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17799142 No.17799142 [Reply] [Original]

>Oxford Classics
>Library of America
>Wordsworth Classics
>Dover Thrift
>Penguin Classics
>Barnes and Noble Classics
>New York Review of Books
>Everyman’s Library

>> No.17799156

Wordsworth Classics is, without even joking, the lowest quality imprint there is in the English mass book market. They're full of typos, they always use substandard translations, the quality of the paper they make their books out of is terrible. Please, do not buy Wordsworth.

>> No.17799165

everyman's is good though

>> No.17799168

Everyman's Library is based you pseud

>> No.17799179

In what fucking world is Wordsworth Classics based. It's the lowest quality of book out off all the ones listed there.
The translations suck too

>> No.17799191

What's wrong with Penguin?

>> No.17799199

ITT: OP is exposed for what he is, a garbage boy

>> No.17799204
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>download kindle rip off gutenberg
>translation was done in the 19th century
>level of english is 2 or 3x higher than modern translations
>didn't pay a fucking cent
lmaoing at you

>> No.17799209

holy BASED

>> No.17799222

Let me fix this list for you anon

>Everyman's Library
>Library of America
>Dover Thrift Books

>Modern Library
>Penguin Classics
>Pocket Books
>Oxford World Classics

>Wordsworth Classics
>Barnes and Nobel Classics
>Folio Society
>Easton Press

>> No.17799238

>not exclusively reading samizdats made from toilet paper and recycled cardboard

>> No.17799243

>I got an inferior product for free!
>btw it's not a book, it's just a pdf
>don't worry it's not scary, you just need a $300 e-reader

>> No.17799245

double dubs and trips confirm

>> No.17799247


>> No.17799252

Poor fag detected

>> No.17799259

>you just need a $300 e-reader
you can read pdfs on your phone, and e-readers start at like 80 bucks now. buy it with credit you poorfag nigger

>> No.17799267
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>you just need a $300 e-reader
nigga the app is free and there are a trillion different FOSS programs you can use if you're that kind of autistic. if you can post on 4chan you can read ebooks
get a job you destitute favela ape

>> No.17799270

overpriced compared to Oxford. same title can be like twice as expensive, and the paper isn’t even as good

>> No.17799275

how am I poor? Because I pay for books?
>read pdfs on your phone
yeh... this is so superior to physical books........
>buy it with credit
no thanks, I'm not retarded

>> No.17799278

reading on anything other than an e-reader is asinine

>> No.17799282


>> No.17799286 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 300x278, 1615932759043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeh... this is so superior to physical books........

>> No.17799290

bad for your eyes
>wow, I've made staring at this screen even more damaging to my eyes

>> No.17799292

Nigga, anyone can pay for books, thrift stores are a thing

>> No.17799304

>actually thinks screens are bad for your eyes
Let me guess, you think coffee and salt are unhealthy too?

>> No.17799315

coffee and salt have been proven to be healthy (in moderation, obviously) but so far no benefits have been found from staring at a screen all day

>> No.17799326

I know, so imagine being so poor you steal them KEK

>> No.17799330

not him >>17799315 but same

>> No.17799350


is the thrifty Chad trifecta. I’ve never paid more than 5 dollars for a book

>> No.17799357

How is Dover Thrift good. Their books are cheap but so are their products. I don't blame them though.

>> No.17799361

Imagine not being a PhD student and not splurging BAME scholarship money on hundreds of brand new books unrelated to your field of study for your personal leisure, completely guilt free. God do I love taxpayer money.

>> No.17799383

Bump Oxford up to based and you got it buddy, good job.

>> No.17799393
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Imagine not having a Bachelor's in CS and getting paid near six figures to sit at home and do nothing but play vidya, drink coffee, and read whatever the fuck you want in bed all day.

>> No.17799414

>Bachelor's in CS
1.6 or Source?

>> No.17799427
File: 35 KB, 500x414, B90605FE-A991-4315-A043-805D652D289D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fellow bame britbong. What’s ur field of study

>> No.17799436

I was shitposting. I wouldn't dare to expose myself as a BAME, nor condone British HE identity politics funding policies.

>> No.17799441
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Damn definitely haven't heard that one before

>> No.17799470

Well if they’re giving money away no harm in receiving it

>> No.17799981

as a reformed guincel I can confirm the superior of oxfords

>> No.17799988

I refuse to read anything from OUP since getting rejected from St Edmund's 10 years ago

>> No.17800051


>> No.17800308

How does NYRB fit into this?

>> No.17800367

if what you're buying is in english there's no reason not to get the cheapest version. it's the same words.

for translations, that's another matter.

>> No.17800406

Top tier in terms of quality, same with new directions

>> No.17800421

I find their spines too stiff, you gotta break em to read properly

>> No.17800537

Very good, I'm finishing up a second read of Warlock and it barely shows any wear, no creasing on the spine, kinda nuts.