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/lit/ - Literature

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17816262 No.17816262 [Reply] [Original]

Post your 3x3 and give others books based on their tastes.

>> No.17816285
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fault in our stars

>> No.17816297
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Anti-Tech Revolution: why and how

>> No.17816391
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Simulacra and Simulation

>> No.17816894

There is a slight possibility that you have posted on the wrong board.

>> No.17816951

clearly mocking the 3x3 threads that have been popular in the last few days

>> No.17816953

And this is literature discussion how?

>> No.17816964 [SPOILER] 
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>post your bussy get a book rec

>> No.17817044

Post your favourite pokemons guys!!!!

>> No.17817057

Literally only 1 out 9 (Hexmaster) is good. Get better taste, pleb.

>> No.17817068

*Hex Maniac

>> No.17817072 [DELETED] 

Her name is hex maniac pleb

>> No.17817089

Imagine actually picking Haruhi, Rin, Asuka and D.va as best girls.
Basic bitch tier.

>> No.17817119


>> No.17817183

>coward deletes his post
Finna get dabbed on

>> No.17817192


>> No.17817232
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>> No.17817247

Normalfag except for middle, bottom left and middle left.

>> No.17817252

What book is that?

>> No.17817270
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Manga. Ecchi manga

>> No.17817330
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>> No.17817352

From left to right and top to bottom
>even worse taste than Asuka fags
>don't know her but she looks cringe
>bruh moment
>don't know the anime but they look based
>that's a guy...

>> No.17817378

Gatekeeping a lowbrow medium like anime is a very autistic past-time.

>> No.17817382

What does it mean to embrace the uncanny?

>> No.17817387
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Dragon Ball Z

Everything else is tranny moeshit pedophile garbage.

>> No.17817393
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I need a book for accomplishing Cryptocapitalist Pirate Balkanization

I found picrel on an MIT site when looking it up, but it may just be an edgy title book. I want the blueprint to becoming a space pirate.

>> No.17817398

I will never understand how /a/ can be so smug when they allow those threads on their board.

>> No.17817413 [DELETED] 
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The Big Book of Anime Taste

>> No.17817423
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The Big Book of Anime Taste

>> No.17817434


>> No.17817442
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>> No.17817523
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Though what I like is semi generic it is still to me enjoyable.

Check out Dunsany and Kawabata

>> No.17817536


>> No.17817554

>Yu Yu Hakusho

>> No.17817578

>>>/soc/ is mostly dick pics now, excluding the once in a blue moon chick with a decent body posting her nudes for attention

>> No.17817617

do you know if there's a deeper occult meaning to Evangelion? or is it mostly just Jung/Freud

>> No.17817625

Depends how you ask, when I first watched it the lads made me watch just the first episode and asked me to use kabbalistic analysis to guess what would happen, my prediction was lurianic Kabbalah and my prediction was correct. I would say it’s the basic alchemical union and common Hegelian angle if you want depth, but if you want an anime that’s lowkey probably the most esoteric? It’s revolutionary girl Utena by a long shot.

>> No.17817670

>not normalfag
It's like the most entry-level moeshit there is

>> No.17817740

I meant middle bottom

>> No.17817744
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>> No.17817969

name all of them

>> No.17818022

Yu Yu Hakusho
A video game
Robo-combiner knights
No idea

>> No.17818031

last one is mushishi

>> No.17818050

>It’s revolutionary girl Utena by a long shot.
Would you say it's better than Eva? Not just for the esoteric aspect but in general?

>> No.17818051

Wait, is this a 3x3 for shows, or just for waifus?

>> No.17818135

It is for whatever you want

>> No.17818149
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Guess something about me

>> No.17818254
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You can thank me later

>> No.17818297

You're straight, you like anime, and have a thing for school girls.

>> No.17818300
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Beyond her there is no room for another in my heart

>> No.17818311
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More like Jordan B. Penisson >B^)

>> No.17818390
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>> No.17818456

Insanely based tripfag

>> No.17818560
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>what was going through your head
>shrapnel, mainly

>> No.17818602

schizo thread

>> No.17818622

Give sauce for sena?

>> No.17818626

middle left is what?

>> No.17818633
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>> No.17818639


>> No.17818738
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You are based

>> No.17819236
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>> No.17819330

Can you tell me the names of these anime except for Made in Abyss?

>> No.17819382

Perfect Blue, dunno, Made in Abyss
Trigun, Blame, The Tatami Galaxy
Haibane Renmei, Angels Egg, Mononoke
Does anyone know the top middle?

>> No.17819394

Memories, specifically Magnetic Rose

>> No.17819414

Why havent asukafags killed themselves yet after final movie?

>> No.17819417

/a/ is unironically terrible. The board is too fast for it to have any meaningful discussions. Otaku also can't into critique for some reason.

Hahahaha that's true

>> No.17819490

Monogatari, legend of the galactic heroes, haruhi, .hack, berserk, lain, YuYu, trigun, NHK, utena, eva, dragon ball, big O, FLCL, Saint Seiya and Mushishi.

Personally, while I enjoyed both, Utena being more subtle makes it superior in my eyes.

>> No.17819502

Fundamentally you just want an inhuman and ideally kuudere gf

t. Kuudere appreciator

>> No.17819828

The Big Book of Basic-bitch Taste

>> No.17820727

that alone makes this quality

>> No.17821459


>> No.17822431

They're still in denial

>> No.17822463

Great taste friend.

>> No.17822895

Motoko is the only anime woman.

>> No.17822912

E-I-E-I-(annoyed grunt): The Junior Novelization

>> No.17823939
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She is the ideal girl (personality-wise).

>> No.17824257
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Read Dubliners

>> No.17824681

bumpu :)

>> No.17825376

I did. The stories wildly vary in quality, much like the waifus in your 3x3.

>> No.17825816

Not liking the game the middle girl is from is the only shit I'm willing to concede on here, otherwise every girl in my 3x3 is a 10/10.