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/lit/ - Literature

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17802533 No.17802533 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any other authors that have some sort of religious theme in their works? After reading Dosto or Tolstoy, I just really want to do something good, or do the right thing.

>> No.17802553

TS Eliot

>> No.17802556

Most pre-modern authors do. If you want something in the same vein as them though I would suggest Portrait of a Young Man as an Artist by Joyce

>> No.17802576

>op coming off of anna karenina or death of ivan Ilyich, both ending with protag taking christianity
>recommend book ending with protag apostatizing and refusing to pray by his mom’s deathbed
idk if that’s what op’s looking for, anon, but otherwise good rec

>> No.17802578


>> No.17802611

oh lol I misread his request

>> No.17802612

>recommending a book by an atheist when the op asks for religious books
Dante, Johnathan Swift, William Blake, W.B Yeats

>> No.17802628
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Perhaps you ought to do something good and let this fairy tale-justified prison ideology die and embrace freedom.

>> No.17802633
File: 126 KB, 750x640, 8F5E0F50-5F1B-45A2-BA91-9BBD671071FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed, Butterguy

>> No.17802647

>and let this fairy tale-justified prison ideology
what do you mean?

>> No.17802673
File: 71 KB, 400x205, ainttoobrightareyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean building a prison for yourself and other people and justifying it with fairy tales is not something that ought to be done.

>> No.17802741
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You make no sense but thanks for the bump.

>> No.17802810

Butter chan why you sound so twitter?

>> No.17802826

>and by something good, I mean something from MY ideology

>> No.17803265

Georges Bernanos

>> No.17803292

the Tao Te Ching, use the multi-translation website
the ashtavakra gita
junkie by william burroughs