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File: 929 KB, 1280x707, noah's ark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17798398 No.17798398 [Reply] [Original]

None of you take the old testament story like Noah's ark literally right?

>> No.17798411

no, at least not fully

>> No.17798414

Yes, there are LARPers in here who think that Noah went to Antartica and came back to pick up some penguins. Wait for them, they're very funny guys.

>> No.17798416

t. Augustine

>> No.17798417

Penguins wouldn't need to be saved by a boat, though.

>> No.17798425

Source: Genesis

>> No.17798432

penguins arent real faggot

>> No.17798439

true, however, polar bears or caribous would need it.

>> No.17798448

Of course not, there's no way you could fit 6 million animals in a ship that size

>> No.17798489
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>> No.17798572

>polar bears or caribous would need it.

Neither of which live in Antarctica.

>> No.17798590

They didn’t exist back then.

>> No.17798602

don't care, plus they're unattainable for a middle eastern man. He went for kangaroos also for sure.

>> No.17798610

The boat and animals aren't even the oddest thing about Noah's story. What's the deal with him getting drunk and his son (Ham) seeing him naked? And then him getting mad and cursing that Ham's son? It's bizarre. How da fuck do you blame your grandson for your own poor choice of getting drunk and laying around naked?

>> No.17798611

yes, all animals in the world only existed in the middle east or wherever Noah lived.

>> No.17798636
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No, I take the Babylonian flood story literally, though.

>> No.17798644

Why wouldn't I? If the Quran says the sky is red than the sky is red. All subjective experiences and truths are irrelevant against the word of allah.

>> No.17798653

>>What's the deal with him getting drunk and his son (Ham) seeing him naked?
>He doesn't know.

>> No.17798657


>> No.17798668

They can’t stay in water forever dumb fuck

>> No.17798679
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Uh Guys, WTF are these things?

>> No.17798686

Based unicorn bros.

>> No.17798689

You missed the unicorn

>> No.17798690


>> No.17798719

>He believes in virginal births, resurrections, demons, angels, all kinds of miracles from healing lepers with a single touch to raising the dead and walking on water
>Yet he thinks the flood is just far too absurd

>> No.17798737

ehhmm source? ah yes it's another shut off your brain thing

>> No.17798740
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What about these winged equestrians that appear to be eating a man?

>> No.17798756

I dare you to show how the fossil record proves the existence of kangaroos in Australia predating the six million years of human evolution.

>> No.17798775

No, his name was obviously Utnapishtim

>> No.17798780

it's supposed to parallel the story of Lot getting raped by his daughter while drunk

>> No.17798781
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>he thinks there were no marsupials in Australia when humans were already building arks

>> No.17798792

If you think shipbuilding is all that hard, how do you explain Polynesia?

>> No.17798806
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>> No.17798836

it's WAY WAY more logic to think that the origin of the myth was a guy who built an ark to save his cattle from a flood than a guy who built an ark and went to fucking Australia to pick up marsupials.

>> No.17798845

There were no kangaroos in Australia before the Flood, I just said. Are you deaf?

>> No.17798862

Both of these stories are similar in the sense that one is meant to justify the subjugation of the Canaanites by the Hebrews and to delegitimize the descendants of Lot (Moab and Ammon) who were also bitter enemies of the Israelites.

>> No.17798865

Please explain, I am curious.

>> No.17798866

As I said it was Utnapishtim not some kike Noah or sth

>> No.17798871

They didn't

>> No.17798875

>all marsupials are kangaroos
bravo. Truly an answer I would expect from a biblical literalist.

>> No.17798877


>> No.17798885

There was an ark and it was used to save animals. The thing is, the book of Genesis doesn't actually state that a worldwide flood took place. The word for "earth", eretz, can also mean "land," as in Genesis 41:57, where it says that "all the eretz came to Egypt to buy grain" when a famine struck the region and this was always understood to mean a large localized region and not the entire earth.

Geologists have discovered that melting glaciers near the black sea could have caused the collapse of giant ice dams about seven thousand years ago. Such an event would have triggered sudden, massive flooding across a wide area, which would have served as the basis for the Genesis account.

>> No.17798895

Noah is the ancestor of all humanity, not just the Semites.

>> No.17798902

To "see" somebody in Genesis has a sexual connotation. It's not just looking, but having sex.

>> No.17798908

No, the tower of Babel though yeah

>> No.17798909


>> No.17798913

No he's not. He met other people after the flood subsided.

>> No.17798917


>he doesn't know about the meteor that hit Greenland around 10,000 BC, instantly ending the Ice Age and causing Tsunamis in every direction

>not realizing that all these flood 'myths' are just oral retellings of the same event pass down hundreds of generations
Not going to make it

>> No.17798939

>"there was a flood"
>"therefore it means that Noah went to Antarctica to pick polar bears dude!!!"

>> No.17798943

>Not knowing that it was literally just a flood in Mesopotamia and all ancient cultures take myths from each other

>> No.17798950

>a man was resurrected
>but a petting zoo!? On a boat?!?
>thats too ridiculous. I can't believe this made up shit
Its kinda silly what atheists chose to protest. I could probably get the funding for a floating petting zoo right now if I really tried hard enough, but resurrection is decades away if its even possible. But as far as interpreting the Ark story the sane interpretation is that the ark story was probably meant to illustrate the difference between the Babylonian gods and the Christian/Jewish God by taking an existing myth and changing it to demonstrate how the true God would acted compared to the Babylonian gods.

>> No.17798958

Genesis 9: 18-19 explicitly states his three sons are responsible for repopulating the earth. Genesis also does not mention Noah doing anything else after exiting the arc except talking to God, getting drunk, cursing his son and then dying at 950 years of age.

>> No.17799037

>yea bro all the living creatures just survived a nigh world-destroying flood by doing nothing

>> No.17799273

Any true Christian would take it literally. There's no other way to take it if you believe that the word of God is true. The LARPers are the ones who try to make fun of it with idiotic drawings like this. The ark was a giant ship not whatever this thing is supposed to be. Also, the ark didn't have to take every species on it just had to take an example of every KIND which then speciated into what we have today.

>> No.17799296

Do you also believe in the earth created in 6 days and that it's 6000 years old? But the LARPers are the ones that don't hit their heads over a wall to fanatically ignore any empirical data?

>> No.17799615

So I'm guessing you also think the Pharaoh also had cout magician capable of matching God's miracle

>> No.17799651

Things to keep in mind is that by the biblical account the world between the fall and flood were very different then our current world in how it operated and looked so the continents, weather and animals were all vastly different to our post flood world.

I'm not saying this is a proof but a lot of people attack shit that isn't biblical and I don't understand why they refuse to budge on penguins, Australia etc but didn't close the bookat God popping the universe into existence and the entire fall narrative.

>> No.17799703

Genesis 9:22
>And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father's nakedness and told his two brothers outside.

It's theorized that Ham may have either castrated (as in a Zeus-Chronos story) or penetrated Noah sexually. 'To see the nakedness of' traditionally means to copulate. Plus the Canaanites were associated with promiscuity and perversion henceforth.

>> No.17799719

It is one of the most realistic things in the bible. We are assuming here that even if it was not worldwide, a giant flood did indeed happen, after all deluges had wiped out Atlantis and other civilizations before.

These are usually attributed to God, as they should be. And if Noah was intimated to this event by God, it could for no other reason exist than the sinning of the population, like many of the wildfires in California or the diseases inflicting this generation of man.

You can't escape God, after all you need the fruits of your labors to live, and it is the same with him.

>> No.17799752
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Ham raped his dad? wtf

>> No.17799763

We don't really know. But a thing to keep in mind is the OT figures are all pretty fucked up and deprived.

>> No.17799803 [SPOILER] 
File: 234 KB, 545x530, 1615937459087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very troubling

>> No.17799810

In short, yes. It rhymes with the latter story of Lot, who is also 'raped' while drunk by his daughters after escaping from the wrathful destruction of God.

>> No.17799854

>chantards larping as Christians

Always sad.

>> No.17799863

Oh ye of little faith, why won't you be a christian and believe in the bible?

>> No.17799913

ice floats

>> No.17799986

caribous don't live on ice.

>> No.17800046

Not him but I definitely think that. I think magic is absolutely real, albeit evil.

I think giants are real too, or at least they were, since they're also in the Bible.

>> No.17800111

I have have a genuine question. Could these events have taken place in the astral plane or in global consciousness without occuring in the physical plane of the observable? Or am I a schizo?

>> No.17800248

Caribou is already plural you retards.

>> No.17800252

I've believed stranger things

>> No.17800253

The correct term is cariboueses

>> No.17800268

The Jews say so more explicitly. Christianity is more ambigious in its interpretation.

>> No.17800275

What a fucking chad

>> No.17800285

Shit like that is new age retardation. What the fuck even is an astral plane?

>> No.17800298

>empirical data
>of the past
Were you there?

>> No.17800324

Maybe I was anon. Maybe I was.

>> No.17800377

Yeah like life coming from rock slime in a universe that just is bro.

>> No.17800381


>> No.17800395

why wouldn't i? you don't think there were floods a long time ago?

>> No.17800455

.................science btfo........

>> No.17800492

literalists logic
>there were floods long ago...
>this means there was a worldwide flood that extermined every being on earth except a middle eastern guy who went to Antarctica to pick up some penguins

>> No.17800527

what do you guys have against penguins

>> No.17800546

just a wandering jew

>> No.17800589

idk about this, in the Hebrew tradition it usually doesn't mean that; the term used would have been "to know" or "to lay with/lain with" I forget the Hebrew word I'll have to look it up

The way Christians interpret it is that he saw his father naked, and instead of fucking off and not saying anything and respecting his father, he went and told his brothers and made fun of him. His brothers, knowing that they should respect their father, went and covered him up. In retaliation, Noah cursed Ham and all of his children. Moral of the story is, respect your old man even if he's a dipshit. Men should respect and honor each other, this is one of the primary things that sets us apart from women

>> No.17800773

>nobody cared who I was until I put down my brother

>> No.17800793

There's a ton of evidence there was a global flood around 12,000 years ago. So yes.

>> No.17800798
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>> No.17800805

I am directly quoting Hebrew Biblical commentary.

>> No.17800832

That a flood happened doesn't mean any of the rest of the story is true.

>> No.17800899

If you don’t believe in young earth creationism you’re literally a stooge for Satan. Bible’s literal. Anyone who says otherwise is a crypto-atheist

>> No.17801001
File: 228 KB, 1124x1102, 1583554640947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how did literally every religion get a flood myth, even ones that don't connect to the rest unless you go back over a hundred thousand years?

>> No.17801012

Yeah it does.

>> No.17801015

there really was a big flood and everyone saw it

>> No.17801073
File: 1.84 MB, 1556x1167, remember when troy wasn't real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it interesting because it implies that if one takes the stance of a modern man that two things are possible. Either there truly was a global flood that covered the entire planet so that all cultures could see it. Or if one wants to take the more realistic perspective as they might say, it happened to some small group that basically fathered the entire planet which is notable because it means they kept the tradition alive for 100x longer than history itself actually records.

>> No.17801119
File: 80 KB, 600x450, 59F2F82B-9C95-4500-A1EF-0850039A4F54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s always fun to watch scientists and historians cope with the universality of flood myths and things recorded in other scriptures such as Rama’s Bridge

>> No.17801136

Everyone around the world? Nigga.... Imagine the niggas out in Africa and Arabia and shit, they ain't never seent water in their entire life and they be talking bout FLOODS? Poor, ignorant ass white boy...

>> No.17801179

The truth is, we don't know what exactly "saw his father's nakedness" means. There are some pretty good theories, but the idea that it was some sort of sexual transgression is a likely bet. Other than the interpretations >>17799703 gave, there's also the theory that Ham raped Noah's wife and Canaan was a product of this union. Leviticus 18:8 states, "the nakedness of thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father's nakedness", so the theory, at least the part involving Ham raping Noah's wife, can be defended scripturally.

>> No.17801225

Rivers flood. Hence the myths. There can’t be a global flood.

>> No.17801252

Man, there was a real global flood about that age. The tale is based on the oral tradition of that event like other anons said. The religious interpretation is that God made his first creation a mess so he hitted the restart button. If something "happened" in the "astral plane" best bet is the myth of creation and expulsion from Paradise.

>> No.17801294

Even wholly inland australian aboriginals, who would have left africa 100,000 years ago and according to modern dating arrived in australia 50,000 years ago (40,000 years before the melting at the end of the ice age) have a flood myth with a creator god who wishes to start over because he is angry at humanity. If they didn't get it from local river floods and they were disconnected from the rest of humanity during the most likely event that, from a historicist perspective, started the myth, then how did they not only get a flood myth but THE SAME flood myth?

>> No.17801299
File: 73 KB, 600x860, Carl-Jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flood is an archetype

>> No.17801308

Things like these are what move people away from the faith. The fault is on some rednecks retards who cannot understand things without making them literal. Not everyone can be dragged to that level of idiocy, and this results in tons of smug atheists and the myth of Christians being idiots flat-earthers.

>> No.17801344
File: 23 KB, 220x212, chaos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys are enjoying connecting the dots with the flood myth, wait until you make the "formless chaotic waters" connection between creation myths.

>> No.17801355

Noah didn't go around trapping a bunch of animals from all over the world, they just walked all the way over there into the arc on their own.

>> No.17801366
File: 339 KB, 1242x1248, Flat Earth - Universe Cannot Exist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of you take the old testament story like Noah's ark literally right
Doubtful, considering what some people profess to believe...

>> No.17801377

how? how did the animals go if they were in separate continents? And how did they go back to their respective continents? Are you telling me that marsupials went swimming all to the middle east?
>ugh hihihi itz god power just shut off your brain

>> No.17801393

>it was the same flood yo!
>Abos never seen water!

>> No.17801436

Again, you believe in virginal births, infinitely multiplying bread and walking on water but you don't believe this one instance of a miracle?

>> No.17801486

Noah was around before Jews tho.

>> No.17801490

I thought the whole point was that Noah's family were the only people who weren’t depraved

>> No.17801570
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>> No.17801592

No, because it is easier to explain it like a myth. The virgin birth and Jesus miracles are historical, they count with witnesses, they were recorded a few decades after the events took place, in the contrary Noah's Ark happened in some distant unknown time, involves incongruencies that are not explained (like the animals coming from australia and going back, anywhere in the Bible says that the gathering of the animals was a miracle), the myth is present in other cultures but in different forms, it can have better explanations, it has all the literarily characteristics of a myth, etc.

>> No.17801759

Sciencetards were all about the global flood myth back in 2012. Something about Gaia punishing us for burning dinosaurs or something.

>> No.17801775
File: 1.59 MB, 2485x3516, 5342FFCE-FFD1-43A9-BB94-7FCAF205FB0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waterworld has been debunked and dunked

>> No.17801786

It was clearly aliens and how humanity actually arrived here, watch more anime.

>> No.17802162
File: 6 KB, 299x168, de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if, all of the sudden in 1998 100 different writers, not in contact with each other, all in different areas of the world, were all inspired to write the script for Diehard and the only major difference between most of the works is the amount of dudes that Hans Gruber brings along with him.

>A thousand voices have repeated and commended this thought; yet, so far as I known it, it has not occurred to any person to give it the completeness which it warrants. Let us suppose that printed characters, scattered plentifully in the air, should, on coming, to the ground form the Athalie of Racine; what would be the inference? That an intelligence had directed the fall and the arrangement of the characters. Good sense will never conclude otherwise.

>> No.17802297

old testament has all kinds of whacky stuff like that

>> No.17802319

No, Noah was righteous and saved his family by virtue of that. A common theme running through the bible is righteous men stepping in to save the faithless.

>> No.17802409

Yes, the earth was created in 6 24 hour days 6-7000 years ago. It is evidenced by the bible and by the growing mountains of evidence that the Evolutionists ignore because they deny the truth.

>> No.17802446

>The thing is, the book of Genesis doesn't actually state that a worldwide flood took place.
Yes it does

Genesis 6:13
>And God said to Noah, ‘I have determined to make an end of all flesh

Genesis 6:17
>For my part, I am going to bring a flood of waters on the earth, to destroy from under heaven all flesh in which is the breath of life

Genesis 7:19-20
>The waters swelled so mightily on the earth that all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered; the waters swelled above the mountains, covering them fifteen cubits deep.

A regional flood can't cover everything under heaven or rise 15 cubits above all the mountaina of the earth.

>> No.17802467


>> No.17802514

Lotta loyalty for a Hebrew son

>> No.17802543

The Ice Age only ended 10000 years ago

>> No.17802564


>> No.17802570

I can't even take it metaphorically. How does it even make sense as a metaphor?

>> No.17802580

Noah also lived 950 years so he had time to collect them and restore them

>> No.17802583

why didn't we save them ;_;

>> No.17802588

Pretty based ngl

>> No.17802608

Imagine taking a retelling of a Mesopotamian myth literally. The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.17802614

That is in no way comparable to flood myths

>> No.17802622

>The virgin birth and Jesus miracles are historical, they count with witnesses, they were recorded a few decades after the events took place

>> No.17802634
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Seethe hard my friend.

>> No.17802654

>his smoking gun is a known forgery
Top fucking lel

>> No.17802680

They're ortho larpers who deserted from their biblically accurate 40 IQ evangelical upbringing while maintaining the literalism. Being "traditional" for these people is a competition on who's saying the biggest nonsense, if you feel shame you lose.

>> No.17802695

Yet that's more evidence than your floating zoo.

>> No.17802713

Why would Amerindian myths talk about a flood in Mesopotamia?
Why do Balkan countries claim that the Caucus mountains is where the Ark landed, if its just a Mesopotamian myth?
The flood was real anon.

>> No.17802716

No, I’m pretty sure writing down shit that never happened and doing a craft course to reconstruct shit that never happened are pretty much the same thing

>> No.17802726

Wow, it’s almost like floods are a common experience on a planet with loads of water, and then all you need is the brain of a religiontard with a massive confirmation bias to ‘see’ a pattern that he himself has a massive stake in on being there

>> No.17802750
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Yes it is. Hawaiian mythology not only has a flood myth, but recounts the story of Eden and gives the same name for Adam as Hebrew mythology.
They also mention that man has existed and been wiped out many times, and that before the flood it was by fire from the heavens, and that Adam was the only survivor of that period. Plato also recounts of a scroll in Egypt which recorded several thousand years of human history and contained a story of a flood which wiped out ancient Hellenic civilization, the continent of Atlantis (which he explicitly described as being an Island in between Africa and South America despite South America not having been "discovered" at that point), and a story of fire from the heavens that wiped out much of humanity before the flood.
You'd have to be delusional to ignore so much historical evidence. I don't think there's a single event that is as documented. Humans have over 40k years of history, yet people act like anything that happened previous to Homer is fictional.

>> No.17802760

>You'd have to be delusional to ignore so much historical evidence.
No, I just have to be aware of you having a massive stake in the outcome of your own hypothesis, which means that its falsification will take a massive backseat to its verification. If you were intellectually honest, you’d look at all the differences between them, and would try to consider alternative explanations for it just as much as your specific religious explanation. But you’re not, you’re a religiously motivated intellectual fraud

>> No.17802767

A singular mega-flood wiping out humanity save for one single man and his family who were saved by god isn't a common experience dumbass.
Yet it shows up constantly in religious myths.
Maybe you should consider the possibility that oral traditions contain accurate historical data and aren't just a bunch of lies invented by half-witted savages.
All evidence points to humanity being nearly wiped out many times, the last time was by flood, and before that was by fire. This is independently verified across dozens of different cultures, and all of them provide similar historical dating for the event and common themes.

>> No.17802778

Even in the recorded floods that Plato took from the egyptian priests, which can be deemed to be historical records, none of them were absolutely global, there were more than one deluge, and some people managed to survive in the mountains. There was no humanity "reset" and no "repopulation" like in the case of Noah. We can be sure that the flood happened, but the myth isn't to be taken literally.

>> No.17802780

>what is exaggeration
I bet when someone told you their dad worked at Nintendo and would could give you cheat codes for a small price, you were the only one who believed them, weren’t you?

>> No.17802787

>No, I just have to be aware of you having a massive stake in the outcome of your own hypothesis
You don't know anything about me, you're just projecting your own biases against conservative Christians or whatever boogyman is living rent-free in your head.

>If you were intellectually honest, you’d look at all the differences between them, and would try to consider alternative explanations for it just as much as your specific religious explanation.
I do, but at a certain point those 'alternative explanations' just seem like grasping at straws.
If you were a detective, and five different people gave you nearly identical descriptions of an event with only minor differences in details (some people saw a bird from the ark, some see an otter for example), would your reaction be to come up with a hypothesis that all of the witnesses either made the story up or saw completely different events? It seems like the more logical explanation is that there most likely was a flood which wiped out large portions of humanity which is why this is present in oral traditions world-wide.

>> No.17802808

>at a certain point those 'alternative explanations' just seem like grasping at straws.
Which, once again, is because of your own massive bias. You can’t even hide it well

>> No.17802809

Another idea is that flood myths refer to some primal memory of being submerged in the fluids of a mother's womb. Don’t know much about but it sounds interesting.

>> No.17802814

>they're all just exaggeration
maybe the real problem is that you have a narrow way of looking at the world, and only believe in a narrative invented by a small section of people in power which willfully ignores the oral history of every section of society while viewing truth as something that can only exist with the permission of the high-bourgeoisie in academia.

>Even in the recorded floods that Plato took from the egyptian priests, which can be deemed to be historical records, none of them were absolutely global
They were. Plato describes contact with the Americas and a large island/continent existing just off the straight of Gibraltar, which was consequently wiped out alongside most of the Mediterranean civilizations at the time. That's about as global as you can possibly expect for the time, but if you look into it you can find similar collaborating stories in parts of the world that had no contact with ancient Egypt.
What kind of standard of proof do you even want here? Some kind of world-almanac from 2000BC describing the reactions of Chinese, Inuit, Australasians, Europeans, and so on? Any historical record can be considered 'localized' or 'subjective', that doesn't mean you throw them out and ignore them entirely.

>> No.17802821

>your own massive bias
What is my bias then? It seems like you're just projecting assumed motivations onto me because you can't make a decent argument.

>> No.17802825

>maybe the real problem is that you have a narrow way of looking at the world, and only believe in a narrative invented by a small section of people in power
This is a nearly perfect description of Abrahamic religion, good job

>> No.17802827


>> No.17802829

You’re very clearly out to confirm a Biblical account of the world, probably in a desperate bid to uphold the waning credibility of the Bible

>> No.17802837

>I hate Christians so much that I'm going to deny history even happened because I'm so smart and euphoric
Fuck off retard. Lots of non-Abrahamic religions look at the flood myth and see direct parallels with their own mythology. You're also projecting a heavily propagandized view of Catholicism onto the diverse beliefs of the majority of the world. You're a moron and too stupid to enjoy one of the most interesting topics in comparative mythology.

>> No.17802847

Notice how I specifically said ‘Abrahamic’, yet you automatically translated it into your specific bias of ‘Christian’. Way to let your mask slip off

>> No.17802851

I'm not a Christian and don't consider the bible a credible source. I don't care about "confirming' anything, I just find it interesting that this story comes up often in various sources-- including a book of Hawaiian mythology and also Plato. I've also met several native Americans who told me similar stories from their oral traditions and saw direct parallels between their flood myths and that of Noah.
You're literally just projecting shit because you feel yourself superior to Christians for some stupid reason. Dumbfuck brainwashed sheep.

>> No.17802857

Um, sweetie, you do know that lying is a sin, right?

>> No.17802860

Maybe I just see through you. As per your post >>17802829.
Why should people ignore a story that is independently collaborated by dozens of different historical traditions? Just saying "well maybe they all made it up" isn't intellectually satisfying or convincing, and I don't understand why you're so desperate to 'discredit' something with more historical record than pretty much any other event in history.

>> No.17802927

>Why should people ignore a story that is independently collaborated by dozens of different historical traditions?
You mean ‘corroborated’, although ‘collaborated’ may be the appropriate term for what actually happened. And I remain highly skeptical of such an assessment when it’s used to ‘confirm’ a book as literally true, so that its representatives claim power over society. This is also the reason why people hate Abrahamists like you, you clothe everything you say and do as a quest for truth and morality, when everyone knows that Abrahamism has never cared and never will care about anything other than one thing, power. Just look at your own posts. If you cared about the truth, you would be far more interested in trying to falsify all of these connections. That’s what researchers do, they come up with ideas, and then try to falsify them, and even if they can’t, they still assert that this could be possible in the future. You of course don’t, because you don’t care about truth. You care almost solely about confirming this story, so that you get to use the story of Noah as your specific revenge fantasy for not following your specific school of thought. In all of this, truth and morality are just slimy fronts, so that you get to exercise power over those who don’t agree with you, and that’s pretty gross, and again one of the main reasons why Abrahamic religion is losing its influence today

>> No.17803349

You can disagree but don't act like a few prooftexts in isolation actually prove anything. These are little more than rhetorical exaggeration which we find all throughout the book of Torah, like when God or the Jews order and celebrate the destruction of a people only to see them show up later.

>> No.17803359

None of the gospels were written by eyewitnesses, and the oldest one lacks the virgin birth and resurrection narratives altogether.

>> No.17803558

from apocryphon of john. noah was saved by a ufo. and once again it makes a billion times more sense than the christian version

>The first ruler regretted everything that had happened through him. Once again he made a plan, to bring a flood upon the human creation. The enlightened greatness of forethought, however, warned Noah. Noah announced this to all the offspring, the human children, but those who were strangers to him did not listen to him. It did not happen the way Moses said, They hid in an ark. Rather, they hid in a particular place, not only Noah, but also many other people from the unshakable race. They entered that place and hid in a bright cloud. Noah knew about his supremacy. With him was the enlightened one who had enlightened them, since the first ruler had brought darkness upon the whole earth.

>> No.17803692
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>> No.17803733

There's a theory of a massive pre-history flood event that happened and was carried over orally until it was written down in multiple religious texts as an act of god. It's easy to imagine that it was exaggerated over time.

>> No.17804909

Could it be both? A flood that happened in mesopotamia but left a mark on the global consciousness of mankind. If find it hard to believe that the whole world was flooded and Noah had to rescue all the species we find today.

>> No.17805004

The Holy Bible doesn't lie.

>> No.17805109
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because floods actually happen a quite a lot, peoples almost always settle near rivers or coasts, and they did not have modern infrastructure to prevent or predict these events. a flood kills many, destroys buildings, and ruins all agriculture, so that shit is gonna stay in people's memory for a long time.

>> No.17805603

But god promised to never do a flood like that again, and yet local flooding still occurs all over the world. It MUST have been a worldwide flood or god is a liar.

>> No.17805608

Why wouldn't I, especially when almost all religions of the same time period have a story about a great flood?

>> No.17805802

So why is almost every flood myth "everyone died" instead of "everyone walked away from the river"?

>> No.17805840

This entire thread

>how do you account for the fact that it's not just a flood myth but the exact same story with the same themes present in nearly every example, even in civilizations with no connection to the rest and religions that in every other way can have completely different apparent structures to the real world and the super real world
>>but rivers flood sometimes tho

Will you niggers address the actual question already?

>> No.17805867

>yet people act like anything that happened previous to Homer is fictional.
These exact same people were once sure with absolute certainty that troy was just a myth, until they were wrong.

>> No.17805889

>the exact same story with the same themes present in nearly every example
False. Also, civilizations tend to start around rivers and bodies of water because it makes trade and agriculture easier. Furthermore, you’re a huge dingleberry, and should probably ditch your childish religious LARPing and try to be an actual adult sometimes

>> No.17805916

I love how this is coming from Christians, who believe that before the time of Noah and Abraham there was literally nothing. You know, because the Sumerians and the Babylonians were actually just cave people who spend their days fucking and randomly killing each other, since there were no laws yet

>> No.17805959

I'm not christian.

>> No.17805968

You probably will be very soon. That’s the end of the trad LARP pipeline

>> No.17806007

Literalist interpretation wins again

>> No.17806024

>who believe that before the time of Noah and Abraham there was literally nothing.
Lmao what are you on about? The OT says that Cain built the first city. Read the damn thing, would you?

>> No.17806031

>maybe the real problem is that you have a narrow way of looking at the world, and only believe in a narrative invented by a small section of people in power
Yeah but you definitely don't, right? lmao

>> No.17806048

It's allegorical and entertaining.