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/lit/ - Literature

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17800939 No.17800939 [Reply] [Original]

ITT R8, h8, b8, rave, shitpost, masturb8, guess things about anons, etc.

>> No.17800940


>> No.17800947

dog shit. go play video games

>> No.17800965

Weak version. You want the literary study version or the theological study version idiot.

>> No.17800966

don't listen to the anons trashing you, nice stack anon

>> No.17800978

all garbage, specially that Bible version.

>> No.17800990

Thank you brother.
You don't see all the good books in the Kindle though, anon ;)

>> No.17801105
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Based anon.

>> No.17801113

Not the Eco I'd read, but sure.

>> No.17801192

Why do people get paperback bibles? It wont last and i'm pretty sure I've seen hardback versions cheaper than that oxford one that also includes the Apocrypha....

>> No.17801240
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Almost done the 2nd tl of Divine Comedy. I really feel like I need to read the Thebaid next, I've been staring it down for a couple months since I got it, but I also just got a new collected William Blake that looks reeeaaallly interesting. Aiee

>> No.17801246

Like all paperbacks they're usefully disposable.

>> No.17801325
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>> No.17802105

>Juan Rulfo
Did you like it? I'm planning to buy it, but it's too expensive in my country right now.

>> No.17802119
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>> No.17802124

Patrician stack, fren

>> No.17802130

Put them all in a stack

>> No.17802174

I like it a lot.
Where are you from anon?

>> No.17802200

No. I use them to cover the stains on my carpet

>> No.17802282

what i've read here
>crime and punishment
>grapes of wrath
>on the road
>catcher n the rye
>tale of two cities
lots of good stuff. and stuff for me to read still

>> No.17802296

Oh man I can't recommend Burmese Days by Orwell enough, super underrated, very comfy

>> No.17802320

You wouldn't happen to have the 1st edition Dante copypasta, would you?

>> No.17802548
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>> No.17802562

The only pasta I have is the Marco Lombardo speech in Purgatory, I'm not sure I know which one you're speaking of.

>> No.17802566

Jesus fucking christ, another thread of this?

>> No.17802609

It's about some guy who let his girlfriend borrow this ancient copy of Dante's inferno he inherited from his dead father and how she and her second boyfriend destroyed and/or smoked it

>> No.17802618


>> No.17802668

Why do I always see these threads with thousands of pages of books? I really do not believe that there are so many people on /lit/ who casually read this much. Are these stack threads supposed to be "some books I'm working through" or "some books I added to my collection?"

>> No.17802689
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I have read all but four of the books in my pic (>>17802119) and I'm twenty-one.


>> No.17802704

Thousands of pages isn't all that much

>> No.17802772

Have (You) ever tried reading? Thousands of pages honestly isn't very much at all.
But, yeah, generally stack threads tend to be about recent purchases and about books people are currently reading through.

>> No.17802840

It's not difficult to read a 500 page book in a week.

>> No.17803517

Anon hate to break it to you but all of your books are neither long or very difficult, the only one I consider to be a challenging read is Marx which looks like you read it once

>> No.17803552

Holy based. My first Pound volume should be coming today, very excited because they're extremely hard to get in my country.

>> No.17803564

Spic pilled

>> No.17803588

The only good book there is the Bible and it's a bad version.
Good taste. That edition of Salammbô is surprisingly small, is it abridged? What do you think of Flaubert?
Nice. Have you began to read Jerusalem Delivered? I've been meaning to read it for a long time but Leopardi tempered my excitement about it.
>the little book of atheist spirituality
it's called going shopping on Sunday sweetie
That's not a stack. Basic tastes but you're doing your homework, good.

>> No.17803694
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Stop buying new books and try to read the ones you have

>> No.17803720

Wild to see Velleman’s work on this board. I wrote a paper on that book where I tried to argue against him, but the book in conjunction with my writing on it/ thinking about it blackpilled me into being a relativist. I try out error theory and constructivism but I still just always think “yeah these reasons are arbitrary” and give up. For anyone who’s interested it’s upper leftmost book. If you look up JD Velleman free book” you’ll find it from open book for free.

>> No.17803732
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>> No.17803735

Another pointless thread.

>> No.17803751

Which is the better translation

>> No.17803767

What’s the best book on the Reformation?

>> No.17803793

And yet you gave it a bump

>> No.17803867
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For me, it's cheaper and easier to transport. I have hardback versions, but this has been my go-to Bible for going on 4 years now. It cost me $2.50 and I can cram it (in only the most reverent and loving way) into any of my bags at a moments notice. I take it virtually everywhere with me on all my travels and I read it nearly every day. I've read it enough times that nearly every word is underlined, so I resorted to marking the things I found most important with symbols and shorthand in the margins.

It's true that it's rougher than it used to be, but it still works great for me. I don't mind the roughness, I think the best sorts of Bibles are the well-used ones. The overall structural integrity is still there, but once that starts to go, I'll probably retire it to a place of honor on the shelf and get a new one.

>> No.17803885

> very excited because they're extremely hard to get in my country.
hard to get everywhere. I lucked out with it for 14$, hardback in excellent condition.

>> No.17803892

> was gonna say the Steiner is even more difficult to find .

>> No.17803897
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>chantards larping as Christians.

I suppose, in many ways, Christianity's flexibility and ambiguity has always been is strength. Lol.

>> No.17803903

el idiota...

>> No.17803920

>books have to be long and difficult to be good
I think his stack (pile?) has some good stuff in it.

>> No.17803927

Why is it a larp?

>> No.17803964

Longfellow is more lofty, and if you can read the English of that era I think its more elevated language makes it the translation to aspire to reading. The Mandelbaum is crass in a couple of eras but the modernized language made it far easier to parse some of the more lengthy and complicated exegesis that starts to unfold in Purgatorio and Paradiso.

Haven't started it yet, I've had it for a couple years but I've been on a bit of a Roman/Italian thing for a few months so it seems like fitting time.

>> No.17804685
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what i could cram into the photo

>> No.17804983

Brazil. They're selling Pedro Páramo for 40 when his complete works used to be sold for the same price.

>> No.17805005

I used to read +200 pages a day until I lost my job and couldn't afford many books anymore. Now I read ~50 pages until the end of a chapter.

>> No.17805816

OP here. I just thought it was kino. I have a hardback NIV study Bible but I suppose I should buy a decent hardcover in NKJV or some other translation...

>> No.17805999
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This is the stack I am reading right now.

>> No.17806028

Should donate it to thrift store, some people like seeing annotated work

>> No.17806387

Those little poetry volume are such a joy to read.
I have a beautifully bound collected Auden that i scarcely if ever read because i always reach for the few dozen slim first editions i've managed to collect .

Big books can suffocate under their own weight .

>> No.17807044

Lucky jim
Howards End
The Bostonians

>> No.17807104

the city and the stars
one flow over the cuckoos nest
the quiet american
no country for old men
fight club

>> No.17807114

not being a neet with hours of reading time a day

>> No.17807860
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I guess one book doesn't exactly count as a "stack," but this is such a nice looking book I'll post it anyway. I have a fucking mammoth stack arriving either this weekend or Monday that will make up for this single book "stack."

>> No.17808765
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>> No.17808847
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because 96% of people on 4chan don't live in accordance to the rules of their own religions

not to mention how most of the problems the western world is facing now can't be fixed by being a good christian

>> No.17808869

Paperback bibles should be illegal

>> No.17808884
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>bibles should be illegal
fixed that for you

>> No.17809565

I think your perspective is seriously skewed.

>> No.17809569

is that still a thing?

>> No.17809574

That may be true, but I'll likely hold onto it. By now it's something of a mess of shorthand that only makes sense to me! Plus I'm a bit sentimental about it, it's been a close companion through a great deal of journeys and challenges.

>> No.17809594

i'd rather be a bad christian than a basement-dwelling zogbot pseud such as yourself

>> No.17809805

If I could just stop maturbating 5 times a day, I would be a great Christian

>> No.17809894

The bible advises you to get married and have sex ift that's your problem

>> No.17810042

>Zeno's Conscience

>> No.17810162

have sex sweetie

>> No.17810429
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Not in the photo: King Solomon’s mines
Ebooks: The Shadow of the Torturer, Ubik, The Enneads, The First Heretic

>> No.17810765
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what im currently reading

good stacks

>> No.17810767

I like the look of that Dune edition.
What do you think of your edition of War and Peace(also which is it)? I've been wanting to read it for some time and am mulling over the various editions.

>> No.17810801

Based anons

>> No.17810999
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>I think your perspective is seriously skewed.
Oh is it? I am in no way against you believing in God and Christianity.

What I am against is a immoral society acting like hypocrites to make themselves feel good in a world that's indifferent to their existence.
In my country I think statistically around 98% of people identify as Christians, in general Christianity teaches good morals for society to function yet the one I live in is morally corrupt and the churches are never more empty (unrelated to covid, the were empty before 2020). How many of these people have sex before marriage? How many don't lust after others partners? How many steal? How many worship idols? Adultery? Lie? Usury was banned for the most of the christian medieval ages and for a good reason yet all of our economies run on if and so do all our lives and then all these dirty people I see go once every three months to sunday mass and their conscience is clear because God is forgiving? He does everything wrong and bad, screws over multiple people and then as he is sick and at death's door he shows remorse and all is good? Fuck off with that. For me that is a unjust God. If people actually followed their religion as they claimed to we'd all be living very good lives.

I'm not even going to comment on what's happening to Europe with issues such as immigration. Yeah keep getting replaced and import more muslims don't worry about it Jesus would've loved them all.

Not to mention God's "mysterious ways" when 4 year olds die from horrible diseases like leukemia.

Either be a good christian or not one at all because otherwise I too and everyone can make up whatever we want to cope.

>> No.17811011

>backpeddling so much after writing this braindead post >>17803897

>> No.17811033

I never wrote that, I only left >>17808847 before going to sleep

>> No.17811149

No thats too much effort

>> No.17812862

Pretty good list. I've only read like half of what you got but it's cool.

>> No.17812875

Amerika isn't his most polished work but it's still comfy.

>> No.17812984

Yeah thats what I though it would be like. I'm mainly interested in reading it cause my great Grandpa was a czech jew that Immigrated from Prague to new york around that time.

>> No.17813274
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>> No.17813284
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I've got one story left in Age of Decayed Futurity.
Anon, decide what I will read next!

>> No.17813359

This is fun.

>> No.17813615

What's the ISBN on that Dante?

>> No.17813634
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Nearly 21 btw

>> No.17815049


>> No.17815149

the one holy catholic and apostolic church is eternal anon

>> No.17815802

where is your copy of fanged noumena?

>> No.17815816

you're not yet 21 and you're already on HRT? very troubling

>> No.17815992

>project horizons
that's the ministry of image one right? pretty fucking based, i would love to get my hands on the new 4 book FOE set from them

>> No.17816062

How are those translations anon? El Idiota en particular

>> No.17816386

Flaubert and Eco are awesomely translated. Most french/italian-Spanish translations are accurate tho.
Austen and Kafka are good but not great.

El idiota is ok too, the translators of this edition are Augusto Vidal and Jose Lain Entralgo.
According to the Wiki, both of them were communist and fought in the Spanish civil war and after the end of the war, they went into exile to the Soviet Union.
Vidal was a Philology teacher there (Moscow State University), and Jose Entralgo Lain (his brother Pedro was a fascist and also a translator) was a private Spanish teacher and translator. So they knew Russian pretty well.

>> No.17816454

>Iliad, Odyssey, and Aeneid not being all from the same publisher

>> No.17816462

how is it? I've been interested in it for a while

>> No.17816469
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Read about half. I go through 1 or 2 essays a day so they're more spaced out. DFW makes a fresh change after Montaigne, Orwell and Woolf

>> No.17816510
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Orthodox Theology collection so far (few other books strewn about my room that I was too lazy to put back on the shelf)

>> No.17816530

faggy weabu

>> No.17816669

that bible is too thicc

>> No.17816675
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Started reading in my mother tongue again after being terminally online for years

GF got me the Complete Works III from a thrift shop. Has nothing I read before of him, it's mint condition and it was incredibly cheap, I'm very happy about it
That's helpful to know anon. Also that's quite the life story. Thanks a lot.
I see those editions of The Aeneid/Iliad everywhere. Are they actually good?
Next on my list

>> No.17816971

>reading two books from the same author at the same time

>> No.17817527

OE que haces aca mano

>> No.17817806
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Top or bottom

>> No.17817872

The illustrated one

>> No.17818383


>> No.17818420
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>> No.17818461

That translation of The Master & Margarita is based off a censored version of the text, just so you know

>> No.17818496

It's a shame we can't just go into a book store and grab a book that you've seen recommended without fear of a sub par translation.
How different will it be?

>> No.17818524

Hey I own the same version of Blood Meridian

>> No.17818597

I can't say, because when I found out I immediately ordered a different copy, but supposedly it cuts out large portions of certain chapters. One chapter I think is usually like 15 pages and in the censored version is only about one or two.

>> No.17818621

>The Metaphysics
ahahahahahahaha Neoplatonist detected

>> No.17818627

>paperback bible
Christcucks SEETHing

>> No.17819085

Not the poster, but I wanted to get that edition ages ago
10: 1631061569
13: 978-1631061561

>> No.17819134

Basic bitch

>> No.17819149

Yeah it's from ministry of image, got the 4 set and first volume of Horizons a few days ago. Shipping is something like $10 a book iirc

>> No.17819167

Did you see the John Berger doc on youtube before reading? I really enjoyed the doc on its own, but I also found it to help me get more out of the book

>> No.17819291
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>> No.17819299

I turn 21 in 2 days :^)

>> No.17819355

i prefer them over the regular paperbacks because regular penguin books are going to break and age much faster than the special edition versions

>> No.17819486

I'm only reading the Roth book atm the rest are what I'm planning to read next

>> No.17819491

Man, I straight up hate that
Missed a couple deals because of getting burned before

>> No.17820911

Who the duck does even read books these days niggardly ? Everything is online niggard

>> No.17821380

Not OP, but I just picked up that same Bible edition. Why's it bad and what would you recommend instead?

>> No.17821743
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Just a stack of books anon, it can be whatever you want it to be as long as it's a stack of your books.
And why would you assume that people don't read there own books?
Most of these are out because I was writing/editing a short research paper.

>literally admitting you aren't from 4chan
>expecting anyone to give a shit about your "enlightened" opinion


>> No.17821760

i like the first short essay in Amida's Unviersal Vow

>> No.17822306
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>> No.17822429
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Fuck it come at me /lit/ bros

>> No.17822493

Post modernist
>Music's, divine comedy
Has become exJordan Peterson fan because he's actually reading the books suggested to him
White urban hipster
Not a stack, and change your socks
I should read henry james
Has had or will have an identity crisis
No clue
Has yet to question his existence or five into philosophy
Aspiring intellectual
Is the tennis court oath any good? I remember talking about that in ap euro
Not a stack
Don't listen to huxley hating pseudes
Can I have a cookie?
I've never read it, not have a met a likable person who has
Anon is an Existentialist
Based eternal golden braid

There are so many stacks

I feel disappointed with Metaphysics

>Blood maridian
Meme book, filtered

You have to be 18 to post here
Are you planning on joining the iww?

God dammit I'm such a pseud

>> No.17822612

I put way too much effort into this

>> No.17822740

>Has had or will have an identity crisis
The closest thing to an identity I have is not really having an identity so no need for crisis

>> No.17822791


>> No.17822826

Lucky you

>> No.17822863

based anarchist

>> No.17822914

I did! It was great.

>> No.17823031

I appreciate it actually even if you skipped mine

>> No.17823140

Which one? let me be judge

>> No.17823148

>If I say anymore, they might be at my door

>> No.17823154

This one >>17816675 pretty basic stuff I know

>> No.17823192

Idk those books
I hear consider the lobster is an entertaining read
Might drop all my academic aspirations and play fallout 3 and new vegas again. Never played 4 but maybe I should
Not a stack
I have yet to masturbate to a book

>> No.17823220

I will not disappoint you anon

Hot damn I need to read borges. Dan sennett mentions the library of babel in "Darwin's Dangerous Idea" and I've been curious ever since

>> No.17823785

Thank you will read

>> No.17823837

ok this is epic, i remember my small town school of less than 300 kids had a tiny ass library with the whole collection of these bitches, and I read every single damn one. the only other childrens book series that rivals them in my opinion is the redwall series

>> No.17823911
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last few books i've read fave was Iliad cuz of the killing and the guts and shit

>> No.17824082

He's really good, imo. Ficciones (Collected Fictions) and The Aleph are very easy reads and the stories are all great. Library of Babel is included in The Garden of Forking Paths, which is turn included inside Ficciones.

>> No.17824225
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Finished Technological Slavery, reading Evola, Elements arrived today. Uncle Ted made me interested on reading again.

>> No.17824380

Uncle Ted would dissaprove. Are you gonna try and learn from it or just have it as a curiosity?

>> No.17824645
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>> No.17824725

I'm a Math + CS undergrad, first semester. I bought the book because it looks really cool and because I'm having an euclidean geometry class. Also it was cheap compared to actual textbooks.

>> No.17824761

"The Tennis Court Oath" is good if you like super surreal and difficult poetry. It is very inaccessible at times, though I personally really enjoy the absolute bonkers metaphors Ashbery comes up. If you're thinking of reading Ashbery, I'd definitely would recommend reading "Self Portrait In A Convex Mirror" first. Way more accessible and the poetics are grounded better.

>> No.17824883

does taschen print the other 7 books? i was thinking about getting the barnes and noble one which has all 13 unabridged for $25. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/elements-books-i-xiii-euclid/1106233501

>> No.17825049

>does taschen print the other 7 books?
Don't think so. It's supposed to replicate Byrne's edition, which uses colored figures for the proofs, to make them easier to read (also it uses long s). A quick glance at Wikipedia shows that the other books are not that focused on planar geometry, which is probably why it's only the first six books.
>i was thinking about getting the barnes and noble one which has all 13 unabridged for $25.
If you find it cheap you should go for it. I didn't because I only found one worth $350.

>> No.17825568

Makes sense. But what modern books would you use, anyways?
Also does your version has annotations and such? I heard Euclid was not quite correct on some assumptions and such

>> No.17825596
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>el proceso
extremely based

>> No.17825792

Well, as for what modern book I would use, I am using my professor book on the subject. It's not very proof-heavy so having the Elements as a supplement should be good.
You are right, he was not correct on everything, such as using superposition as a valid method of demonstration. It does not have annotations, since it seems to be trying to replicate as perfectly as it can the original book. However, it has some complimentary texts at the end of the book, one of which is called "Euclid's geometry - (not) a Via Regia?" so I guess they say something about it there.

>> No.17825800

did you get that BIgavita Gita from some random monk too? because that's how i got mine

>> No.17825820
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New haul. The Plato is a "I plan to read this all before I die" sort of purchase. I've already read Republic and Gorgias but I have a long way to go. The Roman fiction I will start soon since I'm in a big Romaboo phase right now.

>> No.17825843

>El Pendulo de Foucault 2
What do you fucking MEAN there's a Foucault's Pendulum 2???!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!????

>> No.17825867


>> No.17825888

David Graeber will make you resentful

>> No.17827099
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Only started reading in the last year or so.

>> No.17827373

>that ugly vintage classics' mason & dixon
why just why

>> No.17827916 [DELETED] 

You have to go back.

>> No.17827941

You have to go back.


>> No.17828555


>> No.17828600

I know it sucks

>> No.17828615

New to reading, probably works in sale
Self proclaimed math/C's major
Take a class on Philosophy of Science for a trip, my friend
If american, votes republican
A reasonable intellegent person who understands his limits
The jordan peterson meme really misguided people

>> No.17829720
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Currently reading

>> No.17829740

>science and religion
Is it any good?

>> No.17829747

let us see the cover of the plato collection

>> No.17829761

pretty jewy selection. are you an econ major

>> No.17829820

yeah, its quite substantive. some good parts are the depth explanation of the case of Galileo - which shows it to be far different from the r/atheism trope -, a complex English Christian tradition of denominational and intra-denominational divides over philosophy and specifically whether science should be used to prove God or not. Also learned that Newton thought poetry was "the infant rattle of primitive mankind"

>> No.17829896

shouldn't be in that stack but had nowhere else to put it

>> No.17829982 [DELETED] 

No anon :)

>> No.17829987

Philosophy, but fuck off anyway

>> No.17830169
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bedside stack

>> No.17830245

What edition of Uncle Adolf is that?
That font is sexxxyy.

>> No.17830251

Oy vey

>> No.17830506

it's an edition splitted in two volumes

>> No.17830578

God bless you anon, may your theological pursuits be profitable. Glad to see a fellow Orthobro here

>> No.17830652


>> No.17830838
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>> No.17831015
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>> No.17831216
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Bin stolz auf meine kleine Sammlung (I am proud of my small collection).

My favorite book is "Die Anderswelt: Eine Annäherung an die Wirklichkeit - Jochen Kirchhoff"

>> No.17831231
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Dover Thrift baby

>> No.17831296

La casa de los espíritus is a very cute book

>> No.17831442

Just out of German highschool?

>> No.17831534
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Seconded, looking at the 2012 Norton Critical Edition......

>> No.17831552
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>> No.17831599
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Sorry, I get triggered by "hey" because of how much nazis have dominated much of the underground of the internet. I feel like I need to lash out when people use that word or words like it

>> No.17831614

Out of Highschool phahaha! I'm 28 and started reading with 18. So I'm 10 years into that shit bruh but I also have my own life. I still remember, I started with Hermann Hesse - Der Steppenwolf