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17788685 No.17788685 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about his list of books that "screwed" the world?

The Prince;
Discourse on Method;
Discourse on the
Origin and Foundations
of Inequality among Men;
The Manifesto of
the Communist Party;
The Descent
of Man;
Good and Evil;
The State and
The Pivot
of Civilization;
Mein Kampf;
The Future
of an Illusion;
Coming of
Age in Samoa;
Sexual Behavior
in the Human Male;
The Feminine

>> No.17788698

sounds about right. I'm glad he didn't go the edgester route and list the Bible

>> No.17788711

>The Manifesto of the Communist Party
obviously this one, because it had actual, real-world negative consequences
not just abstract "this book is bad for people" anecdotal bullshit

>> No.17788736
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Instead of books that screwed up the world, let's talk about books that will heal the world.

>> No.17788819
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>american nationalists

>> No.17788857

>zeitgeist shift due to different ideas
is not the same as
>abstract "this book is bad for people" anecdotal bullshit

>> No.17788914

You cannot prove that a zeitgeist came from a single book.

>> No.17788935

Hesrty kek there

>> No.17788960

>communist manifesto
>state and revolution
China has ended famine, eradicated extreme poverty, and turned a crumbling state of opium-addicted landlords into the greatest economic powerhouse on Earth. Their political meeting rooms hold the flags of communism and a portrait of Karl Marx.

>> No.17788976

China is a state capitalist country

>> No.17789005

>state capitalism
meaningless term. china is socialist by most measures, but retaining some capitalist tendencies in its transitional period. you dont just pick and choose modes of productions, they have to be built and developed over time. read theory.

>> No.17789023

And so were the Soviet Union and its subjugated states in Eastern Europe.

>> No.17789055

Also known as socialism

>> No.17789063

>but retaining some capitalist tendencies
Yeah like an economy that is majority private and becoming more so every year LMAO

>> No.17789111

>socialist by most measures
There's like one requirement for socialism and China doesn't reach it. A majority of businesses are privately owned. Cry more tankie fag

>transitional period
Yeah they're definitely gonna just abolish their fucking police state yeah man it'll wither away totally they're working so hard to stop those greedy billionaires right?

Tankies are the most brain dead people in political discourse. The mental gymnastics to support China or the soviet union astonishes me

>> No.17789156

Nope. Most of them didn't allow private foreign capital. China does albeit it regulates it strictly
Read theory

>> No.17789184

>read theory
Do tell how whichever esoteric philosopher you've read explains how China could've had a better economic and humanitarian revolution than they already did

>> No.17789195

>akchually china is capitalist!
amerishit cope lol

>> No.17789544

Of course he has Mein Kampf in it lmao. The book is a meme. How did it actually influence anything in any real way? Does he think that dictators exist because they read Machiavelli? Does that mean that Stirner screwed up the world by inventing selfishness? Same with Hobbes. As a matter of fact, the one that should've been on that list is Rousseau because you could reason that his writings directly caused the utopian autism and emergence of communism. Darwin being there somewhat makes sense since it caused both fedora atheism and nihilism/social darwinism which had a measurable negative influence on the society as a whole. He shouldn't have chickened out and put all of the major abrahamic texts in there as well. At the very least should've included Quran, that's the most obvious pick. Also should've picked some notoriously bad fiction that had a large audience and had a sizeable negative impact on literary word (I can only think of Harry Potter or Hunger Games but there are probably better historical picks for this out there).

Btw I've googled the book and this review came up which also says that the author implied that dictators exist because they read The Prince.

>> No.17789576

Rousseau is there with discourse on the origin and foundations of inequality among men

>> No.17789599

The pen
is mightier?
than the
(I am soooooo smart)

>> No.17789623

Marx is the most cringe answer you could make other than the bible

>> No.17789625

Where the fuck is Animorphs?

>> No.17789637

>Doesn't include Bernays' Propaganda or anything from BF Skinner

>> No.17789649

Not jews' fault goyim are retarded subhuman animals

>> No.17789894

>Bernays' Propaganda
This guy is redpilled

>> No.17790004

>no Politeia
>no Talmud
>no Gutenberg Bible
>no Ninety-Five Theses
>no On the Jews and Their Lies
>no Declaration of Independence
>no Discipline and Punish

>> No.17790008
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>> No.17790042

Beyond Good and Evil didn’t screw up the world, it saved the world.

>> No.17790051


>> No.17790066

China is Nazi Germany

>> No.17790099

It is the nature of the world to always be "screwed up". Every book will always be misunderstood. I declare this book and list to be a big waste of time.

>> No.17790212

I'm sure his criticism of each is incredibly dumb.

>> No.17790264

Never read any of these but the way he says "Screwed Up The World" makes me think he jut hates people whose ideas actually have an impact on reality and he can't use any other words aside from slang to get your attention. Looks like garbage.

>> No.17790274

>Living like insects is peace
I rather die
Okay grandpa

>> No.17790322

>transitional period
Can you clarify what this is? Just so I can attack you about it.

>> No.17790349

The Prince is an important treatise on political philosophy in the light of realpolitik. It is also grossly misunderstood by idiots with a lack of reading comprehension combined with the inability to analytic thought.

>> No.17790359

>but retaining some capitalist tendencies in its transitional period
yes. its transition to empire.

>> No.17790986


>> No.17791051

>book bad because it does not support Anglo neoliberalism with Evangelical characteristics
Mein Kampf did screw up the world, and arguably State and Revolution too, but the others did nothing wrong. It's an American boomer whining as usual, nobody cares.

>> No.17791083


>> No.17792120
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>> No.17792131
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Maximum midwit novelty take.

>> No.17792156

lol but not Mein Kampf?

>> No.17792165

Freud should be on this

>> No.17792263

He is, but guess what? Is his book against religion

>> No.17792282

Where's John Money?

>> No.17792309

>I'm gonna write a book where I whine about every book that gives an opinion I don't like.
I don't like a few of those but this is just gay.

>> No.17792312

Seems like a laundry list of progressive, revolutionary and transgressive books the authors doesn't like. I mean really, Margaret's Mead book in the same league as Mein Kampf, the Communist Manifesto and the Prince? They're not even remotely comparable in terms of influence.

The Bible would have been a legit choice though, since it is actually world-changing, like some of the first items on the list and unlike a few of the last items.

>> No.17792330

Also Walter Lippman's works.

Yep, it's a meme list, but that's to be expected from someone who puts "PhD" next to his author name without including what field he got his PhD in.

>> No.17792338

Mein Kampf is one of the insightful political documents ever written and it spared the West from mass child gender reassignment for 70 years.

Which Freud book do you dislike specifically?

>> No.17792486

Complete trash list. If you want books that screwed up the world, look to Locke and Rousseau. Nietzsche, Hobbes, and Machiavelli were based.

>> No.17792516

>Btw I've googled the book and this review came up which also says that the author implied that dictators exist because they read The Prince.
lmao so he's basically a retard

>> No.17792666

Mein Kampf
Turner Diaries
Communist Manifesto
The Population bomb
The Bible
The Quran
Any degenerate Ayn Raynd Shit
Quotations from Chairman Mao
Anarchist Cookbook

>> No.17792702

I didnt read any, just saying that theres freud in that list

>> No.17792714

No offense, but you're regurgitating someone else's impression that the author "implied" something. I never read this crap and I never will, but this is not the way to go about forming an opinion about something.

>> No.17792724

Why are you guys acting like Mein Kampf was read and taken to heart? They literally gave it away because nobody wanted to read it.

>> No.17792779

Let's be honest. Nobody in this thread has read any of the titles posted in it, and in fact, none of you even read.

>> No.17793474

>No bible
Absolute tool. Ph.D my ass.

>> No.17793508

Beyond Good and Evil is the only thing keeping this steaming pile shit from being completely pozzed

>> No.17793525

You don't need to read them to see how bad the list is. You just need a somewhat decent idea of what they are about and what their legacies were. Especially since you can imagine what books would fit the title better than some of those in the list.

>> No.17793548

>the communist manifesto
>the state and revlution
>the feminine mystique

it reeks of virgin /pol/tard incels in here. sage, hide, and report

>> No.17793677

poopy doopy diaper

>> No.17793878

It’s all stupid. The majority of the ideas in these books would have come about anyways because they represent a logical progression of ideas in western culture. And in the case of many it’s the actual actions of particular people, not their books that count. That’s clearly the case for both Lenin and Hitler, neither needed to have written a ‘major book’ to have had the impact on the world each of them did.

Utilitarianism was a book that history determined would be written. I don’t know exactly the moment that made it inevitable, but the moment you have the birth of secular reasoning, it becomes inevitable somebody will attempt to make a system of morality based purely on the notion of pain and pleasure.

Likewise, Marx didn’t make communism happen, the industrial revolution did. The idea of communism is a natural conclusion of the conditions people lived in. And that’s not to say it’s a good or correct idea, just that it’s an idea that becomes thinkable.

I’d actually say we are all better off for Darwin having written The Descent of Man because that’s *definitely* a book which would have been written without him. Evolution by natural selection would have been discovered without Darwin (he was nearly scooped by Wallace after all), and after that it was inevitable somebody would write about the application of evolutionary theory to humans. We are lucky that it was an author as sensitive and humane as Darwin who took that first step, bc there were a lot of far less humane thinkers willing to take that idea up.

>> No.17794177

The list is essentially retarded, but anyway... a lot of people have been massacred in the name of the multiple scriptures available. Strictly speaking, they are just compendia of ideas, so it can't be said that they're directly responsible of widespread suffering. Yet people seem to like going back to them every time they're feeling the need to justify violent behaviors.