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File: 26 KB, 487x362, ESc3d9tWsAAq09V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17797612 No.17797612 [Reply] [Original]

Who/what do you worship /lit/?

>> No.17797618

The pre-edit version of this image does a great job of undermining the idea it seeks to express.

>> No.17797628


>> No.17797630

Darwin is not anywhere close too a God amd neither is evolution a pro or anti metaphysical theory. Darwinism is a purely christian invention.

>> No.17797631

can we get a linguistic structuralist in here to post the genealogy of the word worship? Thanks in advance ;) <3 ~~

>> No.17797632


>> No.17797654

>Darwinism is a purely christian invention.
the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.17797660
File: 1.73 MB, 382x678, 457457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karl Marx drawn like a CalArts character

>> No.17797672

The number of Muslims I know who genuinely believe that evolution isn't real is shocking

>> No.17797673

This is why the original image is stupid; it stretches the definition of "god" to encompass basically any idea a person accepts. "You agree that evolution is real? Ha ha, that means that Charles Darwin is your 'god.'"

>> No.17797681

Typical christian bullshit

>> No.17797689


Whatever CNN tells me to.

>> No.17797699


>> No.17797702

You dont even understand what I am getting at. Nobody today is a Darwinist, too think that such a movement exists is a delusion created by Christians. Christians pretend there are people who worship Darwin and follow his books like some kind of people when in truth nobody does and Darwin is just an important link in modern science, nothing more.

>> No.17797707

It's true, I do pray to my Darwin shrine daily

>> No.17797718

Except nobody follows darwin and he is not a pro or anti-metaphysician. Marx and his salvation ideology I agree, but Darwinism does not even exist!

>> No.17797725

Yeah, that's the point I'm making. It's a stupid image.

>> No.17797743

>buttblasted christfag larpers project their derangement onto others

>> No.17797769

It attenuates his semitism

>> No.17797792
File: 522 KB, 1435x1212, religionchad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes there are so many examples of people falling for actual movements despite not believing in religion that "Darwinism" is the ultimate low IQ comparison.
The image is dumb but we have indeed evolved to replicate religious patterns of thinking

>> No.17797817

reductio ad trannyum

>> No.17797825

>ITT silly atheists who think the imagine is stating a literal behavior, instead of a metal state

>> No.17797829

>The image is dumb but we have indeed evolved to replicate religious patterns of thinking
This is true -- and that's why the image is sort of an unintentional self-own.

>> No.17797834


>> No.17797849
File: 242 KB, 813x1920, 1615760957702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in voluptuous 2D butts

>> No.17797856

>This is true
no it isn't, but even it was, that wouldn't undermine the idea that a god exists, unless you want to throw our ''evolved morality'' into the bag.

>> No.17797870

>but even it was, that wouldn't undermine the idea that a god exists
Okay. When did I say anything about that? What are you responding to?

>> No.17797887

>unless you want to throw our ''evolved morality'' into the bag
How does this follow?

>> No.17797893

It literally is an unprovable theory because it seeks to be comprehensive. Claiming Evolution is real is as valid as claiming all matter is teleological, you just have to wait long enough.

>> No.17797895

>and that's why the image is sort of an unintentional self-own.
I may be wrong though

>> No.17797903

based coomer

>> No.17797921
File: 103 KB, 850x547, assuka3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fellow coomer cultist

>> No.17797922

My family.

>> No.17797928

You, the reader :)

>> No.17797934

You couldn't for example, believe in good and evil if our instincts are just a product of some blind and unconscious process.

>> No.17797937

Evolution is a collection of theories and hypothesi, something which is a theory has been proven. Something which is a hypothesis has not been proven.

>> No.17797939
File: 102 KB, 1440x1056, religions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17797941

Good and evil are useful categories, but I don't think they have any "cosmic" meaning

>> No.17797942

It's such an obvious joke to make because it has to be the most blatant example of cult-like behavior, you either believe the female dick dogma or you are a heretic.

>> No.17797943

I mean that the image self-strawmans. Presumably it means to express an idea along the lines of "we have evolved to replicate religious patterns of thinking," but it ends up expressing it as, "Everyone worships a god, if you believe in evolution that means that you worship evolution like Christians worship Jesus."

>> No.17797944

It depends, what kind of good and evil.

>> No.17797953


>> No.17797988

You can believe in evolution while rejecting the idea that we evolved to believe in a god but I got your point now.
>Good and evil are useful categories
''useful'' is pretty subjective. And yeah, subjectivety is kinda of bad when it comes to morality.
u know what I mean

>> No.17797995


>> No.17798063


>> No.17798086
File: 30 KB, 365x241, main-qimg-920055035c6e44ddacf275348ab5cc05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17798089

>And yeah, subjectivety is kinda of bad when it comes to morality
Why? Show me any morality which in the end is not tailored to its time and place.

>> No.17798137

my wife, of course

>> No.17798143

On Boyer's account, people do not accept implausible religious doctrines because they have relaxed their standards of rationality; they relax their standards of rationality because certain doctrines fit their “inference machinery” in such a way as to seem credible. And what most religious propositions may lack in plausibility they make up for in the degree to which they are memorable, emotionally salient, and socially consequential; all of these properties are a product of our underlying cognitive architecture, and most of this architecture is not consciously accessible. Boyer argues, therefore, that explicit theologies and consciously held beliefs are not a reliable indicator of the contents or causes of a person's religious outlook.

Boyer may be correct in saying that we have cognitive templates for religious ideas that run deeper than culture (in the same way that we appear to have deep, abstract concepts like “animal” and “tool”). We may, in fact, be what Bloom [46] has called “common sense dualists”—that is, we may be constitutionally inclined to see mind as distinct from body and, therefore, will tend to intuit the existence of disembodied minds at work in the world. This could lead us to presume ongoing relationships with dead friends and relatives, to anticipate our own survival of death, and to generally conceive of people as having immaterial souls.

A variety of experiments suggest that children are predisposed to assume both design and intention behind natural events—leaving many psychologists and anthropologists to believe that children, left entirely to their own devices, would invent some conception of God [47]. The psychologist Margaret Evans has found that children between the ages of eight and ten, whatever their upbringing, are consistently more inclined to give a Creationist account of the natural world than their parents are [48].

Because our minds have evolved to detect patterns in the world, we may tend to detect patterns that aren't actually there—ranging from faces in the clouds to a divine hand in the workings of Nature. Hood [49] posits an additional cognitive schema that he calls “supersense”—a tendency to infer hidden forces in the world, working for good or for ill. On his account, supersense generates beliefs in the supernatural (religious and otherwise) all on its own, and such beliefs are thereafter modulated, rather than instilled, by culture. Hood likens our susceptibility to religious ideas to our propensity to develop phobias for evolutionarily relevant threats (like snakes and spiders) rather than for things that are far more likely to kill us (like automobiles and electrical sockets). Barrett [50] makes the same case, likening religion to language acquisition: we come into this world cognitively prepared for language; our culture and upbringing merely dictate which languages we will be exposed to.

>> No.17798178

The Void at the Heart of Everything

>> No.17798188

>i am the beast i worship

>> No.17798226

what fictional entity is that anon-kun?

>> No.17798247
File: 517 KB, 943x1395, EteNviyXUAA1Om-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ

>> No.17798266

>nobody would marry my ugly ass, so nobody else is married

Not how it works. Not that guy, but I'm also married.

>> No.17798294

I unironically worship 2d pussy at this point.

>> No.17798322
File: 19 KB, 439x290, 0B53C193-3C35-412B-9D1C-B53E572CCA74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol atheists are so stupid treating science like a religion, don’t they know religion is bad?

>> No.17798341

I get equating marxism with a religion, but darwinism is stupid, if anything, a more general "worship" of science would be more accurate

>> No.17798370


>> No.17798459

The Scientific Method/logical positivism is a form of dogma

>> No.17798491

Based and bluepilled

>> No.17798524

Why wouldn't you want to be logical and positive?

>> No.17799240
File: 53 KB, 650x408, tumblr_pccxu0R5SH1vgbzo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but human knowledge is so limited that to be logical by our current standard would be absurd. Also, being an idealist at heart (and believe me I've tried not to be), the unnatural world never fails to disappoint me. Anger, depression, and resentment become my default outlook towards the civilization in which I live.

>> No.17799254

I read that in Dale's voice

>> No.17799335

Wisdom :)

>> No.17799941

The problem with this image is that it presupposes monotheism. The progressive faith is polytheistic, with Progress playing the role of creator and a slew of major and minor gods, e.g. equity, equality, liberal democracy, anti-racism, feminism, serving as his handmaidens. Each progressive worships and respects all of these gods, but generally spends most of his time serving one or a few, rather than all.

Also, a much better way of thinking about this is to question the idea of religion and instead emphasize the impossibility of drawing a coherent analytical distinction between, say, Catholicism as a doctrine encompassing just individual conduct and definitions of good government, and liberalism as a doctrine encompassing just those things. Read Timothy Fitzgerald.

>> No.17799969
File: 51 KB, 636x421, 9C06E4CE-EA5F-458C-85D3-11441F96E527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the beast I worship.

>> No.17800016

thank you, i have always wanted to be worshiped. based post. :’)

>> No.17800042

Darwinism definitely does exist and had a huge impact on the culture and mentality today. From the beginning it was social and anthropological.

The image shows these things as objects of worship, the head of Darwin is just a representation not the man himself. It's visual language. The bad thing about the image is Stirner because it is wrong.

>> No.17800053


>> No.17800108
File: 67 KB, 559x324, 7740AF5E-567E-46FB-9E04-96D98CA27C4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He’s the god who makes your god look like a pussy.

>> No.17800153
File: 48 KB, 553x480, B743AC58-3DBE-422B-9C37-7E626E413AAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our god is a god of vengeance, and horror
>our god is an Indian that turns into a wolf

>> No.17800882
File: 117 KB, 808x1077, 54EB86D3-5F78-4376-889C-D7C2D54F75B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17801273

Pretty sure Darwin is just supposed to stand in for science generally.

>> No.17801282

Canonically worst girl. Yui is best girl and wins the evangelions. Shinji is second best girl.

>> No.17801430

>Darwinism definitely does exist and had a huge impact on the culture and mentality today. From the beginning it was social and anthropological.
I guess, but what kind of sense does it make to call every influential set of ideas a "god"?

>> No.17801458
File: 160 KB, 1280x749, star_child___from___2001___by_lukasx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A vague sense of "being drawn upward" to "higher natures" that I have always had regardless of what my actual religious beliefs were at any given time. Even in my most fedora tipping of phases.

>> No.17801613

because the Vienna Circle's manifesto is pathetic and unconvincing

>> No.17801666

>Destroyed by the spainards.

>> No.17802616

Hathor of Dendera


>> No.17802841
File: 49 KB, 598x574, ED265835-DEC0-4551-9028-345C0E26F28B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id worship THAT

>> No.17802963



academia issue dogmas all the time and all the atheists venerate them

>> No.17803129
File: 4 KB, 208x242, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happy chap's God. He convinced me.

>> No.17803156

There's laws in biology just like in physics and chemistry.

Your theory is not a law.
On top of that, frankly, there aren't any medical textbooks which mention evolution.

>> No.17803170

Michel Foucault in a wig convinced you of God?

>> No.17803172


>> No.17803180

My own sense of Truth, Justice, and Reason, but I don't worship it, I just obey it as much as I can and think I should

>> No.17803207

>destroyed by mortal men

>> No.17803238

I don’t feel I worship anything in actuality. It’s nothing I really care or think about. I don’t feel deeply connected to anything, but not in a bad way.

>> No.17803258

But I was also dissociated for most my life, so other people don’t know what I’m talking about.

>> No.17803278

Misato is the only option, since Rei, Shinji and Yui are all underage

>> No.17803287

>Yui is underaged.

>> No.17803297


>> No.17803299

Same with the Soviet Union which doesn’t exist anymore, lol.

>> No.17803309

The Great Numen, Reddit Gold

>> No.17803371

If Darwin is more important to you than God then yes you worship Darwin in place of God. That applies to any thing or idea, if its not God, its idolatry. There is no middle position. Read the 10 commandments.

>> No.17803388

Your mom's ass.

>> No.17803391

bottom left. what am i to do bros

>> No.17803398

you don't know a single thing about mexico do you?

>> No.17803446
File: 1.09 MB, 725x762, 1607659473273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sky

>> No.17803456

> garden-variety demon worship

>> No.17803478

I know it's all yellow

>> No.17803734

Based Daleposter

>> No.17803758

I don’t worship

>> No.17803922


>> No.17804000 [DELETED] 
File: 683 KB, 2048x1536, 1603298062482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17804007

Christfags will never under

>> No.17804343

I don’t even feel like I’m important tho, so I don’t feel comfortable saying I worship myself.
I’ve always been pretty moderate about my self-image.

>> No.17804602

Mari won actually, objectively.

>> No.17804808

>Read the 10 commandments.

>> No.17805048

>Darwinism definitely does exist
It doesnt, its a christian bugbear.

>> No.17805059

>Your theory is not a law.
Its not a theory, its a collection of theories ans hypothesi.

>> No.17805139
File: 75 KB, 827x515, EqUWyFzW4AMAW_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one God

>> No.17805154

BASED! anons……take notes

>> No.17805260

checked. what happened?

>> No.17805379

Is this that Frenchman that was beheaded?

>> No.17805411

OP worships cock.

>> No.17805598


>> No.17805645

Darwin is a substitute here for the 'i believe in science!' crowd.

>> No.17805786


>> No.17806221

nothing, I have no beliefs I just wing it

>> No.17806272

An image and statue dont matter as long as it doesnt replace god

>> No.17806735

myself generally.

>> No.17807068

>he believes in evolution
Laughing at your life

>> No.17807090

is he okay, bros?

>> No.17807175

>Darwinism is a purely christian invention.
Elaborate right. fucking. now

>> No.17807213

He'll be fine

>> No.17807254
File: 119 KB, 640x640, 7a910b73614227b6afb231baae0cd39d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'tis but a scratch

>> No.17808341
File: 138 KB, 466x382, 16527528528525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17808478

good edit
what's the original?

>> No.17808535

>It's a theory not a law
A scientific theory is the highest explanation possible, a law doesn't require higher standard of evidence, it's just a description of an observation without an explanation of a phenomena, you utter fucking retard

>> No.17808581

I agree with the picture insofar as people I've met in real life and over the internet who were once religious (i.e. Christian) and then either got bored with it, became disillusioned with it, or grew out of it as they got older - and now identify as atheist or nonreligious - tend to exhibit religious type thinking (i.e. science rules!, trust the experts!, studies show!, etc.) applied to all manner of things and generally are not very smart. The smartest people I know are either fully atheist and have been such for their entire lives, or consistently religious and have been such for their entire lives. I believe the softheaded-ness required to be converted as an adult correlates with lack of intelligence.

>> No.17808586
File: 123 KB, 602x877, 1FB70852-F1C5-4587-B368-DE6D67B7DF72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can literally observe microevolution in labs.
Are you saying macroevolution isn’t true?
That’s difficult to observe in a laboratory given the time frames, but...

what do you believe happens over time when a species is subjected to incremental change?

>> No.17808602


>> No.17808613

gravity is a "theory" too you fucking retard

>> No.17808642

modus ponens

>> No.17808697
File: 280 KB, 703x915, C809EE43-60CB-4F65-9DC2-7CF97D884684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Huitzilopochtli destroyed the Aztecs with disease before the Spanish ever arrived for not offering enough sacrifices
The cartels are the most feared organizations on the planet today because they are backed by the power of Huitzilopochtli.

>> No.17808722


>> No.17808751

I think you can have the best of both worlds, babe, you’ve just never done it :^)

>> No.17808755

Nothing really, I believe in God just don’t believe a religion can encompass the concept of god well but if you count that as worship still then its God

>> No.17808764

No, dummy. No gods, no masters, no gurus. An atheist does not worship.
Taking care of one’s self, looking out for one’s self, isn’t worshiping

>> No.17808820

I have an abstract version of god and it’s probably Hegelian.
I’m incompletely pantheist in that I believe this pantheism is becoming.

>> No.17808828

This is a surprisingly agreeable comment. I have observed the same thing.

>> No.17810394

u missed the point

>> No.17810472

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) told us to be analytical and to think critically.

>> No.17810667
