good point, do you think this sums it up?

Main concern is conformity that stems from lineage based gentry. Conformity creates this strange form of morality, where appearing moral is more important than being moral, since this value system stems from social pressures and not the individual self.

>> No.1781986
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>they wish to appear sincere, rather than actually be sincere

I don't want you to do the dishes. I want you to WANT to do the dishes.

>> No.1781989

Yeah, maybe. You could probably go further and argue it as a kind of existential comedy (Jack only truly becomes himself by leaving behind society's values). The piano playing at the beginning is quite interesting.

>> No.1781995
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but he doesnt leave behind their values? he says to gwen, can you ever forgive me for always telling the truth?

interesting as in funny, or philosophically?

>> No.1782003

Both. Algernon's playing is true to himself, but is horrendous for those around him.

Eh, there's more to the always telling the truth line. But you're right, Jack finds out that he was to the manor born for example. So really everything comes full circle.

>> No.1782446

Best anime of 2010

>> No.1782467

I'm sorry, I didnt realize we were talking about strike witches.

>> No.1782488

Still haven't finished it, though

>> No.1782491
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> yfw the whole play is a thinly-veiled allegory about rich gay men trying to marry a beard so they can still go buttclubbing without being arrested for sodomy