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17810188 No.17810188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If philosophers are so smart, how come they've never accomplished anything?

>> No.17810201

Stupid woman, the guy is a manlet and almost certainly has steroid induced ED.

>> No.17810206
File: 489 KB, 460x258, It's Over.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COPE manlet

>> No.17810207

Stupid manlet

>> No.17810219

Because philosophy is the complexification of problems, not the solving of them. Solving problems happens in the realm of common sense.

>> No.17810234

That's an inspiring gif. I need to work out.

>> No.17810238

Philosophers have accomplished plenty of things. Look at the revolutions that have been caused by Marxism, nationalism, and liberalism.

>> No.17810243

Politicians =/= philosophers

>> No.17810244
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>I b-b-b-bet these bodybuilders can't even get heard
You whimper pathetically as your girlfriends pants get visibly wet.

>> No.17810248

The politicians read the philosophers...

>> No.17810266

Yeah, and they probably listened to their spouses and parents as well, but I don't think Alois Hitler is responsible for the shoah

>> No.17810272
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>I don't think Alois Hitler is responsible for the shoah
Think harder about this one anon, every freak, serial killer and psycho comes from the same root: abusive parents and dysfunctional families.

>> No.17810278

So would the USSR existed without Marx?

Hitler wasn't a freak, a serial killer, or a psycho. He was genocidal and a dictator but he was motivated by a desire to protect something he loved, not some sort of mental illness. I say this as someone who does not like Hitler.

>> No.17810277

Influencing somebody to a variable degree isn't the same as being responsible or accessory to the deeds they commit

>> No.17810307

>So would the USSR existed without Marx?
Nope, but Marx did not directly contribute to the creation of the USSR, merely it's ideological foundation. The USSR could easily have been built with another political school in mind

>Hitler wasn't a freak, a serial killer, or a psycho
Well, he was definitely to some extent crazy. I mean, the allies had more than one opportunity to kill Hitler, but chose not to take it because they figured he was more useful alive due to the fact he was negatively influencing german high command with his delusions
Himmler was arguably more crazy than Hitler, but you have to be literally nuts to believe your own bullshit as much as Hitler did. I mean, did Hitler seriously expect the Beer Hall Putsch to succeed? And even he admitted that Mein Kampf was a shit book, and hated people bringing up it's existence in his presence after 1930
He was also abused as a child, and had a near-death experience that could have easily left him brain damage, on top of his drug addiction and parkinsons

>> No.17810337

Ask yourself, what is the root of an empire?

The imagination is the root of ideas, philosophers contain a rich amount of ideas, ideas are the root of all reality.

>> No.17810349

being smart = billionaire with hot wife and flashy car in normie world
being smart = leaving the world

>> No.17810350

>So would the USSR existed without Marx?
Marx and his thought are completely contingent. Someone would have done something in the real world anyway regardless of his existence.

>> No.17810360

Its almost as if class forces threw up revolutionary workers movements and didn't need a bearded bourgeois ideologue.

>> No.17810367

The root of an empire are the people who found it. There are many would-be empires or wannabe-empires, but they never had the people with the drive to actually create them

An idea is useless if never affects anything. Better such an idea had never been thought at all, and all the philosophers take bricks in their hands instead

>> No.17810376

>muh accomplishments
Have you ever stopped to wonder what exactly you were aiming to accomplish, and what for? To reach your quota? To get your next raise? 99/100 times it was whoever the capitalist directed you do. There is a higher realm of thought, the membrane of which is invariant across time and tapped into by various philosophers, which is relevant to all reality, which does not change with the times or with the fickle mood of the masses. The eternal truths, or if we're honest with ourselves, the pursuit of which. Eternity and infinity cannot be accomplished, silly boy. It can only be contemplated. But from the contemplation of which all else is derived.

>> No.17810384

The only accomplishment worth anything is the measurable improvement to the happiness and freedom of firstly yourself, then your family, your region and eventually the world
I fail to see how "thinking" completes this

If you disagree, you are not only failing in terms of your moral and human duty, but also your biological imperative in accordance with the terms of your existence

>> No.17810389
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>accounts for physical accomplishments only
based materialist bugman

>> No.17810444

I came into your mother yesterday. Does this count an an accomplishment? I guess it doesn't since every single man in your city did the same thing

>> No.17810456


> I THINK that THINKING is useless

You could've BTFO yourself in fewer words, dimwit.

>> No.17810475

>If you disagree, you are not only failing in terms of your moral and human duty, but also your biological imperative in accordance with the terms of your existence
>moral duty
>human duty
>biological imperative
>terms of your existence
I'm so pissed right now. How about you kill yourself? Sounds like a good idea

>> No.17810487

the answer is in the question

>> No.17810490

what's her name

>> No.17810491

>I'm so pissed right now
Coming to terms with your exhaustive list of biological and social failures will do that anon

It's a fact, whether or not I "think" it is irrelevant. I don't have to "think" that 2+2=4, it simply is.
Subjectivity is an excuse for the arrogant

>> No.17810493

wait what the fuck did I stumble into here, are you trying to argue that thinking isn't a relevant force in the external world because it contains immutable characteristics?

>> No.17810507
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Thales literally cornered the market on olive presses thousands of years ago and people still ask this question...

>> No.17810521

Thinking is the petrol to the car of civilisation. Petrol doesn't start cars or drive them, now does it?

>> No.17810535

Is this some sophisticated trolling?
Answer me, troll, why didn't the greeks invent the windmill?
>I don't have to "think" that 2+2=4, it simply is.
This really is trolling. There is no other way.

>> No.17810542

no but it can turn the abstract notion of a "car" into something real by applying logic to bend nature to its will and literally create reality using thought you complete fucking retard.
and thats without even going into the metaphysics of what consciousness actually is, or how the collective conscious will actually functions and can be utilized for this same purpose (creating reality) at a magnitude millions of times greater.
Just stop, trust me.

>> No.17810543


Thinking that 2+2=4 simply is, is still thinking you dumbfuck. You cannot experience knowledge if it is not through a subjective lense for you are a subject yourself.

Knowledge is not a deductive exercise ad infinitum for any logical system requires axioms which are intuitively accepted a priori. Read the incompletness theorems of Gödel you absolute retard.

>> No.17810545

>Petrol doesn't start cars
Yes it does you fucking idiot
>A car engine starts thanks to the ignition system. This is the unit that supplies the energy to get the motor going. The ignition system begins with a key, which you insert and turn, and ends with a spark that ignites combustion in the cylinders. This combustion is what starts the engine. It is important to note that everything up until the moment of combustion in the car cylinders is part of the ignition system.

>> No.17810547

I'm not a historian, and knowledge should never be a prerequisite for self-determination

>> No.17810556
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>> No.17810562

And now we see the ad hominin as the "educated philosophers" realise the game is up
>Read the incompletness theorems of Gödel
Nobody should have to read any of your useless, irrelevant propaganda or learn your useless, artificial words to understand what you are saying. "Thinking" e.g the biological processing of information within your brain, is a prerequisite for any physical action of any kind, not an action of itself.
By conflating inmaterial concepts with material values, you are only creating a delusion of wealth for yourself. The reason there are no valued modern philosophers is not that philosophers don't exist (quite the opposite), it is that previously philosophers had to show that their ideas could be utilised to influence physical action, lest they be forgotten, whereas nowadays there is no such restriction

>> No.17810565

>which you insert and turn
My case entirely. Petrol does not cause the car to start - that is the driver. It is simply a part of the mechanism which allows the car to function

>> No.17810568

You thought it was possible to start a combustion engine without gasoline. This is what an education of /lit/ threads does to a nigga

>> No.17810573



Either you are the epitome of stupidity or the most sophisticated troll I've encountered in over a decade of lurking the boards, there's no inbetween.

>> No.17810575

you're legit baked potato level retarded

>> No.17810577

Nope, I never said that. I just said that petrol doesn't somehow automate the function of the car. The driver turns the key in the ignition and drives it - the petrol merely allows that to happen
In future, you might consider refraining to make strawmen out of people's arguments, for your sake. It's not endearing or clever

>> No.17810580

Go start a car without any gasoline in it you dumb fucker.
>that is the driver
You don't have to start the car to drive it. Somebody else can turn the key and then you can drive instead of them. So it turns out the thing starting a combustion engine is the initial combustion of fuel, which necessarily requires gasoline. Therefore, gasoline starts the car you ignorant nigger.

>> No.17810583

All of my needs are met. What should I accomplish, and why?

>> No.17810589


Bro, stop debating fucking cars and go read Gödel. The subective and contradictory nature of logical systems are mathematically proven and is yet to be rebutted. You are simply showing off your unshamefull ignorance.

>> No.17810608

dude go read this one guy who claims no can refute his theory, no one in philosophy has ever claimed this before

>> No.17810609
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Upon further inspection (at the risk of my own sanity), I have investigated this "Godel", and rather than being bemused by the sorts of "great thinkers" these sorts of people come up with, I burst out laughing at the idea that anyone could ever follow such a man capable of such patently self-reputing ideologies, clearly totally out of touch and utterly non-applicable to anything resembling the material universe
There are a tremendous number of gems in his wikipedia article alone, all of which would no doubt embarass you were you to actually take a look at the idol you so dogmatically follow. Take for instance, the final passage of his life, which ironically is the epitome of the futility and senselessless of his ridiculous
>Gödel had an obsessive fear of being poisoned; he would eat only food that his wife, Adele, prepared for him. Late in 1977, she was hospitalized for six months and could subsequently no longer prepare her husband's food. In her absence, he refused to eat, eventually starving to death
Imagine being so blinded by "genius" that you starve to death, for no reason whatsoever. Surely this is a man we should all follow and aspire to be like, a man of such incredible rational that he argued his way out of putting food into his own mouth? No, far be it from me to bemuse myself laughing at the follies of the mentally ill, but is this really somone we should follow blindly, turning from our daily lives to the luxury of "thinking"? What a patently ridiculous individual, with no relevance whatsoever to anyone at all

And as the false idols of the "intelligencia" are laid bare, so out come the worst insults they can muster, the last breath of dying ideologies struggling in the light of truth

>> No.17810616
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I don't think this needs to continue. What truly Socratic wit you possess.

>> No.17810628
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>You're wrong
>You're a retard
>You're a NIGGER!!!
>L-let's not continue this conversation
Run out of valid arguments already? Don't worry, you did better than most pseuds
I hope the people on this board take a serious look at themselves and what they believe, and begin to consider if what they believe has any effect on anyone's lives whatsoever, and if not
is there a point to believing it in the first place.
Thinking is a tool, not an activity

>> No.17810640

ur just jealous

>> No.17810641

not him but this is a genuinely funny post

>> No.17810652

>I hope the people on this board take a serious look at themselves and what they believe, and begin to consider if what they believe has any effect on anyone's lives whatsoever, and if not
is there a point to believing it in the first place.

>spends entire thread negging the idea of philosophy
>tells people to think about their beliefs
kill yourself

>> No.17810653


You are a tool. A far more useless one than thought, for that matter.

>> No.17810659

>clearly totally out of touch and utterly non-applicable to anything resembling the material universe
>Gödel's incompleteness result is widely regarded as the most remarkable achievement of 20th century mathematics, although some mathematicians say it is logic, not math, and others call it the fundamental result of theoretical computer science, reformulated and extended by Church (1935) & Post & Turing (1936). This discipline did not yet officially exist back then but was effectively created through Gödel's work. It had enormous impact not only on computer science but also on philosophy and other fields.
You're literally using something that resulted from his thoughts. I'll repeat myself: you are an ignorant nigger.

>> No.17810685
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Well, I guess three replies, all containing nothing but ad hominin with not a single argument against anything that I've said.
This is nothing more than the falsehoods being stripped away, revealing nothing beneath whatsoever.
Gentlemen, we have reached an impasse. I have shown beyond all reasonable doubt the hilarity of your nonsense beliefs, and you in turn choose to cling onto nothing whatsoever but mindless animalistic insults. The real crime is not that you damage yourself by allowing your mind to be taken over by such automaton-like structures of philosophy, but that such pseudointellectualism is allowed to exist in the first place. That indicates a far greater degree of social irresponsibility

>> No.17810695

i take it back you are an artist. bravo

>> No.17810853

lanklet cope

>> No.17811029

>Subjectivity is an excuse for the arrogant
Just lose consciousness then bro... just stop experiencing existence...

>> No.17811123

I start my diesel engine car without gasoline everyday retard

>> No.17811231

Most amusing thread in months

>> No.17811415

american society is a supermarket, labor camp, and the set of a teen movie all rolled up into one. very sad.

>> No.17811597

Brutal. Should just lift for strength and health and be lean.

>> No.17811603

U gonna need roids

>> No.17811718

If you are going to be a genuine philosopher you are going to have to prove to me that the USSR even existed
Or that a person called Marx existed.

>> No.17811726

yeah nah, I'm just gonna shoot your boss.

>> No.17811742

is she rubbing her clit with her left hand while he talks?

>> No.17811859
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thanks fo the chuckle annon

>> No.17811965

This is a unique aesthetic desu. Remines me of gwynevere from dark souls. She's the Goddess and are her servants/army.

>> No.17811991

they create ideologies. those are pretty big accomplishments since thats drives or at least justify people to do shit.

>> No.17812070

is that sneed? THE sneed of sneed's seed and feed?

>> No.17812146

plato was a wrestling champion

>> No.17812186

Extremely hot. I envy manlets, imagine having a taller gf to dominate you.

>> No.17812273

Descartes did a lot.

>> No.17812283

my favorite streamer :)