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File: 233 KB, 232x352, TheWayOfKings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17791176 No.17791176 [Reply] [Original]

Most fantasy authors now a days are soi tier neckbeards and "nice guys", are there still any good fantasy books that aren't self insertion fantasies or soft-core porn (like that fat American authors work).

>> No.17791260
File: 70 KB, 380x349, boomer wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice guys
Aren't antiheroes still one of the most popular character archetypes? Jaime is more popular and beloved than Jon, Thomas Covenant literally raped someone, and Rin committed magical genocide. Just google "best grimdark fantasy books."

>> No.17791280

I don't like books that are like ASOIAF, too much erotic stuff

>> No.17791357

you want edge but not fucking? what the fuck? I guess that explains why you read Brandon "I installed a remove the gore from Fallout 3 mod because I'm a Mormon" Sanderson.

>> No.17791380

You are an actual child then. Go read manga.

>> No.17791396
File: 124 KB, 509x700, 3hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writing off the entirety of GRRM's fiction because there is sex

You are a moron and these books are fundamentally too complex for you. Eros and Thanatos, sex and death, are key facets of any adult person's reality. Get off 4chan, please. It damages young minds so terribly.

>> No.17791438

>soft-core porn (like that fat American authors work).
You know, I think the violence is a more troubling thing than the sex in GRRM's work

>> No.17791511

Read the Second Apocalypse by Bakker. No rape, no cucking, no pointless philosophizing, just lots of kino high fantasy adventuring through a magical world with an awesomely heroic MC.

>> No.17791721


I agree with the other anon. Sex in books is awkward and, what's worse, it's terribly boring.

That's why there's so much sex in Netflix series -- the intellectual simpletons, the plebs of our idiocracy, demand it.

>> No.17792187

The one I'm writing, where the MC fucks an old whore, beats a rival's head in with a rock, and joins a company committing genocide against elves.

>> No.17792214
File: 48 KB, 853x543, 1615241525682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17793049

The knight by gene Wolfe

>> No.17793073

The knife-ears deserve it

>> No.17794034

Traditional fantasy has to be the easiest genre to right by far , right ?

>> No.17794053

Although Sapkowski's Witcher books forward liberal, feminist, and progressive attitudes, Geralt himself isn't a nice guy at all and has his own agency and chadness that allows him to ignore women

generally speaking though the more you go into that direction, the worse are the books. as an example, there's a whole circle of Polish fantasy writers who are misogynistic, racist, sexist, right wing and they keep shitting out books full of sexist commentary, objectifying women and berating fictional female characters

>> No.17794068

>The one I'm writing, where the MC fucks an old whore, beats a rival's head in with a rock, and joins a company committing genocide against elves.
Do humans in your setting happen to be "swarthy" or "dusky-skinned"? Because they sound like it.

>> No.17794115

Try the Chronicles of Amber, it's a pretty decent series about an unapologetic asshole.

>> No.17794132

>the easiest genre to right by far
What did he mean by this?

>> No.17794137

Sounds trite and gimmicky

>> No.17794171
File: 529 KB, 1424x1600, michael_whelan__stormbringer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elric of Melnibone, stealer of souls.

>> No.17794204

I love these types of covers/fantasy art. Know where I can look at them?

>> No.17794232

agreed, the absolute last thing I want to do is spend my time in an extremely overweight nerds descriptions of fictional sex. Oh yea GRRM please tell me more about Sam's "fat pink mast".

It's extremely rare for erotic descriptions to add anything to the story. Just imply it like classy films where it shows the faces or two people lie onto a bed and pull a curtain or blanket over or something, except for the extremely rare occasion where the actual sex or personalities/acts are important.

>> No.17794429

Perdido Street Station

>> No.17794536

>Although Sapkowski's Witcher books forward liberal, feminist, and progressive attitudes
Not disagreeing, but do you mind expanding on this a bit? I'm working my way through the series, I just started Baptism of Fire, and I don't entirely see this. It seems like all the women are pieces of shit, outside of Ciri obviously, in addition to all the men being pieces of shit. It seems mutual.

>> No.17794605

>noooo you have to appreciate poorly described and unnecessary sex in the written medium
Sex scenes serve no purpose beyond titillation and it's even worse in books where they're objectively inferior to sex in the visual medium. It's not a puritan thing, having detailed sex in your books is a sign that you're a hack. If I want to jerk off I'll go to xvideos instead of cringing at some nerd's usage of the word "member" or "womanhood"

>> No.17794733

This one is the cover for a metal album called Frost and Fire, by Cirith Ungol. If there is a book of metal album covers, I would like to know about it.

>> No.17794739

there's a roughly a million instagram accounts that post old scifi paperback covers, shouldn't be hard to find.

>> No.17794947
File: 103 KB, 1200x800, rand_al_thor.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.17794957

Rand is literally the exact thing OP is talking about. He starts off as a generic milquetoast soiboi, spends 3 books whining about how he doesn't want to be a superhero, and then a few more books whining about how he isn't stronk enuff.

>> No.17794961

Probably the Malazan books. The first one is an absolute acid trip, but the series as a whole is excellent and everyone is a bit of a cunt.

>> No.17795066

The first Stormlight books were good but it's becoming saturated in onions. Kaladin's depression, gay relationships, the sibling being "non-binary".

On top of that Sanderson has this habit of overexplaining/going too deep with the faux-science shit. Its what put me off mistborn and he's doing it again with Stormlight. I don't care about the Cosmere, I don't care about 50 different types of light. I don't care.

>> No.17795259

stfu faggot Rand might be a little generic in book 1 but hes chad for the rest of the series

>> No.17795283

Excellent recommendation
they are by Roger Zelazny

>> No.17795301

>posts one that has a soi author instead
Pack it up Sanderson, you're done

>> No.17795349

OP here, I haven't read Sanderson at all, it was just a picture that I used to garner attention here. I have read some fantasy (mostly read classics), but would like to read some more when I have nothing better to do. For example The King Killer Chronicles is not bad, but the MC is an absolute cuck and the author is a greasy neckbeard so of course, he'll write an MC that was the very best at everything, including sex kek. I just want to buy books, that I wouldn't be ashamed of my parents also reading. Stuff like LOTR etc.

>> No.17795355

>his parents wouldn't shame him for reading LOTR.

>> No.17796468

what does it mean to be non-onions. just kill people and fuck chicks?

>> No.17796508

I hate both graphic portayal of violence and pornographic depictions of sex. They are both aesthetically poor and sophomoric, and always compensate for something. I hate remembering books for their shock value.

>> No.17796541

Reading Gene Wolfe’s The knight, and it’s refreshing how fucked yo the MC is. Like he’s just a dick. Plus he’s really a kid in a mans body. Idk. I’m growing to like ass hole characters more like Kvothe too but he’s boarder line insufferable.

>> No.17797040

Yes, being overly simplistic. Everything more complex than that is soilent pink.

>> No.17797114

Not him but my dad did when he got angry

>> No.17797471

I agree.
See what the anon above wrote.
I just want a comfy read, it's not problematic for a book to be complex. But I don't want an MC that rationalizes the behaviors of immoral females. Nor do I want to read books about gender benders and faggots. Just books about normal people with normal problems, for the given setting. Most fantasy books nowadays are bad because the author will create a fantasy setting and then soify it to be appealing for editors and the libs, so that it can sell. The complete opposite of trying to be too edgy is also bad however. This in my opinion renders anything written post 70s in that genre as unreadable. At least in the West. I'm also guilty of the sin of having read some wuxia or other Asian web novels, they aren't soified in the same manner, but they are too edgy and read as if they are the wish fulfillment of some dude that had no friends back in HS and his vision of what it means to be cool, which often equates just being quite, mean and edgy.

>> No.17797511

go read your Mormon shit

>> No.17797695

wtf, Rand is literally the chosen one in a high fantasy setting, what are you talking about?

>> No.17797780

As a kid I read the Pendragon series by D. J. MacHale. It's target aud is young adults or children, but a few of the books' ideas, e.g., the 7th's, have been imprinted on my mind for a long time, they explore quite a lot.
Each about 500p, you can speedread em all in a week, not dense in the slightest.

>> No.17798155

>gay relationships, the sibling being "non-binary".
Wat, I thought he was Mormon