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17793271 No.17793271[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't Ted posters ever bring this up?

>> No.17793283

This has already been debunked, so why would they bring up this rrat?

>> No.17793298

Why don't you post the next part, where he says he realized in the waiting room that he was a coomer controlled by his fetishes, he needed self-discipline, and that he became overwhelmed with rage when he realized the psychiatric profession existed to exploit and abuse people with his condition?

Or are you still trying to pretend trannies are real and you can someday be a woman?

>> No.17793303

You saying ted isn’t real?

>> No.17793305

I must ask you when that interview with Johnson took place. If it's somewhere after 2015, then he was just riding the trannie hype train.

>> No.17793306

Same reason why they keep using PCs instead of living in a commune of like minded people

>> No.17793316

More than your vagina lol

>> No.17793320

Are you suggesting people who espouse radical political views on the Internet are bad faith actors whose rhetoric merely serves as an accessory to glam-up their otherwise hopelessly boring personality and gleam a bit of attention in a hyper-competitive market of dickgirls?

>> No.17793322

To think if she just transitioned we wouldn’t have all these larpy eco fascists

>> No.17793338

Y'all need to except that trans folks can be terrorists too

>> No.17793341

Ted's political views aren't radical though

>> No.17793348

ummmm, Im sorry, but ted kaczynski's heckin valid

>> No.17793356
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>> No.17793359
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>>we need to overthrow the current system and initiate a technological revolution
>Ted's political views aren't radical though

>> No.17793399

Cool, man. I bet you get a lot of attention when you say dumb shit like that, don't you? Shame you'd never act on any of the stuff you claim to believe.

>> No.17793401
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>> No.17793436

debunked sweaty

>> No.17793471

Why specify that they have to be white? Kaczynski never even points out anything racial, he couldn't give a shit. You people are pathetic, both the lefties and the righties.

>> No.17793492

Can someone post the passage about how terrible Ted was with women?

Thank you.

>> No.17793516

He acted like a typical autist. What can you expect from a math prodigy?

>> No.17793565

This is a good meme. I hope more people do this.

Everyone should be proud of their heritage and we can work together to overcome common struggles such as those presented by post-industrial capitalism but there's nothing wrong with Whites checking out of a society that treats us like shit, especially when we were the ones who built it.

>> No.17793589

By who?

>> No.17793596

He was ugly, what did you expect?

>> No.17793618
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we must immediately bombard the system with petitions to free this trans woman


>> No.17793621

Transition could have saved her...

>> No.17793636

the US Govt TRAUMATIZED her with their dangerous and scientifically unfounded academic institutional experiments. THEODORA IS INNOCENT.

>> No.17793664

Ok, but is there any actual white flight from society, because I only see memes.

>> No.17793670

No, it's a larp.

>> No.17793680

Most of the people who post stuff like that lack the resources/capital or skills to go off the grid or become a homesteader or something. It's a pleasant fantasy but it's not an option that is seriusly available for most people. Running away won't save us anyways. Getting the birthrates up is important but we have to engage with power. Do not check out of society.

>> No.17793693

the white flight was witnessed when new york infect the entire country fleeing to their cabins. the only larp is that it is a lifestyle of rugged individualism when it's actually the same decadent sloth only spread out over the countryside like a rash; so less efficient than a city, it is more destructive on nature even though it's sold as a return to nature.

>> No.17793696

It`s okay, I`m not too stress, I still live in a place that is still 87% white, with no other group bigger than 4%.

>> No.17793704

Yeah, this sounds more likely.

>> No.17793713

I live in a very white area too but it has gotten significantly less white over the past decade. From 95% white to maybe 80% white, if that.

>> No.17793745

Yeah, the trend is pretty bad too, 6% over 5 years here, but the upside is that the people are finally waking up to shitheads like Trudeau wanting to bring another 10 millions "to keep the economy running" when we have an 11% unemployment rate.

>> No.17793748

>rightoid is actually gay/tranny
Many such cases!

>> No.17793771

the problem with the meme is that in reality, the men on the right are pudgy home-bodies and the "chads" are NPC retards who don't even see anything wrong

also, good luck finding a white woman who isn't on the left; the ones that would agree are all mormons or psycho-baptists who hate pagans

>> No.17793783

> Rightoids are suppressed trannies
> Lefties are open trannies
So the only way left for a straight man is to become Nazbol, is that it?

>> No.17793795

The idea that women can't be racist is a myth.

Actually, the amount that women look for status and possessions to indicate potential partners should assure you that they are looking for whites. This board is delusional.

>> No.17793811

where did I say women can't be racist? do you usually talk to straw-men? even the racist women I've met don't hate blacks enough to abandon the comforts of city life to be a farmer/rancher somewhere

you're in denial if you think there's a ton of women out there looking for a man to abandon all pretensions to status out there; unless they're already from a small-town community in the first place (hence, baptists and mormons)

>> No.17793821

There are women who hate blacks more than anything else, you dumbass.

>> No.17793834

you're still not addressing a single fucking point in my post. all the most hardcore nigger hating women I've met just want to live in the nice part of town

try to go outside and actually talk to the people you speculate about

>> No.17793837

Sure, but he's got a point. None of the racist women I've met would ever think about going innawoods to escape racists (especially since they where usually terrified of anything going on outside their home and thus probably would not have faired well in nature). They would probably move to a nicer neighborhood or perhaps to another country...

>> No.17793841

>to escape racists
kek, to espace the race they hate I meant to say.

>> No.17793848

Literally a hitpiece by seething corporatecucks/liberals

>> No.17793868


I mean, I'm living in the woods right now with my girl. She drives quite often and comes in the woods just to talk with me.

Point is, your intimations of women hating woods are incorrect. I've had friends who dated women and lived in the woods and shit.

I mean seriously what the fuck are you talking about, women love hiking and camping?

>> No.17793892

Sure, bud, how is that relevant to Kaczynski's philosophy? Where does race come into play in his anti-tech views?

>> No.17793900

>I mean, I'm living in the woods right now with my girl.

great, one girl out of the entire culture.

>She drives quite often and comes in the woods

meaning, she stills lives in the city

>Point is, your intimations of women hating woods are incorrect

Don't see how; majority of women living in the city stay in the city. Even your girl still drives to go see you, right?

>> No.17793931

>great, one girl out of the entire culture.
I posted another example of one of my friends as well.

I mean dude, I barely know anyone anyway, the possibility is there are many more women who love the woods.

>meaning, she stills lives in the city
Absolutely not, she lives with me, it's literally what I said. She's right next to me like all day.

>Even your girl still drives to go see you, right?
No, she lives with me, retard. I said she 'goes in the woods'. She likes to hike.

I had a friend whose girlfriend lived with him also in the woods. These examples are important to remember.

>> No.17794059

It doesn't. Most of us ecofascists like Kaczynski because of his critique, not for his solutions. He's not one of us. He's just our weird, lovable uncle.

>> No.17794074

OK, now try to breed yourselves over the mexican birth rate, I'll wait

>> No.17794083

They're already below replacement level. All racial groups in the US are right now. In fact, the TFR of conservative non-Hispanic whites is around the same as the average for Hispanics if not higher.

>> No.17794094

I don't hate any race. I just prefer being around white people and believe homogeneous societies function way better than diverse ones.

>> No.17794103

do you not know who is president right now? do you really think we'll ever get a handle on the border with Trump gone?

>> No.17794117

Automation, covid, and declining birth rates across the planet are decreasing the demand to bring new people in so it is possible, especially considering the rise of nationalism. Even if we continue to receive 1 million immigrants per year, it's still possible for whites to carve out our own homeland somewhere in the US. There are nearly 200 millions whites in America. If even a eighth of that population wakes up, we win.

>> No.17794145

4chan only talks to straw-men. straw-men are the only thing on 4chan. Men? Women? No. Only straw-men. Like dogs barking at each other. Endlessly and without meaning

>> No.17794161

Trump was never going to save us anyways. He was a Zionist and a capitalist who denied climate change. The best we could hope from him is that he would push the overton window in the right direction and reduce immigration. He ended up driving away whites from the GOP. We are better off without him. We need to win over young and educated whites, not just the average joes. They are the ones who have the potential to shape the future, not the silent majority. The silent majority never did anything and that's why they're not the majority anymore. Bullshit like Qanon and mainstream conservatism are holding back white identity.

>> No.17794165

I hate Trump so fucking much but I can't stand the other people who hate him because they hate him for the wrong reasons. The problem isn't that he's a fascist. The problem is that he's NOT a fascist.

>> No.17794183

>be netflix
>make a documentary about Ted Kaczynski
>make him look like a martyr for a cause he truly believed in
>young men watch this and decide to read his manifesto and post about it on twitter
>netflix inadvertently popularizes the Unabomber amongst a population who would have never heard of him
>immediately call a board meeting
>”oh fuck what do we do?”
>”what about that document about him being a tranny?”
>release a second doc trying to make him looking bad and push the tranny/incel narrative
>doesn’t work because the initial redpill was so strong

>> No.17794187

What is any of the stuff that I've claimed to believe?

How conceivably could one possibly act upon the belief that Ted's political views aren't radical?

>> No.17794190

>it's still possible for whites to carve out our own homeland somewhere in the US

maybe in the 90's, but not now, and probably not ever. your own people would stop you before that it happens, the white man is either demoralized or a useful idiot.

>> No.17794197

Is it illegal to say you support the US to burning to the ground if you're not from the US?

>> No.17794211


>> No.17794219

Right-wing whites are outbreeding liberal whites and their children will inherit their political views. You can look it up. Political views are heritable. Being reduced to a minority, reparations, and anti-white media will push more whites to take their own side. Don't get blackpilled. Work out. Get a good job. Meet a nice girl. Start a family.

>> No.17794253
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No he was awkward, socially retarded, and too intelligent to relate to people (especially women).

>> No.17794258

Ensure that all of your posts on the literature board are literature related.

>> No.17794262

He was a leader before he skipped a grade. That's where it all really started.

>> No.17794272

>that's considered good looking now

>> No.17794281

>too intelligent to relate to people (especially women).
Pure literal incel cope, lol.

Reminder that Ted wrote a manifesto not a piece of literature therefore these threads do not belong on this board.

>> No.17794292

>that's not considered good looking now

He already wrote two books that are much better than the manifesto, which is just meme fodder. The first two sections of Anti-tech revolution are unironically very good.

>> No.17794296

shut the fuck up i bet you fuck dogs idiot bitch your mom is gay

>> No.17794300
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His mkultra torturer
>During the time Murray was developing the TAT he was also involved in Herman Melville studies. The therapeutic technique originally came to him from the "Doubloon chapter" in Moby Dick.[6] In this chapter, multiple characters inspect the same image (a Doubloon), but each character has vastly different interpretations of the imagery—Ahab sees symbols of himself in the coin, while the religiously devout Starbuck sees the Christian Trinity. Other characters provide interpretations of the image that give more insight into the characters themselves based on their interpretations of the imagery. Crew members, including Ahab, project their self perceptions onto the coin which was nailed to the mast. Murray, a lifelong Melvillist, often maintained that all of Melville's oeuvre was for him a TAT.

>> No.17794323

This is sane and reasonable hence it will get few replies.

>> No.17794331


I cant swallow the liberal narrative on trannies as a born that way oppressed minority, obviously these are people who have been fucked in the head by industrial society subjected to brainwash social engineering atomization pornography. Probably horribly raped and molested.


>> No.17794337

You think white people is an homogenic term.
There's an old man on a city bus holding a candy cane and it isn't even Christmas

>> No.17794346

People can be born with a mental illness, or even brain worms. Don't trust Google.