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17798024 No.17798024 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of it?

>> No.17798034

Taught me more than art school

>> No.17798042

prissy bitching from a failed artist

>> No.17798044

The part where we autistically tried to redpill his communist construction worker coworkers was hilarious. Other than that, pretty boring desu

>> No.17798047

Did you actually read it or is that the opinion you feel that you're supposed to have?

>> No.17798183

i flipped through it. I was loling hard when he started talking about his "discovery" of the "two great evils" or whatever phrase he used, "Jewery" and "marxism"
2/10 would lol again

>> No.17798220

damn i'd lol too if i read that because those two evils are one and the same

>> No.17798233

You're replying to a retard, Hitler goes into how marxism and judaism are inherently connected.

>> No.17798246

Good book. He was 95% correct

>> No.17798269

Communism, especially Neo-Communism, are inseparable from Talmudic pilpul and Jewish antiethics

>> No.17798290

was peter kropotkin a jew? or are you people just brain rotten nazis?

>> No.17798328
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same thread different day. Please stop making these.

>> No.17798329

i guess Enrico Malatasta was a Jew as well. And Mao, hella jewish. Che? Total Jew. Earnest Hemingway. Jew. Fredrich Engels, total jew. Jack London: another jew.

literally the only people you could properly categorize as "jewish commies" are Marx, Goldman, Luxemburg and Trotsky. "communism" was a much more broadly used term than people like to make it out to be.

you all are retarded and need to read more than just what your nazi cult allows you to read.

>> No.17798351

Bold of you to assume they've read anything, even the stuff their nazi cults want them to

>> No.17798374

I don't think anyone has ever claimed that every single marxist thought leader ever was a jew.
But hey, if there is someone like that out there, you sure showed him.

>> No.17798451

best self improvement book ever written.

>> No.17798460

i try to practice the principle of charity

>> No.17798466

>And Mao, hella jewish.

Combining Contradictions:
Jewish Contributions to the Chinese Revolution by Yitzak Shichor

>> No.17798513

I remember checking it out in high school and lost it for the longest time, only book I've ever loss
Didn't get very far before I lost it either, wasn't all that interesting really and iirc he just made some parts up/embellished shit since he was trying to get popular in the party at the time

>> No.17798714

is this the power of pilpul?

>> No.17798778

Communism is to goyim what Sharia is to Islamic women

>> No.17798810

Is Stalag the best edition? I read part of it years ago but never finished it but always meant to go back to give it another go.

>> No.17798820

nice non sequitur

>> No.17799507

He was right about Marxism to be honnest.
I wish he did not hate Jew and only commie.

>> No.17799554

he was right about marxism, but so were most anarchists

>> No.17799750

I would rather him hate Jews and not Communists. You're retarded if you think his critique of Marxism had weight.

>> No.17800052

If you're going to keep making this thread at least put some novel remark about the book in the OP.

I know it's bait but i'll give context to people who lurk. The founder of the ideology and a massive over-representation of leaders of the Russian & attempted German communist revolutions were jewish. Hitler trying to make a connection between judaism and communism is not only reasonable but absolutely necessary to be a honest thinker when you have a insular ethnic group of ~1-2% the population being half the leaders of a failed communist revolution a decade before. All the american-jewish wall street money thrown at the bolshevik revolution in Russia makes no sense without considering a jewish element.

>> No.17800112

I hear the new Ford translation is the best.

>> No.17800317

Literal exhausting ravings of an imprisoned mad man.

>> No.17800760

Go with Dalton, Stalag is clumsy in a lot of places.

>> No.17800890

Check the catalog before making a new thread.

>> No.17801052

very badly written

>> No.17801118

I've only read the first half so far, but i thought it was pretty effective at conveying Hitler's views and the journey of how he attained them.

>> No.17801128

nazis are faggots

>> No.17801714
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I found it a little weird that he basically bullet points a list of undesirable traits and arbitrarily decides to label every single one of those traits as "Jewish". Sometimes he's referring to what's basically a modern tumblr tranny and calls them a jew. So I understood what he was saying outside of the need for extermination, etc, but found that it really muddied his message to label ALL undesirables as "jews" instead of sticking strongly to the fact that there are several different unique undesirables.
I did find it interesting that he advocated for worker's rights and universal healthcare. I also found it interesting that he was extremely happy and supportive of the state censoring him, because he believed it made his message more daring and appealing. That's definitely a thinker in the age of cancel culture.

>> No.17802690

I think the reason Hitler labels every undesirable a jew is because he wants to create a singular enemy that he and his supporters can focus their power on. He actually explains this in the book, saying something along the lines of that it is easier and most efficient to give the people a single, common enemy that they can concentrate on instead of having multiple enemies; meaning that the jew has to be behind it all.

>> No.17802691

Autobiographical sections >>> worldview on politics, race, philosophy etc. (insofar as you can separate them)

>> No.17802710

Basically this. Only delusional /pol/tards think it's a good book.

>> No.17802846

How the hell can you people not respect hitler?
He was one if not the most intelligent man, everything he says is how he perfectly describes our current society which is degnerate.

>> No.17802859

no u

>> No.17802861

Reading is not an end to itself, but a means to an end."
"The art of reading and studying consists in remembering the essentials and forgetting what is not essential."

My favorite quotes

>> No.17802864
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>> No.17802865

Please elaborate

>> No.17802877

With all do respect evidences claiming 6 million jews died are flimsy at best. Evidence of death camps are only soviet testimonies and soviet "reconstruction". Holocaust most likely happened that's cause it was war and the prisoners were starving. 6mil number is too absurd and it doesn't make sense mathematically.

>> No.17802911

Didn't marx hate jews?

>> No.17802958

It’s a shit book.

>> No.17803014

I've read the first 6 chapters or so. It's pretty dull.

>> No.17803015

>I did find it interesting that he advocated for worker's rights and universal healthcare.

The NSDAP was a workers party after all. Strip the nationalism and anti-semitism out of the 25 point plan and most socialists or syndicalists would be on board.

>> No.17803027

Real leftists tend to hate Jews, I wonder why...

>> No.17803526

Or maybe people from oppressed groups more likely to join rebellions?

>> No.17803674
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Virtually every political theorist born before 1920 hated jews. The only reason why most people associate antisemitism solely with nazis is because they've never read anything and don't know anything about history. Europeans have hated jews non-stop for the past 2000 years - the attitude of our time is a deviation from the norm. I'm sure that's completely unrelated to the fact that jews dominate the media institutions in the west.

>> No.17804027

Really whiny. He whines a lot... almost like a goth teen's LiveJournal. I also detected a noticeable current of anti-Semitism throughout.

>> No.17804051

looks boring. Haven't read and will not.

>> No.17804059

Holy shit hitler is SO CANCELLED

>> No.17804066

Has some good ideas for the right person.

>> No.17804075

are we really surprised a "national-socialist" party has socialist elements?

>> No.17804461

According to current approved rhetoric nationalism is purely 'right wing' and fascism is not an outgrowth of socialism. Hard to call people who defend civil liberties Nazis otherwise.