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17793531 No.17793531 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you guys get your news from? And do you guys read magazines? I feel out of touch with the world and I'd like to stay informed by reading shit like Forbes, newspapers, etc. and I was wondering what you guys would recommend since you're well read.

Picture unrelated

>> No.17793556

I found out about corona a few weeks ago when I tried to go into a store without a mask. I live in the forest. You don't need magazines, they corrupt the white mans mind. Magazines like the magazine of a 9mm ... my nine milimeter goes bang bang bang. it's all yurop metrric nigger writing. no thanks. the jews already got my wife when I stopped getting the pills in the mail

>> No.17793563

That seems like a very inappropriate outfit for newspaper reading

>> No.17793567

I look at the stars on a clear summer night and know all I need to

>> No.17793570

ok schizo, whats your opinion on The Economist

>> No.17793588

she cute doe

>> No.17793668
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Seek help or ngmi

>> No.17793686

i'm high test so i need to post coom

>> No.17793692

I do my best to avoid the news as much as possible but I used to read the Economist like every other dumb engineering and business undergrad who thinks they’ll get rich or something.

>> No.17793712

My phone gives me stupid news headlines notifications. I just read the headlines lel. So fucking stupid.

>> No.17793731
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Asking /lit/ was a mistake

>> No.17793747

She is the legal one, desu?

>> No.17793746
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Jimmy Dore, RT. I wouldn’t waste my time on anything mainstream if I were you.

>> No.17793753

Obviously, with hips and tits like that

>> No.17793791





ignore all political pundits.

>> No.17793820

The Intercept seems like a weird pick

>> No.17793828

>Tory rag
>And a censorious sell out owned by ebay

>> No.17793835
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>> No.17793847
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This question again? Infowars is good and generally accurate and has good predictions, and I like Renegade Tribune just because they call out the Covid Hoax and make interesting articles on stories brushed under the rug and art and culture, though I disagree with them on most stuff and they contradict infowars a lot, but I like getting information from contradicting sources, though I never trust tv news or newspapers.
I also go to /pol/ sometimes because that is where I usually find updates on happenings first (though that place makes me feel ill)

Here are some other ones I like

>> No.17793855
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>Rothschild magazine
No thanks

>> No.17793903

I used to read Economist and Bloomberg until one day I realized it was mostly Chinese propaganda. I'm sure covid has introduced its own cancer into these magazines, given that the media is a natural target of monetary incentivization by industry to push its mass vaccination agenda.

>> No.17793913
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Any magazine that pushes covid hoax or a neo liberal agenda in general is a waste of time

>> No.17793937

Read Matt Levine's column, Money Stuff. He is truly one of the only good journalists working today and he never overstates anything - he actually knows what he's talking about every time he says anything. It's also in many cases clever and is always interesting.

Bloomberg generally has good content, but like any paper, the editorials can get iffy.

If you read only one major newspaper, make it Bloomberg. Because of who reads it and who it's written for, it mostly has to stick to claims that are verifiable and realistic, unlike the New York Times or the Washington Post. You still need to read closely, but it's not a straight-up propaganda rag the way other papers are. It is still propaganda, but it's the closest thing to real reporting there is.

>> No.17793942
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You would both seethe no matter what I picked.

>> No.17793955

That's what I was thinking. It's quite obvious you can't go anywhere without someone propagating their own agenda.
One thing I noticed while looking at Bloomberg Terminals is that they pull news from regular news sites. You'd think they got their news from somewhere special

>> No.17793961

As for the covid hoax, it is literally not real if you don't want it to be. I have violated nearly every guideline and have not gotten sick, once, I know now one who has gotten it other than friends of friends. I went to the "hotspot" hospital early on and it was empty. I have been around thousands of people from different parts of the country, not wearing a mask and did not get sick. Where the fuck is covid?

>> No.17793973

Do what you want man, it is just anything mainstream is not worth your time. Just browse random fringe sites and find one you like.

>> No.17793982
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I stopped reading news because I realized it didn't matter. I wasted so much time on that stupid stuff. It's pointless, just people telling you what they want you to know. Most of the people writing have sub 110 IQs and most of the people reading are in the double digits. Everybody has cursory knowledge of subjects and parades around as an expert while all the others clap mindlessly and spit up on themselves. Most of what's written there will never matter, existing just to generate clicks and revenue.

I'd rather read fiction.

>> No.17793984

Epic anecdote, schizo

>> No.17793988

That's why I'm asking for paid magazines and papers.

>> No.17793998
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There are some journalists out there still, but they will often pull punches for their corporate funders. They’re as trustworthy as the DNC sometimes.

I forgot to promote the best of the best

>> No.17794031

I dare you to run around town without a mask on and violate social distancing, go to the most crowded place possible, and then do it over and over again for two weeks straight everyday. Nothing will happen.

>> No.17794038

I won't do it because I'm not retarded like you are.

>> No.17794064

I'm just talking about Bloomberg.com, where the articles are written by people who work at Bloomberg itself and are not largely sourced from elsewhere, though I'm sure they use some of the AP's information. I have never used a Bloomberg Terminal.

>> No.17794080

I'm just mentioning it because you said Bloomberg

>> No.17794510
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You will die in your house alone at this rate, do you want that? At least it’s less crowded these days, too bad you can’t just learn to ignore “authorities” assert your will and enjoy yourself. Even I you think it is real, I’m sure your healthy, just be selfish then! Just try it, for once at least.

>> No.17794568

The virus is. Not an authority. It doesn’t care. The mortality rate is extra high and its polite to try and not spread it even if you feel you’re a healthy young person who’ll recover without any lasting symptoms.

Quit believing everything you hear from /b/ and /pol/

>> No.17794589

Regardless of it being a hoax or not, there was a program on Australian TV last night where the typical public mouthpieces were actually talking about covid is more likely to originate from a lab than a wet market.
I was shocked. They were discussing it so nonchalantly. Whereas six months ago it was strictly conspiracy theory tier, "the WHO already said no lab origin!".
They were also showing press releases from the WHO in January 2020 stating that covid is not transmissable from person to person.
One of them even had the balls to say that the only reason people rejected the idea of a lab origin is because they were just adamant on being counter to Trump. Someone else twisted it that Trump 'ruined' the possibility of investigating a lab origin because he had politicized the theory... Lmfao.
Was a good view of the media clown world and how quickly opinions can change.

>> No.17794609

And today I am seeing a lot of news articles how the vaccine the Australian government has ordered has a possibility of being dangerous, and that other nations have halted it's roll out. The rate of blood clots of vaccinated people is stastically significantly higher than the normal rate of blood clots. Mainstream media is reporting this in a non biased manner.
Yet our government is dead set on using it.
Whether people are slowly waking up, or the narrative is changing for other purposes I don't know.

>> No.17794689

if you live in a country with a central bank, you effectively live on their land

>> No.17794708

Did you know that a lot of London public space is actually privately owned property? It's crazy man.

>> No.17794713
File: 15 KB, 150x387, CBF079F3-B90C-4A92-8670-6D0E491935AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know the queen doesn’t actually own any of that?

>> No.17794727

Yes. It's the lords and barons and shit.

>> No.17794729

that doesn't surprise me. the claustrophobia i feel when i think of your part of the world terrifies me. i dunno how you euros do it. you posted this and i immediately pictured 50 apartments in tiny little houses surrounding an all cobblestone roundabout with like 50 linear yards to move in and it makes me want to die

>> No.17794751

I'm not euro. Look into the City of London also. It's a seperate state to the UK government.

>> No.17794755

Lel forgot half my post, but yes London and other euro cities just seem so cramped. Nowhere to go. What happens if there's some massive terrorist event or something? They can only sit and pray for the best.

>> No.17794757

>Look into the City of London also. It's a seperate state to the UK government.
ill do that. offhand im assuming it's a separate entity for esoteric bureaucratic purposes?

>> No.17794823

Basically yeah. Even the cafes in the area don't pay tax on sales.

>> No.17795165

Why post the pic.

>> No.17795199

To bait for replies. Brown anime tiddies guarantee replies.

>> No.17795405

Still just wasting time and keeping up with the midwits.

>> No.17795417

>keeping up with the midwits
that's the idea, Mr. Too Smart for Everyone