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/lit/ - Literature

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17780113 No.17780113 [Reply] [Original]

Practice writing with flash fiction and join the anthology!

Leave a prompt after your flash for the next person. Ideally, everyone writes from a different prompt. Write in any style you want. Have fun with it!

After you post 5 flashes, please mark future ones with *. They will not be added, to save room for more people.

50 flashes will be collected from these threads and turned into an anthology. If you don't see an /ffa/ thread, feel free to copy this OP and make a new one.

Previous: >>17730044

Anthology 01 Status: COMPLETE

Paperback (the lowest possible price with zero profit)

Digital .epub


Anthology 02 Status: 30/50
Cover/Title: TBD (will open discussion when we hit 40/50)

>Free .epub and Lulu print on demand

>1,000-word maximum. No porn, extreme abuse or gore, anything that would cause the book to be taken down, etc. Original fiction written from a thread prompt.

Prompts (most recent 20 shown below, links to posts are just FYI, prompts cannot be ‘claimed’):
>A citizen in a utopian society is having a really, really bad day (>>17728505)
>A former viral star struggles to extend their 15 minutes of fame (>>17728505)
>A girl finds a skirt that allows her to travel back in time (>>17769364)
>A politician fantasizes about world domination (>>17751015)
>A US president delivers a state of the union message on the eve of an apocalypse
>A gastronomic event causes a mishap of biblical proportions (>>17768553)
>A boy is forced to dress as a maid to save the world from an alien invasion.
>A Mexican, a Jew and a black man walk into an Irish pub
>A talking pink animal goes into a brief adventure that he enjoys very very much
>An ice cream man sets up shop outside a union job site in a rough part of town
>A truck driver picks up a clown off the side of the road.
>A teenager takes up a summer job as a professional squirrel catcher (>>17751484)
>An old book cafe becomes the favorite hangout of undergraduate English majors
>A very dramatic drive-through order
>A man tries to sell lucid dreams to someone (>>17769364)
>The entire world is put under the effects of DMT
>A poker game where everyone cheats
>Skateboarding for the fate of the universe
>The Entrance of the Sandman
>A man tries to connect unrelated stories through a ridiculous theory

>> No.17780354

>A man tries to connect unrelated stories through a ridiculous theory


>> No.17780374

This is my fifth and last one.

>Santa's sleigh enters a no fly zone and is shot down deep behind enemy lines.

>> No.17780469
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Oh, that one is so good!

Perfect flash fix: creative interpretation of the prompt, quickly establish an atmosphere, provide a glimpse at a broader narrative, tie it up with a bow at the end. Love the small details (like the stink bugs)...someday, years from now, I’ll recall that smell and recollect I read a story somewhere that mentioned it and be completely unable to track it down.

I hope you’ll consider doing some more just for fun, I’d hate to have to wait for more contributions (are you the same anon that did snow globe?)

>> No.17780513

I did not. I did. . .

Gymbro, outlaw, talking dog, and now this.

Also, apparently I can't count to 5, that's only 4 so I'll knock another one out. And I will for sure. These have been really motivating.

>> No.17780519

>“Can I please go home, I have a family.”
>“I know, Lance. I’m right here,”
nice story, made me chuckle. well written, well done

>> No.17780620

>A gastronomic event causes a mishap of biblical proportions

it's 999 words according to google docs.
if this story is okay, i'll post a new prompt to follow up

>> No.17781087

Will read the two new ones this afternoon. 32/50! Getting close.

>> No.17781817

The march continues. Bump

>> No.17782197
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Updated table of contents. I'll read these soon and share my thoughts!

>> No.17782294


Seeing this list makes me think we may need to be more creative in how we phrase the prompts.

>A man...
>A man...
>A guy...
>A boy...
>Two lesbians...
>A Gym bro...

I like the ones that just say “a skeptic”, “a warrior” or “someone who”...I mean, 9 times out of 10 it’ll still be a dude, but at least that was a creative choice the author’s made.

Not trying to force representation or anything (the demographics of /lit/ is what it is, and god help us all if 4chan starts writing from the perspective of black women), but seeing the index does make it really stand out how often often the prompts say ‘a man’ when they meant ‘someone’.

Also #6 should have a ‘I’ at the end.

>> No.17783240

>Two thieves have to carry out a robbery in a Buddhist temple
Original story posted here: >>17696629

Despite being more of a ‘micro-fiction’ than a ‘flash fiction’, the seed of a story above is so good I’d hate for it to be left from the anthology due to length.

I didn’t get any replies here (>>17702346) but I’ll ask again if either the original anon or someone else wants to adapt this one to flash-fic length, I think it would be a solid addition to the book.

>> No.17783384

>the daily life of a japanese company man

>> No.17784168

Damn, very nice. Great hook in the opening paragraph and the pacing is excellent.

>> No.17784257

That's the most coherent /pol/ rant I've ever seen. Seriously top marks all around.

>> No.17784387

Nice ending that ties it all together. Satisfying. And I love the breadth of the story. We haven't had many that quickly span time like that. Good work!

>> No.17785816

A Girl Finds A Skirt That Lets Her Travel Through Time:
It was the ugliest skirt I had ever seen. A poodle skirt, one I had only seen in movies up until this point. Offensively pink, it was the perfect accessory for the retro Halloween party I’d be attending that night. I took it to the counter where a hunched over old man. He wore yellow checkered plaid pants, a purple shirt, orange suspenders, half-moon glasses, and a forest green felt bowler hat. He didn’t look familiar to me, which was strange for our small town. His thrift store must have just opened.
“Find everything okay?” he asked
“Yes,” I said “Just this please.”
“Seems everyone finds just what they’re looking for,” he chuckled. I smiled at him politely as his bony fingers handled the transaction and slipped the skirt into the bag. “You’re gonna have the time of your life with this.”
I looked at the frumpled, moth eaten skirt in the bag and smiled. The old man was odd but sincere. He reminded me of a grandfather. I thank him for his time and made my way home, opening the door to the rainy cobblestone streets. I looked behind me at the red door with the marque “Nevinyrral Production Co.” embossed on the front.

The night of the party I pulled the skirt from the bag and showed it to my friend. She laughed at how ridiculous it would be to see me in it and demanded I try it on. Looking at myself inn the mirror, I turned to get a better look at the back before doing a twirl.

“Back so soon?” the old man asked. I wasn’t sure what was going on asked as such. He laughed and just said “Taking it for a spin eh?”

I looked past his cat smile and saw the calendar. October 30th, yesterday, was not crossed off. Realizing, I apologized and ran home. If this was real, if I wasn’t dreaming, there was something I had to try. I ran to my room and began to spin in circles. I span and span and span until the walls of my room blurred and I collapsed from exhaustion. I went out to the living room where my mom was just about to leave. I threw my arms around her.

“Oh my!” she laughed “What are you wearing?”

>> No.17785824

“The greatest skirt ever mom,” I laughed “Please stay home tonight. I have a bad feeling. Let’s rent a movie or something from Blockbuster.”
She shut the door. “I suppose I can call work. With your instincts if you’re nervous, I am.”
I collapsed into sobs as she held me and pet my hair. She didn’t understand what was wrong. What had just happened and how great it was. She just held me and I felt silly, crying in that poodle skirt, but I also never felt more alive.
A few days later I had the urge to dig the skirt from the laundry. The gaudy piece of thrift store clothing that had changed my life. I held it in front of me and admired it before neatly folding it, hugging it to my chest, and walking for the door. The weather was the same as it was the first day I had encountered the shop, rain. Almost as if he were waiting on me the old man was just opening for the day, key in the lock. He turned to me and smiled.

“Something I can help you with miss?” he asked.
“Yes,” I said, holding out the skirt “I was wondering if I could leave this with you?”
“I suppose I could take donations,” he said, reaching for the skirt. “But what if you regret it and come back for it, and I’ve already sold it?”
“I’m sure I’ll find something like it one day,” I smiled.
“Indeed,” he chuckled “Here everyone finds just what they’re looking for.”
As if in on some cosmic joke together, we began to laugh, and I could feel the sunshine coming through the clouds. (2/2)
I'm the anon who did the Skeptic 2 story so I'm trying throwing in a small reference to that story.

>> No.17786702

Fantastic story, you managed to do so much in such a small piece!

>> No.17787037

Interesting subtle take on it. Thought it was going to turn into a horror at one point but it didn't. I think you handled it well.

>> No.17787150

thanks for reading lads, i had fun

new prompt
>Sometimes, doing the exact opposite is the answer.

>> No.17787206

any comment on the sentence structure?
just realized i started nearly every paragraph with a compound

>> No.17787238

I'd change the start of two of the paragraphs among paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 to vary the cadence

>> No.17787676
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Might try to post one for Entrance of the Sandman later when I get home. The idea I'm running is pretty pulpy, but I could do with the practice.

>> No.17788114

revised paragraph beginnings with some other minor edits.
>A gastronomic event causes a mishap of biblical proportions

>> No.17788436

Got it! Thanks

>> No.17788507

>the daily life of a japanese company man
I will write this between today and tomorrow. Wish me luck, guys.

>> No.17788744

good luck and have fun

>> No.17789280

Alright I think I've got the piece done, I'll format it and do some revisions when I get home.

>> No.17789611

Excellent, looking forward to reading these!

>> No.17790983

Bumping -- waiting for anons' stories!

>> No.17791024

>Skateboarding for the fate of the universe

This was it. The wheels on my board spun faster than I had ever gone. The crowd watched with a bated breath, If I could pull this trick off I would be a legend. I flew down the ramp, and back upwards.

I launched into the air. Focus, I practiced this so many times but even so I never landed it. But this was all the marbles. The fate of everything rested on this. I grabbed the base of my skakeboard and flipped backwards. Using fancy foot work, I spun while completely upsidedown, with my board at my feet. To the outsider it looked like I had just become a helicopter.

Now my only goal was to not break my neck, The floor came ever closer. I waited till the last possible moment... I stopped my rotation, grabbing my boards and clipping the side of the ramp. I skated back down, my heart thumping.


The three judges muttered to one another. I held my breath. Come on... Please I did the impossible! I'd like to see Tony Hawk even try what I just did!

After a moment. They seem to have come to a consensus.

The first judge lifted a sign with a number on it. Ten. The second. Ten. And finally the third.



The crowd erupted into cheers. I felt as if my ear drums were going to break. I couldn't belive it. I really did it. Reporter came crashing towards me, lights flashing and almost blinding me.

"How does it feel being the very last winner of the famous Universe Skateoff?"

"Is your skating career going to continue pass this point?"

"What are you gonna do with the money?"

Questions came flying towards me. Still, none of them matter. I grabbed the mic of the nearest reporter and looked right into the camera.

"I don't want the money." I said.

Shocked gasps rang out. I ignored them and continued.

"At least, not in the way you'd expect. I've been skating at Universe my entire life. I was heartbroken to find out it was shutting it's doors down forever. So I decided to win this skate off for one purpose. And that's to keep these doors open for a very long time!"

A silence fell. Followed by a defeating cheer. I smiled. I did it. I saved the Universe.

>> No.17791480


>> No.17791528

Fantastic twist! You landed it well...

>> No.17791684
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Really sweet story anon. Wholesome.

>> No.17792638
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>The Entrance of the Sandman


Critiques appreciated.
>Prompt: That's not a horse

>> No.17793069

Thanks anon! Too late for me now but I'll read and post feedback in the morning

>> No.17793136

Glad to contribute, if there's any necessary edits/obvious typos feel free to point them out and I'll make changes.