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/lit/ - Literature

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17790710 No.17790710 [Reply] [Original]

Why does lit love him so much?

>> No.17790716

Literally whom?

>> No.17790735

because he's based in religion and Lit can't live without religion, they gave autonomy a long time ago

>> No.17790750

Because he was a genuine genius.

Sadly the /pol/eddit christcucks have been attempting to co-opt recently.

>> No.17790769


I can relate to the underground man.

>> No.17790783

based on what

>> No.17790821


>> No.17790869

He was based without even trying. He hastily wrote book after book for money but they came out better than the hacks who took years to write a single book.

>> No.17790903

cause he's a teenagers favourite

>> No.17790935

try reading his books and then you'll know why we like him

>> No.17790973

He writes in a way that is easy to read and about topics that interest most to 4chan people getting into literature: nihilism, the meaning of life and such trite. Allows them to feel they are appreciating one of the greats, too, as if they had taste.

>> No.17790994

I take it you don't think Dostoevsky is that good?

>> No.17791276
File: 432 KB, 1040x1590, Karamazov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because of this

>> No.17791289

this post reeks of insecurity

>> No.17791297

>because he's based
I agree

>> No.17791302

he probably thinks he’s the next great author while all he does is copy nabokov’s opinions without having his own
many such cases

>> No.17791321

Every main character is emotional and autistic, just like /lit/.

>> No.17791332

the same reason why lit loves Jordan Peterson. the same demographic of young, sexually frustrated sadboys on lookout for meaning in a meaningless world

>> No.17791335

>such trite

>> No.17791350

Based slav meme, he appeals to right wingers and Christian larpers, died centuries ago so he is for "intellectuals", Jordan Peterson quotes him constantly, etc.

>> No.17791362

I don't love him, but I do love The Dream of a Ridiculous Man, An Honest Thief, and White Nights.

>> No.17791378

>loves jordan cuckerson
how fucking new are you

>> No.17791387

Notes From Underground is literally a series of schizoposts and spaghetti pastas

>> No.17791412

Because through his characters he deeply explored human psyche as few authors did (before or after).

>> No.17791436

He taps into a lot of demographics
He’s kind of like 19th century Jordan Peterson writing whacky soap opera novels

>> No.17791452

The gambler was way better.

>> No.17791457

>He’s kind of like 19th century Jordan Peterson writing whacky soap opera novels
He is precisely nothing like that

>> No.17791483

anyone comparing doesto to Peterson is either baiting or is non sentient and should stick to Peterson and leave doesto alone

>> No.17791497

and hence, why it is my all time favorite.

>> No.17791498

I didn't compare Dosto to Peterson. I said he appeals to the same demographic

>> No.17791516

idk who it was but someone said that doesto was like if Peterson wrote wacky soaps which is what I. was responding to

>> No.17791520

This, at least Peterson has actual science backing up his ideas.

>> No.17791537

>Lit can't live without religion, they gave autonomy a long time ago

>> No.17791545

Jordan Peterson has a kermit voice and will probably never say anything eloquently or with good poetics in his whole life, while doesto did every page while not even caring about what he was writing

>> No.17791572

>>jordan cuckerson
That's really clever anon,Aall that time spent browsing this board is really paying off.

>> No.17791648
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>> No.17791663

post tits and feet

>> No.17791727

You have never read him

>> No.17792604

>lit loves Jordan Peterson
The lefties on /lit/ hate Jordan Peterson
The fascists on /lit/ hate Jordan Peterson
The conservatives on /lit/ hate Jordan Peterson
The socdems on /lit/ hate Jordan Peterson
Literally no one likes him here. They may be thankful that he introduced them to Nietzsche/Dostoevsky/Jung/Solzhenitsyn or whatever but they aren’t interested in his thought now. Those 4 are much more profound that JP. Also he’s really losing it (I do feel bad for him desu). https://youtu.be/VbVwV8_TEkM

>> No.17792629

I like him here.

>> No.17792651

the only difference between them and Peterson is that those schizos are dead Europeans so they are cool

>> No.17792682

because he gave us Notes from Underground
nah just kidding, he gave us everything he had

>> No.17792701

Psychology isn't science.

>> No.17792871

This. Jordan Peterson is essentially the edgiest person on the intellectual dork web which everyone with a brain hates.

>> No.17792889

Mannnn that was sad

>> No.17793238

his novels are excellent and they express deep truths

>> No.17793254

FUCK YOU. How could you say he doesn't have taste??? Why??? What world do you live in

>> No.17793262
File: 35 KB, 500x414, DEA083D2-0DA4-41DB-96F4-5B1FEF5765D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is notes actually that bad? It’s next on my stack.

>> No.17793594


>> No.17793595

Post bookshelf

>> No.17793598

define "science"

>> No.17793627

he makes nihilists and other degenerates seethe

>> No.17793644

do you think everyone is a pseud who browses this board to "become more clever" like you do?

>> No.17793647

but hes not a nihilist (hint read demons)

>> No.17794257

My guess is that certain people pretend to to like him just to troll the elitists this place is filled with
I am radical atheist and I love him.

>> No.17794836

Well written dialogue & believable characters that age like wine. Without a doubt he was as cynical & paranoid as a modern incel.

>> No.17794854


>Everyone in /lit/ hates Jordan Peterson

You don't speak for us, motherfucker. Go stick it up your ass.

OP Anon, I gladly enjoy anything Peterson publishes and says in his lectures. He's literally one of the most based and important intellectuals of the last five years and will be one of our century's most important thinkers. JP is a huge fan of Dostoyevsky because of his incredible understanding and contributions to Psychology. Don't let lefty brainlets tell you otherwise.

>> No.17794857

He didn't say he was.

>> No.17794884

get help

>> No.17795056

>muh ooga booga right tribe left tribe
he was a genius and one of the greatest authors who has graced the world
you, on the other hand, will amount to nothing

>> No.17795074

Imagine simping so hard for some dead writer, reevaluate your life lol

>> No.17795253
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>> No.17796405


>> No.17796416

>he thinks trite is a noun

>> No.17796500
File: 343 KB, 1079x1931, Screenshot_20210316_164303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He hastily wrote book after book for money but they came out better than the hacks who took years to write a single book.

>> No.17796554

Is that image meant to disprove the guy you're responding to? Cos it really doesnt

>> No.17796564

I don't get why anyone would HATE jordan peterson. He's done nothing to make himself worthy of hatred besides bring philosophy to the mainstream. If anything he's done a service to manchildren (which the modern world is great for creating) by introducing them to meaning and maturity.

>> No.17796651


It is not what you think it is.

>> No.17796761

I'm conservative he is(was) literally me. So I don't need to be interested in his thought - I already have them.
and he has indeed lost it.

>> No.17796999

That poster is saying Dostoyevski wrote faster, while in fact he had years between novels.

>> No.17797552

This thread is way too corrosive and deriding. It is so unnecessary to be this rude about Dostoyevsky or any author. Why are you anon's so bitter about a so wonderful hobby as reading?

>> No.17797573

Holy based

>> No.17797615

That doesn't mean that he spent all the time between novels trying to write the novel.
There's an anecdote out there about how Dostoevsky was commissioned to write a book in 2 years and if he didn't all the rights to his books (past and future) would go to the person who hired him.
Dostoevsky spent 23 months writing nothing and then in the last month he wrote The Gambler.

>> No.17799008

great writer with themes that fit the board

>> No.17800586


>> No.17801117

This though i disagree with trite