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17804789 No.17804789[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books about people that got lard in the brain?

>> No.17804795

holy fucking shit did he actually write that? that's the funniest thing i've read all day

>> No.17804803

kettle calling the pot impotent lol

>> No.17804804
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>> No.17804805


>> No.17804820
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Twitter is not an ecosystem, twitter is not a discourse, twitter is a digital mailing list for a few degenerate celebrities and online "influencers" to tell you their manic shower thoughts while speaking and acting as if they have a much larger audience than they do.

Twitter is a few celebrities masturbating in their own filth, and a few million millennials watching them jack off. Do you want to be a part of that? Do you want to be an online "influencer's" personal peep show to make him feel relevant?

DO NOT post twitter screenshots.
DO NOT perpetuate the myth (also known as twitter's business model) that twitter is an "online social media platform where everyone is hanging out!"
DO NOT be a simp for washed up celebrity FAGGOTS.

>> No.17804840

He's right if he's talking about actual bodybuilders who are on heaps of HGH and whatever. I have a feeling what is meant here is 'people with abs and any amount of upper body muscle' though lel

>> No.17804855

Is he wrong?

>> No.17804870


>> No.17804880

I can't believe he has a wife.

>> No.17804886

reninder "kant"bot hasnt even read kant

>> No.17804896

Cope faggot. Fatties like me are the future.

>> No.17804921

>he doesn't want to leave humanity behind and mutate into a freak of nature

>> No.17804956
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At least get bloatmaxxed

>> No.17804960


>I embrace the homosexual aesthetics but I really really love women i swear

physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you try to fulfill some power fantasy, sign of betacuckness
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift.

>> No.17804963

"Control" happens regardless of whether or not you lift, the question is one of agency.

>> No.17804976

just do some pushups every day, you will feel better

>> No.17804994 [DELETED] 

Pathologizing everyone you feel treated by always reveals more about our own insecurities than the ones we're trying to pin on them.

>> No.17805019

>getting buttblasted enough to cry about tweets on /lit
Obsession with lifting is gay though. The real red pill is you make the majority of your lifetime muscle gains in 6-12 months of lifting a few times a week and you can maintain on a few sets a week. If you find it fun then by all means do more but don’t pretend you’re doing anything particularly meaningful with your time.

>> No.17805023

lol okay fatty

>> No.17805037

He said "people really obsessed", so I interpret that as actual bodybuilders.
To be considered good looking, men are told to lift weights and women are told to eat less, so obsession with bodybuilding would be similar to anorexia on a psychological level.

>> No.17805081

>people really obsessed", so I interpret that as actual bodybuilders.
Well it's vague. People who work out 5 times a week and count their macros, talk about lifting a lot, etc. that is not even on the same sphere as an actual bodybuilder but that might seem like obsession to a normie, when it's just a hobby.

>> No.17805104

I just lift a kettlebell in the morning and take a walk in the afternoon

>> No.17805120

Obese "people" should be euthanised.

>> No.17805144
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Say that to my face and not online

>> No.17805566

I wonder what he thinks about trannies then

>> No.17806832

>Lifting = bad
>Puting your own inside out dick into a gaping wound, dilating daily, obsessively trying to hide your man jaw, man chin, man shoulders, man hands, man chest, man legs, man arms, man hairline, man eyes, man forehead, man feet... And fucking your endocrine system = good
have sex bigot

>> No.17806873

We no longer have the time to seek out an identity in the historical record, in memory, in a past, nor indeed in a project or a future. We have to have an instant memory which we can plug in to immediately - a kind of promotional identity which can be verified at every moment. What we look for today, where the body is concerned, is not so much health, which is a state of organic equilibrium, but fitness, which is an ephemeral, hygienic, promotional radiance of the body - - much more a performance than an ideal state - which turns sickness into failure. In terms of fashion and appearance, we no longer pursue beauty or seductiveness, but the 'look.' Everyone is after their 'look.' Since you can no longer set any store by your own existence (we no longer look at each other - and seduction is at an end!), all that remains is to perform /an appearing act/, without bothering to /be/, or even to be seen. It is not: 'I exist, I'm here', but 'I'm visible, I'm image - look, look!'


>> No.17806898

the fact that so many "aryan alpha bodybuilders" couldnt digest a troll post properly is proof that most of them are retarded faggots

>> No.17806919

I Kant sneed

>> No.17806923

i like kantbot and think he is informative, really like him doing institutional history of systems thinking and combat control systems

>> No.17806929

I don’t get why people seethe about him so much

>> No.17806935


me too I think edburg is killing it

>> No.17806942

>people obsessed with lifting are mentally ill retards
I mean... yeah? Nothing wrong with getting and staying in shape but those guys who literally do nothing but work out until they're always red in the face have definitely deprived their brains of oxygen to loosen a few screws. I don't know why you faggots are seething at this, maybe your ESL brains didn't see the "obsessed" part of the post.

>> No.17806951

can't you just keep posting on twitter? kantobt has literally never browsed /lit/ or 4chan at all he's just associated with other incel types that do or have

>> No.17806957

true desu, just do a lot of cardio and some push-ups like a non-retard

>> No.17806963

because he doxxed BAP

pretty funny though because he even mogged them in his doxxing. bap is/was a good looking dude with a phd from yale lmao. yes, it did reveal some ulterior motives, and the basis for his BAP character, but still...BAP comes out on top

>> No.17806986

dunno man maybe you shuld stop using the internet for a while

>> No.17807025

don't pretend you weren't privy to the details

>> No.17807202

>yes, it did reveal some ulterior motives

"yes our guy is actually a spook BUT at least hes not fat"

>> No.17807237

>the CIA is promoting bodybuilding and neo-fascism
For what pvrpose

>> No.17807264

pipeline to neoconservatism

>> No.17807354

Doesn't make much sense, neocons are not very fascist

>> No.17807386

Pure jargon.

>> No.17807390

Killing it as in good or bad?

>> No.17807418

I prefer rock climbing. Climb rock makes monkey brain feel good. Plus is makes you strong without turning into a fat blobby or ken doll.

>> No.17807429

>Do you want to be a part of that?
What else is there? I don't like Twitter nor I am on it, I don't visit the site nor I have an account, but it seems like everything else is its own brand of nightmare or it's on life support or taken over by mentally ill attention seekers.
Everything is a cult of entertainment now, somewhere you go not to interact with people but to waste time, like TV but worse.
If you're trying to find a home on the net today you're screwed. It's impossible. I've been actively searching for years, in the end I always come back here.

>> No.17807430

Yes, but once your vain pursuits puts you on course to be integrated into the control system. You will not choose ideological over the promised petty fiefdom of prestige and resources.

>> No.17807506

>once your vain pursuits puts you on course to be integrated into the control system.
this is not really the impetus behind neofascist tendencies, it's mostly a reaction to mass immigration and a dislike for progressive social norms

>> No.17807514

kantbot is obese. his opinions are instantly thrown in the trash.

>> No.17807517

>dude who thinks he's going to accidently get "too big" if he lifts weights

>> No.17807535

>You will not choose ideological over the promised petty fiefdom of prestige and resources.

There are actually a surprising amount of people I have encountered who will indeed choose their ideology over temporal power.

>> No.17807630

Who gives a fuck about eceleb drama? It’s good to know bap is a spook tho

>> No.17807639

This logic is so tortured. He has repeatedly spoken out against the kind of half-baked Middle Eastern adventurism of neocons and regards the American commercial republic as unfit for empire. The reason people say he's an asset is because of his connections to Strauss, Claremont, etc., not his ideas. Even if he were an apostate from the regime rather than an asset no one could prove it because the basis of the accusation itself is conspiratorial thinking which relies on the notion that any stated opposition to establishment neoconservatism is part of a secret plan and an intentional chain of agency.

Read the thesis these people keep talking about and make your own conclusions instead of listening to a fat doxxer: https://www.mediafire.com/file/kurundsbrbft85x/The_problem_of_tyranny_and_philosophy_in_the_thought_of_Plato_and_Nietzsche.pdf/file

>> No.17807641

doxxing is gay
but what's the quick rundown on this story? what was revealed about Mr. Pervert?

>> No.17807839
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>be wydna.kb
>see a single pic of Big Lenny
>your safe little world comes crumbling down
>disgust turns to hate
>hate turns to envy
>envy turn to hate
>become a cookie cutter
>lose all your gains
>it sick
>it piss

"You have the upper body, and you have no legs, you have the upper body you have no legs, you got a problem building your legs. You have an upper ... you have the you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, the upper body, it's easier to build."
-Order 66, Meditations of Cresvonowitz Genoyavich

>> No.17808184

Yet I'm sure this person is very concerned about transphobia

>> No.17808190

>DO NOT perpetuate the myth (also known as twitter's business model) that twitter is an "online social media platform where everyone is hanging out!"

"Internet insane asylum" is the most succinct description of twitter that I have seen.

>> No.17808217
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he saw rich leave humanity behind, and realized that he could not do it himself. so he began to hate...

>> No.17808289
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I agree with him, until "Mutating themselves into freaks."
Look around, the popular standard for an attractive man is a guy with visible large muscles. He wouldn't say the same shit about girls putting on makeup, even though it's pretty much the same psychological motivation to control what you can about your appearance. Which, by the way, is totally healthy, and part of developing a healthy self image. You accept your perceived shortcomings and work on what you can. This guy's telling on himself, I wonder what other aspects of his life he feels are out of his control.
People getting dressed up to go out, or lifting in the gym, are undergoing a transformation into a ritual version of themselves which they use to engage with the sexual fantasies of others, and society at large. It's a normal adult activity. Little kids playact it, playing dress-up like their parents. Any role you play in society is a mask and costume you put on. Doctor shows up wearing a white coat and stethoscope, patient knows he's a doctor and feels reassured. Realizing the importance of that is, again, a normal part of growing up.
But yeah, definitely "changing your appearance on purpose" is cronenberg-ish. Baby-tier critique. Dude needs to read more psychoanalytic theory.

>> No.17808337

>you are a pleb as soon as you lift
This is the most accurate part of your post. I have literally never in my life met someone who lifts who is a good reader.

>> No.17808364


if you have no experience lifting and live the sedentary lifestyle of the average modern, it’s safe to say that you’re a liar and unhealthy. I doubt you do any manual labor, since literary snobs and academics are too pussy to get their hands dirty

>> No.17808389

He posted that a month ago and it's still traumatizing you?

>> No.17808394

Lenny eats tranny ass and is still a more beautiful person than Kantbot.

>> No.17808396

He is right though.

>> No.17808409
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>neocons are not very fascist

>> No.17808431

>literary snobs and academics are too pussy to get their hands dirty
I'm a literary snob and I spent two years living in a mud hut.

>> No.17808438

Do you know who the neocons are and what their policies look like

>> No.17808441

Yeah, those guys are what fascists wish they could have been.

>> No.17808446

>mmmmm greyons

>> No.17808447

Yeah fascists were really big on mass immigration and international finance

>> No.17808469


out of genuine poverty or out of morbid desire to live like that for no reason? if you had a trust fund waiting back home for you it doesn’t count

>> No.17808472

It's fascism without the small-minded peasant provincialism and with a much higher degree of competence.

>> No.17808481

>it's fascism without any of the things that make fascism fascism
based retard. The ideological ancestors of the neocons were around during WW2, they fought against the fascists

>> No.17808489

>out of genuine poverty or out of morbid desire to live like that for no reason?
I was doing embedded international development work. So, a bit of both, I suppose.

>> No.17808498

The biggest supporters of Israel?

>> No.17808507
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>The ideological ancestors of the neocons were around during WW2
Not sure if retard or company man

>> No.17808516

You are the one trying to equate Bill Kristol and Adolf Hitler, it's hard to even express how dumb you are

>> No.17808523

Strong people are harder to kill and more useful in general. Shave your head and live as a monk if you are immune to the pressures of vanity and physical desires.

>> No.17808525

I feel like everything he says on twitter is some ironic 'I dare you to get angry' shit. But then what's the point of even saying stuff that is so stupid.

>> No.17808530
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Did somebody say

>> No.17808584
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>they were reading spook propaganda all along

>> No.17808644

Neocons are liberals. They’re just the warmongering, imperialistic side of neoliberalism. On matters of the economy they fully agree with establishment liberals. They differ on opinion on cultural issues but cultural issues don’t matter, the culture war is merely the simulation of politics to keep proles busy. Hitler was also in many ways a liberal tb h. Getting mired in dogmatic interpretations of these ideological labels is misleading. They’re both authoritarian but what government isn’t? Some governments are more honest about this but here in the US we just psyop the public into believing they’re “free”.

>> No.17810480


>physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
>you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

What did he mean by this?

>> No.17810502


>It’s fascism but without all the core characteristics (and everything else) that defined it as ideological/political movement.

Are you malicious or simply stupid?

>> No.17810510
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Gym goers are right wing chuds

>> No.17810517

This was an awful post start to finish