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/lit/ - Literature

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17811429 No.17811429 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite Russian author?

>> No.17811436


>> No.17811443

i've only heard of dostoevsky but this image made me kek because that's how i imagine his books are

>> No.17811450

There are two authors here worth reading. One of them is Nabokov.

>> No.17811453

Dosto, with Chekhov in second and Turgenev in third.

>> No.17811508

>i've only heard of dostoevsky
are you just starting elementary school?

>> No.17811511

school only cares about george orwell nigga
i've heard of him from peterson

>> No.17811521

You have to go back

>> No.17811555

>mutt education
2/3ds of writers in the pic were mandatory high school reading and I am not even russian

>> No.17811565

please list them and the country of schooling

>> No.17811567

Tolstoy all the way.

>> No.17811589
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all of them are worth to read, despite tolstoy being boring as fuck
why the fuck he looks like derp schopenhauer?

>> No.17811592

Is that the guy who wrote about rich people sitting around complaining; )

>> No.17811602

>i've heard of him from peterson

>> No.17811618

Dostoevsky of course

>> No.17811623

we read
>pushkin (Eugene Onegin)
>lermontov (around 5 poems)
>gogol (short story collection)
>turgenev (excerpt from Fathers and Sons)
>dosto (c&p)
>tolstoy (war and peace abridged)
>chekov (few short stories)
>gorky (1 story when learning about socialist realism)
>bulgakov (excerpt from m&m)
>nabokov (excerpt from lolita)
I read much more of them myself obviously. Central Europe

>> No.17811743

He said Russian, not schizo Ukranian Jew.

>> No.17811748

Damn, bruh. Even in Bulgaria we don't include the R*ssians that much.

>> No.17811821

I got a burger education as well. Learned about Dost from Peterson. Laugh all you want but Peterson got me to read The Idiot, C&P, BK, and Notes. Also reading Dost I learned about Gogol and Pushkin.

>> No.17811864

I just remembered we actually read c&p abridged and only parts of war and peace. Besides short stories and poems there wasnt a lot of full-length novels, cant expect normalfags to be able to read those. At least it made me seek some more of their works later.

>> No.17811868

Surprisingly accurate graphic, my favorites are Pushkin and Lermontov of course.

>> No.17811872

A. Solzhenitsyn

>> No.17811881

Well im a mutt and they made us read tolstoy

>> No.17811893

Leonid Andreyev

>> No.17811902

Dangerously based

>> No.17812109

Dostoevsky and Bulgakov, also Limonov and Solzhenitsyn, but they aren't up there though.

>> No.17812125

>i've only HEARD of dostoevsky
Get off my literature site. Reeeeee

>> No.17812134

what do you recommend?

>> No.17812158

Not the same anon, but Crime and Punishment is a good starter, Demons goes into more political territories. If you want to show off to normies, the Brothers Karamazov is good, but long as hell. My personal favorite is Notes from Underground, though.

>> No.17812190

Aleksei Kruchyonykh

>> No.17812374


>> No.17812386

Lmao. I haven't read all of these but the ones I have are spot on. Nabokov had me rolling.

>> No.17812417

If you like poetry those two are unambiguously on their own tier far above everyone else

>> No.17812425
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Gogol and Bulgakov desu

>> No.17812523

>Central Europe
Central as in Germany-Austria-Switzerland, or as Butthurt Belters in Denial?
I'm pretty sure the Baltics and Rumania are choke full of Russian Lit, and Poles are susceptible. And I am pretty sure Germans don't read that many Russians.

>> No.17812525
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only one I've read so far is Gogol.
the nose was pretty funny it was like a more optimistic Metamorphosis

>> No.17812990

Nabokov isn't even russian lit
There's only 1 author worth reading and it's Nabokov

russian lit ranges from shit to meh
the world doesn't actually give a fuck about russia or russian literature
you're a coping russian. I AM from central europe here and the only required reading was dosto (c&p) in high school and a short story by chekhov in middle school

>> No.17813028

PS: why do russians shill their literature so much (in such an insecure manner on top of that) on /lit/? if it's good, wouldn't it be able to defend itself? why force it and hide your country of origin? it's so obvious tho, because sometimes i see you guys get butthurt at irrelevant details only another countryman would get butthurt at, and yet you pretend not to be nationalistic

it's pathetic, really

>> No.17813046
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>> No.17813047

>I AM from central europe
Spotted the buttmad Poolack

>> No.17813084

In Polish high schools we read Punishment and Crime and Master and Margarita in entirety, that's about it. Can probably vary between different schools though

>> No.17813196

>In Polish high schools we read Punishment and Crime and Master and Margarita in entirety
we do c&p but not master and margarita lul
your petty nationalism is why your country is so poor

>> No.17813291

Austria and Germany don't have any space for stuff like that in their school curricula. The classics covered are usually from different eras of german lit. Depending on how well your teacher covers lit-history (usually they fucking don't) you hear about the influence of the french revolution on international authors which covers the Turgenev, Dosto, Tolstoy , etc. era.
So yeah the dude claiming he read that many russians in school has to be from an ex-ussr country, I highly doubt central europe.

>> No.17813335

I'm not from Russia or Europe. Just pointing out the fact that Polish posters are almost always the most butthurt people all across 4chan.

>> No.17813441
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The latter

>> No.17813457
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>I'm not from Russia or Europe.

>> No.17813459

Tolstoy is lit

>> No.17813472

Gogol isn’t accurate . He went mad and burned his books. Should have a Turgenev or dosto style wojak

>> No.17813502

Tolstoy is pretty kino

>> No.17813567

Nabokov can't polish Chekhov's boots.

>> No.17813609

What who I’ve read thus far (haven’t read everything from everyone, mind you)

1. Turgenev
2. Lermontov
3. Tolstoy
4. Pushkin
5. Dostoyevsky
6. Gogol
7. Chekhov

>> No.17813661

>the world
ur shitty island is not the world lmao, saxon pig

>> No.17813709

>chad Chekov

>> No.17813732

While this map is more accurate than the retard Cold War-era one, it's still missing a big chunk of European Russia.

>> No.17813736

Yeah the only chads are Pushkin and Lermontov for dying young in duels. Pushkin fought like 20+ duels.

>> No.17813749

but dueling was retarded

>> No.17813759

It’s like you don’t understand the Chad meme

>> No.17813769
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>> No.17813821
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What do you think about this book?

Has anyone here read this in the original?

I have, but i'm russian.

>> No.17813849

I think its just poorly cropped, bit of e in eastern europe is missing

>> No.17813960

arseny tarkovsky

>> No.17814049

Why should Lermontov be evil wojak? Seems a major simplification and kind of inaccurate

>> No.17814140

rent free

>> No.17814160
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>> No.17814302
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Sologub... Gorkyjack is all wrong btw, Gorky wasn't a smirker, he was very earnest and full of joy

>> No.17814316

Is Anatoly Ivanov any good?

>> No.17814332

Isn't Gorky the reason constructivism got banned?

>> No.17814355

Karamazov makes W&P look like an easy read. I did enjoy Notes from the Underground though. Have you read any of Bakhtin's material re: Crime and Punishment? I found it gives a lot of good context to Dostoevsky's main novels.

>> No.17814358


>> No.17814426

I have never heard of him, but he sounds interesting, and I've always liked the symbolists. Tell me about him

>> No.17814438

It's poetic justice that Gorky was poisoned by the very regime he was a tireless apologist for.

>> No.17814471

>Nabokov isn't even russian lit
implying you read any of them in russian.

>> No.17814785


>> No.17814813


>> No.17814893

Love Dosto, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Gogol and Nabokov
Hate Bulgakov
Have not had the pleasure of reading the rest of these gentlemen yet

>> No.17814902

>this absolutely seething Pole
just lmao

>> No.17814912

Lermontov is underrated.

>> No.17815014

The Brothers Karamazov is an easy read. The plot never stops rolling after all the characters are introduced and it's often laugh-out-loud funny. maybe the priest and devil parts are a bit slow but they're central philosophical points of the novel [/ spoiler]

>> No.17815024

I came for this name

>> No.17815036

No love for Andrei Bely?

>> No.17815055


>> No.17815099

is it worth reading Eugene oenegin translated to English or will it just be too different?

>> No.17815147


>Nabokov isn't even russian lit

He wrote his early work in Russian, google a fucking book.

>> No.17815152
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>> No.17815283

>the world doesn't actually give a fuck about russia or russian literature
Wouldn't say the world, but a big part, yeah. In Portugal we only have to read "Os Lusíadas" and "Os Maias" during the obligatory 9 years of school, and they're both Portuguese classics. You then we have to do 3 more obligatory years, and you choose what course to take, so no obligatory reading for most courses.

>> No.17815343

You are russian, yes?

>> No.17815405

Solokhov, but if I had to pick from this list, Chekhov or nabakov

>> No.17815432


Is turgenev worth reading? ive heard fathers and sons is boring


This shit is so fucking depressing. I had one good english teacher my junior year of high school who got me into nietzsche and marcus aurelius and taught us Sophocles and Kurt Vonnegut. Other than that it was all "literature" by Shaniqua leMorrison about how the negro is infinitely oppressed, and I can only imagine that it's getting worse.

I dont think we like russians in romania, but then again ive never lived there.

>> No.17815917

I read the Oxford classics translation recently. It was incredible. 10/10. I’m sure it’s better in Russian, but fuck me was it good in English.
That said, the other Oxford collection of his prose stories isn’t very good at all. Pushkin just wasn’t meant to write prose. It’s unsurprising that when he started to write prose he was dismissed as a literary force by his contemporaries

>> No.17815925

>Is turgenev worth reading? ive heard fathers and sons is boring
The state of this post. Not even worth a strait answer. Do you want to read the books or take someone’s word for it and not have to? Sounds like the latter. Pretend he’s boring then, save yourself the time.

>> No.17815929

Pleb he didn't even write his own trash books

>> No.17816065

Why is Goncharov a brainlet? I loved reading Oblomov

>> No.17816119

Just finished this one. Excellent read with some great ruminations in the latter half about war and other existential topics. Would recommend.

>> No.17817006

American here. The only /lit/ books I read in highschool were the great gatsby, the catcher in the rye, to kill a mockingbird, and 1984; even in college, we only touched shakespeare.

>> No.17817106


Dang. Why do your schools fucking hate you?

>> No.17817305

Is Turgenev an appropriate starting place for /Russianlit/?

>> No.17817386

you could but i would read eugene onegin and hero of our time first

>> No.17817429

I figure it's supposed to be referencing Pechorin in Hero of Our Time. And Pechorin fits that wojak pretty well I'd say.

>> No.17817433

Chekhov, Gogol and Turgenev are my favs in that order.

>> No.17817437

>the world doesn't actually give a fuck about russia or russian literature
this thread proves you wrong.

>> No.17817440

Chads don't die retardedly.

>> No.17817752

Wow this thread makes me realize how shitty my high school English classes were.

>> No.17818226


>> No.17818241

this, all these great authors and I had to do a public presentation on The Hate U Give

>> No.17818249
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How do I start reading?

>> No.17818296

You'll be sorry that Russian Literature is a worldwide favourite.

>> No.17818299

Based Peterson saving civilization

>> No.17818357

Bulgakov and Dostoevskij, so bad I can't find something as nicely narrated as "Master and Margherita" is

>> No.17818365

>I AM from central europe
Opinion discarded.

>> No.17818396


>> No.17818586

How do you even read Eugene Onegin not in Russian. It's a poem. Poetry is untranslatable, you can only read another poet's fanfiction following the original plot.

Go with the Hero of Our Time if you like it Gothic and Romantic. Alternatively go with Gogol's The Nose for surreal social commentary.

You don't have to like things to study them. Literally nobody liked anyone German from 1941 to like 1989, it doesn't mean you could just skip Kant or Schiller.

>> No.17818694

Yuri Testikov

>> No.17818971


>> No.17819026
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is there anything more pseud than loving Tolstoy?His books are utterly devoid of any substance,made only for bland men such as himself to self fellate their mediocrity as intelligence

>> No.17819044


>> No.17819076


>> No.17819243

Lmao, I can't imagine anyone saying this while having read War and Peace

>> No.17819461

>m-muh War and Peace
classic Tolsoy cope.War and Peace epitomizes the flaws of Tolstoy's work.Needlessly long descriptions that amount to nothing and lead to nowhere,the main character being Tolstoy's stereotypical self insert,a carefree "intellectual" bachelor that has the personality of a tablecloth (or less,as tablecloths may have a design).Moreover his ruminations on war are hashed out thoughts that have been done to death by the time he wrote this book such as "dude men die".
All in all Tolstoy's readers resemble him:all talk,no substance and not worthy of one's attention.Even his copycat,Gogol is more bearable

>> No.17819485

Notes from Underground is unfortunately the most relatable book I've ever read.

>> No.17819500

stop this at once
holy fucking cringe this board sucks

>> No.17819524

hahah you really keked bro wow me too!!! haha shaliday epic!

>> No.17819552

School now is obligatory all the 12 years and you also have to read Saramago and / or Vergílio Ferreira.
Shameful to be a retard talking about your own country. Also, here in Portugal russian lit still has a lot of relevance. Intelectuals shill it and Nina and filipe Guerra recently started translating Tolstoy again. Just because portuguese don't read doesn't mean that the ones that do don't give a shit about the russians, because they do.

>> No.17819561

Pushkin > Chekhov > Bulgakov > Nabokov > Tolstoy > Turgenev >>>> the rest

>> No.17819566
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>did not include Dosto

>> No.17819580

Chekhov has been my absolute favourite for a while now but Dostoevsky comes in pretty close second

>> No.17819606

echoing dude above Karamazov was the first Russian literature I read and it was very easygoing. Constant entertainment with interesting, likeable, and often funny characters

>> No.17820236

Put Alsace-Lorraine where it belongs krautcuck

>> No.17820252

Typical american retardation. You are lower than dog.

>> No.17820303

Wow, no wonder Euro posters are always so cultured in flag boards. You can’t imagine how shit education is in the Americas.

>> No.17820322

Chekhov and Turgenev are god tier.

>> No.17820369

Why would I include Hackstoevsky?

>> No.17820446

>War and Peace
>Main character
Stopped reading there

>> No.17820850

>where it belongs
With Germany?

>> No.17820997

With France you kraut ape. We lost 1.5 millions men for that, now it's ours for ever

>> No.17821050

Dosto, but Gogol is a close second

>> No.17821711

with the greeks

>> No.17822546
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>> No.17822719

Probably dosto but haven't read all of them; read demons a couple months ago and it blew my mind towards the end

>> No.17823389

>Nabokov isn't even russian lit
In Russian book stores his books are in Russian literature section
Anons, I'm only getting into literature. And I'm Russian. What do you all think of the Russian literature? I always thought that it's one of that things that I should be proud about. Is it on the same level with French/German/British literature or a bit worse? This question may sound a bit retarded as I am

>> No.17823439

This is the only correct answer.

>> No.17823448

>this thread proves you wrong.
/lit/ is populated by a plurality of people from russian speaking areas or diaspora

its literal patriotic shills

>> No.17823455


>> No.17823488

>Thinks political anthropology is schizoid

>> No.17823534 [DELETED] 

>Typical american retardation. You are lower than dog.
why cant roosians provide substantial rebuttals?

why the high horse at all? russians are subhuman white niggers and according to the cofounder of Google russia is nigeria with snow.

>> No.17823603

Are you denying that blacks have it difficult in the US? Idiot.

>> No.17823637

Not the guy you were talking to, but blacks have it difficult because of blacks and the jew
They should enjoy life in their native lands where "ytpipo" do not do the racism against them

>> No.17823649

Barracko Barner

>> No.17823655

Same here, honestly. I mean, I've heard other names, such as Tolstoy and Chekhov, but I haven't read any

>> No.17823687

I have only read nabokov and lenin
So nabokov

>> No.17823701

you didnt lose out on anything.

>> No.17823864

Ukrainian detected

>> No.17823902

try some of his shorts. family happiness, cossacks, ivan ilych, master and man

>> No.17823957

I won't even speak with someone who hasn't read Goncharov. Sometimes it's lonely, but I have a very cozy life.

>> No.17823962

The little prose Lermontov has left is pretty good.
I dislike Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy a lot, they were paid by the amount of pages submitted instead of sales and it shows.

>> No.17823964

>I won't even speak with someone who hasn't read Goncharov.
Damn, you must be a mute to 99.9999999% of the world then.

>> No.17824002

Everyone I know who has read Oblomov loved it. You should hang out with my friends, you'd probably make a better pal for them than I do. That being said, Goncharov is great and definitely underrated on this shithole of a board.

>> No.17824020

>That being said, Goncharov is great and definitely underrated on this shithole of a board.
Youre better off discussing russian literature on.. a russian board, duh.

no one reads russian shit here. its monotonous boring slice of lifey bullshit.

>> No.17824025

Dostoevsky is the only Russian writer

>> No.17824047

>monotonous boring slice of lifey
So you haven't read any Russian literature. Understood.

>> No.17824057

Lol for real, I still think the Ruskies are overhyped and gay but it's all very dense and the furthest thing from "still life storybooks"

>> No.17824067

I have. And I understand why it is so. Russia has always been a centralized, despotic, overwhelming cesspit of evil, the real world Mordor, a soul-crushing cage.

hard for creativity to sprout on such land. so it always revolves around the same few themes and settings.

>> No.17824079

Name any author from western europe that explored heavier subject matter and did it better than dostoevsky during that time period. Go.

>> No.17824089

>it always revolves around the same few themes and settings
Could you provide me some examples? This just seems blatantly wrong.

>> No.17824096

He means that it takes place in Russia and deals with poverty
He thinks it's very strange that russian writers wrote about russia

>> No.17824415


>> No.17824852

Vladimir Nabokov; his Russian works are better than his English ones.

>> No.17824922

>liking dosto more than the GOAT of Russia
Beyond embarrassing.
Very good choice as well.
Brothers in taste.
Read Pushkin first.
I disagree but I respect it, dunno why Gogol doesn't click with me.
Most people here didn't start out from school, finding good stuff on your own feels nice. That being said, yeah the American education system is horrific.

>> No.17825005

Lermontov is just an emo version of Pushkin

>> No.17825031

They may, but oppression literature is bottom of the barrel unless it has something deeper to say about the human condition. It's why Tolstoy is so good

>> No.17825033

Oh, and an underrated Russian writer I'd recommend is Daniil Kharms

>> No.17825043

kek the nabokov

>> No.17825050

And yet you have to read their literary canon to be an intellectual. The world is a cruel place, isn't it?

>> No.17825059

if you want to read about true opression, I recommend "Who Is Happy in Russia?" by Nekrasov and "A Sportsman's Sketches" by Turgenev

>> No.17825091

Andreev, Pasternak, Kuprin, Paustovsky, Zamyatin, Astafyev, too

>> No.17825157

thought they were fictional characters or smth, idk I'm stupid

>> No.17825282

>And yet you have to read their literary canon to be an intellectual.
Not really. Well, a Russian intellectual in Russia - maybe. But elsewhere? Naah. Maybe dostoyevsky. but you dont even have to READ him

>> No.17825293

never understood the chekhov hype

>> No.17825350
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>> No.17825757

reading leskov rn

>> No.17825790


>> No.17827078

Weird of saying "only Russian writer I have read is Nabokov"

>> No.17827087
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>> No.17827230

No one has yet mentioned Saltykov-Shchedrin. Not good. I don't see Leskov either.

Among our contemporaries, Vladimir Viktorovich Orlov.

>> No.17827233

>the main character being Tolstoy's stereotypical self insert,a carefree "intellectual" bachelor
You read the first 50 pages and never got further. Everyone can tell, how embarrassing.

>> No.17827297


>> No.17827962

I like Bobsky but Todsky has some intriguing perspectives

>> No.17828107

What's the best translation of C&P? Oliver Ready?

>> No.17828666

I really enjoyed the Oliver Ready translation. Highly recommend it.

>> No.17830015

>i only heard about dosto from peterson
i cringed so hard when i read this...

>> No.17830287

almost every single time I had a female english teacher we would read exclusively feminist authors

>> No.17830476

If this is bait it’s really good bait

>> No.17830514

so THATS why I identify with Dostoevsky so much

>> No.17830807

That's just the Polish way of life, you can't escape it. Being Polish is very kafkaesque, if you think of it. You have two choices - you can be very proud of Polish culture and achievments and be butthurt about people who insult it, or be butthurt about Poland itself and all the Polish faults, to the point of being ashamed of being Polish. There is no escape from the butthurt.

>> No.17830845

you're, Polish, right? Just calm down and read Dostojewski, he's great. If you are Polish you're gonna understand him much better than those savage yanks

>> No.17832778

I never see much praise for Chekhov on this board, it's nice to see that's different here.
I really like p+v translations of him, even if they miss some of his stylistic choices -- the language they use often impress me as beautiful and that works for me.

>> No.17833324

turgenev is based, i started with the idiot by dosto and i have to say its what kindled my love for russian lit.

>> No.17833737

Its like you've never heard of war mate.

To live for any reason is as retard to die for any reason.

>> No.17833741


>> No.17833955
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>I AM from central europe
Lel, you are not Hans, you are a lying Jacek from Czszemtrzal Polackowo.

>> No.17834122

Which is a damn fucking shame

>> No.17834143

Dostoevsky, but Bulgakov's M&M got me into Russian lit and will forever be my favourite Russian novel because of the charming effect it had on me.

>> No.17834156

You are literally homosexual

>> No.17834199

I've only read The Captain's Daughter by Pushkin, but I can say that it's the best piece of fiction by a Russian that I've read so far. I've also read some Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, but they couldn't compare to this one.

>> No.17834248

I'm glad you're getting into Russian literature.

>> No.17834935

Literally and spiritually.

>> No.17834976

I remember I meet a Russian once at a hair salon. She was a fuckin expert professional in what she did, absolutely amazing work and I could tell she ran the place. The most astute and blunt lady I ever met, I was pretty intimidated. She introduced herself to me by giving me a monologue summary of her life up until now. She was weird about saying "no I do not like Russia I'm American" like she didn't want me to think she was a spy or some shit it was kind of weird. But anyways I was reading dostoevsky and when I told her that she told me to read Pushkin instead, she said dosto is crazy. Had no idea because I had basically just began my lit journey with a bunch of random litcore stuff.

>> No.17834992

Me, of course.

>> No.17835083

Well no wonder you animals are illiterate

>> No.17835088

Based high IQ poster

>> No.17835099

call me when russians compose anything as good as sen trope
bulgarians are the demiurges of creation

>> No.17835134

ye im reading it, i think its good

>> No.17835481

>She was weird about saying "no I do not like Russia I'm American" like she didn't want me to think she was a spy or some shit it was kind of weird
Definitely a spy.

>I was reading dostoevsky and when I told her that she told me to read Pushkin instead, she said dosto is crazy
Pushkin is a poet. Perhaps he would write more prose if he lived longer, by the end of his short life he had played enough with poetry.

>> No.17835494

His books are the epitome of substance.

>> No.17835565
File: 14 KB, 225x300, 92776E29-B6D9-466C-BD0B-823DC12C3CD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially in comparison to English literature - hell, even in comparison to just American literature - Russian literature sucks.

It's extremely limited not only in scope (only at most a dozen interesting literary figures out of 200+ million people, in a period spanning just ~40 years out of 1000+ years of the history of Slavic people) but in thematic diversity as well - it's almost all "muh hardships in life and how i'm using spirituality/metaphysics/transcendence to overcome them." That's it.

There's no decent Russian realist book (with a different theme to the one mentioned above, at least). No decent sci-fi book (besides Roadside Picnic, maybe). No decent gothic book. No decent horror book. No decent modernist book. No decent post-modernist book. No decent.. well, almost anything really.

Russian literature is as barren and uninteresting as Russia's geographic, social and political landscape. It's sad to think that some people confine themselves completely within this culture's literature. Their brain must undergo extreme shrinkage as a result.

Hell, America alone has:
1. Herman Melville
2. Walt Whitman
3. William Faulkner
4. Edgar Allan Poe
5. Ralph Waldo Emerson
6. Philip K. Dick
7. Thomas Pynchon
8. William Gaddis
9. Cormac McCarthy
10. DFW
11. Kurt Vonnegut
12. Nathaniel Hawthorne
13. Henry David Thoreau
14. John Steinbeck
15. Ursula Le Guin
16. Ezra Pound
17. Frank Herbert
18. Ernest Hemingway
19. F. Scott Fitzgerald
20. Truman Capote
21. Mark Twain
22. Don DeLillo
23. Philip Roth
24. Allen Ginsberg
25. William Burroughs
26. Jack Kerouac
27. H.P. Lovecraft
28. Charles Bukowski
29. Hunter Thompson
30. William Gibson
And that's just America. Look how much diversity one nation of 200-300+ million people achieved in barely 200 years. Meanwhile Russia has been around for 1000 years, with a similar population, and there's none of that. Zero creativity. An entirely creatively bankrupt nation.

And I didn't even mention any British writers yet. Britain is a hefty opponent for America in terms of literary output, especially when it comes to classical literature. And that's an island nation of just ~50 million people - over 4 times fewer. I forgot to mention that of course both British and American literature use the same language, so in any meaningful comparisons langVSlang BOTH nations' outputs should be added to one tally - but that's just an unfair wreckage to any other literature in the world.

>> No.17835582
File: 291 KB, 1200x1200, 2623EB3D-1641-4F4F-A7D7-36CCD6EEB28B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old were you when you realized that most people in Russian lit threads on /lit/ (and people who shill russian lit on /lit/ in general) are literal russian shills from russia?

its easy to prove it, just go into one of these threads and criticize russian lit or mention some stupid detail. youll get called "a ukrainian" or someone from "the baltics" or theyll get hung up over the stupidest details, like the true "patriots" they are

and you dont even know why theyre calling you a ukrainian or someone from the baltics because youre american. its bizarre really. i guess this makes some sense to them, and sounds like a real punch in the gut in their head. lmao.

anyway, all this shilling is kinda pathetic. i mean, pretending to be someone from a foreign country interested in your country's literature, as a reversed-psychologically form of shilling

>> No.17835737

Based, I also started with The Idiot. Didn't like Turgenev for some reason, I guess I did read two of his less popular works.

>> No.17835931

Why the fuck would people from the Balkans try to shit on Russian lit? You realize Russian lit is what most of the Balkans reads, too, right? I'm Romanian and literally all my grandfathers' libraries (both of them) were nothing but Russian and French shit. This sounds like some real conspiracy theory bullshit. Have you ever considered that Russian lit is just distinctly good?

>> No.17835953
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>> No.17836067

yes putin pays me 0,3 rubles per post to shill random russian writers on 4chan. You are very smart anon

>> No.17836176

0,1 rubles have been deposited into your account

>> No.17836422

i said the baltics, not the balkans, nigger

>> No.17836839

Same shit.

>> No.17836984

fathers and sons too short to be boring. but turgenev is the GOAT

>> No.17837032

A butthurt belter calling anyone a nigger.
The insolence!

>> No.17837160

a what?

>> No.17837229

Yeah dawg I mean I'm from fuckin' Burgerland but we at least learned about fuckin' Crime and Punishment. For god sakes, even as a mutt I was better-educated than that.

>> No.17837243

To be fair, mutt schools focus more on mutt literature. More likely to hear Mark Twain's nigger thesis than you are to see any Russian novelists being studied.

>> No.17837393

based. russian 3rd world literature is shit compared to the literature of properly civilized 1st world Western countries like America, Britain, France and Germany

russians know that and this awareness makes them so insecure

>> No.17837537
File: 52 KB, 479x599, 1605979438586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11. Kurt Vonnegut
15. Ursula Le Guin
17. Frank Herbert
20. Truman Capote
23. Philip Roth
26. Jack Kerouac
28. Charles Bukowski
29. Hunter Thompson
30. William Gibson

pretty sad list

>> No.17837646

>Andreev, Pasternak, Kuprin, Paustovsky, Zamyatin, Astafyev, too

give the full name, i can´t find shit on google

>> No.17837670
File: 171 KB, 1118x591, amerimutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Especially in comparison to English literature - hell, even in comparison to just American literature - Russian literature sucks.

>> No.17837683
File: 155 KB, 500x420, ebony nibba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's extremely limited not only in scope (only at most a dozen interesting literary figures out of 200+ million people, in a period spanning just ~40 years out of 1000+ years of the history of Slavic people) but in thematic diversity as well - it's almost all "muh hardships in life and how i'm using spirituality/metaphysics/transcendence to overcome them." That's it.


>> No.17837884

To be honest, I'm not really sure, this is a common surname, "Andrews" in English.

>> No.17839090

this, as a Pole who reads Dostoyevski I recommend everyone to do the same

>> No.17839176


>> No.17839221

This isn't fair because you probably live in a country that's 1000 times more sane than the USA, like the Czech Republic, Austria, or Poland.

>> No.17839245

Come on you must've also heard of tolstoy, I knew about tolstoy years before dostoyevsky

>> No.17839423

he did not need inspiration, God spoke through his pen

>> No.17839987


>> No.17840145

>I've read from 6 of these authors
Really puts my reading into perspective. Thanks /lit/ for providing me the place that encourages reading

>> No.17841454

>not reading Chekov's plays

>> No.17841998
File: 465 KB, 1385x1257, traditionalism meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ticino, the Romandie, Lower Valais and Poschiavo being a part of central Europe

I, as an alemannic swissfag, must object

>> No.17842030

whats sad about them? in this list alone you have:
>more globally renowned writers than in russian lit
>more GOOD writers
>much more literary and thematic diversity

>> No.17842142

Tolstoy and Gogol. I read them in english but I thought they had the nicest writing and I enjoyed Tolstoys characters and irony.

>> No.17842503

read more books, it seems you don´t have taste in literature

>> No.17843154
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>I am forgotten

>> No.17843711
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x1280, read pelevin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

advertising is a ploy of schumer followers to sate tiamat the mother of darkness through you giving up first your mind then your flesh to the ruthless machine of business, the consumer is consumed in the end