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File: 298 KB, 1058x913, ahegao_saria_by_ridleysaria-d48j9ct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17812472 No.17812472[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Some guys from this board add me on Goodreads
>look up their profiles
>they're literally 20 year old zoomer faggots shilling tradcath Thomism and whining about disappointing their parents to their priests
This is fucking pathetic, I'm ashamed of sharing the board with these faggots

>> No.17812477

literally me, desu

>> No.17812483

>tradcath larpers are zoomers
who would've thought
anyone with actual faith would never be as obnoxious

>> No.17812488

what a got damn terrible image, why would you post that
I like Saria as much as the next guy but come the fuck on

>> No.17812493

We 30 year old boomers that have been on this god forsaken website for 15 years are a dying breed.

>> No.17812504

>tradcath zoomers
When and where did this phenomenon start? I blame spic fuentes and his nazi larpers for this. Varg was right.

>> No.17812529

It's to drive away the "anti-degeneracy" mob on this god forsaken board and it looks like it works
I'm not even in my 30s
2016 elections is when christian soccer moms and other religious LARPers started flooding this website

>> No.17812580

Only thing young people can be is embrace *specific* religious group, because the alternative is 15 years of serious study, which means a minimal age of 30 - 33 before you can form your own perspective on the world.

>> No.17812589

OP is a faggot Christ is King.

>> No.17812599

>I'm not even in my 30s
Shut the fuck up zoomer

>> No.17812612

>when christian soccer moms and other religious LARPers started flooding this website
>soccer moms
Hi :)
Any of you lovely ladies single?

>> No.17812617

I've already chosen to be a Neoplatonism, I'm not going to subscribe to christianity or any other organized religion though.

>> No.17812625


>> No.17812631

What did you expect? There are 2 major groups remaining as target audience for the catholic church
>confused right-wing zoomers who will drop catholicism in 2 years
>IQ 65 Africans who don't even understand what's going on

It's a dying sect

>> No.17812634

Based homos

>> No.17812646

They're actually having 6 kids on average and will become the mainstream of Catholicism in the next century. Everything else is a dying sect really.

>> No.17812648

/pol/ jokingly became a Christian board in a fit of ultimate contrarianism, and none of the newfags realized it was just ironic. It's why Christ-Chan was a thing for a bit.

>> No.17812649

Let me guess, still in your 20's?

>> No.17812656

So did the Jews before ww2

>> No.17812664
File: 33 KB, 499x499, FE0D80E5-C3B9-41AD-912A-3696B2E951AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditionalist Catholic are above replacement level births as well as above replacement level for ordinations, Vat II and atheist fags aren’t. See >>17812646

>> No.17812666

Africans? Who gives a shit about them? I

>> No.17812672

Age doesn't really have anything to do with that, i always saw organized cults as a political instrument rather than a way to discover God and spirituality.

>> No.17812677

For years unrelated to this, I would have seen organized culture as a political matter, not a way to seek God and the Spirit.

>> No.17812679

>Traditionalist Catholic are above replacement level births as well as above replacement level for ordinations
so south americans?

>> No.17812694

>Traditionalist Catholic
Subhumans from Africa and South America. In civilized world, their number has gone down by like 66% in past 100 years and will continue to plummet even faster.

>> No.17812696

I'd rather that than degenerates honesty.
coomer normies have literally everywhere else

>> No.17812708

I'm talking about western trad caths. They don't use contraception meaning the reproduce like the Amish - doubling in number every 20 years or so. This of course is an exponential process meaning the demographic projections are insane. In a historical blink of an eye there are going to be hundreds of millions of them.

>> No.17812729

pitiful cope
give up

>> No.17812731

Absolute nonsense, look up the number of catholics in US and Europe. It's a fraction of what it was in 1910 you lying faggot.

>> No.17812737

However, look at the large number of Catholics in the US and Europe. This is a small part of 1910, you lie.

>> No.17812745

>Varg was right.
kys, you are irrecoverable as a human.

>> No.17812747

No, almost exclusively white Traditional Catholics from groups like SSPX and FSSP.

>> No.17812749
File: 334 KB, 738x669, TradFertilityAndSentiments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at the numbers silly, you have been lied to.

That's Catholics not trad caths. The Catholic category has sub categories and the broader projection is just that, it does not calculate the internal dynamic which will experience a rapid shift towards the trad average.

>> No.17812754

See >>17812708

>> No.17812764
File: 184 KB, 838x1142, B9918A84-3214-415A-A9D7-CFA5F492CC3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they aren’t.

>> No.17812769

I'm not sure what point you're attempting to make. Catholicism is in steep decline, and whatever few fanatical families decide to have 4 children instead of 2 doesn't really matter because the overall % is still continuously dropping.

>> No.17812773

see here

>> No.17812774
File: 66 KB, 1080x598, DE39D4F5-DECF-4D40-94CA-48FF567E5A79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholic ≠ Traditional Catholic, see >>17812749.

>> No.17812784

>B-but Africans and Brazilians! They will inherit the land!

>> No.17812800

Christcucks BTFO

>> No.17812804
File: 79 KB, 1360x938, D116310F-257E-484D-B8F9-A4D0100ABD0F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See what?

>> No.17812807

>I'm not sure what point you're attempting to make. Catholicism is in steep decline, and whatever few fanatical families decide to have 4 children instead of 2 doesn't really matter because the overall % is still continuously dropping.
I can’t believe what you’re trying to do. Catholicism is deep and must have four and two children, just like any parent’s family, which is not a problem as% is often low.

>> No.17812809

See >>17812749 fedora.

>> No.17812829

What are some ways to spot a tradcath larper?

>> No.17812838
File: 573 KB, 1434x1053, 466BBBF7-B709-4EE6-A640-953BA1C70109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See the fact that Catholic ≠ TradCath

>> No.17812840
File: 279 KB, 1206x854, projected-amish-pop-growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step back from attempting to be right for a second. It's very simple: One group, two subgroups. One of them large and below replacement the other small and doubling every twenty years. Now project into the future. The small one becomes the large one. The behaviours of it will become the new norm/average. To illustrate exponentiality pic is the projection for the Amish at current birth rates, trad caths are very similar.

>> No.17812846

why are catholics such schizos? protestants were right, believe and you will be saved. what is the difference between your cucklick mystic sects? different crackers and juice?

>> No.17812872

>what’s the difference
Our births are way above replacement level.

>> No.17812896

Besides when they are explicitly talking about religion or politics:
When you mention an author or a book, they only talk about things stated in their Wikipedia entry.
They are obsessed with visually presented data: Graphs, infographics, statistics. Even in literature they will ask for a 'chart' on a topic.

>> No.17812902

But your beliefs aren’t lol

>> No.17812909

How the fuck can you people stand looking at hideous memes all day

>> No.17812913

>What are some ways to spot a tradcath larper?
They have an unhealthy obsession over trannies and vehemently despise homosexuals despite ignoring that they always have been in the church.

>> No.17812925

Yeah they are though, “I don’t know therefore it doesn’t exist/therefore it’s the same” isn’t an argument.
Go back to >>>/r/atheism

>> No.17812983

i will only add you if you're interesting

>> No.17813002

They aren’t though, the numbers don’t lie.

>> No.17813049
File: 15 KB, 150x387, 150px-Stirner02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent two years studying at a fundamentalist trad cath liberal arts university in rural New England. I had already spent four years in a Catholic High School in PA. High tuition, uniforms, priests and nuns teaching classes the whole nine yards. In high school showing even an ounce of interest in religion was equal to labeling yourself a brony or something, completely socially toxic.

College was the exact opposite, it was like everyone was trying to out guilt each other, a never ending woe-is-me pity party. I'm a fairly handsome guy, never had a gf in highschool but wasn't a virgin. That put me miles ahead of my low test catholic classmates freshman year, the poor guys were like caricatures of the virgin tradcath vs the chad egoist. The school was small, my freshman class was less than a hundred students, but damn I felt like a king in that place, I had girls waiting on me hand and foot. None would go farther than making out, but damn I've never felt so in demand in all of my life.

>mfw getting love poems from qt catholic girls weekly and I dont even respond
>mfw they all think i'm a troubled agnostic they can win over to God but in reality I'm a self realized egoist who just enjoys basking in other peoples affection with no commitment.
Feels good to be wanted bros, but I could never settle for one of these trad girls, having children is the definition of cucked.

>Your hair is like the wisps of the sun
>your teeth remind me of when the moon was young
>why do you hide yourself from me
>can't you tell you were meant for me
>look harder through those dream like eyes
>and you will find a wonderful surprise
cringeworthy I know but theres something endearing about a girl writing so many of these for me anonymously.

There is something about Catholicism that saps the test from Men, either that or there's something in the water here.

>> No.17813064

I composed Shakespearean sonnets for twinks but they never answered back

>> No.17813067


>> No.17813074

>fundamentalist trad cath liberal arts university in rural New England
Thomas Aquinas College right?

>> No.17813206

No, but close enough. A sister school no doubt emulating TAC but not as big or as well known.

>> No.17813223

yee this is the next big thing for them tards.

they need some coping mechanism to hold on, so tradcon it is.

>> No.17813226

Do you mean repentant or unrepentant homosexuals? I don't know of any repentant but important Christian figures, but I highly doubt there are any unrepentant homosexuals in it. Educate me, anon.

>> No.17813310

Literally cope. Low T men aren't the result of Catholicism, they are the result of low T boomer fathers.

>> No.17813312

>I don't know of any repentant but important Christian figures
I can name Anselm of Canterbury, Michelangelo, Ficino and Botticelli off the top of my head, but there are way more men and women that were attracted to their same sex throughout history. Before the 12th century the church used to be more lenient towards homosexuals, Aquinas wanted to push laws against homosexual intercourse, but Anselm delayed the their approval during the councils because homosexuality was widespread and he preferred to convince homosexuals to repent instead of burning them at the stake.