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/lit/ - Literature

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17800988 No.17800988 [Reply] [Original]

Books about how social media changed the way young men and women view the world, thus changing them into e-thots and incels?

>> No.17801017

Assumptions make an arse out of you.
Oh god its a discourse theory postmodernist.

Fuck off pomoscum. Praxes might teach you why women become sex workers when you have to pay rent, boi.

>> No.17801021
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>> No.17801071

Is this the 2017 version or the revised expanded edition?

>> No.17801099

>Praxes might teach you why women become sex workers when you have to pay rent, boi.

why dont they just find real jobs instead of destroying the only value a woman has?

>> No.17801109

>even considered the expanded edition.


>> No.17801142

>real job
Want to specify what that is.
Money can be exchanged for goods and services.
Pictures of twats can take the form of a commodity.
Penis in twat can take the form of a commodity.

>> No.17801153

>He doesn't like his corpuses bloated, inflated, and penetrated with new data.
Do you even engage in commodity fetishisation?

>> No.17801172

You’ve never worked a day in your life, butterguy.

>> No.17801196

Thats all well and good, it's the revisions and the edits by the publisher that I can't stand

>> No.17801205

You're talking about the bit where they remove the penis aren't you?

>> No.17801220

Imagine being this reductive

>> No.17801243

posting pictures of your tits on the internet is not sex work because it's neither sex nor work

>> No.17801275

Nah, mate, if you receive wages for it, it is work.

>> No.17801315

>charging a subscription is now both labor and wage

truly, becoming a landlord is the highest aspiration under capitalism. become a landlord to pay your landlord to pay their landlord to pay their landlord ad infinitum. metastatic culture deserving of nuclear annihilation

>> No.17801356

Note how I specified the wage. Post some brazillian scat porn and argue that they're kleine-bourgeois professionals like you did about that boy with elf-ears on.

>> No.17801359

Nude modeling.

Though I hear she’s gone and sold porn with her boyfriend, so that is sex work (the other guy using my name is a fraud. Hi)

>> No.17801432

All of you guys using your name are frauds.

Nude modelling and gravure are sex work. Last time I chatted with the first user using your name they were far more aware of the social construction of conducts.

The pathetic nature of that boy running from selling her body's image, to selling the image of her body naked, to selling the image of her body naked in coitus on direction from an audience is rather pathetic. It is the pathetic descent of all humans into their erotic fascination. She wouldn't be putting her moot out in public *if she did not herself enjoy doing so.*

But I manage to enjoy all the physical activity, walking, and rain in my job.

She should be hung as a bourgeois of course.

>> No.17801450
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It won’t be long until the thot bubble pops. We’re less than a decade away from full-service sex robots and gimmicks like Hololive except on steroids

>> No.17801461

Than everything is sex work because we all have a sex.

> descent of all humans
Is to work for a payment. It dirties everything. Makes prostitutes of us all.

>> No.17801510

The concrete labour I sell is logistics conduct.
The concrete labour that boy sells is erotic display of the body.

This is probably around chapter 7.

>> No.17801632

youre spewing the the 2021 version of the "anything can be art" school of thinking that results in a literal shit covered toilet being a gallery exhibit

>> No.17801653

Yeah, that's on show in Hobart in Tasmania (Australia.) Its got mirrors. Its an interactive art work.

I'm spewing Capital volume 1, or Value Price and Profit, or Contribution to a Critique; your choice really. But given your pig ignorant of the critique of wage labour you really should read. If you're functionally illiterate try Mandel's equivalence for Capital written as a text book for French undergraduate students. I know that's asking quite a bit of you, as you're a septic adolescent shit posting on a East Timorese frog worship USENET server, but if you work through it slowly—and especially if you critique your own wage labour—you might understand what's being talked about andy why a boy who sells images of her tits is producing commodities.

>> No.17801656
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>logistics conduct.
The hell is that?
>That boy
>Chapter 7

>> No.17801724

>>>Capital 1,6
>In order to modify the human organism, so that it may acquire skill and handiness in a given branch of industry, and become labour-power of a special kind, a special education or training is requisite, and this, on its part, costs an equivalent in commodities of a greater or less amount. This amount varies according to the more or less complicated character of the labour-power. The expenses of this education (excessively small in the case of ordinary labour-power), enter pro tanto into the total value spent in its production.

Labour-power is exerted in a concrete differentiable form.

moving things
like behaviour, but chosen by subjects, not reflexive like Aristotle's animals.

>[pretending to be unaware of the gendered constructions of presentation online]

>> No.17801760

>I’m a truck driver
Oh, okay. So are you pretending Belle Delphine is a boy?

>> No.17801803

She plays it up. She may as well pretend to tuck.

>> No.17801906
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I love commie schizoposters lol

>> No.17801932

I'm so sorry you're North American.

>> No.17801949

so glad I've dropped rust for zig

>> No.17801948
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Is that some Nick Land?

>> No.17801995
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idk who this fag is but he sounds pretty based

>> No.17802016

Land is a bland meme fantasist.

Instead of reading someone else's LARP, why not at least try a workers inquiry yourself.

>> No.17802052

Hahah. He lives in China now. I think he’s just trying to play the master accelorationist.

>> No.17802078
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because everything I've seen of what Marx has to say is baby's first notes on economics, and I have basically no interest in anything else he's had to say because it seems like almost all of it has panned out poorly. maybe when I'm through my existentialist phase, but probably not.

no hate tho, keep doing you based commie schizoposter.

>> No.17802102

classic primer

>> No.17802171

You do understand that workers inquiries use praxic investigation not citation of dead Europeans? Sure the categories often map to extents, but it isn’t evidence mapped against dead categories.

>> No.17802368


Bruh...selling sex is literally called the "world's oldest PROFESSION"...Jesus Christ...

>> No.17802395

Only fans account is not sex work. Dumb sluts post pictures online to a dozen subscribers and call them self a sex workers for the brownie points and to make them come across as unique or worldly.
Same goes for sugar babys.
If some dumb upper middle class cunt posting pics online wants to call herself a sex worker, then she go to a brothel and work a fucking 16 hour shift. That is actual sex work.

>> No.17802406

How long has onlyfans existed?

>> No.17803418

Would read.

>> No.17803451

Look, I have a lot of sympathy with your detestation of bourgeois tourists flashing minge for cocaine money.

But scat whore, or mass market minge flasher with tramp stamp, your choice to immediately taint western workers with the stamp of the petits—, nay, the kleine bourgeois marks you with the stamp of the most doctrinaire western maoist who's never worked shift, never worked a day longer than 15 hours.

You sir, deserve as Brecht said, repeatedly in Measures Taken.

Don't know it? Fuck me cunt. And you think yourself a tankie with chink character.

>> No.17804377

>How long has onlyfans existed?
Since 2016.

>> No.17804443
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It didn't. Belle hates communism and is emblematic of a very high level of neoliberalism. OF is nothing new and neither are incels or ethots, it is all from Milton and Reagan and all live as having to brand yourself.

Even the vandalism.

Maybe read Fredric Jameson of Judith Butler's wide I forget her name. (But fuck biopolitics that topic is lame)

>> No.17804522

Yes I have.

>> No.17804547

Marx calls it "rentier capitalism." In libertarian analysis it's called "rent-seeking."

>> No.17804612
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>> No.17804644
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It's not social media only, it's also capitalism. Social media merely provided the means for prostitution due to desperation to become more prevalent, lucrative and accessible. Hordes of young people devoid of any future prospects and bombarded by lifestyle vlogs, documentaries and instagram feeds are suddenly blackpilled to the fact that their lives are worthless and no matter how much effort they put into getting an A on Mr. Bumfucker's math class, they will always remain nobodies working from 9 to 5 (perhaps paycheck to paycheck), wishing they were partying in Greece, lounging abount in some Los Angeles mansion or travelling the world without a worry in mind. Then social media and the financialization of life glamourize prostitution (only the 1% of e-prostitutes actually make a buck, as is the case in anything pertaining to the entertainment industry) and lots of girls become fucked up due to this dynamic.

>> No.17804666

>/lit/ now defends ethots
I forgot this board is full of zoomers who donate to vtubers

>> No.17804762

I just said I didn't because they are just neoliberalism and articulate neoliberalism

>> No.17805280
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Getting real sick of this shit

>> No.17805311

Filtering butterfly is like a rite of passage here

>> No.17805378

industrial society and its future

>> No.17805789

There is a VERY GOOD and recent book by the french author : Gérald Bronner - Apocalypse cognitive

but I think it's only in french bro

>> No.17806200

The Shallows by Nicholas Carr